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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Quote:Jensen said he first met Oswald on mess duty in Atsugi and later on a secret mission in the mountains of Taiwan during the height of the Cold War.

Well that just about wraps it up then. Ray S. Cline lived in the legendary "Pink Palace" in Taiwan, near the Ping Tung
base where Oswald's ship had docked as I recall. And that Pink Palace was high on a mountaintop, rather than high on a hill as I stated previously.

Wish I had moved to this Deep Politics site years ago. The anarchistic competitive sites had their chances to elaborate, enhance or extend or expound upon these leads and instead they chose to do little or nothing in this vein, much preferring to dissuade, discourage, distribute disinformation and debilitate, deflect, defer, denounce or deviate from these topics. Wonder why? I think I know. Their loss.

With respect to all, this doesn't wrap anything up yet.

I'm very keen to learn more of the "secret mission in the mountains of Taiwan during the height of the Cold War", but not having been able to read "Hawk" Jensen's book yet, I don't know quite what he's referring to.

If anybody has read Mr Jensen's book, or is able to contact him to ask him to discuss that incident here, I'd be delighted to learn more. As I'm sure we all would.

I only meant that this probably wraps up the issue about whether or not Oswald and his unit were ever in Ping Tung or Pintung as it is called by the Andersons in Inside the League or not. And as to the issue as to whether or not Ray S. Cline ("Johnny is Rey S. Kline") was involved in mind control research should also go into the category of having been settled and confirmed as closely as we might ever see it completed. And now Harlan "Hawk" Jensen seems to confirm that beyond the shadow of a doubt including the presence of both Hemming and White as perhaps comparable mind control trainees. And the Andersons in Inside the League plus Robert Richardson were my citations on the presence of Cline in Taiwan in the "Pink Palace." The last piece is a quite plausible logical inference, based on the fact that Jensen appears quite plausible regarding the facts leading to this logical inference. Now I might be a bit conflicted as to who had the larger International Intelligence Role in this whole JFK Conundrum, The Order of St. John of Lazarus, of Rhodes and Malta or The World Anti-Communist League? Well, since both Jesse Helms, Wickliffe Draper, Douglas Malcolm-Hamilton and the Hunt family plus Charles Willoughby were involved with ALL of these international intelligence gathering organizations with Armed Services and Military Extensions, totally across the board, it is probably a moot point, right?

OSJL of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, Jesse Helms and the brothers Hunt, Willoughby and Wickliffe Draper plus the OSJ of Rhodes and Malta and Donovan, Dulles, Frawley, Jr. and the deceased Sullivan and the Graces, plus the ABN of Stetsko, Willoughby and Raikin, plus the Armed Services Committee of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta and Willoughby, Lemuel Shepard, Douglas-Hamilton, Corso and Domville and Draper's now confirmed lifelong correspondent Lt. Gen. Pedro A. del Valle and the World Anti-Communist League of Stetsko, Helms, Wickliffe Draper, Draper's Pioneer Fund grantee Dr. Roger Pearson, Ray S. Cline, and others seems to me to wrap this up and tie it up in a nice, neat Christmas Bow. Merry Christmas and to all a good night.

Gee looks like "Big Daddy Warbucks", Wickliffe Draper and Charles "My Little Fascist" Willoughby, "Little Orphan Annie" Vonsiatsky and Robert J. Morris (Maurice Bishop) were just about everywhere. Everywhere as Shapechangers, World Changers, Chameleons and Fascist promulgators.

And it also looks like Richard Condon got it all right on the money, too, by 1958-59. Just amazing stuff.

And Jan, I already noted that I do not know the internal tecnnical and subtle details of Pavlovian conditioning, from Chinese water torture, from complex Skinnerian techniques from "operant conditioning" from hynotic-voodoo techniques which is probably why I got a B- in Soc Sci 8, sophomore year at Harvard, which included several guest lectures and live lab demos by none other than B. F. Skinner during his last few years at Harvard. He was working on things like the "just noticeable difference" JND theories at the time, but did not discuss much, at least in our intro to Psych classes, about his pigeon pecking experiments or about how he trained pigeons to be able to notice downed fliers floating in a vast ocean and then inform the pilot of their precise locations. I was hoping you could fill us in on the subtleties and nuances of various training methods.

Funny anecdote... Once at a Dallas ASK conference, I talked to a couple perhaps named something like the Kryzewskis or whatever who were selling a book about Oswald and Mind Control. The gave me the name and phone nuber from their little address book, of an expert on the topic of mind control and mind programming, named Colin Ross who was from Texas at that time I think. When I saw Dick Russell talking to someone at lunch I took the opportunity to give him the name and the phone number of Dr. Colin Ross. Dick's eyes just bugged out as he read the note and his interviewee stirred uncomfortably. He handed the note to this unnamed guy, who looked at it and said: "Yep, that is my phone number all right!" I said: "Huh?" Dick said, John, meet Colin Ross. Colin this is John.

I was floored and dumbfounded. End of anecdote.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Quote:The "U.S. Global Strategy Council is a Washington-based organization, which was/is under the chairmanship of founder Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA, who maintains very close ties with the U.S. Intelligence community. 'Taiwan became a laboratory for total and unconventional warfare.' It established a Political Warfare Cadres Academy--D'Aubuisson is a graduate--with the assistance of WACL associate Ray Cline, who was CIA station chief in Taiwan form 1958-1962, then CIA deputy director for intelligence, State Department director of intelligence and founder of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. U.S. military personnel taught at the Academy....Moonie connections with the U.S. right...are extensive...[late] Major General Daniel O. Graham [CNP], a member of CAUSA USA's advisory board, heads the Star Wars lobby group, High Frontier. F. Lynn Bouchey [CNP], president of the Council for Inter-American Security and member of the Committee of Santa Fe, helped organize two CAUSA conferences. Washington Times editor Arnaud de Borchgrave [CNP] serves on Ray Cline's U.S. Global Strategy Council, a Ronald Reagan advisory group. The Strategy Council's executive director is retired General E. David Woellner, president of CAUSA World Services. Washington Times columnists include Ray Cline's son-in-law Roger Fontaine, a Committee of Santa Fe member and former Reagan Latin America adviser, and Jeremiah O'Leary, formerly special assistant to National Security Adviser William Clark. [Sklar, p. 78, 80][1]
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Check out the last footnote:

48. Francoise Hervet, "Knights of Darkness: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta," Covert Action Information Bulletin, #25, Winter 1986.

No doubt that what started as just the JFK Assn, ended up as the all-out assault against Communism the Far Reich wanted. Iran-Contra whistle blower Robert Maxwell, former trust officer from The Bank of Maryland has already confirmed my identification of both The Boston Metals Processing Company in Baltimore, MD and Baldt Anchor and Chain in Chester, PA as being part of his Bank of Maryland accounts laundering money for the CIA. And James Richards has confirmed for me that Morris Schapiro and Harold B. Chait, both listed as officers of Boston Metals at that time, were big-time CIA money launderers. Chait was the renegade and the rogue, while Schapiro did this since about the 1930's with very patriotic and legitimate reasons.
When Amoss and Coon ran ISI they did pretty legitimate but still back channel black bag jobs, when it was turned over to Cline and Chait it went totally illegal and immoral and involved murder, mayhem and mischief plus high crimes and midemeanors, IMHO.

American Freedom Coalition

Acronym/Code: AFC

Updated: 3/89, BS


Background: The American Freedom Coalition, or AFC, is a political education and lobbying group which was founded in April 1987. Calling itself a "supra-coalition," the group claimed some 300,000 members in all 50 states by February 1988. (13,37)

The AFC represents an attempt to unite political conservatives and conservative religious groups and individuals behind a common campaign to preserve and promote what it describes as "traditional values." Among the values promoted by the AFC are a strong defense, opposition to abortion and pornography, anticommunism, religious freedom but with an emphasis on including "moral and religious standards" in government and other social institutions, the right to own property, and minimal governmental interference in the marketplace. (34,37) Its promotional literature says that the AFC acts as a "catalyst to unite a vast array of groups, activists, churches, and community organizations in cooperative and effective action. (3,37) According to AFC president Robert Grant, the AFC was formed because of the "inability of the `Christian Right' to achieve its agenda" because of its "fragmentation and its failure to build coalitions with its philosophical allies from other communities..."(13)

The AFC is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization which produces educational materials on political issues; conducts workshops and seminars; promotes citizen participation in the political process; generates media coverage through well-placed speakers, articles, and Op-Ed pieces; and conducts lobbying campaigns on public policy. (3,11,37) It produces the American Freedom Journal, a monthly newspaper. Among recent contributors to the Journal have been former Reagan aide Patrick Buchanan, former Attorney General Ed Meese, the American Enterprise Institute's Ben Wattenberg, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick. (20

The AFC frames foreign policy issues in East-West terms. In Central America, for example, it called on its backers to support "the cause to stop the spread of Soviet conquest of Central America; not appease it as many in Congress would... . If we abandon the Freedom fighters to slaughter by the communists in Central America--communists from Cuba, North Korea, East Germany and elsewhere--nothing will stop the Soviet-backed conquest of this vital area at America's very doorstep."(1) As an outgrowth of this analysis, the AFC calls for support of "freedom fighters," in countries such as Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Angola, Poland, and Estonia. (18) In terms of U.S. foreign policy, the AFC believes the United States should--in the words of Steven Trevino--"take the lead for the Free World with regards to improving the human condition."(21)

At the leadership levels in both the national office and state chapters, the American Freedom Coalition is closely tied to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. The Washington Post (March 30, 1988) has even described the AFC as a "Moonsponsored lobbying group."(34) The links between the two entities are so extensive that they will be discussed here in the Background section as well as in Private Connections.

