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Nelson's LBJ Mastermind book
excuse me, but this is a jfk assassination research forum, if i wanted to read about smut sex lives of whomever, there is many a site on the web, please robert get over this apparent obnoxious, and it has become that extreme posts about sex no matter with or about whom, for one i could care less and do not want to read about the sex lives of any, if one needs to , that imo says too much about them, you do go on so, like a broken record when you get a bee in your bonnet a one note man, on and on, , please learn to not be so bombastic, in your beliefs, fire is good to have in this assassination research but not to the point where there is no other opinion but your own, instead of continually antagonizing and wearing out your readers, why not try a much more suptle approach, for all our sakes, especially yours, imo you are not doing yourself any good, nor your reputation which i do believe you have worked hard at trying to make yours with a big splash in jfk research, but it appears now the worm is turning back on you, you have gone way too far over the line, of research and with smut reporting, please give it a rest take a deep breath, and calm down for heavens sake instead of just he says she says,from grunt books, give us some real research on the assassination, not just on whom you want all others to believe who was responsible..enough,already , it has become very boring to read your posts, which i now will put on the back burner and leave be, till they change to real research, thankyou...b
Here it is, the Post article about Scaife's divorce:

Absolutely hilarious.

Talk about getting one's just rewards.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Morrow does not understand the first thing about the uses of political propaganda.

To give you my own experience with the Clinton Crazies, I saw a film one night called the Clinton Chronicles. It was very skillfully done. If you did not know one thing about who was financing it or who was in it and why, you would find it pretty convincing.

Well the guy who introduced it, Mr. Johnson, was a former segregationist judge who despised CLinton's appeal to black voters. As I read up on the rest, it got worse. THey even blamed the death of a little kid of the RR tracks to Clinton. THen of course, there is the whole VInce FOster thing. When the first special prosecutor found nothing sinister about it, they brought in nutcase Starr. Who kept Henry Lee's report under wraps for months--which exonerated everyone. ANd BTW, obliterated nutty Ruddy's report.

THen there was WHitewater--one of the most ridiculous "scandals' ever. Starr was never satisfied no matter how many experts found nothing wrong with it. Three different examinations came up empty. He delayed their release for years.

Starr was so crazy that he kept people who were under indictment hidden so he could use them at trial e.g. David Hale.

The book to read on this is "The Hunting of the President" a really fine expose of the CLinton Craziness which shows how the enemies CLinton built in Arkansas were then used by hacks like Gingrich and Scaife.

BTW, the fruity Scaife who was so angry about Lewinsky, then started cheating on his wife himself. But guess what? It was with a call girl! He actually had a romance with her. His wife found out about it. Took him to court and hired a PI. IT all came out in spades. What a hypocrite. The Post did a hilarious story on this. Suffice it to say, CLinton must have laughed his ass off for an hour.

But guess what? Susan McDougall probably didn't think it was funny. Why? She went to jail because she would not lie about Clinton.

You know who else is not laughing? All the other victims of Starr's witch hunt.

The Hunting of the President is also a DVD and I have watched it many, many times. Just like I watch that 2003 ABC Special Beyond Conspiracy with Peter Jennings. I like watching disinfo and propaganda.

The Clinton Chronicles is very important. But it only tells you half the story. Of course Bill Clinton and the Arkansas Democratic elite and Don Tyson were running drugs in Arkansas. But they were doing with the CIA and the Bushes!! The video conveniently left that out.

The Boys on the Tracks - they were killed by local law enforcement drug dealers in Saline County who were part of the CIA/Dixie mafia drug distribution network. All Bill Clinton did was get a corrupt coroner Famy Malik to cover it up. Malik orginally was going to say the boys had been smoking marijuana and fell asleep on the railroad tracks. In reality the local mafia/drug dealing law enforcement murdered them and put their dead bodies "on the tracks."

Clinton covered it up because ultimately it was a CIA operation.

