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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
Mark Stapleton Wrote:However when you analyse the next column, under the heading military aid to Israel, a different picture emerges.

The total during the JFK years comes to $26.5, an average of about $9 million per year. This was his sale of Hawk antitank missiles to Israel in 1962/63, the first major arms sale to Israel. It was a defensive weapon. The combined total during the LBJ years was $219 million, an average of $44 million per year, a fivefold increase in military aid to Israel compared to the Kennedy years!

Another thing LBJ pioneered was the concept of Qualitative Military Edge (QME). This was the concept that US aid to Israel must try to ensure their ally has a qualitative edge on their regional neighbours.


David isn't honest and is only going to enter a pro-Israel spun argument. His vigorous emphasis on reference and sources is a superficial tactic designed to look like superior scholarship, but as your reply here shows it is disingenuous and deceptive. Unfortunately, any zionist source like the Jewish Virtual Library is almost automatically dismissible. If David were attempting honest analysis he would correctly involve the Liberty incident in which the same CIA/Israel cabal that killed Kennedy, once again, did its evil business and attempted to murder the crew of the electronic surveillance ship USS Liberty. Mossad agent Amit came forward and admitted CIA agent Hadden had spoken to him and told him that the political winds in America were not strong enough for direct support of Israel in its war with the arabs. Hadden told Amit that if they could sink a US ship that would be enough to bring America behind Israel on a military basis. What gets to me the most about the people who protest this stuff is how they ignore, while accusing others of "aiding in the cover-up" with their political views, that they themselves are the biggest protectors of these Kennedy killers with their irrational hatred of this topic.

What stands out the most here is that since David hasn't ever read Piper he doesn't understand that his Jewish Virtual Library doesn't possess the 'data' he demands in its columns which references the Lansky/Tibor Rosenbaum/Israel Swiss bank underground or its political affiliations. You see David is a man who jumps up and down and condemns you for not providing enough 'data' while being ignorant of the fact he omits the most important data you could possibly cite in this matter. Piper doesn't however. So while David is cooking the books with pro-Israel information and shouting how badly sourced some are he completely omits this critical cabal and its vital connection to the CIA/Israel power that was born out of the Kennedy assassination. This deep dirty money cabal that was connected to the French Connection provided millions in covert money that never showed up on David's Jewish Virtual Library accounting books. That was the whole damned purpose of the thing. So while accusing ME of being like Belin and Specter, David uses their Warren Report method of omitting whole blocks of evidence in his crafted offerings. So while we are asked to listen to David's kivetching protests and heated reprimands, and hear about how poor a case we are making vs his superior entries, David is completely oblivious to the fatal error he makes vs Piper. I would guess the reason for this is because he hasn't read the book and therefore doesn't understand the violation he is committing. No, this subject can't be handled by witchcraft. It has to be handled by the facts. And so far the protesters have failed resoundingly, and mostly by default. Those millions in mob kickbacks that went to Geneva and Tibor Rosenbaum's Banc de Credit Internacional were overseen by ardent zionist and head US syndicate treasurer Meyer Lansky. Lansky was a central US mafia figure. He never did one minute in jail. He was literally the only US mob figure of his prominence to do no jail time. I wonder why??? I think we know what hasn't been denied here...
So per Piper at 34 and 63 as described by his adherents Stone's scene ought to present LBJ speaking the line:

"Just get me in office--I'll give you your damn' reactor."

Johnson contracts with Israel to manipulate Oswald, stock the barrel-shoot with snipers, control the FBI investigation, track down and sanitize evidence and testimony over a half century so that a plot comparable to LBJs ranch can continue to run the world.

Not a sponsor-facilitator-mechanic model but a textbook obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Another Doyle's His Last Bow at 191:

Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age.

This of course at the outset of WW I, and as we learned in Preparata, the period 1922-1944 would be primarily effected by Montagu Norman as director of the Bank of England.

Now comes the Piper thesis of Zionist primacy in the latter half of the Twentieth Century.

So now it's MORE unsupported statements AND Ad homs, the level of your reposnses seems to drop a few notches with each passing day...

You now believe that LBJ and McNamarra had NO INFLUENCE on what went to Israel and Why?

