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06-08-2013, 03:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 03:27 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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06-08-2013, 03:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 03:43 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
Found it....Note: This was written early on in his 'investigations' and does NOT include all of his findings nor his final conclusions - they are best found in the book.
TechnologyTriggers The Truth
ByThomas W. Wilson
Itwas a monotonous evening in November, 1988. I had been conductingrepetitive
realworld analyses techniques on the detection and identification offlaws in metal
products.My industrial image processing and computer analysis system had been
performingperfectly for several weeks and had passed with flying colors.
A homevideo recording of the 25th anniversary of the JFK assassination waslying
nearbyon my desk. I removed the metals test tape from the system andinserted the
JFKtape into the recorder. As the program played through the system,extracting
uniqueprocessed images from the overall scene, it was entertaining towatch.
However,the moment the famous Mary Moorman photograph appeared, a quest that
wouldchange my life was initiated.
Myimage processing system has been taught to provide a visual sparkleor flash of
brightnesson the monitor when bare metal, a flaw, is detected on a coil ofcoated
metal.I was shocked when the machine detected and flashed a spot behind thefence
onthe grassy knoll. The image processing system had always beentruthful in its
detectionand identification capability. This new disclosure signified only oneof two
possibilities.Either years of image processing development was flawed, or there was
ametallic object behind the fence.
Iabandoned all my other projects.To determine which possibility was inerror, several
weeksof unrelenting analyses and confirmation techniques provedscientifically that
themachine did tell the truth. The sparkle was the detection of metalwithin the
photograph.Additional processing of the metal object provided enough finite datato
concludethat it was a metal badge, worn by a person standing and firing arifle from
behindthe fence on the grassy knoll. After reviewing the assassinationvideo tape and
doingsome research at the library, I came to the bone chilling conclusionthat this
technologyhad triggered the truth. Our 35th President had been assassinated bya
Fteamof conspirators.
Sincemy initial finding in 1988, I have used my technology as aninvestigative tool to
._..)analyze the only true artifacts of the JFK assassination that arestill frozen in time.
Theseartifacts known as the Bronson, Moorman, Nix and Zapruder images have
divulgedthe truths that lay within. Truths that the human eye cannot reveal.The major
findingsby image processing are:
ThePresident's wounds. A projectile fired from the grassy knollentered his neck
justabove his necktie knot and exited at the back of his neck. Thetracheotomy incision
didnot destroy this evidence. A projectile fired from the Texas SchoolBook Depository
enteredhis back at a 45 degree angle to the vertical axis of his spine. Aprojectile fired
fromthe grassy knoll entered his head at his right front and exited fromthe top right
sideof his head.
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page2- Technology triggers the truth
Multipleassassins. The artifacts reveal two shooters behind thefence on the
grassyknoll. Other non conforming individuals are detected in the crowd atDealy
Plazaand the surrounding building windows.
Locationof the President's limousine. The exact position of thelimousine is
paramountto the paths of the projectiles. When the projectile struck his head,the
limousinewas further down Elm street and closer to the fence than originally
concluded.Triangulation of two photographs taken at different angles is moreaccurate
thancounting movie frames.
Autopsyphotographs. If the purported official autopsy photographs Ihave
analyzedmatch the originals now in custody, the truth is known. Some of theautopsy
imageshave been photographically altered. The President's skin coloring,abnormal
dueto Addison's disease, is one telltale sign of where the cadaver endsand a fake
Amore compelling piece of evidence is the restorative art performed onthe cadaver.
Anextensive image analysis of several cadavers in all states ofrestorative art,
performedby credible licensed practitioners was completed. When the processed
imagesof these cadavers are compared, the exact correlation is immediately
apparent.It is extremely important to safeguard the photographs now in custodyfrom
TheOswald backyard photographs. The Warren Commission, basedupon
experttestimony, concluded that Exhibits 133 A and B are truthful evidencethat
Oswalddid own and display the assassination rifle. Oswald's wife, Marina,testified
underoath that she did take photographs of him wearing and holdingfirearms and
dressedin identical garb. Analyses of these photographs show that they were
photographicallyaltered. Oswald's face is superimposed on another head and body.
Otherareas of the figure are a combination of two different photographs.The reflection
ofthe sun on the shoes of the figure were correlated to the angularzenith of the sun's
travel.This has provided the exact time of day the photograph was taken. Thetime of
dayis critical to the Warren Commission findings.
Withthis evidence, I traveled to Texas to speak with Oswald's widow,Marina, to
establishwhy, when the photographs are fake, she stated she took similar
photographs.What I found in Texas was an intelligent, compassionate woman, still
carryingthe stigma as the widow of the man accused of assassinating thePresident.