AFC President Robert Grant has said that he hoped to "recruit a broad base" from his contacts with CAUSA, a political arm of the Unification Church. (13) Grant has said that he solicited Phillip Sanchez, president of CAUSA USA, and Bo Hi Pak, president of CAUSA Intl, for support for AFC. Sanchez and Pak agreed to help AFC by leaving time on CAUSA program agendas for AFC board members to describe the organization and seek new members. They also allowed AFC access to the names of participants in previous CAUSA conferences, and granted the services of one CAUSA staff member per state to do outreach to CAUSA "graduates" and encourage them to join AFC. The two CAUSA leaders also granted the services of several CAUSA members to help in the Washington DC office of the AFC. (13)

According to Grant, state AFC chapters are headed by the state directors of Christian Voice and the American Constitution Committee (ACC), a CAUSA project. (13) Grant, founder and chairman of the evangelical lobby Christian Voice, said the AFC has about 65 CAUSA/ACC employees across the United States. Current and former members of the American Freedom Coalition have said that the majority of AFC administrative officers-including the executive director, administrative director, and publications editor--are members of the Unification Church and have been principals in CAUSA and ACC. (13) In a December 1987 Knight-Ridder article, Grant said that CAUSA could veto AFC state board members. (34)

In order to more effectively conduct its operations, the AFC decided in late 1988 to institute its five national task forces at the local level. The five task forces are: Education, World Freedom, Economic Justice, Religious Freedom, and Environmental. (20) The local task forces will then act to influence policy and public opinion through various avenues. At the congressional district level, for instance, the World Freedom Task Force will act in three different areas: Legislative Action Teams, Media Outreach, and Citizen Education Outreach and Training. (21) Such activities are designed, according to Steve Trevino, to increase "citizen-activist political pressure" on Congress. (21)

Funding: According to an article in Newsweek, the AFC received contributions of over a million dollars in 1987. (22)

Activities: The American Freedom Coalition carries out a number of political projects nationwide. The group's activities include lobbying Congress, conducting citizen lobbying and political action training seminars, and producing legislative alerts to monitor activities of elected representatives. (20)

Among its most prominent activities recently have been its fundraising efforts on behalf of former National Security Council aide, Oliver North. One special project of the American Freedom Coalition is its "Emergency Project to Support Colonel North's Freedom Fight in Central America." The group put together a television special on North entitled "Fight for Freedom."(1) It also hoped to mobilize popular support for North's cause in order to create pressure on President Reagan to pardon North. (1,20) Between October 1987 and April 1988, the group had purchased air time in 180 television markets to air its pro-North video. During that time it also collected some 600,000 signatures supporting North. (23) In one of its petitions to President Reagan for a North pardon, the AFC argued that the former National Security Council aide was "under attack from soft-on-communism politicians in Congress. (36)

The AFC prints and distributes "Candidate Comparison Reports" to identify the positions taken on various issues by candidates for political office. (11,24) Preceding the 1988 presidential and congressional elections, the AFC distributed 26 million of these Candidate Scorecards in all 50 states. It also printed and distributed more than 732,000 40-page voters Guides. (20) If the New Mexico chapter's candidate reports are representative, AFC candidate comparisons often phrase issues provocatively. For example, in the New Mexico AFC's comparison of Michael Dukakis and George Bush for the 1988 presidential election, Dukakis was said to support (and Bush oppose) "furloughs for convicted murderers" and "special rights for homosexuals." The positions of the candidates were reversed on the Strategic Defense Initiative, described as "S. D. I. (Defense against nuclear attack)."(25)

At both the national and state levels, the AFC has conducted campaigns to renew funding for the Nicaraguan contras. (11) In 1988, the AFC conducted 487 "grassroots empowerment seminars," reaching more than 9000 participants. (20)

Government Connections: The following AFC national officers are former members of Congress: Richard Ichord, Bob Wilson, Billy Lee Evans, Walter H. Judd, John LeBoutillier, Eldon Rudd, and Roger H. Zion. (1) Carl T. Curtis is a retired U.S. Senator. (1) Daniel Graham is former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. (26) Joseph Churba is a former senior policy adviser to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (26) Phillip Sanchez is a former U.S. ambassador to Honduras and Colombia. (42)

The following is a brief summary of John Singlaub's military and intelligence activities. Singlaub was an officer in the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. He was CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War, also acting as a battalion commander. He served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s. At that time, he was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG. In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix, although he denies having had a part in that operation's infamous assassination and counterterror programs. In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of President Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country. He was then forced to retire.

In 1984, Singlaub headed a Pentagon panel called to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America. The panel's report urged the U.S. to emphasize nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies. (5,26) Under the Reagan administration, Singlaub received assistance and guidance from White House and National Security Council officials for his contra-supply activities. He identified former National Security Council aide Oliver North as his liaison to the White House. (26)

The New Mexico AFC sponsors a "Traditional Values Speakers Bureau." Its featured speaker on Central America is Col. Dick Lawrence, USAF (ret. ). From 1979 to 1982, Lawrence was the Director of Intelligence for the U.S. Southern Command in Paanama. Before his retirement in 1983, he was Director of Central American Affairs in the office of the Secretary of Defense. After retiring, Lawrence joined the Kissinger Commission as a national security adviser. (11) Francis (Frank) Ortiz is also a speaker with the New Mexico AFC. He was the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina during the earlier 1980s. He served in various diplomatic posts for the State Department in Uruguay, Paraguay, Guatemala (1979-1981), Peru, and Panama. (48) Gordon Sumner, also with the New Mexico AFC, was chairman and principal adviser to the Presidential Bipartisan Commission on Central America, known as the Kissinger Commission. He is the former chair of the Inter-American Defense Board. (5)

Private Connections: Robert Grant is founder and president of Christian Voice, the largest evangelical Christian lobby in Washington, DC He is also chairman of the board of the Coalition for Religious Freedom and president of American Christian Cause. In addition, Grant is cohost of the national television program, Let Freedom Ring. (3) The Christian Voice PAC, the Moral Government Fund, set up Christians for Reagan to promote Ronald Reagan's 1980 bid for the presidency. (39,40,41) Gary Jarmin is/was legislative director of Christian Voice and national field director of the American Coalition for Tradition Values. (38)

Alton Ochsner is/was head of the Caribbean Commission (5).

Ochsner, Robert Grant, John LeBoutillier, J. A. Parker, Cleon Skousen, John Singlaub, Carter Wrenn, Daniel Graham, Richard Viguerie, and Mildred Jefferson were (and may still be) on the board of governors of the Council for National Policy. (5,12) Jefferson is/was on the advisory board of Western Goals Foundation, a domestic intelligence-gathering operation. (46) Brent Bozell III, chair of the Media Research Center, heads the Conservative Victory Committee. (1,6) Bozell also is/was president of the Natl Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC). (7)

Like Grant, Donald Sills is associated with the Coalition for Religious Freedom. (1) Sills is president of the group. Joseph Paige and Cleon Skousen are members of the Coalition's executive committee. (47) The Coalition for Religious Freedom has reportedly received $500,000 from Sun Myung Moon sources. (6)

Eldon Rudd, former Congressman from Arizona, is a fundamentalist and an ex-FBI agent. (8) Rudd is also a member of the U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), as are John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, John LeBoutillier, and J. A. Parker. The USCWF is the current U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League. (5,26)

Singlaub is the head of that organization, and Graham is its vice-chairman. Graham and Singlaub have also been (and may still be) co-chairmen of the Coalition for Peace through Strength, a project of the American Security Council. (5,26) Singlaub is a member of the Natl Defense Council Foundation and former president of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). He is also a member of Refugee Relief Intl, Inc., a relief group set up by the Omega Group, publishers of Soldier of Fortune magazine. (5,26) In addition, he has served on the advisory board of Western Goals. (26,46) Singlaub is an adviser to the Council for Inter-American Security (CIS) as well. He has also served on the CIS national speakers bureau. (26,30,31) Singlaub has supported the activities of the Conservative Caucus, including participating in a seminar on defense strategy sponsored by the group in 1983. (26) Singlaub set up the Institute for Regional and International Studies, a private training organization for Salvadoran police forces and the Nicaraguan contras. (5,26)