Uh, OK

The Question of Arms for Israel and Jordan

As the year 1964 began, Israel launched an intensive effort to obtain modern U.S. tanks to counterbalance Soviet-equipped UAR forces. The request ran counter to established U.S. policy to avoid becoming a major arms supplier to either side in the Arab-Israeli dispute. Although the Kennedy administration had diverged from the policy with its 1962 sale of Hawk missiles to Israel, Johnson administration officials were reluctant to depart further from it. While there was much sympathy for Israel's request within the administration, as well as awareness of the domestic political benefits of providing the tanks in an election year, there was also concern over the likely Arab reaction and the impact of a sale on U.S. interests in the Near East and influence in the Arab world. (3, 7, 10, 13, 28, 29, 42)

(DJ: Wow, just what JFK was concerned over....)

After an interdepartmental review, the National Security Council Standing Group agreed that the anticipated Arab reaction precluded a direct U.S. tank sale to Israel, but that the United States should assist Israel in obtaining British, French, or German tanks. White House aide Myer Feldman was dispatched to Tel Aviv to tell the Israelis that the United States would not sell tanks directly but would help them obtain tanks from Europe. (47, 48, 54-57) When Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol visited Washington in June 1964, Johnson told him the United States would help Israel in every way possible to obtain British and German tanks at an affordable price. (64, 65) Subsequently, a complicated arrangement was worked out in which Israel would purchase U.S. tanks from Germany, with modernization kits to be supplied by the United States, supplemented by British tanks. The German tank deal was contingent on secrecy. (98)

While the tank negotiations were still underway, a new request for U.S. arms came from Jordan. King Hussein informed the Embassy that Jordan was under pressure from the Unified Arab Command (UAC), which had been created in January 1964 by an Arab summit meeting, to expand Jordanian military forces and introduce Soviet equipment, including tanks and a squadron of supersonic fighters. Hussein had told the UAC that Jordan could obtain U.S. equipment, but if the United States would not provide it, he would be under irresistible pressure to accept Soviet aircraft. (77) The request, especially the request for supersonic aircraft, posed a difficult problem. A sale to Jordan would lead to enormous pressure to sell similar equipment to Israel, with the inevitable Arab reaction, but the administration considered the alternative of a Soviet presence in Jordan unacceptable. (79, 80, 90, 115) At an NSC meeting in February 1965, President Johnson and his advisers agreed that a tank sale to Jordan was necessary but that they should try to persuade King Hussein to forego supersonics or buy Western European planes. (128) Meanwhile, Eshkol was informed of the pending U.S. tank sale to Jordan and the likelihood of Jordan's acquisition of supersonic jets. His strongly negative reply increased Johnson's concern about domestic reaction to the sale of arms to Jordan and persuaded U.S. policymakers that it would be necessary to reverse the policy against direct arms sales to Israel. (135, 136, 138)
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:However when you analyse the next column, under the heading military aid to Israel, a different picture emerges.

The total during the JFK years comes to $26.5, an average of about $9 million per year. This was his sale of Hawk antitank missiles to Israel in 1962/63, the first major arms sale to Israel. It was a defensive weapon. The combined total during the LBJ years was $219 million, an average of $44 million per year, a fivefold increase in military aid to Israel compared to the Kennedy years!

Another thing LBJ pioneered was the concept of Qualitative Military Edge (QME). This was the concept that US aid to Israel must try to ensure their ally has a qualitative edge on their regional neighbours.


David isn't honest and is only going to enter a pro-Israel spun argument. His vigorous emphasis on reference and sources is a superficial tactic designed to look like superior scholarship, but as your reply here shows it is disingenuous and deceptive. Unfortunately, any zionist source like the Jewish Virtual Library is almost automatically dismissible. If David were attempting honest analysis he would correctly involve the Liberty incident in which the same CIA/Israel cabal that killed Kennedy, once again, did its evil business and attempted to murder the crew of the electronic surveillance ship USS Liberty. Mossad agent Amit came forward and admitted CIA agent Hadden had spoken to him and told him that the political winds in America were not strong enough for direct support of Israel in its war with the arabs. Hadden told Amit that if they could sink a US ship that would be enough to bring America behind Israel on a military basis. What gets to me the most about the people who protest this stuff is how they ignore, while accusing others of "aiding in the cover-up" with their political views, that they themselves are the biggest protectors of these Kennedy killers with their irrational hatred of this topic.