Marinais trying to live in peace. As a new American citizen, she believesthe American
peoplehave tremendous power in their collective hands and there is no placefor
publicapathy where the future of our country is at stake. At this meeting,we found out
whythe photographs are different in content.
SinceNovember 22,1963, many people have been involved in seeking thetruth.
Somehave been deceivers and some have been deceived. Some havegained
monetaryriches and some have paid with their lives and / or reputations.Many
Americansbelieve that we do not know the truth. It is time to end this montageof
conspiracy.Image processing technology has uncovered enough hard evidenceto
triggerthe truth.
Iam prepared to testify under oath, along with 'other witnesses whowill come forward,
topresent hard evidence of a conspiracy. I would like the opportunityto present my
findingsto the Kennedy family, as I did to Marina Oswald Porter. When theysee my
evidence,I believe they will support me in demanding a new investigation. Iam
preparedto provide the complete description of the image processinghardware,
softwareand protocol to several credible institutions for a controlledsimultaneous
verificationof my findings. The entire verification process, documentation andall
associateddata and findings must be made available to the American public.
Whenthese actions are taken, the truth, triggered by today's technology,will be known
andjustice will prevail.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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19-08-2013, 03:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2013, 04:57 AM by Adele Edisen.)
Albert Rossi Wrote:Adele Edisen Wrote:Some time ago Jack White and i defended Tom Wilson's work on another forum. His life long work and expertise was in detecting flaws in metal ingots at a U.S. Steel's foundry. He used photographic methods in this work, and then later appied the method to analyze photographs. There is nothing mysterious about it, as it is based on scientific principles involving light and its interactions.
Hi Adele,
Is this discussion still available somewhere? I would like to read it because offhand I would think that there is a difference between using light reflected off a metal surface to determine something about the composition of that surface, and using light reflected off a 2D photographic representation of an object to determine something about the composition of the represented object (not the composition of the photograph itself). I am (earnestly) seeking enlightenment (if you pardon the pun) here ...
Hi, Albert,
That discussion was on the Education Forum some years ago. I don't know if this is available anywhere, unless the Ed Forum was archived. The term "photonics" or "photoptics" (as best as I can recall, probably "photonics") was used to describe Wilson's method. Hope this helps. Try Google for definition.
Sorry to be late in replying, but I am not at my own computer these days.
P.S. Albert, the correct term is PHOTONICS for Tom Wilson's works. Photoptics refers to the optics involved in vision of the eyes. Photonics involves all forms of electromagetic radiarion, which includes light, and this is a special branch of physics. Google can supply definitions of photonics and examples of this science.
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Adele Edisen Wrote:Albert Rossi Wrote:Adele Edisen Wrote:Some time ago Jack White and i defended Tom Wilson's work on another forum. His life long work and expertise was in detecting flaws in metal ingots at a U.S. Steel's foundry. He used photographic methods in this work, and then later appied the method to analyze photographs. There is nothing mysterious about it, as it is based on scientific principles involving light and its interactions.
Hi Adele,
Is this discussion still available somewhere? I would like to read it because offhand I would think that there is a difference between using light reflected off a metal surface to determine something about the composition of that surface, and using light reflected off a 2D photographic representation of an object to determine something about the composition of the represented object (not the composition of the photograph itself). I am (earnestly) seeking enlightenment (if you pardon the pun) here ...
Hi, Albert,
That discussion was on the Education Forum some years ago. I don't know if this is available anywhere, unless the Ed Forum was archived. The term "photonics" or "photoptics" (as best as I can recall, probably "photonics") was used to describe Wilson's method. Hope this helps. Try Google for definition.
Sorry to be late in replying, but I am not at my own computer these days.
P.S. Albert, the correct term is PHOTONICS for Tom Wilson's works. Photoptics refers to the optics involved in vision of the eyes. Photonics involves all forms of electromagetic radiarion, which includes light, and this is a special branch of physics. Google can supply definitions of photonics and examples of this science.
Hi Adele,
Possibly this is the item on the Ed Forum you are talking about.
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Started by Jack White, Oct 16 2009 04:41 PM
Defense by Jack, Bernice, Adele--and the airbrushed Peter, together with the brazen know-nothing "Colby"--what crude censorship
I found this excellent passage from Jack
Photography is based on a very simple principle.
1. A white base material, usually paper, has a "silver" emulsion spread evenly on its surface
to a precise DEPTH.
2. Exposure to light PENETRATES the depth of the emulsion in proportion to the intensity of the
light falling on it.