As for Ken Starr - why didn't he go into Bill Clinton's drug dealing history? Because Clinton was doing it in concert with CIA Republicans like the Bushes, Oliver North, William Barr, Felix Rodgriguez, the contras, etc.

That is why Chip Tatum is so important. He gives us an inside view as to what was going on in this time period.

Bill Clinton knew Barry Seal. And the Bushes (GHW Bush and Jeb Bush) and Oliver North murdered Barry Seal in Feb, 1986.

How come Ken Starr did not go into all of THAT? I think you know why.

One more thing, the Clintons did send thugs to beat up and nearly murdered Gary Johnson, Gennifer Flowers neighbor on 6/26/92 because Gary Johnson at video tapes of Bill Clinton often entering Gennifer's apt.

Gary Johnson's savage beating by Clinton thugs:

Of course this was PEANUTS compared to the terror campaign that GHW Bush was doing on Ross Perot with his CIA Pegasus assassins:

I was ready to vote for Ross Perot in 1992 - but Bush and his CIA thugs chased him out of the race on July 16th, 1992. I ended up voting for Andre Marrou, the Libertarian. An incensed Perot later got back in - only to sabotage Bush's campaign and elect Clinton; but Perot's campaign had been dashed at that point.

Who did you suckers vote for?

Everyone knows about Mena. It was part of the whole illegal Iran/COntra scandal.

THe reason Starr did not go into it is easy to discern: Because if he did, the trail would lead back to the White House. THat is the kind of gutless hack Starr was.

Your other stuff about that money grubbing Gennifer Flowers, please.

See, you obviously do not understand the first thing about propaganda paradigms. That is why you were so gullible to swallow Scaife's.

When I first read Ruddy's phony report about the "murder" of FOster, I immediately understood what Ruddy had done. He had modeled his work on what the WC critics had done back in 1966-67. THat is, he was going to raise doubts about the handgun, the position of the body etc.

Except for one thing: as Lee later explained, it was all faulty data. Just the opposite of what the WC critics had done. THey had good data. Which the WC had buried or disguised.

ANd this is what I mean. To somehow equate the likes of Al Ruddy and Scaife with people like Sylvia Meagher and Marzani is bonkers. Its a world turned topsy turvy. ANd using someone like Larry Nichols as a witness is like using Brennan or Markham, or some of the people SHeridan interviewed in jail to use against Garrison. And if you want me to prove that, I will.

What you don' t understand is this: what people like Hersh and Reeves do is two things:

1.) THey want to cheapen who JFK is, in hopes that people will say, "Well the philanderer and marijuana smoker deserved what he got." ITs the same agenda the SS had with Hersh.

2.) THey want to distract from the real issues about the assassination. The real issues, as far as i am concerned were:

1. Vietnam
2. Cuba
3. Detente with Russia
4. Upcoming recognition of China
5. Federal Reserve

Pretty heavy stuff huh? Speaks well of JFK. Well the aim of people like Hersh is to reduce it all to "Well, Allen Dulles did not like JFK having an affair with Exner." BTW, this is what I objected to in Twyman's book.

Excuse me: HA HA HA HA HA. Let em rest up. OK. HA HA HA HA HA again.

Dulles had so many affairs while he was married that he started to feel guilty about it. Know what he did? He bought CLover a mink stole whenever the guilt got to him. Must have been quite a packed closet.

So please. Don' t make me barf.

What Allen Dulles was really worried about was that Truman's editorial might have hinted that Harry understood that Vietnam was a prime issue that JFK was killed over. We have this in his own memo of the meeting. Which tells us what? You can't connect the dots on that one? I can.

Instead of reading Reeves' crazy book, or Madeleine Brown's, do me a favor--read Mosley 's book entitled Dulles. Then read Mangold's Cold Warrior.

You will then begin to understand the true treachery of these men.
I do need to get those books: 1) Dulles and 2) Cold Warrior. People need to focus on that, not Lee Harvey Oswald, US intelligence agent. (I just ordered Dulles for under 5 bucks total; as for Cold Warrior - have it have not read it - look at the photo inserts, page 20 James Angleton is carrying the ashes of Allen Dulles at his funeral. Now that is close!)