What stands out the most here is that since David hasn't ever read Piper he doesn't understand that his Jewish Virtual Library doesn't possess the 'data' he demands in its columns which references the Lansky/Tibor Rosenbaum/Israel Swiss bank underground or its political affiliations. You see David is a man who jumps up and down and condemns you for not providing enough 'data' while being ignorant of the fact he omits the most important data you could possibly cite in this matter. Piper doesn't however. So while David is cooking the books with pro-Israel information and shouting how badly sourced some are he completely omits this critical cabal and its vital connection to the CIA/Israel power that was born out of the Kennedy assassination. This deep dirty money cabal that was connected to the French Connection provided millions in covert money that never showed up on David's Jewish Virtual Library accounting books. That was the whole damned purpose of the thing. So while accusing ME of being like Belin and Specter, David uses their Warren Report method of omitting whole blocks of evidence in his crafted offerings. So while we are asked to listen to David's kivetching protests and heated reprimands, and hear about how poor a case we are making vs his superior entries, David is completely oblivious to the fatal error he makes vs Piper. I would guess the reason for this is because he hasn't read the book and therefore doesn't understand the violation he is committing. No, this subject can't be handled by witchcraft. It has to be handled by the facts. And so far the protesters have failed resoundingly, and mostly by default. Those millions in mob kickbacks that went to Geneva and Tibor Rosenbaum's Banc de Credit Internacional were overseen by ardent zionist and head US syndicate treasurer Meyer Lansky. Lansky was a central US mafia figure. He never did one minute in jail. He was literally the only US mob figure of his prominence to do no jail time. I wonder why??? I think we know what hasn't been denied here...

Do you not speak or understand english "albert"...

No one here is asking you to read (let alone understand) my posts. AND CERTAINLY NOT INTERPRET THEM FOR US.
So rather than stating your case with even an ounce of cited Piper's sources or text... you attack ME ??
Have you no self respect at all?

Have you posted anything Piper wrote in YOUR defense, or as support for YOUR conclusions? Not once.
Have I? Repeatedly.

I have the entire book in pdf... point to something already... I WILL POST IT FOR YOU if you give me the passage...
and we can all see for ourselves whether your intimate knowledge of the book has any merit.

And yes "Albert" what hasn't been denied is a statement of yours you STILL cannot own up to, and the FACT you only offer opinions...
Alot of WOULD BE's and COULD BE's and I THINK's without anything but benign letters and Sy Hersch to back you up.

Maybe you could take a little peak at the 30+ pages of posts aimed at you actually stepping to the plate with PROOF, not just speculation..

Here you go "Albert" more from Piper's book: Sadly, as I search and search thru Piper... I cannot find the support you say is there...
Page #'s please.


BTW - the word "NERVOUS" appear 3 times in the ENTIRE TEXT. and not once in relation to Ben-Gurion
"BREAKDOWN"? once. "MENTAL" twice... once below and the other related to Forrestal...

If I want to find something in that book, it is easily done.. except if you're looking for supporting evidence of the conclusions.

Ben-Gurion's biographer suggested that there was
no one specific political reason, but that it was his
general mental statemanifested by a series of
panicky, even paranoid, actionsof the previous ten
weeks that led the seventy-six year-old leader to

When we saw the advance publicity for Final
Judgment, which claimed that this book would offer
"astounding proof" that Mossad had a hand in the
JFK assassination, we were a bit nervous. As it turns
out, the Mossad links presented by Piper are
circumstantial rather than conclusive, but definitely
worth considering. Other aspects of the JFK morass
that Piper discusses, such as the Mafia-CIA-Israeli
connection (starring Meyer Lansky and James
Angleton), Charles DeGaulle and his problems with
the OAS, and the spooky business of Permindex, are
rarely treated in other JFK literature.
David Josephs Wrote:So now it's MORE unsupported statements AND Ad homs, the level of your reposnses seems to drop a few notches with each passing day...

You now believe that LBJ and McNamarra had NO INFLUENCE on what went to Israel and Why?