Daniel Graham is director of the defense lobby High Frontier. (1,5) Graham is a member of WACL and a former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA. (5,9,42) Other members of the CAUSA advisory board are Phillip Sanchez, Joseph Paige, and Joseph Churba. (5,9,42) Sanchez is president of CAUSA USA. (1,42) Mormon church leader Cleon Skousen is also a member of CAUSA. (5) Skousen is also associated with the National Center for Constitutional Studies. (1) Churba is president of the International Security Council, a CAUSA project. (1,26) He is/was director of the Center for International Security. (26) Joseph Paige is executive vice president of the Shaw Divinity School. (1)

Ben Armstrong is executive director of the National Religious Broadcasters. (10) William Keyes is chair of Black PAC. Tom Ellis is an attorney with Maupin, Taylor, Ellis, and Adams. J. A. Parker is president of the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education. John E. Blumer is special projects consultant of the American Defense Institute. Mildred Jefferson is president of the Right to Life Crusade. Steven Trevino is director of operations for the U.S. Global Strategy Council. Carter Wrenn is affiliated with the National Congressional Club. Michael Thompson is head of Thompson Communications. (1)

Walter Judd is a member of the intl committee of reference of New Life 2000, a global evangelism project of Campus Crusade for Christ. (14) Judd was also a member of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF). During the 1970s, the ACWF was the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League. (26) Judd is on the natl committee of the Council for the Defense of Freedom and has served on the seminar faculty for the Christian AntiCommunism Crusade. (27,28,29). J. A. Parker is on the board of directors of the Council for the Defense of Freedom as well. (27) Parker was also a member of the ACWF and returned to join that organization's descendant, the U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), when it was revitalized in the 1980s. He is/was on the board of directors of the USCWF. (26) Parker headed Blacks for Reagan 1984, a project funded by the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC). Parker has also attended CAUSA conferences. In 1983, he was a speaker at a CAUSAsponsored seminar in Honduras which focused on the evils of communism. (26) John LeBoutillier attended the 1984 conference of the World Anti-Communist League in San Diego. (26)

The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. Martin Luther King in 1957. (3)

Richard Viguerie is best known for his RAVCO operations, a conservative direct mail fundraising empire. He also founded the Conservative Digest magazine and served as its publisher for 10 years. (3) Shortly after Richard Viguerie joined the board of the American Freedom Coalition, a Moon-related company bought the building which houses his headquarters. (22)

The American Freedom Coalition has provided financial and other assistance to the Nicaraguan contra-support work of Christian Emergency Relief Team (CERT) International. In one such effort, the AFC attempted to get television appearances on morning talk shows for a Miskito Indian who worked with CERT. (15) The AFC also gave money to CERT, an evangelical relief assistance organization which has been taking over CAUSA's humanitarian aid work in Honduras. (15,16)

In California, the AFC and Christian Voice co-sponsor a monthly "California Leadership Forum." In South Carolina, the Vietnam Institute and AFC jointly sponsored a benefit for Oliver North. (20)

The U.S. Global Strategy Council, headed by Steven Trevino, has ties to the Unification Church and CAUSA through Arnaud de Borchgrave and retired Gen. David Woellner. (26) De Borchgrave is editor of the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. Woellner is (or was) president of CAUSA World Services. (26)

Singlaub, Parker, and Graham have been participants in seminars and/or conferences sponsored by the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN). Graham has served on its honorary committees in the United States. The ABN is an organization composed and supportive of Eastern European Nazi collaborators. (26)

The Rev. James Bevel is a former member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1985, he was Chicago Republican Party head. (43) He has been a speaker at CAUSA conferences and at lectures organized by the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP). CARP is a Moon organizaion aimed at university students. In February 1988,

Bevel was invited to the University of New Mexico by the local CARP branch."We'll get communism and humanism out of the schools," Bevel told the group at the university,"and the niggers and crackers that don't like it can go to Cuba or somewhere." The AFC had sponsored Bevel for a talk the previous evening. (43)

New Mexico AFC: The affiliations of certain of the principals of the New Mexico branch of the AFC (AFC-NM) are summarized below. Mark Boitano, is state coordinator of the American Constitution Committee, a CAUSA project. (11,13,15,17) Boitano is a leader in the Unification Church in Albuquerque. (43) Ky Dinh is affiliated with the Vietnamese Association. Stan Gourd is director of the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. (17) Phil Schultz is president of the N. M. Christian Home Educators. He is also state director for Christian Voice. (11,17) Donna Zeman is also affiliated with Christian Voice. (17) Hassan Alief, one of the speakers for the MA AFC's speakers bureau, is active with the Committee for a Free Afghanistan. (11)

Gordon Sumner is chair of the Council for Inter-American Security and was co-author of the 1980 CIS report,"A New Inter-American Policy for the Eighties."(44,45) In September 1988, the AFC-NM helped promote and organize a fundraising dinner for Oliver North. The event was sponsored by the Oliver North Defense Fund, an ad hoc organization headed by former New Mexico state senator Mickey Barnett. Local activist Greg Shade was a principal organizer of the event. (33,35) Francis (Frank) V. Ortiz, a member of the speakers bureau of AFC-NM, is a member of the Knights of Malta. (48)

Misc: The Rev. Moon has said that he wants to form a "Christian political party" that would encompass all religious groups. (22) Members of the American Freedom Coalition like civil-rights veterans Ralph Abernathy and James Bevel have become champions for Moon and his followers. Abernathy, for instance, has compared criticisms of Moon to injustices suffered by blacks in the United States. Bevel has handed out flyers asking "Are the Moonies our new niggers?"(20)

According to an Albuquerque freelance reporter, James Bevel had a severe nervous breakdown in the mid-1970s. Some people attributed that breakdown to the pressure put on Bevel by the CIA due to his civil rights work. When he came out of treatment, his political affiliations had shifted to the rightwing. (32)

Comments: A February 1988 article in Newsweek says that Richard Viguerie has resigned from the AFC board but retains the organization as a client. However, in a conversation with a member of the AFC in September l989, the Resource Center was told that Viguerie was still on the group's board of advisors. (4,22)

U.S. Address: 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 850, Washinton, DC, 20004-2505 (202-393-1333).

Principals: Board of Directors: Hon. Richard H. Ichord, chair; Hon. Bob Wilson, co-chair; Robert G. Grant, pres; Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, vice-pres. Natl Advisory Board: Ben Armstrong, Ambassador Jose Maria Chaves, Hon. Carl T. Curtis, Don Defore, Hon. Donald J. Devine, Tom Ellis, Hon. Billy Lee Evans, Hon. Walter H. Judd, William Keyes, Hon. John LeBoutillier, Alton Ochsner Jr. , J. A. (Jay) Parker, Hon. Eldon Rudd, Hon. Roger H. Zion, Richard Viguerie, secretary. Natl Policy Board includes: Rev. James L. Bevel, John E. Blumer, Dr. Joseph Churba, L. Brent Bozell III, Wendy Flint, Education Task Force dir. ; Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham, Mildred Jefferson, Dr. Joseph Paige, Phillip Sanchez, Donald Sills, Religious Task Force dir; Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub, Dr. Cleon Skousen, Michael W. Thompson, Steven A. F. Trevino, World Freedom Task Force dir. ; Carter Wrenn. (1,3,4,20) Gary Jarmin, political dir. (19) Dan Fefferman, editor of American Freedom Journal. (18) Michael Beard, natl field coordinator; Gerald Leighton, Economic Justice Task Force dir. ; Merrill Sikorski, Environmental Task Force dir. (20)

AFC New Mexico: Joseph G. Wood, pres. (17) Board of Advisors: Mark Boitano, exec dir. (11,17,24) Phil Schultz, educ consultant and lobbyist. (11,17) Nick Blea, Mrs. Jimmie Davis, Ky Dinh, Rev. Stan Gourd, Everett A. Greer, Langdon Harrison, Bill High, John Melton, James L. Mitchell, Marek Osinski, Ernest Paxson Jr. , Dwight Payton, Irvin Schlenker, Wray Simmons, Paul Smith, Lt. Gen. Gordon Sumner (USA-ret. ), A. A."Web" Webster Jr. , Donna Zeman. (17)

Sources:1."Emergency Project to Support Colonel North's Freedom Fight in Central America," flyer, undated but circa Fall l987.

