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  Sarah Stanton (i.e. PrayerMan) in Dan Owens film
Posted by: Richard Gilbride - 29-12-2022, 01:00 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - Replies (7)

Researcher Denis Morissette has recently posted an image from KRLD's Dan Owens taken in front of the Book Depository at approximately 2:00 PM on November 22nd.
https://ibb.co/pnjvXWj  shows definitely that it was Sarah Stanton standing on the Depository steps in the Owens film. Because she was standing on the 3rd step down from the landing, her height can be reasonably estimated   https://ibb.co/tXyGQ4p

In an Education Forum topic meekly titled Help needed with a photo. Andrej? Davidson? Morissette appeals for help with a height analysis, and Chris Davidson obliges with an estimate of 5' 2 1/4" 

basing this at 3 steps at 7.25" per step [21.75"] plus the top of her head reaching the midway point of the 81" glass door [40.5"];  21.75 + 40.5 = 62.25"

This is in very good agreement with Sarah Stanton's known height of 5'4", as she seems to be slouching a bit in the Owens photo.

This Owens clip is further confirmation that Sarah Stanton is PrayerMan-  Wesley Frazier's Sixth Floor Museum interview and film forensics (wide hips, possible purse) have indicated that she is the correct identity of that blurry PrayerMan figure.

And Brian Doyle's height argument-  first presented in 2016 in the PrayerMan giga-thread on Duncan MacRae's jfkassassinationforum-  has never been refuted. PrayerMan is a full head shorter than Wesley Frazier and cannot possibly be Lee Harvey Oswald.

Yet the damage done by Sean Murphy's barroom scholarship still cuts deep nearly a decade later. Because the mob-  the 90% of researchers who signed onto Murphy's fantasy-  are too egocentric, too narcissistic, to admit that they were mistaken, and that Doyle was correct. And so the malaise of Murphyism continues to plague the research community, since it is easier than growing up and being an adult at solving this seminal crime.

The initial paragraph in my CONCLUSION to 2018's Death of the Lunchroom Hoax seems appropriate here, since the mob henchmen have perpetuated their Murphyite propaganda in spite of in-your-face evidence to the contrary. Because, to them, the JFK case is not about arriving at criminological solutions; it is rather a case of "How is this going to reflect on  me?"

"Sean Murphy's defective scholarship appealed to the gullible, who formed their judgments based only on a partial presentation of the available information. It grew into mob rule because opinions are shaped by tribal allegiances. And those judgments become a matter of personal identity and are not held rationally. But when discernment of objective truth hinges upon what others think, and not upon independent science, we abandon the basic critical thinking skills needed for sound evaluation of the evidence."

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  "I'm the Commander in Chief of the United States and I say when we go to war"
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 28-12-2022, 02:01 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Scene from 2000's "Thirteen Days". President Kennedy ( Bruce Greenwood ) loses it when he finds out that General Powers ( Commander of the Stratigic Air Command ) has raised the US Nuclear Rediness to DEFCON-2, one step from Nuclear War, without his knowledge. Another example of Kennedy's problems with the military.


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  Huntley: Hatred Killed JFK
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 07:37 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Chet Huntley goes after right-wing hatred of Kennedy in this broadcast on the evening of the assassination.


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  "They Want a War, Jack, and They're Arranging Things to Get One"
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 07:34 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Hemming: I Was Approached by Right Wingers to Kill JFK for Money
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 07:26 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  JFK Goes After Anti-Kennedy Right Wing Extremists
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 07:23 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Schlesinger: JFK knew JCS were a bunch of idiots
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 07:18 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Right Wingers Attack JFK
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-12-2022, 06:46 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Right-wing extremists like this nutcase made public appearances around the country and stoked the fires of hate from 1961-63.

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver's speech entitled. "They Must Not Go Unpunished", given before the Dallas Indignation Committee; October, 1961 ( audio )
Given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the "traitors" from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the "betrayal" of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island. ( 62 minutes )


I know none of the Warren Commission supporters will listen to this, but for anyone who wants to know the TRUTH about what was going on in the country leading up to the assassination, THIS is the kind of rhetoric that stoked the fires of hatred of JFK and led to his death.

Historical fact is historical fact. We've been sweeping the truth under the carpet for almost 60 years. It's time to shed light on the darkness and evil of political extremism, whether it's from the Right or Left.

Political extremism has no place in politics.