As for Gennifer Flowers - she was telling the absolute truth, unlike the scum Clintons and their lackeys, who were busy criminally terrorizing innocents. Beating them up in Gary Johnson's case. Hillary and her private detective goons like Anthony Pellicano (now in jail) and Jack Palladino asking Gennifer's neighbor: Does she ever talk about committing suicide? Beautiful people, those Clintons.

Vince Foster was Hillary's boyfriend - I mean that sexually. And Webb Hubbell, he is the biological father of Chelsea Clinton. I am the nation's #1 Clinton opposition researcher with 200-300 books, VHS tapes, DVDs on them, so take that for what its worth. Big lipped Chelsea is the daughter of Webb Hubbell, not wild Bill.

As for Scaife and his messy divorce. Yes, its a funny story. And he has made amends with the Clintons which is why Chris Ruddy gives the Clintions all that favorable press at News Max.

As for Hersh and Reeves and JFK's sex life - we will have to agree to disagree ... or we can talk until we are blue in the face.

Real issues of the JFK assassination:

1a. The upcoming personal/political immolation of Lyndon Johnson
1. Vietnam (my #4)
2. Cuba (my #2)
3. Detente with Russia (my #3)
4. Upcoming recognition of China
5. Federal Reserve (those Rockefellers sure did not like JFK's greenbacks!)

Truman's editiorial ... he is basically accusing the CIA of murdering JFK. Very important.

Madeleine Brown - extremely important. Mistress of 21 years. Can not be ignored. Or ignore at your peril.

Finally, James Angleton quote in 1985:

"Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. These people attracted and promoted each other. Outside of their duplicity, the o­nly thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back o­n my life, I regret. But I was part of it and I loved being in it. . . Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie, and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell." Angleton slowly sipped his tea and then said, "I guess I will see them there, soon."

----JAMES ANGLETON, C.I.A. Counter Intelligence-Chief, 1985

Ok, here goes.

Larry Nichols lied his way into a job. He had a reputation as being a con man and a shady character. He disguised that by saying he had a recommendation from Betsy WrIght, which he did not.

Once he got the state job, he began working with John Singlaub, notorious off the shelf professional anti Comunist, part of the Iran/COntra secret team. He then hooked up with some conservative Democrats and took trips to Nicaragua to back the COntras. WHile on state salary, he was actually working for and with Singlaub and the Blue Dog Dems. In five months he made 642 long distance calls--on state time and money. All in aid of the illegal Contra cause. He also made 390 calls to a private business partner. Neither had anything to do with his job.

WHen this was reported, Betsy Wright called CLinton and told him to fire Nichols. The next day he was gone. He actually protested his innocence.

It was later found out that Nichols had also committed fraud twice in the private sphere. He avoided jail time by saying he would pay back the victims. Instead he declared bankruptcy and never paid up.

So, when you are on the ropes like that, and may go to jail, what do you do? You start smearing the boss. He started saying that CLinton had funneled money to his girlfriends. And this is where Flowers name started to circulate. But she was only one of five. One of the girls laughed when her name was mentioned and said , "Hell no." WHen the others were called, they all denied it also. In fact, three of them threatened to sue Nichols. The local media knew Nichols was a joke. So to avoid litigation, they did not print any of the girls' names.

Nichols did not have a lawyer at the time. So what did he do? He went to two political enemies of Clinton, Bob Leslie and Sheffield Nelson. Nelson actually handed out Nichols' complaint at his campaign HQ.

Why did you not include any of the above when you used Nichols as a witness?