2. Bryan Burrough and Dianna Solis, Wall Street Journal, June l4, l985.

3. A Promise for Their Future, American Freedom Coalition mini-brochure, l987.

4. Phone conversation with natl AFC, Sep 9, l988.

5. The New Right Humanitarians, The Resource Center, l986.

6. Group Research Report, vol 26, #l0, Dec l987.

7. Council for Inter-American Security newsletter, West Watch, July l987.

8. Jim Wallis and Wes Michaelson,"The Plan to Save America: A Disclosure of an Alarming Political Initiative by the Evangelical Far Right," Sojourners, Apr l976.

9. Phone conversation with natl CAUSA office, Sep 9, l988.

10. NRB "Communicating Christ to the Nations," program guide to the Natl Religious Broadcasters annual conventions, Jan 31-Feb 4, l987.

11."A Traditional Values Speakers Bureau," AFC New Mexico brochure, undated but circa Feb 1989.

12. Council for National Policy officers list, 1982-1983.

13. Kim A. Lawton,"Unification Church Ties Haunt New Coalition," Christianity Today, Feb 5, 1988.

14. NRB (Natl Religious Broadcasters) 89 Convention News, Feb 1, 1989.

15. Phone conversation with Daniel Junas, Feb 5, 1988.

16. Phone conversation with Daniel Junas, May 6, 1988.

17. Fundraising letter from Joseph G. Wood, AFC New Mexico, Feb 1, 1989.

18. Richard Ichord and Bob Wilson, with Dan Fefferman,"The Parties and the New President," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

19. Gary Jarmin,"What Bush's Victory Means to America," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

20. American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

21. Steven Trevino,"The Next Four Years," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

22."Rev. Moon's Political Moves," Newsweek, Feb 12, l988.

23. Leslie Phillips,"Ollie North Now Gets His Day(s) in Court," USA Today, Apr 12, 1988.

24. Letter from Mark Boitano, Nov 3, 1988.

25."Candidate Comparison Report," New Mexico AFC, circa Nov 1988.

26. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co. , 1986).

27. Letter from Ian MacKenzie, Council for the Defense of Freedom, Dec 7, 1988.

28. Letter from Peter Brock, Oct 8, 1988.

29."What Is the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade?" booklet, 1977.

30."Not Wanted: The CIS Gang," Contra Watch, Apr 87.

31. West Watch, Council for Inter-American Security newsletter, May 1986.

32. Phone conversation with Jesse Young, Oct 24, 1988.

33. Interview with Phil Schultz, Sep 10, 1988.

34. Phone conversation with Wes McCune, Group Research Inc. , Sep 9, 1988.

35. Letter from Langdon Harrison, Aug 9, 1988.

36. AFC "Emergency Reply Form" from the TV Special on Col. North, undated.

37. A Promise for Their Future, AFC full-size brochure, Sep 1987.

38. William Bole, "The Christian Right Eyes the Republican Party," Interchange Report, Winter-Spring 1985.

39. Margaret Ann Latus, "Mobilizing Christians for Political Action: Campaigning with God on Your Side," in David G. Bromley and Anson Shupe, eds. , New Christian Politics (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1984).

40. Samuel S. Hill and Dennis E. Owen, The New Religious Political Right in America (Nashville TN: Parthenon Press, 1982).

41. Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America's Freedoms in Religion, Politics and Our Private Lives (New York, NY: Delta, 1984).

42. CAUSA USA Report, Sep 1986.

43. Jessamyn Young, "Unification Church Promotes `Educational Reform' and Contra Aid," Center News (Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice), April 1988.

44. Committee of Santa Fe, A New Inter-American Policy for the Eighties (Washington, DC : Council for Inter-American Security, 1980).

45. Committee of Santa Fe, Santa Fe II: A Strategy for Latin America in the Nineties (Washington, DC : Council for InterAmerican Security, 1988).

46. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985.

47. Coalition for Religious Freedom brochure, 1986.

48. Francoise Hervet, "Knights of Darkness: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta," Covert Action Information Bulletin, #25, Winter 1986.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
World Freedom Foundation

Acronym/Code: WFF

Updated: 8/90

Principals: L. Brent Bozell III--chairman of the board; Dr. Curtin Winsor, Jr. --president; Hon. Stefan A. Halper--director of government relations; Marc S. Ryan--executive director; Leif E. Noren--administrator; Herman Pirchner--finance; Gregory Mueller--public relations; J. Curtis Herge, Esq. --legal counsel; and J. Parker Bailey, CPA--accounting. (1)

The board of directors includes Bozell, Halper, Pirchner, and Alan Keyes. (2) Other members of the board in 1988 included Marc Ryan, Norma Bozell, Richard Kimble, and Meredith Noren. (25)


Background: The World Freedom Foundation (WFF) was founded by Brent Bozell III in November of 1987. Bozell began the WFF immediately after a bitter dispute with the board of the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC). This dispute resulted in his resigning (or according to some accounts, his being fired) from his positions as president of the NCPAC and executive director of the National Conservative Foundation and its publication, Newswatch. (2,8)

WFF is fanatically anticommunist. In its articles of incorporation the WFF states that its purposes are to engage in the analysis, study, and research of anticommunist causes throughout the world; to explore the background, status and potential of organizations working to combat communist systems; and to educate the public about various historical upheavals around the globe,"including the oppression and brutality suffered by those living under Communist regimes."(24)

The first page of its prospectus claims "The USSR is the cancerous primary tumor of totalitarian challenge currently facing the democratic self-realization by many of the world's developing societies."(1) The metaphor of a metastasizing cancer is carried out in discussions of governments in Africa and Latin America viewed by WFF as nondemocratic. These include Cuba, Nicaragua (under the Sandinista government), Angola, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Poland, and Hungary. U.S. businessmen and philanthropists such as Armand Hammer, Donald Kendall, and Eugene Andreas who are working to open relationships with the Soviet Union are called "greedy capitalists," the implication being they are sacrificing the good of the nation for personal gain. (1)

Funding: We have been unable to locate the sources of WFF's funding. The 1989 budget of WFF is $3,302,000; for 1990 the projected budget is $2,417,000. (1) Income reported on WFF's 1988 tax return was $909,000, all of which came from direct public support. (25)

Activities: The WFF prospectus outlines an ambitious series of programs for 1989 including a series of research monographs on every "freedom movement" in the world, a series of fact-finding tours to take leaders in government and the media to visit countries with active "freedom movements," a convention in Washington for "freedom fighters," speakers tours, educational programs for TV and other media, forums for "refugees" fleeing communist countries, and finally, and perhaps most important, their special project on the February 1990 Nicaraguan elections. (1)

The WFF established a bi-partisan commission of six people to interview experts from the U.S. and Latin America about the electoral process in Nicaragua and how to make it "fair."(1) The hearings took place from May 9 through May 11, 1989 in Washington DC On WFF's Bi-Partisan Commission on Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua were: Curtin Winsor, Jr. and Alan Keyes of WFF; former Senator Gaylord Nelson; Sergio Bendixen; Dr. Elaine Kamarck; and Victor Gold. The commission director was Marc Ryan and the communications director was Gregory Mueller, both of WFF. (3)

The witnesses interviewed in the two-day session came primarily from conservative institutions and government or government-related agencies. Among them were: Sen. Bob Dole (RKS); Dr. John Silber, Boston University; Dr. Allen Weinstein, Center for Democracy; Dr. Carl Gershman, National Endowment for Democracy; Michael Stoddard and Mark Feierstein of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs; Ben Wattenberg and Constantine Menges of the American Enterprise Institute; Eva Loser and Georges Fauriol of the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Keith Schuette of the National Republican Institute for International Affairs; Richard Aguirre of the Embassy of Guatemala; Jack Heberle of the AFL-CIO's American Institute for Free Labor Development; and Luigi Einaudi of the Department of State. (18) Several members of the Nicaraguan opposition testified, among them former contra leader Arturo Cruz, Sr. , but there were no witnesses from the Sandinista government. To balance out the conservative line-up, there were witnesses from Amnesty International and the Washington Office on Latin America. (18)

The WFF published a "Blueprint" of the commission's conclusions. The highlights of that report are summarized below. The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), the 5-member committee which runs elections and has authority over electoral processes in Nicaragua, must be balanced with two representatives from the FSLN (the Sandinista party), two opposition parties, and one independent member. The continued neutrality and fairness of the CSE would be checked bi-weekly. (19) It is unclear who would evaluate the "fairness" of the CSE.

