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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue
Jim..."plotters" are not under discussion. SPONSORS is the subject.
I agree that people like Ruth Paine were PLOTTERS. I think that even
Charles would deny that she is a SPONSOR.

People keep tossing terms around like they have a universal meaning.
I say that they do not. Charles and George Michael were concerned
with finding THE SPONSOR, the MR. BIG who was behind everything.
I say that this terminology is misleading because by saying LBJ was
a FALSE SPONSOR it clears him of being a conspirator. THAT is unfair.


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This is unfair Jack. Douglass does go after certain people as plotters. What he does with Ruth Paine is quite good. What he does with Angleton is good.

Now here is a short version of my paradigm:

"As the reader can see, in spite of Bugliosi's persistent denials, we have clearly connected Ferrie, Oswald, Banister and Shaw. And beyond that, here and in Part Two of this series, we have shown how they are all connected to the CIA. (Ferrie himself admitted he was involved in Operation Mongoose. And he trained Bay of Pigs participants at a camp supervised by David Phillips. Davy pgs 28, 31) Finally, we have seen how, on the outside of their activities, lurk CIA mid-level managers like Hunt and Phillips. This is anathema for Reclaiming History of course. Because as I have noted in Part 3 of the series, Phillips-and to a lesser extent Hunt-are also involved with Oswald in Mexico City. (Journalist Tad Szulc wrote that Hunt was at the CIA's Mexico City station right before Oswald, or whoever was impersonating him, was there. Destiny Betrayed p. 383) Further, Phillips confessed to his brother as he was dying that he was in Dallas the day of the assassination. We have this through his brother's son, Shawn Phillips. (Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, p. 182) Finally, James Angleton prepared a memorandum attempting to supply Howard Hunt with a cover story for him also being in Dallas that day. (The Assassinations, ed. by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, p. 195)

In light of all the above, its clear why Bugliosi is in full denial overdrive. Because by persons, actions, and locations i.e. from New Orleans to Mexico City to Dallas, you can now piece together the outline of a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. And, later on, I will list it step by step."

From Part 5 a of my Bugliosi piece.
Jim...I read every word, so I do not understand your derogatory comment.

You have written an EXCELLENT summation of facts regarding many of
of the plot.

That is not the subject of this thread! The subject is SPONSORS. The
Mr. BIG or BIGs who "ORDERED" the assassination!

Thanks for the very good timeline of some of the plotters. Now who
was the SPONSOR who gave them their orders? Then you will be ON


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Here is my long, step by step version:

"Oswald returns from Russia to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Local CIA station chief J. Walton Moore asks George DeMohrenschildt to befriend him. The Baron and his wife begin to file derogatory reports on Oswald with military intelligence. (Russell, p. 456) DeMohrenschildt introduces the Marxist Oswald to the conservative White Russian community. But more importantly he introduces the Oswalds to Ruth and Michael Paine.

The Oswalds move to New Orleans in April of 1963. Oswald meets up with his old CAP leader David Ferrie. Ferrie introduces him to Guy Banister. David Phillips and James McCord are running an anti-FPCC campaign for the CIA. The FBI is running one also. (John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, p. 243) Oswald gears up to be part of it from Banister's office. But he stupidly places Banister's office address on one of the pamphlets given him by Banister.

Since Oswald is not really a Marxist but an agent provocateur, his FPCC activities end up discrediting that committee. First, Oswald is arrested after an altercation with another CIA operative, Carlos Bringuier of the DRE-which according to Howard Hunt, is also under the wing of Phillips. And further, in a radio debate with Ed Butler and Bringuier, Oswald is also unmasked as a former defector to the Soviet Union. Because of his little street theater antics, there are photos and even films, a court record, and a recorded debate about him now.

This assignment complete, Oswald is next seen in the Clinton-Jackson area about ninety minutes north of New Orleans. Told to continue his Marxist smear tactics against CORE, he is also advised by Ferrie and Clay Shaw to put in an application at the Jackson State hospital. This part of the plot goes awry since no one anticipated the size of the voter registration drive.

After this, Ruth Paine comes down from visiting her CIA employed sister outside of Langley and picks up Marina. This will separate the Oswalds at the time of the assassination. Oswald then leaves New Orleans on a strange trip to Mexico City.