This is what I mean. THat is the kind of stuff the WC, and Sheridan, omitted.
Bernice Moore Wrote:excuse me, but this is a jfk assassination research forum, if i wanted to read about smut sex lives of whomever, there is many a site on the web, please robert get over this apparent obnoxious, and it has become that extreme posts about sex no matter with or about whom, for one i could care less and do not want to read about the sex lives of any, if one needs to , that imo says too much about them, you do go on so, like a broken record when you get a bee in your bonnet a one note man, on and on, , please learn to not be so bombastic, in your beliefs, fire is good to have in this assassination research but not to the point where there is no other opinion but your own, instead of continually antagonizing and wearing out your readers, why not try a much more suptle approach, for all our sakes, especially yours, imo you are not doing yourself any good, nor your reputation which i do believe you have worked hard at trying to make yours with a big splash in jfk research, but it appears now the worm is turning back on you, you have gone way too far over the line, of research and with smut reporting, please give it a rest take a deep breath, and calm down for heavens sake instead of just he says she says,from grunt books, give us some real research on the assassination, not just on whom you want all others to believe who was responsible..enough,already , it has become very boring to read your posts, which i now will put on the back burner and leave be, till they change to real research, thankyou...b

Thanks Beans.

Whew. It saved me from being even less kind!

The following is slightly off topic for this thread, but not for this behavior:

In Dallas this year, Morrow asked 4 questions during my presentation at COPA. Two of the questions were related to "who dunnit" (McGeorge Bundy and/or Cabot Lodge)? -- with an emphasis on their relationship to Rockefeller. The other two questions also related directly to Rockefeller:

"Was Rockefeller a hawk on Vietnam?"


"Who did LBJ support for president in 1968, covertly?" (answer, according to Morrow: Rockefeller).

It seemed lost on him that Rockefeller was NOT the topic of my presentation. Yet, he arbitrarily inserted his "slant" there simply because "he could get away with it" I suppose. It was inappropriate, it was irrelevant to that topic, and it was ill-advised drivel.

Quite similar to the performance he has displayed here.

A pity.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Ok, here goes.

Larry Nichols lied his way into a job. He had a reputation as being a con man and a shady character. He disguised that by saying he had a recommendation from Betsy WrIght, which he did not.

Once he got the state job, he began working with John Singlaub, notorious off the shelf professional anti Comunist, part of the Iran/COntra secret team. He then hooked up with some conservative Democrats and took trips to Nicaragua to back the COntras. WHile on state salary, he was actually working for and with Singlaub and the Blue Dog Dems. In five months he made 642 long distance calls--on state time and money. All in aid of the illegal Contra cause. He also made 390 calls to a private business partner. Neither had anything to do with his job.

WHen this was reported, Betsy Wright called CLinton and told him to fire Nichols. The next day he was gone. He actually protested his innocence.

It was later found out that Nichols had also committed fraud twice in the private sphere. He avoided jail time by saying he would pay back the victims. Instead he declared bankruptcy and never paid up.

So, when you are on the ropes like that, and may go to jail, what do you do? You start smearing the boss. He started saying that CLinton had funneled money to his girlfriends. And this is where Flowers name started to circulate. But she was only one of five. One of the girls laughed when her name was mentioned and said , "Hell no." WHen the others were called, they all denied it also. In fact, three of them threatened to sue Nichols. The local media knew Nichols was a joke. So to avoid litigation, they did not print any of the girls' names.

Nichols did not have a lawyer at the time. So what did he do? He went to two political enemies of Clinton, Bob Leslie and Sheffield Nelson. Nelson actually handed out Nichols' complaint at his campaign HQ.

Why did you not include any of the above when you used Nichols as a witness?

This is what I mean. THat is the kind of stuff the WC, and Sheridan, omitted.

Larry Nichols was a pr man and a part of Bill Clinton's inner circle. So they are 2 crooks together, a small time version of a Lyndon Johnson and Billie Sol Estes.

It was BILL CLINTON who was working hand in glove with the CIA and the contras. And he was getting his key players to do it as well. Foster, Webb Hubbell, Nichols all were in this operations. Bill got L.D. Brown into the CIA. Clinton even helped write his essay. L.D. Brown was Clinton's favorite state trooper; of course that did not stop wild Bill from trying to have sex with L.D.'s girlfriend Becky who was Chelsea's nanny.