Uh, OK

You posted data but you didn't know how to read & interpret it correctly. The data supported my argument, not yours.

No apology or even a clarification I notice--just more insults.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Mossad agent Amit came forward and admitted CIA agent Hadden had spoken to him and told him that the political winds in America were not strong enough for direct support of Israel in its war with the arabs. Hadden told Amit that if they could sink a US ship that would be enough to bring America behind Israel on a military basis.

Albert, you've summarised the state of play very well once again.

Do you have a source on the passage I've highlighted? I know who Meir Amit is, but I haven't heard this story before.

The premeditated attack on the Liberty obviously had a purpose.
In my last post I pointed-out that David missed the entire point of Piper's book. That point was that the Lansky/Rosenbaum Swiss bank underground was a serious covert funding source that entirely qualified the funding numbers David cited. Indeed the whole point of the book was that Israel was super-funded by this illegal US mob/CIA funding source that was overseen by zionist Meyer Lansky. David's response to this was to lecture me that I had failed his required reference and source demands. But anyone can see he simply refuses to answer the point and never did. David, once again, simply rips away from the point being made to self-reference his constructed counter-scenario without ever bothering to describe how that answers the point. Not very honest - yet that is still good enough to get praises for his approach from some.

Also, when shown that his desperation to create this artificial scenario led him to quote Piper-proving numbers in an opposite manner he didn't admit it or respond in any honest way. Instead he lectures that he can't force us to understand his material correctly. Hmm. Seeing how he has been repeatedly disproven numerous times, I'm confused on what exactly he is pointing to that isn't being understood?

In David's response I'm searching for something that shows any kind of honest answer to Piper's evidence that Israel was receiving large sums of money through this dirty bank network. Tibor Rosenbaum doesn't have a bronze plaque in Israel praising him for being responsible for the funding of the formation Israel because Piper lacks the proof David demands. Banc de Credit Internacional wasn't finally shut-down by European banking commissions because Piper lacked proof. Nor was BCCI used to replace it because there wasn't an important dirty bank funding underground this cabal relied on. Yet while David has his data entries blow up in his face and prove Piper we are lectured that we have failed his standards.

What people who hate Piper miss is that Bobby was going after the mob. As The Unspeakable exhibits the 'low level' Cuban who told Wayne January that the cabal really wanted Bobby more than Jack was indirectly evidencing something important. Bobby threatened this "follow the money" funding nexus. Really, I think if people are worried about their input aiding the cover-up they should worry about this.

Maybe David should read the book. - Just a suggestion. Maybe then he can give a straight answer as to how this vital Mediterranean/Swiss bank underground served as a prime funding source directly connected to CIA/Cuba/Israel and its importance in the assassination. So far he hasn't. That network was a vital political/financial trunk line for the cabal that can't be ignored with any credibility.
Sorry Mark,

I somewhat interpolated Hadden's statement. What he actually said to Amit was get the arabs to attack a US ship. Obviously Mossad felt that it was better to do the job yourself if you wanted it done right and then ordered the unmarked Israeli aircraft attack on the Liberty. Obviously CIA and Israel were operating under the premise that if it was so easy to kill JFK in Dealey Plaza and get away with it a little false flag operation involving the sinking of a US ship (as recommended by Hadden) would not be too difficult:

Almost 45 years ago, on May 25, 1967, in the midst of the international crisis that precipitated the Six-Day War, Amit, then head of the Mossad, summoned John Hadden, the C.I.A. chief in Tel Aviv, to an urgent meeting at his home. The meeting took place against the background of the mounting tensions in the Middle East, the concentration of a massive Egyptian force in the Sinai Peninsula, the closing of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and the threats by President Gamal Abdel Nasser to destroy the State of Israel.
In what he later described as "the most difficult meeting I have ever had with a representative of a foreign intelligence service," Amit laid out Israel's arguments for attacking Egypt. The conversation between them, which was transcribed in the document Amit passed on to me, went as follows:

Amit: "We are approaching a turning point that is more important for you than it is for us. After all, you people know everything. We are in a grave situation, and I believe we have reached it, because we have not acted yet. . . . Personally, I am sorry that we did not react immediately. It is possible that we may have broken some rules if we had, but the outcome would have been to your benefit. I was in favor of acting. We should have struck before the build-up."