3. The photo paper is "developed", removing LAYERS of emulsion in proportion to the amount
of the light exposure.
4. The print is VIEWED by eyes viewing the print in LIGHT WHICH PENETRATES THE THICKNESS
Anyone who does not understand this LAYERING of tones in a photography cannot possibly
hope to understand Wilson's work.
The eye can only perceive about 20 shades of gray. The computer can easily perceive 256
shades of gray (and even many times that amount).
Hence you take a computer when you're sniffing for drugs, bombs, cadavers, because you're mortal
Tom didn't go from drawing Marvel Comics--he went from analyzing steel--for the guy in Network who foghorned Howard Beale
It's eerie seeing Peter referred to
Colby or "Colby" seems the least interesting man in the world
"I seldom read books, but when I don't, I pan them. Stay ignorant, My Friend."
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19-08-2013, 09:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2013, 10:34 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Yes, that was one of, if memory serves me, two threads on Wilson on the EF. As Phil has pointed out any post I made [and there were many long ones relating about interactions and discussions I actually HAD with Tom Wilson about his technique and his work on some photos for me [for which he DEMANDED] the best possible quality, non-copied version possible!] - now 'air-brushed' out, as Phil put it. The book on Tom Wilson's life has many deficiencies IMO. First, the author had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. How the Wilson family chose him, I do not know. Second, it had been decided NOT to include the highly technical photonics, scientific theory and data - as well as the MANY applications for which it is used in science, industry, intelligence and other places. It was a book for the average person without a scientific background and on that it fell short, IMO, on explaining sufficiently the techniques, the databases he used, and the theory behind it. As stated earlier, Dr. Wecht would likely be the best person to inform about Wilson as an often used expert witness in Court. He was never successfully challenged and removed as such. Photonics is not an easy to explain science. Modern computers and optical input devices can detect several tens of millions of colors and more shades of grey than the eye can. Other data from the reflected photons from a real object or a photo/image/video can be determined, which the eye/brain can not discern. Especially when matched against calibrated databases [which Wilson constructed over many years], these can produce information not normally thought to be obtainable in photos/images. When Wilson retired from USS [as their photonics, and thus, surface quality control engineer for the steel produced] instead of being given a watch he was given what at the time was a mini-mainframe computer, which he used for his work. Lucky for us, computers have gotten more powerful over time. I especially custom built the computer I currently have with REPRODUCING Wilson's work in mind. I have been [along with everyone else] denied access to his materials. I also had a man break into my flat and smash this computer to pieces and abscond with most of my hard drives. It is now rebuilt [taking a year's work], with some loss of data.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Yes, that was one of, if memory serves me, two threads on Wilson on the EF. As Phil has pointed out any post I made [and there were many long ones relating about interactions and discussions I actually HAD with Tom Wilson about his technique and his work on some photos for me [for which he DEMANDED] the best possible quality, non-copied version possible!] - now 'air-brushed' out, as Phil put it. The book on Tom Wilson's life has many deficiencies IMO. First, the author had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. How the Wilson family chose him, I do not know. Second, it had been decided NOT to include the highly technical photonics, scientific theory and data - as well as the MANY applications for which it is used in science, industry, intelligence and other places. It was a book for the average person without a scientific background and on that it fell short, IMO, on explaining sufficiently the techniques, the databases he used, and the theory behind it. As stated earlier, Dr. Wecht would likely be the best person to inform about Wilson as an often used expert witness in Court. He was never successfully challenged and removed as such. Photonics is not an easy to explain science. Modern computers and optical input devices can detect several tens of millions of colors and more shades of grey than the eye can. Other data from the reflected photons from a real object or a photo/image/video can be determined, which the eye/brain can not discern. Especially when matched against calibrated databases [which Wilson constructed over many years], these can produce information not normally thought to be obtainable in photos/images. When Wilson retired from USS [as their photonics, and thus, surface quality control engineer for the steel produced] instead of being given a watch he was given what at the time was a mini-mainframe computer, which he used for his work. Lucky for us, computers have gotten more powerful over time. I especially custom built the computer I currently have with REPRODUCING Wilson's work in mind. I have been [along with everyone else] access to his materials. I also had a man break into my flat and smash this computer to pieces and abscond with most of my hard drives. It is now rebuilt [taking a year's work], with some loss of data.
Peter, Don Phillips is an accomplished author (see
In the book, he says that Tom Wilson asked him to take up the project.