By the 1960's conservatism was woven into the fabric of American Society. Much of this was caused by the events of the day. Since the end of World War II, the Communists had blocked access to West Berlin, infiltrated spies into the Manhattan Project and achieved the Atom Bomb. Communists had taken over China. Communists from the north had attacked non-Communist South Korea. Senator Joseph McCarthy, the junior Senator from Wisconsin, publicly announced that he had proof that there were card-carrying Communists in the US State Department, triggering a second "Red Scare".

The Russians launched Sputnik in 1957, increasing American's anxiety that any day they would rain down missiles on the US. Even Jack Kennedy, during his 1960 Presidential campaign, proclaimed that there was a "missile gap" and that the US was behind the Russians in missile technology.

All of these things contributed to the fear of those on the extreme right, many of whom were military war hawks. America's stand since the days of Truman had been that you can't negotiate with the Russians.

During Kennedy's "watch", 147 Cuban "patriots" died at the Bay of Pigs.

Prayer was removed from schools.

The Federal Govenment forced southern states to comply with Supreme Court rulings on Civil Rights as unrest dominated in the South.

A Communist country was 90 miles from our shore and Kennedy allowed the Russians to place medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, bringing the US to the brink of nuclear war.

Communist pilots ( from Yugoslavia ) were being trained in the US.

Kennedy sold wheat to the Russians, giving aid and comfort to our enemy.

]He signed a limited Test-Ban Treaty ( nicknamed by some as, "The Spirit of Moscow" ) with the Russians which the military and science community was against.

His policy to disengage from Vietnam was an "about-face" from the Truman Doctrine and what had been America's foreign policy of "containment" since 1947.


This was a political murder which was forewarned time and time again to those responsible for the President's safety and security. Those warnings were ignored and the assassination was allowed to happen by anti-Kennedy individuals in the US Military and Secret Service. It was covered up by the anti-Kennedy head of the FBI, J.Edgar Hoover. It was "investigated" by a Presidential Commission whose members were hand-picked by the man who gained the most from the assassination. The Commission's most active member was the former head of the CIA who Kennedy had fired.

All of the Commission's members were either Republicans or Southern Democrats. It's only "progessive" member was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was coerced to serve against his better judgment.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks.

The Russians were the only ones who got it right.


This was an extremist Right-Wing plot to kill the President and blame it on the Left. I'm not talking about today's American Conservative, I'm talking about extremists driven by hatred for the President and his policies, many of whom were publicly calling for the Kennedys to be "shot".

And the CIA's gloom-and-doom PSYOPS against the Kennedy Administration and the fear they generated, were fed in public forums like these with anti-Kennedy speakers such as these men:


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  December 15 2022 documents release
Posted by: David Butler - 15-12-2022, 09:18 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

The 2022 release is here 


The bulk download page is here -


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  David Ray Griffin (1939-2022) - We have lost a giant in the 911-Truth community!
Posted by: Peter Lemkin - 04-12-2022, 10:18 AM - Forum: 911 - No Replies

