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A Simple Question as We Prepare for the 50th
What do we want?
Charles Drago Wrote:What do we want?

I want the full truth of his murdered death and justice.

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:What do we want?

I want the full truth of his murdered death and justice.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
In a word: Closure.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Thanks, one and all, for your responses.

I respect you and your passions.

But you beg additional questions.

Upon whose authority will truth be accepted? The parent state? Caroline Kennedy? A box of previously undisclosed evidence?

How do you define "justice" in this case?

And to what would "solving" this case bring closure?
Adele Edisen Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:What do we want?

I want the full truth of his murdered death and justice.


Agreed. Now CD asks how we define and accomplish this. Certainly, IMHO, the corrupt state, heir to the Coup cannot and will not help in this regard. It will take the People, largely through individual and group action, books, films, internet and 'the drum' simply creating a 'critical mass' of understanding not only they were lied to [that has already been accomplished]; but the basics of how, by whom and why. The natural sequellae should then be a righteous indignation/outrage/demand over this treason/deception/manipulation - due both to the act itself and the consequences [which to the sophisticated or awakened increasingly] will be seen to include the horrible changes in American personal/family economy, polity, freedoms, liberties, rights, loss of democracy and rule of law, the purchase and control of the four 'estates' of the Nation, War over Peace, the super-spy state, the growing police state, the crypto-fascist state, the rule by the financial and corporate elites. It won't end with a trial or real investigation, IMO..though that would be nice - unless that is done on foreign soil by an international body; but rather by an overthrow of the Coup (i.e. a total change in form, structure and function of the State - and who it serves). This is, obviously, asking a lot - more so if one hopes for it by this November. The ongoing collapse of America however is awakening the slumbering and mind controlled masses - pushing them to face many things they did not want to and were told not to examine about both history v. myth, as well as the very structure of the Country - who it serves (and is constructed to serve), and if that ought not to be changed: from benefiting a small ruling elite to benefiting the great mass of those who live within it. An awakening and a total change of paradigm will open the eyes on JFK [and vice-versa], as well as a host of other assassinations, needless wars, covert operations, dirty deeds, grand thefts, deceptions, et al. It is a HUGE task - but there is simply no other choice, IMO. It is either that or the American Empire, after some very ugly death throws, sinks into history, as have all previous Empires. It is one of those moments in history - a grand tipping point - there is no middle ground anymore for playing ostrich - when the economics, structure, function, legitimacy, and ethics of this polity and its trace of false official history are 'on fire' and about to 'implode'. It will not and can not be cured by clinging to the illusions/mythology/tactics of the past. IMHO
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Nicely and bravely put, Peter.
Charles Drago Wrote:Thanks, one and all, for your responses.

I respect you and your passions.

But you beg additional questions.

Upon whose authority will truth be accepted? The parent state? Caroline Kennedy? A box of previously undisclosed evidence?

None of those "authorities" can deliver Truth.

Thanks to the efforts of the brave researchers frequently praised on DPF, Truth about the public execution of JFK is largely knowable.

That Truth will never become "History" because its clarity is muddied and blurred by many: both those who have a vital interest in suppressing the Truth (eg for want of a better shorthand phrase, the military-multinational-intelligence complex), and those who are too foolish and obsessed to see it (eg "researchers" such as Fetzer and snake oil salesmen such as "Cinque").

Charles Drago Wrote:How do you define "justice" in this case?

And to what would "solving" this case bring closure?

I do not understand the meaning of "Closure". It is not a philosophical concept I can embrace.

The murder of JFK is but one atrocity in the larger conflict.

As for "justice", I recognise it at the level of personal morality.

I have never seen it at the level of state or court or corporation or church.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Thanks, one and all, for your responses.

I respect you and your passions.

But you beg additional questions.

Upon whose authority will truth be accepted? The parent state? Caroline Kennedy? A box of previously undisclosed evidence?

None of those "authorities" can deliver Truth.

Thanks to the efforts of the brave researchers frequently praised on DPF, Truth about the public execution of JFK is largely knowable.

That Truth will never become "History" because its clarity is muddied and blurred by many: both those who have a vital interest in suppressing the Truth (eg for want of a better shorthand phrase, the military-multinational-intelligence complex), and those who are too foolish and obsessed to see it (eg "researchers" such as Fetzer and snake oil salesmen such as "Cinque").

Agreed. I would add that somehow -- against the immeasurable forces brought to bear by cultural and even biological imperatives -- we must no longer empower and default to the parent state for guidance, assurance, and truth. In the JFK case, the truths of conspiracy and cover-up and the identities of key Facilitators have been discovered and shared for decades. And we continue to learn more with each passing year.

But what good is truth if it is not used to bring about justice?

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:How do you define "justice" in this case?

And to what would "solving" this case bring closure?

I do not understand the meaning of "Closure". It is not a philosophical concept I can embrace.

The murder of JFK is but one atrocity in the larger conflict.

As for "justice", I recognise it at the level of personal morality.

I have never seen it at the level of state or court or corporation or church.

I define "justice" in this case as the enlightenment, empowerment, and liberation of the extended victims of the assassination -- the peoples of the world who continue to suffer the political, economic, and cultural oppression visited upon them by the Sponsors and their Facilitators.

I agree with Jan that "justice" begins at home, so to speak.

"Closure" is a subjective state of being. For me, I will experience "closure" in the case of JFK's assassination when the "justice" of which I write is experienced universally.

It is a virtual certainty that I shall not enjoy such an experience in this body. But enjoy it I shall. Because it is my faith that our personal and collective struggles continue beyond the demise of mortal self, and that the arc of the universe bends toward the "justice" sought by myself and countless others.

To hasten that day, I shall continue to engage the enemy by speaking truth to the power it wields and knowing the power that is peace.
In discussions with other independent researchers over the past year, we decided that the best tactic is not to engage in debate with Lone Nutters or each other over the details or who was responsible for the assassination because such discussions can't seriously take place until all the facts are in, so instead we are pushing for the release of the remaining government records, the strict enforcement of the JFK Act of 1992, and Congressional oversight hearings on the JFK Act, which should obtain new sworn testimony.

On a not-so-public front, some of us are attempting to get a grand jury established to accept new evidence and witness testimony of any crimes related to the assassination, including destruction of records and evidence, obstruction of justice, perjury, or any crime whatsoever, either a Special Federal Grand Jury in DC or Dallas or a local Dallas grand jury that could look into the Tippit murder and thus include the murder at Dealey Plaza.

Such legal proceedings could bring legal closure to the case if it is conducted properly and fully.

[URL=""]JFKcountercoup: JFK Assassination Grand Jury - Basis for Legal Action
Towards this end I have been posting new articles on my blog JFKcountercoup
every other day, and posting sources and notes and articles by others at my other blog

I am also a regular contributer to Jeff Morley and Rex Bradford's
[URL=""]JFKfacts - Memory / Truth / Meaning

[/URL]In addition I have started a new blog JFKToday2013 that will tryto keep up with the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary events and happenings.

I am also scheduled to make a presentation at the Wecht Conference in Pittsburgh in October on an acoustical forensic analysis of the Air Force One radio transmission tapes, which I might also re-present at the COPA conference in Dallas in November.

I'm doing my part, what's everybody else doing?

Bill Kelly

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