The WFF "Blueprint" demands a public statement by the FSLN confirming its willingness to abide by the results of the election. It calls for open voter registration and open formation of parties and coalitions. It also calls for absentee registration and voting privileges, not only at Nicaraguan consulates, but also along the borders of Honduras and Costa Rica. Finally, and perhaps most important to prevailing U.S. government interests, the WFF report demands that funding of parties and coalitions from foreign sources be permitted as long as the funding is given openly and from non-governmental entities. (19)

The report goes on to detail the requirements for a fair campaign, including freedom of travel for candidates and foreign observers and press, and equal access to the media. (19) The election itself must have an effective secret ballot developed by the CSE, according to the document, and votes must be counted in the presence of poll watchers representing all candidates. The CSE must have a facility for recounts in the event of disputes. On the day of the election, all uniformed officials must be under the direct authority of the local CSE and national and international observers and media should have the right to travel freely to observe the balloting and tabulation. (19)

Government Connections: Alan Keyes was an aide to Jeane Kirkpatrick when she was ambassador to the United Nations. He also served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations in the Reagan administration. (2)

Curtin Winsor was ambassador to Costa Rica from 1983 to 1985 during the period when the contra's "southern front" was established with U.S. direction and aid. As a representative of the far right, Winsor was part of the group in the Reagan administration that tried to have George Shultz removed as Secretary of State. (2)

Stefan Halper is the son-in-law of Dr. Ray S. Cline, former deputy director of the CIA. (2) He was a top aide in charge of foreign policy in the 1980 Bush presidential campaign, before Bush joined Reagan's campaign in July. (23)

Herman Pirchner is a former staffer in the Senate. (2)

Private Connections: The father of Brent Bozell III was a close associate of William F. Buckley in the early 1950s at Yale University. Bozell, Jr. married Buckley's sister, Patricia. (22) In 1954, he and William Buckley co-authored McCarthyism--The Fight for America!, a book defending Senator Joseph McCarthy. (22) Bozell, Jr. went on to become an editor (and has been mentioned as a co-founder) of the National Review. (22) Brent Bozell III was the president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) and executive director of the National Conservative Foundation (NCF), a related group that trains political campaign managers and campaign fundraisers. NCF also works on "fairness in the media" by opposing the liberal domination it sees as prevalent. (7) In the same year he founded WFF, Bozell founded and became chair of two other groups, the Media Research Center (MRC) and the Conservative Victory Committee (CVC). (2) MRC is another rightwing media watchdog; it publishes a newletter, Media Watch, which accuses the media of being too liberal. (2) MRC was very active in the defense of Oliver North and hosted a dinner in his honor subsequent to his convictions in the Iran-contra scandal. (28) The CVC uses the media to support political candidates and nominees. (2) Bozell is or was on the advisory board of the Citizens Against the Catastrophic Health Act Tax and is or was on the national policy board of the Emergency Project to Support Colonel North's Freedom Fight in Central America. (9,10) Bozell is also on the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition (AFC), a grassroots lobbying organization group promoting traditional values. (5) The AFC is closely connected to the Christian Voice lobby group and Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. (6,20) The AFC was the sponsor of the Emergency Project supporting Oliver North. (10)

Alan Keyes is the Black member of the South African Lobby in the United States. He is a research scholar at the rightwing think tank, the American Enterprise Institute. Keyes was often sought as a speaker to defend the South African apartheid government. (2) He addressed the 1988 annual board meeting of the AFC and the March 1989 Council on Southern Africa meeting sponsored by the ultra-right Conservative Caucus. (2) Keyes recently became the chairman of Citizens for America, a rightwing group begun by Lewis Lehrman to support the Reagan agenda during the 1980s. Keyes is also head of the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, a group promoting implementation of the recommendations of the Grace Commission. (28)

Attorney J. Curtis Herge was the registered agent for the Nicaraguan Resistance Education Foundation, a group affiliated with the contras. (2) He was the lawyer for Western Goals, a group started by ultra-rightist Rep. Larry McDonald to promote the return of internal surveillance to seek out suspected communists in the U.S. (11) He also served as attorney for Carl (Spitz) Channell's National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty, one of the main money conduits of Oliver North's contra network. (12) Herge currently represents the AFC. (2) Herge is attorney, corporate secretary and board member of the National Bank of Northern Virginia. (2)

Marc S. Ryan was active with the College Republicans in Idaho and served as a media analyst with NCF's Newswatch. (2) He currently is the associate editor of MRC's Media Watch. (2)

Greg Mueller, director of public relations for WFF, is with the public relations firm of Keene, Shirley & Associates. (2) Keene, Shirley is a registered agent for Jonas Savimbi of UNITA, the opposition army in Angola, and the Nicaraguan Development Council, a contra front group. He also represents the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance. (2,17) Keene, Shirley was hired as the first public relations firm for the Nicaraguan American National Foundation, a pro-contra lobbying group formed by Nicaraguan exiles. (4) Reportedly, the funds to pay the Keene, Shirley bill came from WFF and the Conservative Victory Committee. (4) At Keene, Shirley, Mueller has also represented Christian Voice and has coordinated a conference for the AFC. (2) Mueller worked with Bozell at the National Conservative Fdn as a research analyst for Newswatch. (2)

Stefan Halper is program director for Ray Cline's United States Global Strategy Council, a group "dedicated to the improvement of strategic planning and decision-making by the Executive Branch and the Congress of the United States."(17,21) Halper joins Herge on the board of the National Bank of Northern Virginia. (2) In 1980, Halper ran a secret operation involving retired CIA officers. The task of the group was to obtain inside information from the Carter administration, especially on the American hostages in Iran. (17)

Herman Pirchner was president of the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC), a group promoting "democracy" in Central America, and supporting the Nicaraguan contras. (2) According to an article in the Washington Post, the AFPC participated in events honoring El Salvador's Roberto D'Aubuisson, head of the ARENA party and linked to the country's death squads. (2,11)

Curtin Winsor Jr. served on the advisory council of the Inter-American Foundation and is a member of the council of advisers of Americans for Freedom, Inc, run by Karen McKay who headed the Committee for a Free Afghanistan. (2) He was on the board of the Nicaraguan Refugee Fund, a group that raised funds to support the Nicaraguan contras. (26) Winsor regularly attends meetings sponsored by the American Security Council (ASC). The ASC's so-called "Tuesday meetings" include National Security Council representatives, congressional staffers, and New Right groups. The ASC is another rightwing, anticommunist group promoting a strong military. The Coalition for Peace Through Strength, which numbers 242 congresspeople among its members, is a lobbying arm of the ASC. (14) Winsor was a member of the conservative Central American Working Group, a group that called upon the U.S. government to end diplomatic relations with the Sandinista government and urged that the U.S. and its allies tighten their economic boycott of Nicaragua. (15) In a 1987 interview with the New York Times, Winsor defended a loan of $375,000 made by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to John Hull. (16) Hull, who lived in Costa Rica until he was expelled in 1988, was an important link in Col. Oliver North's contra supply network. When asked about the loan (which was made for a building which was never constructed), Winsor said that he had not been in Costa Rica for long when the loan was made. He went on to say,"Had I known then what I know now, I would have very strongly recommended it. He's (Hull) an outstanding American citizen..."(16)

Misc: World Freedom Foundation was denied entry visas to Nicaragua to observe the 1990 elections. The reason stated for the denial was that WFF supported the contras and "their sole purpose was seen as discrediting the electoral process."(27)

Comments: It seems important to comment upon the composition of the 28 witnesses selected by WFF's Bi-Partisan Commission. Of the 28 witnesses, 11 are connected to the U.S. government or to the Congressionally-created,"democracy-building" National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Carl Gershman, chairman of NED, testified. The National Democratic Institute and the National Republican Institute, both vehicles for NED funding, provided three witnesses. The AFL-CIO's AIFLD, another quasi-governmental operation that receives major NED funding, provided a witness. Finally, the Center for Democracy, which also receives funding from NED, sent its president to testify.

Of the remaining 17 witnesses, four came from the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the American Enterprise Institute, both very conservative think tanks allied with the Reagan administration. Another came from the Council for Inter-American Security, the group that wrote the Santa Fe Document that provided major underpinnings for the Central American policy of the Reagan administration. John Silber of Boston University is a known hardline conservative. Silber opposed the Boland Amendment which restricted U. S funding for the contras and felt the U.S. should officially recognize and fully support the contras. Finally, there were four Nicaraguan witnesses who opposed the Sandinista government and one each from embassies of Guatemala and Costa Rica, countries receiving huge amounts of U.S. aid. The Guatemalan witness said his country took a stance of "active neutrality," but the testimony reflects a strong pro-U.S. bias; the Costa Rican representative was openly opposed to the Sandinistas.

U.S. Address: 111 South Columbus St, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Sources:1. World Freedom Foundation, prospectus, June 1989.

2."Some Notes on the World Freedom Foundation," Institute for Media Analysis, unpublished manuscript, June 1, 1989.

3."The Bi-Partisan Commission on Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua," World Freedom Foundation brochure, 1989.