Hadden: "That would have brought Russia and the United States against you."

Amit: "You are wrong. . . . We have now reached a new stage, after the expulsion of the U.N. inspectors. You should know that it's your problem, not ours."

Hadden: "Help us by giving us a good reason to come in on your side. Get them to fire at something, a ship, for example."

Amit: "That is not the point."

Hadden: "If you attack, the United States will land forces to help the attacked state protect itself."

Amit: "I can't believe what I am hearing."

Hadden: "Do not surprise us."

Amit: "Surprise is one of the secrets of success."

Hadden: "I don't know what the significance of American aid is for you."

Amit: "It isn't aid for us, it is for yourselves."

That ill-tempered meeting, and Hadden's threats, encouraged the Israeli security cabinet to ban the military from carrying out an immediate assault against the Egyptian troops in the Sinai, although they were perceived as a grave threat to the existence of Israel. Amit did not accept Hadden's response as final, however, and flew to the United States to meet with Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. Upon his return, he reported to the Israeli cabinet that when he told McNamara that Israel could not reconcile itself to Egypt's military actions, the secretary replied, "I read you very clearly." When Amit then asked McNamara if he should remain in Washington for another week, to see how matters developed, McNamara responded, "Young man, go home, that is where you are needed now."

From this exchange, Amit concluded that the United States was giving Israel "a flickering green light" to attack Egypt. He told the cabinet that if the Americans were given one more week to exhaust their diplomatic efforts, "they will hesitate to act against us." The next day, the cabinet decided to begin the Six-Day War, which changed the course of Middle Eastern history.

Amit handed me the minutes of that conversation from the same armchair that he sat in during his meeting with Hadden. It is striking how that dialogue anticipated the one now under way between Israel and the United States. Substitute "Tehran" for "Cairo" and "Strait of Hormuz" for "Straits of Tiran," and it could have taken place this past week. Since 1967, the unspoken understanding that America should agree, at least tacitly, to Israeli military actions has been at the center of relations between the two countries.

During my lengthy conversation with Barak, I pulled out the transcript of the Amit-Hadden meeting. Amit was his commander when Barak was a young officer, in a unit that carried out commando raids deep inside enemy territory. Barak, a history buff, smiled at the comparison, and then he completely rejected it. "Relations with the United States are far closer today," he said. "There are no threats, no recriminations, only cooperation and mutual respect for each other's sovereignty."
I am not at all trying to enter a dog in any fight, but I have a question regarding Jack Ruby's shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald. He supposedly said he did it to prove "Jews have guts", or words to that effect, but I am curious if there is any video with audio of him making that statement. I have read that he said that, but I don't recall seeing any video with audio "proof" that he did. I understand that "proof" is relative, and "assume" the person he shot was Lee Harvey Oswald.


Your obsession with ME as opposed to proving your case is pathetic and sad....

Piper is letting you down, not me "Albert"... the reality of history is letting you down. I just happen to be the messenger.... which is why you and your Ad hom sidekick need to spend all your time attacking me rather than defending you position....and when your ad hom buddy asks for a source... you can't even provide it to HIM.

Quote:In David's response I'm searching for something that shows any kind of honest answer to Piper's evidence that Israel was receiving large sums of money through this dirty bank network. Tibor Rosenbaum doesn't have a bronze plaque in Israel praising him for being responsible for the funding of the formation Israel because Piper lacks the proof David demands. Banc de Credit Internacional wasn't finally shut-down by European banking commissions because Piper lacked proof. Nor was BCCI used to replace it because there wasn't an important dirty bank funding underground this cabal relied on. Yet while David has his data entries blow up in his face and prove Piper we are lectured that we have failed his standards.

And all this has WHAT to do with BG supposedly being harrassed into pushing for and assisting in the assassiantion of JFK over Dimona?

You post every possible piece of data you can find EXCEPT that which we are talking about... ??

Quote:Mark Stapleton
[Image: quote_icon.png] Originally Posted by David Josephs[Image: viewpost-right.png]
Quote:So now it's MORE unsupported statements AND Ad homs, the level of your reposnses seems to drop a few notches with each passing day...