Oswald, or an imposter, visits both the Cuban and Soviet consulates in Mexico City. He makes an indelible impression by trying to get visas to both Russia and Cuba. But he is totally unprepared with his paperwork to do either. He creates an image of a dissatisfied, almost neurotic malcontent. But although the CIA says this is Oswald, Anne Goodpasture deliberately sends a picture of a man who is clearly not him to CIA HQ. Further, on at least one of the audiotapes recorded at the Cuban consulate, the FBI confirms Oswald's voice is impersonated. Since this would expose the conspiracy, the tapes disappear. Further, no photo of Oswald going into either consulate is ever produced. Finally, Oswald's files on this trip are segregated at CIA HQ so that only James Angleton has complete control over them.

Oswald returns to the Dallas-Fort worth area. He rents a room away from his wife who is now living with the Paines. Oswald starts looking for a job. A good job offer comes in as a cargo handler at a local airport. Ruth Paine does not tell him about this call. (James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, p. 172) Instead, through friends of hers, she helps him get a lower paying position at the Texas School Book Depository.

On the day of the assassination, Oswald drives to work with Wesley Frazier. Oswald reportedly said he carried a lunch bag to work that day. But Frazier says it was a much longer bag. Yet, the man who first saw Oswald enter the TSBD, Jack Dougherty, recalled Oswald with no such long bag. (WC Vol. 6, p. 377) No one else saw Oswald carrying it either. (Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 58)

Kennedy is murdered at 12:30 PM. Oswald is almost undoubtedly on the first floor at the time. Although Policeman Marion Baker later states that he confronted Oswald at the second floor soda machine, he wrote an affidavit on 11/22/63 with no mention of Oswald. He said he stopped a man in a brown jacket on the third or fourth floor. (Numbers 8 and 9, Frazier's dubious testimony about the bag, and Baker's first day report, will be discussed in Part 6 , where I measure Bugliosi's glowing review of the performance of the Dallas Police.)

Thinking there will be no more work that day, Oswald leaves the scene. He goes home, picks up his handgun and walks to the Texas Theater. He sneaks in without paying. Someone sees him do this, and the police are called. Oswald is apprehended.

That afternoon, the back-story about Oswald in Russia and his FPCC campaign in New Orleans cascades through the media, and the portrait of a disaffected Marxist is painted in the pubic mind. That night, Jack Martin taunts Guy Banister about the things that happened in his office that summer with Oswald. Banister explodes and pistol-whips him. (Davy, p. 1) That evening, at Bethesda, the military severely curtails the autopsy so that no one will ever know the true circumstances of how Kennedy was killed. Also, the FBI switches the bullet found at Parkland Hospital to fit the second rifle found at the TSBD, a Mannlicher Carcano.

On November 23rd, not realizing his small role in the plot, Shaw/Bertrand calls Dean Andrews to go to Dallas to defend Oswald. Also on that day, the CIA sends information to LBJ that Oswald was meeting in Mexico City with the head of KGB assassination plots in the Western Hemisphere. This information freezes any real investigation of Oswald since it may lead to World War III. That night, Oswald tries to make a phone call to Raleigh, North Carolina to a man named John Hurt, a former military intelligence officer. The call is deliberately not put through by the Secret Service. The next day, Jack Ruby murders Oswald.

On 11/24 David Ferrie begins to look for any connection between himself and Oswald: library cards or CAP pictures depicting the two. On this day, Johnson calls his first meeting on Vietnam. He makes it clear he is reversing Kennedy's policy. His aim is to win the war. (John Newman, JFK and Vietnam, p. 442)

Frightened by Johnson's warning to Earl Warren about World War III, the Commission does not do any real investigation. Ruth and Michael Paine, along with an intimidated Marina Oswald, become the chief witnesses against Oswald. It is Ruth who eventually produces the Imperial Reflex camera allegedly used to take photos of the Walker house and the backyard photos of Oswald by Marina. This camera was not found by the Dallas Police in either of their two searches of the Paine residence. And none of the cameras they did find that day could have taken the photos. Further, the Imperial is a camera that Marina did not know how to operate. Ruth and Michael also helped make Oswald's Minox spy camera disappear, by claiming it was theirs. It was Ruth Paine who first found a book with a note by Oswald (without his fingerprints on it) describing what Marina should do if he gets in trouble with the law. Ruth surfaced this on November 30th, one day after the first report that Oswald may have been involved in the Walker shooting.