4. Alfonso Chardy,"Nicaraguans Bid for Power," Miami Herald, May 23, 1989.

5."A Promise for Their Future, American Freedom Coalition full- size brochure, Sep 1987.

6. Phone conversation with Wes McCune, Group Research, Inc. Sep 9, 1988.

7. Encyclopedia of Associations, 1989.

8. Thomas B. Edsall,"Head of Conservative PAC Quits in Dispute With Board," Washington Post, Sep 1, 1987.

9. Letter from the Citizens Against The Catastrophic Health Tax Act, undated, received in 1989.

10. Letter from the Emergency Project to Support Colonel North's Freedom Fight in Central America, undated, corroborated by phone Sep 9, 1988.

11. Jon Lee Anderson and Scott Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated The World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co, 1984).

12. Common Cause Magazine, Mar/Apr 1988.

13. Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right and the Reagan Administration (Cambridge MA: Political Research Associates, 1989).

14. Peace Through Strength, American Security Council report, undated, received Dec 15, 1988.

15. John McCaslin,"U.S. Asked to Isolate Nicaragua," The Washington Times, Oct 30, 1987.

16. Martin Tolchin,"A Contra Supplier in Costa Rica Got $375,000 U.S. Agency Says," New York Times, Oct 31, 1987.

17. Holly Sklar,"Washington Wants to Buy Nicaragua's Elections- Again," Zeta Magazine, Dec 1989.

18. Proceedings of The Bi-Partisan Commission on Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua, sponsored by the World Freedom Foundation, May 1989.

19."A Blueprint for Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua," The Bi-Partisan Commission on Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua, World Freedom Foundation, 1989.

20. Kim A. Lawton,"Unification Church Ties Haunt New Coalition," Christianity Today, Feb 5, 1988.

21. United States Global Strategy Council, brochure, 1989/1990.

22. A. Forster and B. Epstein, Danger on the Right, 1964.

23. Barbara Honegger, October Surprise, 1989.

24. Articles of Incorporation of World Freedom Foundation, State of Virginia, Nov 19, 1987.

25. Internal Revenue Service 990 Tax Return, World Freedom Foundation, 1988.

26. Internal Revenue Service 990 Tax Return, Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, Inc. , 1985.

27. Electoral Democracy: Under International Pressure, The Report of the Latin American Studies Association Commission to Observe the 1990 Nicaraguan Election, Mar 15, 1990.

28. Group Research Report, Vol 29, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1990.

The underlying cites for this profile are now kept at Political Research Associates, (617) 666-5300.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Something over 80% of the heads of the CIA were either Knights of the Order
of Saint John or members of the Knights of Malta. And this is the reason that I maintain that the main sponsoring body for the Assassination of JFK was the Knights of StJohn and more specifically the Shickshinny Knights of Malta which was loaded with retired arch right wing Generals and Admirals from countries across the world. Many of these Knights of Malta were also members of The World Anti-Communist League which had membership from the foreign equivalents from over 50 countries of THEIR CIA, THEIR version of Army Intelligence, THEIR DIA and THEIR NSA.

This is the reason that I continue to maintain that our own domestic CIA had only about a 10-15% representation in the final hierarchy of the JFK assassination cabal, while retired, active or fired Army Intel had about a 75% overall representation. The rest were from the DIA, ONI, the NSA or DISC.

You are quite welcome to disagree of course, but the fact that 80% of the major players in the JFK Assassination were part of either SKOM or WACL or SMOM leads me to conclude that the primary driving forces behind the plot had a greater allegiance to the future of Catholicism than to the future of any Democracy in any country. Certainly they were not Communists, they were anti-Communists, they were not proponents of a Democracy they were outright anarchists and proponents of anti-Democratic ideals and promulgators of the supremacy of the Corporate State, the Military Industrial Complex and of the Catholic Church. This leaves only one category to which they could belong out of the Big Three choices dominant during World War II and Korea and even Viet Nam. Let's see... not pro-Communist, not pro-Democracy... what does that leave as the default 3rd choice which was the dominant persona of both The World Anti-Communist League and The Shickshinny Knights of Malta? You know the answer I think.

From.......... National Catholic Reporter

May 5, 1989 begin page 9

By [the late] Penny Lernoux


WHO'S WHO ? ................... KNIGHTS OF MALTA KNOW



The following is a slightly edited excerpt from People of God: The Struggle for World Catholicism [Viking], by Penny Lernoux.


One of Catholicism's oldest lay orders, the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta, better known as the Knights of Malta, or SMOM, is unique in several ways. Although it has no territory outside its headquarters in a Roman palazzo, it enjoys the status of a sovereign state, maintaining relations with 49 countries and issuing its own passports and stamps. Its 13,000 members include some of the world's most powerful figures, among them heads of state.

While it pledges allegiance to the pope, neither he nor the order's grand master in Rome has real control over SMOM's various national associations, some of whose members have been involved in fascist plots and CIA covert wars. And while dedicated to charitable work, such as funding leprosariums and contributing medical supplies to the Third World, it also serves as an old-boys' club for the European aristocracy and the political right in the United States and Latin America.

SMOM was founded in the 11th century to provide medical aid and military protection for-pilgrims to the holy city of Jerusalem. The order's knights participated in several important crusades, and gifts it received soon gave it control over extensive estates throughout Europe. The wealth of the knights' grand priories greatly increased in the 14th century when they absorbed the estates belonging to the Knights Templar, whom they helped to destroy, and for a time they maintained control of the island of Rhodes.

Forced from Rhodes by Sultan Muhammad II in the 15th century, they eventually settled on the island of Malta, which gave the order its name. The Knights remained a major military presence in the Mediterranean until 1789, when Napoleon occupied Malta. After a brief sojourn in Russia, the order in 1834 established headquarters in Rome under papal protection.

By the end of the century, it had become a charitable organization of the aristocracy devoted to the care of the sick and the wounded. It maintained its exclusivity by refusing to accept members from Europe and Latin America who were not of the nobility or heads of state. In recent years the ruling has been relaxed for Latin America, but even as late as the 1940s the order refused to admit Eva Peron as a dame because of her proletarian background.

An exception was made for the United States because of its rising political, economic and military power, and in 1927 a branch of SMOM was established on the East Coast. Most of the founding members were tycoons of industry and finance who would strongly oppose Roosevelt's New Deal [one, John J. Raskob, the chairman of the board of General Motors, even became involved in a plot to seize the White House].

They were soon joined by such titans as John Farrell, president of U.S. Steel; Joseph P. Grace, of W.R. Grace & Co.; Joseph Kennedy, a Boston entrepreneur and father of a future president of the United States; and George MacDonald of Pennsylvania, who made a fortune in oil and utilities.

MacDonald was typical of those who joined SMOM for the sheer fun of it. In recognition of generous contributions to the church, he was made a papal marquis as well as a grand master of the Knights, of Malta. MacDonald loved to dress up in the splashy Knights costume, with its ostrich-plumed hat, gold spurs and a uniform with gold epaulets, sashes and the medal with the Knights' eight-pointed Maltese cross

Many of the approximately 1,500 Americans who subsequently joined the knighthood also enjoyed the rituals of induction at the local cathedral and the ceremonies in honor of the order's patron, St. John. But for others, SMOM was more than pomp and circumstance-it was a source of money and power.

Among the latter was New York's Cardinal Francis Spellman, at one time the most powerful Catholic churchman in the United States. He became involved with the American branch of SMOM almost from its founding and was the order's official church patron in the United States when he was auxiliary bishop of Boston. After he became archbishop of New York in 1939, he changed his title to "Grand Protector" [apparently to distinguish it from that of King Leopold and Queen Wilhelmina, who were mere "protectors" of the Belgian and Dutch branches of the Knights].

Spellman enjoyed the support of the right wing of the curia, particularly Cardinal Nicola Canali, who dominated Vatican finances, and Canali authorized his monopoly over Knight appointments in the United States. The quid pro quo was that, instead of sending the American Knights' contributions to SMOM headquarters in Rome, Spellman funneled the money into Canali's coffers. When SMOM's grand master demanded an accounting from Spellman, he got no answer. No action was taken against Spellman, however, because at the time the order was fighting for its life against Canali, who wanted to gain control of its wealth.

Spellman's financial contributions to the Vatican, his friendship with Pius XII and his access to U.S. economic and political elites, some of them Knights, gave him immense power, and by World War II he had become the Vatican's go-between with the White House and its proconsul in Latin America.

[Cardinal Spellman did more than any other single person to get the USA to support the Roman Catholic ruling class of Vietnam .... JP]

When Spruille Braden, U.S. ambassador to Colombia during the early 1940s, complained about the anti-American tone of a pastoral letter issued by Colombian Archbishop Ismael Perdomo, Spellman sent a personal emissary to Bogota to lecture Perdomo on the need for cooperation in the war effort. At this meeting, which took place in Braden's presence, the archbishop was instructed to show Braden anything he wrote about the United States before releasing it. Braden was impressed. "It was good theater," he said.

