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Moderated discussion of Destiny Betrayed 2nd Ed

That might be changing now.

I have two national radio shows lined up, one in February and one in March.

The notices will be made at

The first one will be Zoomer Radio's The Conspiracy Show at AM 740 on Sunday, February 17th. This show is from a 50,000 watt station out of Toronto. It hits all of eastern Canada and down into the eastern seaboard into the Carolinas. I will be on at 11 PM EST.

THe second one will be on March 27th on The Law Business Insider. I will have more info on this soon.
Donovan advised, "You've got to pick up every stitch."

Walter Sheridan proved to be a man for all slanders


A license to snoop, to steal, to slay a man's reputation

Now comes ARGUS-IS as the All-Seeing Eye

Attached to the winged monkey of the Cabaldrone family

beside a Hellfire missile

Terabytes of data for the NSA Utah center

In Garrison's day the watchers bugged the phones and sat in cars or stood in doorways

Now they watch touchscreens streaming from loitering dronefeed

Gordon Novel went out with protestations of teddybearness

(I have heard of an identical threat made to another researcher as described here: )

Muttering of UFOs

Oh there be UFOs alrighty




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Did Charles finish the book during the snowstorm? He said he was reading it.

I am sure he would be fun to have on board here.
Well, do you want to do a "Build it and they will come on this issue?"

Announce a date and time and just hope everyone turns up?

Like say Seamus and Charles and Dawn and VV etc.
So, what is a good time for everyone? Lot's of time zones to take into account. Where is everyone located?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I live on the West Coast so its a three hour difference.

5:00 PM here is 8 PM in New York.

That would be OK.

Or we could do it on a weekend.
I'm in Melbourne, Australia. I recall that when the Home Theater Forum ran their studio chats, a late evening chat in the US would land mid afternoon where I was, so a Friday night chat in the US would see me free the Saturday afternoon to join in, and a Saturday night chat would see me free for the Sunday down here to do the same. I'm busy this weekend, free the next month of weekends after that. Hope something can be found that fits everyone in. Jim's times listed above would probably work out ok for me.
If you build it I will ....
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Well, I think we can accomodate Anthony can't we?

At least we should try.

How about the first weekend in March? Either Friday or Saturday night.
Just posted this note around. The stuff on the key disinfo journalists in here is so dense that it is very frustrating to try to summarize the case against em. I settled for extracting a couple of taste spoons.

These taste spoons, or key paragraphs from the book might be a good way of generating interest. This book has the power to delegitimate the Corporate Media if it gets around.

I am reminded of the key line at the end of Three Days of the Condor " ... If they print it." Robert is standing in front of the New York Times building.

What would be the equivalent line for the internet age? Something to think about if we want the 50th to have impact.

Please post this around if you can. It's either us or nobody. The Corporate Media is afraid of the free market of ideas.

James Phelan is a very interesting journailist who was involved in reporting the JFK Assassination. He is comparable to Hugh Aynesworth and Priscilla Johnson McMillian in the hub role all have played in shaping intelligence agency disinformation in key places in the media spectrum and at key times in the media-history of the case. All three journalists have long histories of collaborating with the CIA.

I strongly recommend the new book Destiny Betrayed (2nd edition) by Jim DiEugenio. The book has much more background on Phelan than I can type here, but I just want to share a couple of paragraphs that are illustrutive of just how the CIA can prevent real journalism at key moments in US history.

"Now that we know much more about him, there are many paths one can follow in order to understand what Phelan did in the Garrison investigation. A good place to start is his long association with Robert Loomis. Loomis was a former top editor at Random House wh was known for sanctionain books that specialized in concealing true facts about the assassinations of the sixties: in 1993 he sponsored Gerald Posner's infamous Case Closed; in 1970 it was Robert Houghton's book on the RFK case, Special Unit Sentator; and then again, he helped publish Posner's 1998 book on the King case, Killing the Dream. The reader should note, not only did Loomis help get these spurious books published, he got them out at timely moments in history. The Houghton book was published right after the trial of Sirhan Sirhan . The John F. Kennedy book was out at the 30th anniversary of his death. The King book was also published at the 30th anniversary, and in the midst of a swirling contraversy abou that case due to legal proceedings instituted by attorney William Pepper in Memphis. Well, Loomis was the editor for Phelan's 1982 book which featured a long and derogatory chapter on the Garrison Case

Before Phelen ever got to New Orleans and Shaw's preliminary hearing, he had already done work for government agenceis....." (p. 244, Destiny Betrayed)


"That journalistic duo, Phelan and Aynesworth, were both on the scene: Phelan as a witness for the defense and Aynesworth to help Shaw's attorneys. An odd thing about htis was that neither man had an ostensible writing assignment at the time. But it turned out that Phelan had a very special function for his backers. Most reporters in town to cover the proceedings rented a hotel room. But not Phelan. Phelan rented a house.(16) Why would he do sucha a thing if he was not there to write a story? Becuase his was a much bigger assignment. His job was to put the spin on each day's testimony for the residing press corps, thereby controlling the entire national media reportage on the Shaw trial. How did he do such a thing? He would invite all the reporters over to his rented house at the end of each day. He would then serve them refreshments and snacks. He then would spell out the next day's story on a chalkboard. This is how some of the most interesting and important testimoney rpresented during the proceedings got covrered up by the media. On the day the Zapruder film was shown, Phelan had his work cut out for him. For the repeated showing of the film--depicting Kennedy's body being violently knocked back-- really shook up the press. It appeared Garrison was right, it was a conspiracy. But when they arrived at Phelan's rented house, the reporter pulled a proverbial rabbit out of his hat. He took out his chalboard, raised up his piece of chalk, and he began to outline the dynamics of the socalled 'jet-effect' explanation for the action on the film. That is, if Oswald was firing from behind Kennedy, why does Kennedy's body recoil with tremendous force to the rear of the car? What Phelan and the jet effect proffer is that somehow the spurting of blood and brains served as ta jet that drove Kennedy's head backward with overpowering force.(17) This is how determined Phelan was to keep a lid on what came out of the trial. One can only assume where the reporter got his quick course in physics to dream up such a theory in a matter of hours.

Actually, we can do a bit more than assume. Decades later, David Chandler wrote an article for a small magazine, called Westward. Towards the end of the piece he wrote that, in early 1964, Phelan was in J. Edgar Hoover's office....." (p. 290)

There is tons more context to these two paragraphs; my intention here is just to provide some tastespoons of this great book.

It shows that the JFK Assassination is the greatest deligitimator of the Corporate Media bar none. The intricacy with which it charts relations between the intelligence agencies and a myriad of journalists in the Corporate Media make this book, in essence, a guide to the plumbing of power; not the 3-branches kind of power from the 18th century, but rather, power as it works right now.

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