13-01-2017, 06:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 13-01-2017, 07:18 PM by Albert Doyle.)
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Ray has to be a LIAR, right?
And he has to have an agenda for being a liar, right? I mean everyone who disagrees with Doyle on this has to have an agenda, or be a hijacker.
Ray can't just have made a mistake? Or misremembered something?
Which, of course, Doyle has never done in his entire long career of posting here.
This guy has decimated his current life to polarizing and demeaning and dehumanizing all who disagree with him on this.
And OMG, all in the name and cause of Duncan McRae. Of all people in this world. ::bowtie::
Ray and yourself don't respond to direct FACTS Jim. Neither does that site you are defending that is generally banned from most forums and lost its web-host due to serious internet conduct violations. What kind of web-site goes after family members of JFK posters and posts lampooning photos of their mothers Jim? You defend a site like that? What do those methods tell you about the credibility of that website? You dare accuse me of polarizing and dehumanizing while I am the one insisting the EVIDENCE be responded to. Do you actually read the content of that site?
I'd be glad to discuss the evidence that proves my position in the Bear Pit Jim. So far you and the people you defend have avoided that. I can back-up what I write. What I see from you is an attempt to disparage by association or inference and zero discussion of the actual evidence.
I posted provable evidence on the Education Forum. The opposition (you defend) was literally unable to answer it. The person who defaulted was pampered and defended and I was put on unexplained moderation. None of the members protested or asked the opposition to answer the evidence I presented. They are pretending it doesn't exist.
You're protesting too much Jim. Please come to the Bear Pit and answer the facts. The facts will bear out who's right here.
In my opinion, the affect of Ray's wrong information on the lunchroom encounter is what counts the most here and I don't see anyone rushing to correct it.
Jim, answer me how Gordon preventing me from showing even further confirming photo evidence serves the truth? Or am I a bad guy whose provable evidence isn't good enough?