You now believe that LBJ and McNamarra had NO INFLUENCE on what went to Israel and Why?

Uh, OK

You posted data but you didn't know how to read & interpret it correctly. The data supported my argument, not yours.

No apology or even a clarification I notice--just more insults.

Where is the insult to you in my post? and why not actually address the topic, not the poster? which is your ongoing adhom ploy to avoid dealing with the issues...

Here was YOUR post though...

Quote:Fiscal year 1964, when US foreign aid to Israel fell from 87 million to 37 million, and military aid fell from 13.3 million to zero was a Kennedy fiscal year, not a Johnson fiscal year. What a genius you are.

Do you believe LBJ and McNamarra had influence on the Financial Aid to Israel in Fiscal 1964?
Do you understand that during JFK's tenure spending INCREASES... and then DROPS AFTER HE IS KILLED....

Do you SEE that until JFK there was virtually NO MILITARY ASSISTANCE?
Do you even bother to READ the actual correspondance of the times...

The policy of the US was to NOT intervene militarily for Israel... it is not until 1985 that these LOANS become GRANTS... 1985 Mark...

If LBJ was the great Zionist hope for Israel, why does it take until 1966 to show any significant increases and then are you also going to blame JFK for the drop form $90 Million to $7M in 1967?
In 1968, 50% of that total is Food 4 Peace Loans....

Once again with you two,... you state things yet they are ALWAYS WRONG, and they ALWAYS point in the opposite direction of your conclusions....

If anything, JFK finally broke the seal that allowed the US to overtly support Israel.... and had the de Galle to ask for peaceful negotiations and honesty from its ally....
All Israel did was lie to us.

How you or anyone can read my posts and see them as PRO-Israel in this fight is not reading very carefully.
If ANYTHING, the ongoing stance of Israel towards the USA made their own bed to sleep in.... and we STILL did not make any "DEMANDS" of Israel, other than honesty.

Yes indeed Mark... Israel sure does benefit from LBJ's thanks to the trifecta pulling off this crime... oy.

Now if you could only offer something to support that conclusion... right?

U.S. economic grants to Israel ended in 1959. U.S. aid to
Israel from then until 1985 consisted largely of loans, which Israel repaid, and
surplus commodities, which Israel
bought. Israel began buying arms from the
United States in 1962, but did not receive any grant military assistance until
after the 1973 Yom Kippur War. As a
result, Israel had to go deeply into debt to finance its economic development
and arms procurement. The decision to convert military aid to grants that year
was based on the prevailing view in Congress that without a strong Israel, war
in the Middle East was more likely, and that the U.S. would face higher direct
expenditures in such an eventuality.
Israel has received more direct aid from the United States
since World War II than any other country, but the amounts for the first half of
this period were relatively small. Between 1949 and 1973, the U.S. provided
Israel with an average of about $122 million a year
, a total of $3.1 billion
(and actually more than $1 billion of that was loans for military equipment in
1971-73) . Prior to 1971, Israel received a total of only $277 million in
military aid, all in the form of loans as credit sales
. The bulk of the economic
aid was also lent to Israel. By comparison, the Arab states received nearly
three times as much aid before 1971, $4.4 billion, or $170 million per year.

Moreover, unlike Israel, which receives nearly all its aid from the United
States, Arab nations have gotten assistance from Asia, Eastern Europe, the
Soviet Union and the European Community. Congress first designated a specific
amount of aid for Israel (an "earmark") in 1971

[TABLE="width: 240"]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]Total
[TD="class: xl67, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]Military Loan
[TD="class: xl67, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]Military Grant
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1949
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]100
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1950
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1951
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]35.1
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1952
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]86.4
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1953
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]73.6
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1954
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]74.7
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1955
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]52.7
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1956
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]50.8
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1957
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]40.9
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1958
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]85.4
[TD="class: xl69, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1959
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]53.3
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]0.4
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1960
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]56.2
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]0.5
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1961
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]77.9
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]*
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1962
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]93.4
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]13.2
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1963
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]87.9
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]13.3
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]1964
[TD="class: xl68, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"]37
[TD="class: xl69, width: 80, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
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