[Image: david_ray_griffin_office_1024.jpg]
David Ray Griffin (1939-2022) | The Man and His Work: A Synopsis
Elizabeth Woodworth December 2, 2022
How big can a mind be?
If we’re lucky, we have threescore and ten years — in a very big wide world, full of history — to experience as much as we can take in.
Threescore-ten is not nearly enough, but some extraordinary people manage to encompass and give order to a lot of it.
And some even more extraordinary people manage to rise above their own lives to interpret creation and the fabric of the universe as having consistent meaning across cultures and throughout the ages.
David Ray Griffin was Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, at the Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University, from 1973-2004. With his senior, Dr. John Cobb Jr., he co-founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973.
Griffin has stated that “the task of a theologian is to look at the world from what we would imagine the divine perspective, one that would care about the good of the whole and would love all the parts.”
Not only was David an outstanding theologian and one of the two best-known living scholars of Alfred North Whitehead’s process theology (the other being John Cobb): His books also spanned the related fields of postmodernism, theodicy (defence of God against evil), primordial truth, panentheism, scientific naturalism, parapsychology, Buddhist thought, and the mind-body interaction.
About the time that he retired in 2004, he was approached by some people who admired his candor, and pointed to evidence that the 9/11 event was highly suspicious.
At first David thought that 9/11 was simply blowback from the way America had treated the Middle East — but upon researching it more deeply he realized that there was indeed a very serious likelihood that the US had contrived 9/11 as a false flag operation to manufacture consent to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq for their oil.
This injustice fired his energy to research in depth, then write a dozen scholarly books on 9/11 — books that were not acknowledged in the media but which engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with the purveyors of the official 9/11 narrative, who continually adapted their story to cover up the weaknesses that David tracked and revealed as their tattered narrative evolved.
The first and most famous of these books was The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, published by his much-appreciated Interlink press in March 2004.
That best-seller was followed in 2005 by a devastating takedown of the Bush Administration’s whitewash Commission titled The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, which exposed 115 problems in “the 571-page lie”.
Following these early 9/11 works, David was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in both 2008 and 2009, and was named among “The 50 People Who Matter Today” by the New Statesman, on September 24, 2009.
In November, 2008, David’s seventh book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbour Revisited, was one of only 51 books awarded as “pick of the week” that year by Publishers Weekly.
What followed was extraordinary.
As the foremost book reviewing tool in the English language, Publishers Weekly’s spotlight should have led to reviews in the New York Times, the Times Literary Supplement, Library Journal, and many other top reviewing sources — but the word was out in the narrative-controlled media to give it a pass.
In 2011, David and I founded an organization called the 9/11 Consensus Panel, comprised of more than 20 professionals expert in various aspects of the 9/11 attacks. In 2018, the 51 consensus points that were developed during this unique evidence-based reviewing project were published under the title 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation (2018).
During that seven-year project, David addressed the existential crisis of climate change, penning his encyclopaedic 2015 reference, Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis? (I took that book to the COP21 Paris climate summit in 2015, and presented it there, following up with a YouTube documentary on that enormous gathering of humanity – the largest meeting since World War II.)
David then turned his attention to US imperialism – writing Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World in 2016, and producing the incredible work of scholarship, The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic, in 2018.
David was at last able, in 2019, to turn to his long-planned The Christian Gospel for Americans: A Systematic Theology. It is a magnum opus of enormous breadth and depth.
In it, for example, he confronts the science vs religion issue, showing that some scientists – former atheists – have been overwhelmed by the extent of exceedingly precise ratios between the chemical elements of earth that are required for life, to now saying that the universe was “fine-tuned for life,” thus reflecting a “fine-tuner” (or divine creator).
In 2022, as he approached the end of his life, and following a long struggle with prostate cancer, David wrote the beautiful and crowning reflections of his maturing theology, James and Whitehead on Life after Death.
In the spirit of James and Whitehead, he explains that the universe is not separate from, but is within God, and is itself the very nature of God. This evolving world view requires a new understanding of the divine reality – panentheism, meaning “all in God”.
The causal principles of the universe exist naturally, being inherent in the nature of things, because they exist in the very nature of God.
This chapter on the infinitely fine-tuned nature of the universe to support life is a transporting gift.
But he was not done yet!
Forthcoming in March, 2023, from the publisher Clarity Press, is David’s America on the Brink: How the US Trajectory Led Fatefully to the Russia-Ukraine War – which was completed during the last days of his life.
In total David Ray Griffin has written 50 books and more than 200 essays. (He was once asked if he had ever had an unpublished thought!)
In all of his books – and most notably those on American imperialism – he read and cited recent scholarly investigations from top university presses, effectively overriding the propaganda that has passed down through many years.
Paul Craig Roberts wrote: “David has served truth to the hilt. He is a hero of our time.”
There is no question that his body of work will go down in history as providing some of the most elegant thinking our century has witnessed.
And at some point, his chronicling of historically suppressed truths must emerge into full daylight, to allow reality-based civilization to advance.
Let us keep his work alive, so that earth’s future peoples will inherit the great spectrum of wisdom he has left them: from a hopeful common-sense theology, to the exposés of imperialist propaganda and false flag operations, to the full extent of the climate crisis, to our evolving perception of the nature of the divine, to the evidence that our spirits will survive after death.
David Griffin stands with the greats – yet was quiet, humorous, down to earth, and unassuming.

Elizabeth Woodworth, a career medical librarian and author/co-author of five books, worked with David Ray Griffin in various capacities from 2006-2022. She did proof-reading/editing on about 12 of his books and many of his essays, co-authored two books with him directly, and has also written in-depth reviews of most of his books from the 2006-2022 period

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