Spellman also played an important role as emissary between the White House and Rome as, for example, in relaying the pope's concern about Allied bombings of Italy. And he encouraged Vatican cooperation with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime forerunner of the CIA that was headed by his old friend General William ("Wild Bill") Donovan.

[ Ronald Reagan's first head of CIA, William Casey, supplier of Cardinal Bravo's 'Contra's,' worked for OSS/Donovan ....... JP ]

Much of the European aristocracy that provided SMOM its membership was allied with the Falangist groups in Spain, the Catholic integralist -Vichy French, the Italian fascists and the German-Austrian supporters of Hitler.

While they objected to Hitler's attempts to create a Nordic system of belief in competition with the teachings of the Catholic church, some agreed with the Nazi's on the "Jewish question."

For example, Franz von Papen, a [Roman] Catholic aristocrat from the Westphalian nobility and Knight Magistral Grand Cross of SMOM, paved the way for Hitler's assumption of power after von Papen became chancellor with the support of the Nazis.

[All or nearly all of the earliest high level Nazis were Roman Catholic, as were the heads of state allied with Hitler-such as Franco and Petain ... JP]

During the war the Vatican's position was ambivalent, not because Pius XII approved of Nazism-on the contrary, he abhorred it-but because he feared communism more than fascism and because he was afraid to risk the loss of the church's power by taking an uncompromising stand against the self-declared masters of Europe. Or as the British Foreign Office put it, the pope, "for worldly rather than spiritual reasons, has allowed himself, like others, to be bullied."

Although the Vatican undertook many private initiatives to help Jewish and other refugees, Pius remained silent through most of the war. He refused to condemn the German invasion of Poland in the belief that the Poles were at fault, and despite repeated pleas from the Polish government in exile, he failed to condemn Nazi genocide.

"We cannot forget that there are 40 million Catholics in the Reich," he said at the time of the invasion of Poland. "What would they be exposed to after such an act by the Holy See?" When he did speak out, as in his 1942 Christmas message about the deaths of "hundreds of thousands of people .......... merely because of their race or their descent," the appeal was lost in the opacity of Vaticanese language.

Similarly, the Vatican said nothing about the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Serbs belonging to the Serbian Orthodox church during the Nazi Catholic puppet dictatorship of Croatia, apparently because its leader, Ante Pavelic, and his Ustashi thugs had the support of the local Catholic clergy. The only important Catholic voice to speak out against the slaughter was that of the French Cardinal Eugene Tisserant, who said that at least 350,000 people had been killed by Pavelic's forces. The Holy See, said Tisserant, has accommodated itself "for its own exclusive advantage-and very little else."

Much the same might have been said of some American members of the Knights of Malta. W.R. Grace & Co. was on the U.S. government's "Watch list" of companies known or suspected to be trading with the enemy during WWII. State Department documents showed that some Grace personnel in Latin America were kept under surveillance because of their ties to Nazi agents, particularly those in the company's shipping lines and in the Panagra airline, which Grace owned jointly with Pan American Airways. (J. Peter Grace, who took over the company at the end of the war and became SMOM's leading American Knight, later employed a Nazi war criminal and chemist, aiding him to enter the United States under the U.S. government recruitment program of Nazi scientists known as "Project Paperclip.") Joseph Kennedy, another prominent American Knight, was forced in 1940 to leave his post as U.S. ambassador to London because of his noninterventionist stance.

After the war, the Vatican, the OSS, the SS (Schutzstaffel, the elite guard of Nazi intelligence) and the various branches of SMOM joined to do battle against the common Soviet enemy-and to help Nazi war criminals escape. In 1945, when the outcome of the war was no longer in doubt, the OSS approached Reinhard Gehlen, who was Hitler's chief of intelligence on the Eastern Front. The aim was to revamp the Gehlen Organization into 'an OSS-controlled operation.' The plan was so successful that "Gehlen Org" was transformed into West Germany's postwar intelligence agency, the BND, with help and money from the OSS' successor, the CIA.

Paralleling the OSS-Gehlen plan was "Project Paperclip," which smuggled more than 900 German scientists into the United States. Gehlen's brother was secretary to one of the chief officials in SMOM's Rome headquarters, and the Knights were active as go-betweens. Baron Luigi Parrilli, an Italian aristocrat who was a Knight of Malta, papal chamberlain and fascist sympathizer, took part in the negotiations between SS leaders and the CIA's future director, Allen Dulles.

[Allen Dulles son is now a well known Jesuit author ...... JP]

Meanwhile, James Jesus Angleton, who would later become the CIA's controversial director of counterintelligence, was dispatched by admiral Ellery Stone, U.S. proconsul in occupied Italy, to rescue Prince Valerio Borghese from possible arrest by the Italian Resistance, which had sentenced him to death for war crimes. Borghese, who survived to be a leader in Italy's postwar fascist politics, was a Bailiff Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion of SMOM, and in gratitude for U.S. services to him and other Knights, SMOM gave Stone, Angleton and Angelton's deputy its Grand Cross award. Other recipients of the coveted award were Reinhard Gehlen and Truman's Vatican envoy, Myron C. Taylor.

[wartime head of OSS "Wild Bill" Donovan, Cardinal Spellman's old friend, was also awarded by the papacy ...... JP ]

SMOM provided more than medals. One of its directors arranged for the printing of 2,000 SMOM passports for political refugees, many of them Nazis. A branch of the Knights in southern Germany ran a large refugee camp, and the leading Bavarian Knight of Malta was reported to have arranged travel "for no small number of ex-Nazis." That the Vatican, OSS and the U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) were a party to such arrangements is shown by files that Justice Department investigators discovered in the 1980s.

Catholic monasteries and convents were used as safe houses for war criminals on their way to Latin America. Sometimes the CIC supplied false documents, while church organizations provided the means of escape - a famous case being the flight to Bolivia of Klaus Barbie, the "butcher of Lyon."

A key contact in the underground rail way, known as the "Rat Line," was a Croatian priest, Krunoslav Draganovic, who had been an adviser to Ante Pavelic and a member of his Ustashi terrorists and who ran the Croatian Committee for Pontifical Assistance, an aid and resettlement agency of the Holy See. Draganovic passed along upward of 30,000 Croatians, including most of the Pavelic government and Pavelic himself, who escaped Argentina. The priest also helped SS officers escape, according to Barbie, who said that Draganovic described his work as "purely humanitarian."

[see BLOWBACK by Christopher Simpson, pub by Weidendfeld & Nicolson 1988 .... JP ]

CIC reports to Washington gave detailed descriptions of Pavelic's stay in Rome under church protection "disguised as a priest within Vatican City" and predicted his escape to Argentina, then ruled by the dictator Juan Peron, a Bailiff Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion of the Knights of Malta.

They also reported Pavelic's contacts with Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini, the Vatican's undersecretary of state and the future Pope Paul VI.

Montini, a close friend of SMOM and the OSS' principal contact in the Vatican during the war, supervised the Vatican bureau that issued refugee travel documents.

CIC reports and other documentation show that he was privy to the activities of the Croatian Committee for Pontifical Assistance.

He apparently shared Pius XII's conviction that Pavelic and his Ustashi troops might overthrow Marshal Tito's government and reestablish a Catholic state in Yugoslavia.

[creation of a pure "Catholic state in Yugoslavia" was delayed for 45 years- then-with America taking the place of Nazi Germany, the desire of "His Holiness" Pius XII, Ante Pavelic and the USTASHI was fulfilled ..... JP ]

Ivo Omrcanin, a close friend of Draganovic who was working at the Vatican when the priest was smuggling Croatians abroad, said that "the pope would never have considered anybody who was fighting communism a war criminal."

[all Nazis' and Ustashi were deemed anti-communist fighters .... JP ]

The relationship of the Vatican, SMOM and the OSS/CIA was also important in the crucial 1948 Italian elections. Baron Parrilli again served as a go-between, this time with the CIA, in planning Vatican strategy to prevent a Communist victory by backing the Christian Democrats. A key figure in the plan was Luigi Gedda, a Turin doctor, Knight of Malta and Catholic integralist who wanted to restore Europe to an age before Protestantism and the French Revolution.

Gedda was head of Italy's Catholic Action, a militant lay movement of young people who served as papal shock troops-C.L. Sulzberger, of the New York Times, reported from Rome that Catholic Action "is armed, active and tough." Gedda organized a network of 18,000 "civic committees" to get out the vote. James Angleton, then CIA's Vatican connection, strongly recommended CIA funding for Gedda's political machine. The CIA pumped $65 million into Italian centrist and right-wing movements between 1946 and 1972, according to hearings by the House of Representatives.