This plot outline is pretty much demonstrable today. And it is not that difficult to comprehend. Which is why Bugliosi does everything he can to obfuscate it."

From the end of part 5 b of my Bugliosi piece. I guess you didn't read it Jack.
Jack White Wrote:Charles and George Michael were concerned
with finding THE SPONSOR, the MR. BIG who was behind everything.
I say that this terminology is misleading because by saying LBJ was
a FALSE SPONSOR it clears him of being a conspirator. THAT is unfair.



By giving only HALF of my characterization of LBJ, it is YOU who are being "unfair."



I hope that my position now is crystal clear for you.


Charles Drago Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:Charles and George Michael were concerned
with finding THE SPONSOR, the MR. BIG who was behind everything.
I say that this terminology is misleading because by saying LBJ was
a FALSE SPONSOR it clears him of being a conspirator. THAT is unfair.



By giving only HALF of my characterization of LBJ, it is YOU who are being "unfair."



I hope that my position now is crystal clear for you.



Charles, I want to be FAIR. I have named a name as Mr. BIG (Sponsor).
It may or may not be correct...but is as good as evidence allows.

Please be fair by naming YOUR Mr. BIG (Sponsor). (However, as I noted,
I do not believe there was an organizational chart).



Your name was David Rockefeller, correct?
David Rockefeller.

I specifically wanted to ask Charles where he (Rockefeller) fits in his (Charles') model of Sponsors and False Sponsors.

I am also most curious to hear what Jim DiEugenio has to say about Rockefeller.

Kennedy appears to have been a big impediment to how the Rockefeller's did business, both at home and abroad.

How many Rockefeller men in JFK's cabinet? Who did Allen Dulles really work for? John McCloy?

Or, does the "Sponsor" element of the conspiracy travel even further down the rabbit hole?

Below is a link from an interview William Weston did with Steve Gaal that was posted on the Education Forum that may be of interest:

And, I have to say, it's been a big pleasure reading the postings of Jim DiEugenio on the JFK forums these past months.

And, for the love of God, can someone get Robert Charles-Dunne on Black Ops Radio?
Jack White Wrote:Charles, I want to be FAIR. I have named a name as Mr. BIG (Sponsor).
It may or may not be correct...but is as good as evidence allows.

Please be fair by naming YOUR Mr. BIG (Sponsor). (However, as I noted,
I do not believe there was an organizational chart).



Good Morning,

I'm afraid I can't do that simply because I don't know. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm still working via the process of elimination.

I feel confident to state for the record that there was no "Mr. Big" in the cartoon sense. There was, however, a very small assemblage of ... forgive the vague terminology ... Earth Movers who, having conducted a de facto risk/reward analysis, made the decision to engage the most gifted and powerful of Facilitators under their control and thus set the plot in motion.

I think it far more likely that if there were a single individual in command of any major element of the plot, he or she would have sat atop the Facilitator level. Angleton is a candidate, but I'm hesitant to be definitive.

Whoever designed the plot understood theatrics and had a grasp of historical precedent (the literary pursuits of Angleton, Phillips, and, to a lesser degree, Hunt track back to the former, as do Lansdale's creative impulses; Bill Kelly's work on what he terms "Valkyrie in Dealey Plaza" resonates with me in terms of the latter).

Further, we must understand the likely non-denominational character of some of the Sponsors, Facilitators, and Mechanics. Remember, I and others believe that for the most powerful forces on the planet, the Cold War was a fictive construct -- a theatrical production. All of my work in the deep political arena is predicated on this conclusion/hypothesis.

Accordingly, I see a very strong link -- beyond timing -- between the removals of JFK and Khrushchev.

(Not to mention the irony of the removals' respective methodologies: the leader of God's Free World is blown apart, the leader of the evil, totalitarian system is peacefully replaced.)

Finally, I'll step over a few lines and declare that I (and others) sense a spiritual dimension within the motives of certain Sponsors.

Jack, I wish I could be more specific. In the past you've characterized me as being overly cautious in certain aspects of my JFK work. And you may be right.



If we were to ask Central Casting to send us the perfect Sponsors, they'd place a call to Kykuit.

"Kennedy's eat Rockefellers for breakfast."

Not so much, alas.