Larry Nichols went to work for ADFA which was a public Arkansas agency that Clinton and Dan Lasater were using to money launder CIA Iran-contra drug money.

Oh please. Larry Nichols was not "smearing" Bill Clinton. It is called telling the ugly truth. 4/5 of those women Bill Clinton had affairs with. Of course the Clintons were getting the others to sign false affidavits.

Remember Gary Johnson who I mentioned above? The one who had both his arms broken, nose smashed in, kidneys bruised? He was Larry Nichols lawyers and it was state trooper goons sent by Buddy Young and the Clintons who nearly murdered him to keep a lid on the Gennifer Flowers affair .... one of hundreds of affairs.

Arkansas under Bill Clinton was almost a like a totalitarian dictatorship. Clinton had appointed all the boards, one party control legislature, appointed the judges, influence over drug dealing law enforcement, Jack Stephens and Don Tyson were running drugs and Dan Lasaster; local medial controlled and owned by Stephens.

And who is the joke here? Larry Nichols? Larry Nichols was simply telling the truth (or half of it - leaving out CIA drug dealing Republicans).

The Clintons were making everyone lie in Arkansas and they controlled the media .... just like the LBJ/CIA murderers of JFK in 1963: control the law enforcement, control the media, push the big lie.

Bill Clinton grew up wanting to be just like Jack Kennedy. The one he ended up being was Lyndon Johnson. And he became a capo in the Bush crime family.

You can read below how the Clinton goons nearly murdered Gary Johnson on 6/26/92. He was the lawyer for Larry Nichols:

LARRY NICHOLS: During the 1992 presidential campaign, I was getting
bludgeoned by the media because Gennifer Flowers had come out of my
lawsuit. A man called me on the phone on a Monday, his name was
Gary Johnson. He was an attorney. He told me that he felt bad because
I was being bludgeoned, and he wanted to talk to me about handling
my case. Well, I was craving an attorney, any attorney to help me.

GARY JOHNSON: You know, I saw Larry out there doing battles, so to
speak, on his own, and I felt like he needed some help.

LARRY NICHOLS: I met him on a Tuesday. He was a special attorney; I
didn't even know it. You see, he lived next door to Gennifer Flowers.


GARY JOHNSON: Looking at someone in front of my door, it got a perfect
shot of them in front of Gennifer Flowers' condominium, and it wasn't
my intention ever to take pictures of Bill Clinton going in to see
Gennifer Flowers. I could care less who Bill Clinton goes to see.
But it just so happened she lived next door to me and I mounted the
camera there.

LARRY NICHOLS: Guess what he caught on tape? Bill Clinton walking into
Gennifer Flowers' apartment on numerous occasions -- with a key.

GARY JOHNSON: I actually saw him go into her condominium. It wasn't
that I was standing there looking out my peep hole, watching Gennifer
Flowers' condominium. It had nothing to do with Bill Clinton, it's
just that I had got, I had got the camera. I had the camera before
Gennifer Flowers moved in and when she moved in she just happened to
have some very interesting house guests.

LARRY NICHOLS: Go back to 60 Minutes when Bill and Hillary were love
and kisses. They stood up and lied, and Bill said that he'd never been
to her apartment, that he'd only called her once from the kitchen and
from his office. That's an absolute lie, and these tapes proved it.


GARY JOHNSON: I'd been Gennifer Flowers' neighbor, I knew that Bill
Clinton wasn't telling the truth about that. Bill Clinton, I think,
would do just about anything to, to save his political hide.

LARRY NICHOLS: He got threatening phone calls. He asked me, he said,
"Will they hurt me?" I said, "Well, they haven't hurt me." And I
don't know why I didn't worry more about that.

GARY JOHNSON: Basically what they said was, "You mind your own
business," and all it did was made me mad. I never thought in a
million years that anybody would follow up on it.