Other important players were Montini and Spellman, the latter funneling huge amounts of New York money into clandestine church activities in Italy. Spellman encouraged a letter-writing campaign whereby Italian Americans urged their relatives to vote against the Italian Communists, and he joined such famous Americans as Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Gary Cooper in a radio blitz of Italy at election time.

Meanwhile, Catholic Action's papal troops prepared for battle with U.S. jeeps, guns and other supplies. The Christian Democrats won the election, and Washington, under pressure from Spellman, agreed to repay the Vatican's election expenditures through Italy's black currency market.

High-ranking Knights of Malta were involved in Italian politics during the following decades, and on two occasions, in 1964 and 1970, they attempted unsuccessful right-wing coups. The second attempt was led by Angleton's Prince Borghese and the prince's neo-Nazi protege, Stefano Delle Chiaie, one of the period's most dangerous terrorists. Borghese and Delle Chiaie were connected to the notorious P-2 Masonic Lodge, an organization with ties to the Mafia and the Vatican that schemed to take over the Italian state and was responsible for a string of terrorist acts.


Picture caption- Cover of Lernoux's book, People of God.

Picture caption- Monsignor Mario Brini, right, precedes Hungarian-born American biochemist Fra Giancarlo Pallavicini, far left, and his brother Fra Hubert Pallavicini during a procession of officials of the Knights of Malta in Rome in April 1988. Thirty-six officials later cast secret ballots to select a new leader.

Picture caption- Pope Pius XII, left, with Cardinal Spellman in 1958. "Spellman's financial contributions to the Vatican, his friendship with Pius Xll and his access to U.S. political ties, some of them Knights, gave him immense power."

Picture caption- Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.


See ..................................... THE AMERICAN POPE

The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman

By John Cooney by Times BOOKS
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John - the Lernoux article is important, and I've previously posted it here where we also discussed SMOM:

SMOM is potentially in the frame as sponsors or facilitators of numerous assassinations, coups and false flag attacks.

I continue to consider the "Strategy of Tension" as formulated and carried out by Gladio as crucial to understanding post-WW2 geopolitical history. Gladio as an ethos with extreme covert operational capability, creating, penetrating and subverting radical groups of left and right, was in large part the lovechild of Allen Dulles and Reinhard Gehlen.

The attempt to assassinate DeGaulle was, for instance, a Gladio operation.

The activities of SMOM and Gladio deserve much more investigation.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:John - the Lernoux article is important, and I've previously posted it here where we also discussed SMOM:

SMOM is potentially in the frame as sponsors or facilitators of numerous assassinations, coups and false flag attacks.

I continue to consider the "Strategy of Tension" as formulated and carried out by Gladio as crucial to understanding post-WW2 geopolitical history. Gladio as an ethos with extreme covert operational capability, creating, penetrating and subverting radical groups of left and right, was in large part the lovechild of Allen Dulles and Reinhard Gehlen.

The attempt to assassinate DeGaulle was, for instance, a Gladio operation.

The activities of SMOM and Gladio deserve much more investigation.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Just this week I started to identify those in Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen who had direct ties into SMOM or SKOM and guess what? Over half of them were directly or indirectly part of SMOM or SKOM but only 2 of them were from the CIA: James J. Angleton and William J. Donovan. And Ray S. Cline went to the Jesuit run Georgetown University.

Those doubting Thomases have just got to pull their heads out of the sand and realize that the CIA was just a small subsidiary of The Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta in all its manifestations. Nothing more, and nothing less. SMOM was around for about 1,000 years BEFORE the OSS was even started. And both SMOM and especially SKOM had representatives from the Marine Corps, the U.S. and the British Armies and even Admirals from both the U.S., the Spanish and the British Navies.

What does this mean to my universal assassination theory? That Vonsiatsky's Russian Fascists were intimately associated with both the SKOM of Charles Willoughby, Pedro del Valle, Philip J. Corso and The Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Malta and Rhodes. And since Frank Aloysius Capell, who was Revilo P. Oliver's "head researcher" was once the Grand Prior of this order in addition to other people like John B. Trevor, Sr. from The Pioneer Fund and The American Coalition of Patriotic Societies and William J. Donovan from the OSS/CIA and Philip J. Corso from Army Intel and the the Senator J. Strom Thurmond camp, James J. Angleton from the CIA, it implies that the real common linkage for ALL the elements involved in the JFK hit was indeed SKOM and Knights of St. John. The CIA should only be considered to be one very small but very powerful and dedicated intelligence arm of The Knights of St. John and by implication of the Church in Rome. That is what William Nelson Cromwell had in mind when he turned SMOM into an intelligence gathering agency during World War I. Cromwell hired both Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles at his Sullivan and Cromwell law firm.

And it also shows beyond the shadow of a doubt the entire coterie of groups involved with my unified conspiracy theory ALL were represented within SMOM in one way or another: The John Birch Society, The Pioneer Fund, Army Intel, SKOM, the World Anti-Communist League, the CIA.... everyone had representation on SMOM. EVERYONE and EVERY SINGLE GROUP.

And it also proves that more than HALF of Condon's Dirty Dozen were part of SMOM, WACL or a closely related group: Dr. Revilo P. Oliver via Frank A. Capell from Zarapath-Horab, Charles Willoughby via Gen. Douglas MacArthur, J. Strom Thurmond via Philip J. Corso, James J. Angleton, Anastase Vonsiatsky via SKOM, ROCOR and the Russian branch of SMOM, Wickliffe Draper via Major John B. Trevor, Sr., Philip J. Corso, Rev. Gerald L K Smith via William Dudley Pelley and even George Racey Jordan and Ray S. Cline.

So I guess one could conclude that Richard Condon solved the identity of the JFK plotters in 1959 and that I have proven that he solved the entire JFK plot about 40 years later. And under this scenario, as large as the CIA might have loomed in the JFK plot, their efforts were dwarfed and trivialized by the roles of Condon's Dirty Dozen, by SKOM, by SMOM, by Army Intel, and by the John Birch, WACL and Pioneer Fund forces. You have to learn to think BIG... to think INTERNATIONAL, to think in terms of CENTURIES AND MILLENNIA and to think of how to identify the HIGHEST LEVELS of the JFK plot and their common ground and their common membership.

Think Crusaders of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem who have been around for almost 1,000 years. Think Eugenics. Think of the White Supremacists and The Master Race proponents. Think of The Church in Rome and their extended history as we start The Third Millennium. The Church in Rome plans to be around for the Tenth Millennium, too. Think of the Centuries long battles waged by the Church in Rome and their Crusades against the Infidels, the Heathens and those Godless Communists or the previous threats from Saladin or the current perceived threats from Islam or from the Muslims. Because that is what caused JFK to be eliminated and that is what we face for the next Century at a bare minimum.

As for the CIA. They have only been around for 60 years or so. But 80% or more of their leadership were made members of SMOM who took an oath to God. Not an oath to La Familia. Not an oath to Patria, the Homeland, not an oath to La Compania the Organization or The Company, but to Dei. Think about that. The death of JFK was an act of Opus Dei, a Work of God. Let thy will be done.

My point is that the CIA was pretty important but only to the tune of about 15-20% of the plotters. If you totally missed the roles of SKOM, SMOM, active or retired Army Intel, active or retired Marine Intel and ONI Intel, The Pioneer Fund, The John Birch Society, WACL, the ABN and other Foreign Intel ops then you have missed about 85% of the plotters. Back to the drawing board would be my advice. Widen your scope and your horizons and think outside the box which you or others have drawn around the CIA for whatever reason or reasons.

Even David Guyatt has a trusted informant who told him that The Shickshinny Knights of Malta were behind the entire JFK plot with some influence by Opus Dei as well. And David stated that he believed him and trusted his information. And even Richard Condon identified his Dirty Dozen with no direct mention of their links to SMOM which he may not have been privy to at that time. But in fact he may have been hinting or implying this association but I just missed the references where he did so. But his references to Eugenics, White Supremacy and The Pioneer Fund were as plain as the nose on your face. And Bill Turner plus Mae Brussell identified Patrick J. Frawley, OSJ who supported INCA and they implicated both Robert Morris as well as Charles Willoughby, the Dallas John Birchers in the JFK plot. Turns out that both the owners of WSDU Radio in New Orleans, the Sterns, and the owner of the O'Reily Coffee Company supported INCA and Alton Ochsner as well and we all know the importance of WSDU, INCA, Ochsner and The CNP and O'Reily with the Oswald nexus of characters and the related incidents.

You thought that you just had to point your fingers at the CIA and that was going to be the end of it? Well, think again my friends. The CIA members were just water carriers for SMOM. Gophers, cover-up artists and errand boys for SMOM. Why do you think that over 85% of the leadership of either the OSS or the CIA had the OSJ SMOM designation? Ever think of that?
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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