In my Constitutionally protected opinion, David Rockefeller is a prime suspect.

JFK represented the threat OF peace -- and of the impact of peace on human consciousness. That is why the Unspeakable acted.

The self-correcting system worked.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Jack, this is from the end of my Part Ten on Bugliosi. I compare how the power elite worked in the JFK case with Iran Contra.

"In the real world, it doesn't work like this. Power groups do not operate in complete isolation from each other. They intersect each other at many points. Of course, from their perspective, normal middle-class people do not see it. They can't. And the MSM does not tell us about it, since part of their function is to keep us in the dark about how the Power Elite actually operates. But every once in a while something extraordinary happens and the media can't completely hide the way the world really works.

One such incident occurred on October 5, 1986 in Nicaragua. On that day, pilot Eugene Hasenfusa former Marinewas flying a C-123 cargo plane while delivering supplies to the Contras. A young Sandinista soldier shot the plane down with a shoulder launched rocket. Hasenfus disobeyed orders by wearing a parachute. The Sandinistas captured him alive. He had a black book on him with a list of phone numbers that connected him to Ilopango air base in El Salvador. That base was run by infamous CIA officer Felix Rodriguez. Thus began the unraveling of a huge conspiracy that included the importation and sale of cocaine, illegal money to a secret army, illegal arms shipments to our alleged enemy Iran, and hostage selling. The giant conspiracy included the CIA, President Reagan, VicePresident Bush, the National Security Council, a wealthy class of multi-millionaire donors, the Secretary of Defense, the military, the Secretary of State, and the Mossad. It was a massive criminal enterprise supposedly run by a lowly Lt. Colonel named Oliver North. But we later learned that this was just a pre-planned cover story and that the upper-level conspirators had designed it that way. An honest prosecutor named Laurence Walsh indicted 14 of the plotters. But as one of his last acts as president, George H. W. Bush pardoned some of his fellow conspirators. So the truth is, we will never know the real extent of this spiraling, multi-leveled plot.

But the point is, this is the way that the Power Elite works. Centers of power are not separated from each other. They live next door to each other and work together. In the Iran/Contra affair the guy at the bottom was Hasenfus. The giveaway was the black book. In the JFK case, the guy at the bottom was Oswald. The giveaway was the Corliss Lamont flyer he stupidly stamped 544 Camp Street. That flyer has eventually unraveled a wide conspiracy. But unlike with Iran/Contra, there has been no Walsh allowed to uncover and prosecute at least some of it.

By keeping these groups artificially isolated, Bugliosi clouds our view of where the evidence leads and what really happened. What most observers believe today is that the conspiracy before the fact was run by the Agency with aid from the Cuban exiles. The exiles were eager to help since they despised Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs and his refusal to invade Cuba during the Missile Crisis. After Oswald was apprehended, the CIA called in the Mob, its former partner from the Castro plots: Enter Ruby, exit Oswald. Lyndon Johnson and his friend J. Edgar Hoover had no difficulty participating in the cover-up. LBJ was now safe from being kicked off the ticket and possibly indicted; Hoover was now rid of his boss, the hated Bobby Kennedy, and would cover up Oswald's FBI informant status. After being prodded by Eugene Rostow and Joe Alsop, LBJ then picked a blue-ribbon whitewash committee consisting of the likes of Allen Dulles, Jerry Ford, and John McCloy. Men he knew personally and who he knew would keep the true circumstances of what happened concealed until he was elected. With Hoover as their chief investigator, how could it be otherwise? The last touch on the whitewash was the phony information from Mexico about Oswald and what he did at the Russian and Cuban consulates, and Oswald with the KGB chief of assassinations in the Western Hemisphere. This was used to intimidate Johnson. He then used it in turn to scare the hell out of Earl Warren, whose choice put the temporary seal of respectability on his whitewash panel.

Unlike the grade school picture that Reclaiming History implies, this is the real way the Power Elite operates. It's a world the MSM hides from us. But with what has happened to this country of late, adults can now understand America for what it really is. It's not Ozzie and Harriet, and it's not heroes in white hats and villains in black. We live in a gangster state where laws are broken with impunity, since the perpetrators know that there is little chance they will ever be caught, and less, that they will be punished.

And they've known that since 1963."

This is a resonant and illuminating exposition of the difficulty of categorically naming and bringing to justice the Sponsors of any deep political episode.