LARRY NICHOLS: We filed the request for the subpoenas on Thursday.
Saturday morning we found Gary Johnson beaten and left for dead. And
without getting into gory details, both elbows were dislocated, his
collar bones were broken, his spleen and his bladder were ruptured
with holes the size of half dollars in them. His nose, his sinus
cavities were all crushed. He had been beaten by Clinton's people.

INTERVIEWER: Were they very large?

GARY JOHNSON: Yes, (laugh), yes they were.

INTERVIEWER: Did they say, "Where's the tape?"

GARY JOHNSON: Yes, they asked me for the tape.

LARRY NICHOLS: Now what's sick is the man gave them the tapes, and
then they went and broke his elbows, punctured his spleen, punctured his

GARY JOHNSON: They looked like state troopers, I'll say that. Clinton
can be a very dangerous individual in the state of Arkansas.

You never answered my question.

Why did you leave out all that data about Nichols when you first mentioned him? You know about lying to get his job, about teaming up with Singlaub, about the over 1000 phone calls on state time and money, about the fraud and screwing over his victims by declaring bankruptcy?

This is the kind of guy you trust?

And then you have the Clintons running Arkansas like a Gestapo state. And forcing people to sign false affidavits. You left out: with a gun to their head. Sort of like Hitler's Night of the Long Knives perhaps?

This sounds very much like Aynseworth in Newsweek describing Garrison's "reign of terror" in New Orleans.

That is it for me.
Greg Burnham Wrote:Thanks Beans.

Whew. It saved me from being even less kind!

The following is slightly off topic for this thread, but not for this behavior:

In Dallas this year, Morrow asked 4 questions during my presentation at COPA. Two of the questions were related to "who dunnit" (McGeorge Bundy and/or Cabot Lodge)? -- with an emphasis on their relationship to Rockefeller. The other two questions also related directly to Rockefeller:

"Was Rockefeller a hawk on Vietnam?"


"Who did LBJ support for president in 1968, covertly?" (answer, according to Morrow: Rockefeller).

It seemed lost on him that Rockefeller was NOT the topic of my presentation. Yet, he arbitrarily inserted his "slant" there simply because "he could get away with it" I suppose. It was inappropriate, it was irrelevant to that topic, and it was ill-advised drivel.

Quite similar to the performance he has displayed here.

A pity.

Nelson Rockefeller was a topic of your talk, Greg, except you did not know it. I am not the first person to say that one big reason JFK was murdered by the CIA was because of Vietnam. It may not be my #1 issue, but it was a factor. Nelson Rockefeller and those CIA Republicans like Allen Dulles, George Herbert Walker Bush, name 10 others, were hawks on Vietnam. If you read the thread above, you will see in JFK and the Unspeakable where Nelson Rockefeller is suggesting to JFK in 1961 to USE TACTICAL NUKES ON NORTH VIETNAM.

That is extremely signficant as is the fact Lyndon Johnson was supporting Nelson Rockefeller for president in spring, 1968 and the fact that Nelson Rockefeller ran the Rockefeller Commission, yet another cover up for the murder of John Kennedy.

It is also extremely signficant that McGeorge Bundy was a "Rockefeller man" - and also a hawk on Vietnam, -and also writing NSAM 273 with policy positions that JFK would not approve, the night BEFORE the assassination as you discussed. His brother Bill Bundy later - also in the Rockefeller controlled CFR - comes to work for LBJ and drafts the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in fall, 1964. Again, that is extremely significant.

I am trying to get you to think, Greg. McGeorge Bundy - that is a CFR Rockefeller man who is a hawk on Vietnam. The Rockefellers and the CFR wanted Vietnam, not John Kennedy. And the Rockefeller controlled CFR has been without a doubt one of the biggest cover up operations for the JFK assassination there is.

The CIA is just the military wing of the CFR.

Bottom line: McGeorge Bundy was working for the Rockefellers, the CFR and the hawks ... not John Kennedy. John Kennedy had already been overthrown in a coup before he was murdered.

And he feared it, too. Just read that Arthur Krock article in October, 1963.

The Lyndon Johnson - Nelson Rockefeller connection is a key link in the JFK assassination.

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