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Ray Mitcham Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:Yes, that was one of, if memory serves me, two threads on Wilson on the EF. As Phil has pointed out any post I made [and there were many long ones relating about interactions and discussions I actually HAD with Tom Wilson about his technique and his work on some photos for me [for which he DEMANDED] the best possible quality, non-copied version possible!] - now 'air-brushed' out, as Phil put it. The book on Tom Wilson's life has many deficiencies IMO. First, the author had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. How the Wilson family chose him, I do not know. Second, it had been decided NOT to include the highly technical photonics, scientific theory and data - as well as the MANY applications for which it is used in science, industry, intelligence and other places. It was a book for the average person without a scientific background and on that it fell short, IMO, on explaining sufficiently the techniques, the databases he used, and the theory behind it. As stated earlier, Dr. Wecht would likely be the best person to inform about Wilson as an often used expert witness in Court. He was never successfully challenged and removed as such. Photonics is not an easy to explain science. Modern computers and optical input devices can detect several tens of millions of colors and more shades of grey than the eye can. Other data from the reflected photons from a real object or a photo/image/video can be determined, which the eye/brain can not discern. Especially when matched against calibrated databases [which Wilson constructed over many years], these can produce information not normally thought to be obtainable in photos/images. When Wilson retired from USS [as their photonics, and thus, surface quality control engineer for the steel produced] instead of being given a watch he was given what at the time was a mini-mainframe computer, which he used for his work. Lucky for us, computers have gotten more powerful over time. I especially custom built the computer I currently have with REPRODUCING Wilson's work in mind. I have been [along with everyone else] access to his materials. I also had a man break into my flat and smash this computer to pieces and abscond with most of my hard drives. It is now rebuilt [taking a year's work], with some loss of data.
Peter, Don Phillips is an accomplished author (see
In the book, he says that Tom Wilson asked him to take up the project.
I don't know if Tom did, or his wife and or son did...doesn't matter, my criticisms of the book I think are still valid [though the book is not a horrible one, nor devoid of some interesting information - the only authoritative one on Wilson]. That said he still had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. He also omitted about the materials given to the FBI and Wilson's legal attempts, as well as many other pertinent facts. I fail to see the hidden reason behind your apparently trying to invalidate my statements [with one minor possible correction] above.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Ray Mitcham Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:Yes, that was one of, if memory serves me, two threads on Wilson on the EF. As Phil has pointed out any post I made [and there were many long ones relating about interactions and discussions I actually HAD with Tom Wilson about his technique and his work on some photos for me [for which he DEMANDED] the best possible quality, non-copied version possible!] - now 'air-brushed' out, as Phil put it. The book on Tom Wilson's life has many deficiencies IMO. First, the author had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. How the Wilson family chose him, I do not know. Second, it had been decided NOT to include the highly technical photonics, scientific theory and data - as well as the MANY applications for which it is used in science, industry, intelligence and other places. It was a book for the average person without a scientific background and on that it fell short, IMO, on explaining sufficiently the techniques, the databases he used, and the theory behind it. As stated earlier, Dr. Wecht would likely be the best person to inform about Wilson as an often used expert witness in Court. He was never successfully challenged and removed as such. Photonics is not an easy to explain science. Modern computers and optical input devices can detect several tens of millions of colors and more shades of grey than the eye can. Other data from the reflected photons from a real object or a photo/image/video can be determined, which the eye/brain can not discern. Especially when matched against calibrated databases [which Wilson constructed over many years], these can produce information not normally thought to be obtainable in photos/images. When Wilson retired from USS [as their photonics, and thus, surface quality control engineer for the steel produced] instead of being given a watch he was given what at the time was a mini-mainframe computer, which he used for his work. Lucky for us, computers have gotten more powerful over time. I especially custom built the computer I currently have with REPRODUCING Wilson's work in mind. I have been [along with everyone else] access to his materials. I also had a man break into my flat and smash this computer to pieces and abscond with most of my hard drives. It is now rebuilt [taking a year's work], with some loss of data.
Peter, Don Phillips is an accomplished author (see
In the book, he says that Tom Wilson asked him to take up the project.
I don't know if Tom did, or his wife and or son did...doesn't matter, my criticisms of the book I think are still valid [though the book is not a horrible one, nor devoid of some interesting information - the only authoritative one on Wilson]. That said he still had never before researched or written about things related to JFK's assassination. He also omitted about the materials given to the FBI and Wilson's legal attempts, as well as many other pertinent facts. I fail to see the hidden reason behind your apparently trying to invalidate my statements [with one minor possible correction] above.
Sounds a little paranoid that, Peter. You won't see any hidden reasons for anything as there aren't any. I wasn't trying to invalidate anything you said. I was just giving further information.