The post reveals the fashion in which the Hasenfus incident enabled an entire drugs smuggling and arms trafficking black operation to be unpicked by investigative journalists and researchers.

This in turn led to the exposure of the hostage negotiations with Iran, and the attempt to manipulate the American Presidential election: clear geopolitical treachery. Or, if one views wars and "terrorist" atrocities as the deliberate creation of fear through the strategy of tension to preserve elite power, then the pulling back of the curtains to reveal the stage, the actors and the dramatists.

A major distinction between the initiating acts of the investigations of Iran-Contra and the JFK assassination is that Hasenfus' (arms/cocaine) flights and little black book were not meant to be discovered. Whereas Oswald was deliberately cast as patsy #1.

With Hasenfus, the original evidence was clear and largely uncontaminated. Whereas the "facts" of Oswald's life were already part of a long and murky intelligence legend (or even legends). In both cases, the original "evidence" was then further contaminated with disinformation, the eradication of genuine information and the elimination of human sources.

We know the identity of the key Mechanics and Facilitators of Iran-Contra, and can speculate in an informed fashion about the likely Sponsors. But we cannot categorically name them because the official investigation was sabotaged, George HW Bush pardoned many of the Facilitators, and courageous researchers like Gary Webb were murdered ("suicided" by shooting himself twice in the head).
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Thank you, Charles.

And, in my Constitutionally protected opinion, you are dead on with the constructs of the Kennedy murder.

Here is a section of "JFK and the Unspeakable" that caused me to stop and read twice:

Quote:In 1955, Air Force Headquarters ordered Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, a career Army and Air Force officer since WW II, to set up a Pentagon office to provided military support for the clandestine operations of the CIA. Thus Prouty became director of the Pentagon's "Focal Point Office for the CIA."

CIA Director Allen Dulles was its actual creator. In the fifites, Dulles needed military support for his covert campaigns to undermind opposing nations in the Cold War. Moreover, Dulles wanted subterranean secrecy and autonomy for his projects, even from the members of his own government. Prouty's job was to provide Pentagon support and deep cover for the CIA beneath the different branches of Washington's bureaucracy. Dulles dictated the method Prouty was to follow.

"I want a focal point," Dulles said. "I want an office that's cleared to do what we have to have done, an office that knows us very, very well and then an office that has access to a system in the Pentagon. But the system will not be aware of what initiated the request - they'll think it came from the Secretary of Defense. The won't realize it came from the Director of Central Intelligence."

Dulles got Prouty to create a network of subordinate focal point offices throughout, then throughout the U.S. government. Each office that Prouty set up was put under a "cleared" CIA employee. That person took orders directly from the CIA but functioned under the cover of his particular office and branch of government. Such "breeding," Prouty said decades later in an interview, resulted in a web of covert CIA representatives "in the State Department, in the FAA, in the Customs Service, in the Treasury, in the FBI and all around through the government - up in the White House...Then we began to assign people there who, those agencies thought, were from the Defense Department. But they actually were people that we put there from the CIA."
I've listened to John Perkins, the author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" speak on several occasions. He tells the story of working as a representative of World Bank and USAID through Chas. T. Main in Boston.

His job was go into underdeveloped countries and sweet talk the leadership to take on an enormous amount of development loans, loans given to them under fraudulent terms, loans they could never hope to re-pay. At that point, if you'll forgive my language, these countries became the United States' little bitch, and were, in effect, owned.

As part of the negotiations Perkins was authorized to offer these leaders bribes, making them very wealthy men. Of course their country would be crippled, their resources stripped, and their poor would suffer, but the poor have no humanity when it comes to profit margin according to these people.

And, if the leadership failed to respond to the proposal and the bribes? Perkins says his job of negotiation was over and they sent the "jackals" in to assassinate them.

They sent the jackals in to get rid of John Kennedy. This murder just happened to be on domestic soil. Not the first and not the last. Getting rid of leaders that don't cooperate is all part of the business model. And, more than any specific thing that JFK did during his brief presidency (like Vietnam or the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty), he was fucking with this business model and the ownership of the United States. He had to go.

To speculate furthur, all this took to begin was one brief conversation between David Rockefeller and Allen Dulles. On to Helms and Angleton and the whole thing swings into technicolor motion.

Of course, I'm always open to "or maybe not."

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