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Reports on or from the Dallas or other Conferences Re: November 22 - 55 years ago!!
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Report from Dallas

DALLAS, TEXAS. The past four days in Dallas were exciting, informative and important as we focus on trying to wrap up the case of the murdered president. Beginning on Thursday at noon at the historic Old Red Courthouse Museum at Dealey Plaza, CAPA - the Citizens Against Political Assassinations presented a full day long program of the "Last Living Witnesses," including four of the physicians who were in the emergency room at Parkland Hospital who tried to save the life of the President.

One of the four doctors, Dr. MacClelland, received CAPA's first "Profiles in Courage" Award for speaking out against the official version of events, and all of the doctors were glad to see each other again, probably for the last time. Some of the doctors complained about how they were intimidated by federal government investigators who ordered them to remain quiet.

All of the doctors gave individual reports on what they recalled of what occurred at Parkland that day.

As Research Coordinator for CAPA who has studied this case since 1969 - nearly a half-century, I was surprised to learn so much that I didn't know before, even though I didn't understand some of the medical and pathological details. All of the Parkland doctors were unanimous, including those who had passed away, in that the throat wound was a wound of entry, not an exit as the single-bullet-theory requires, AND there was a large - baseball sized - exit wound in the back of the president's head.

While this wound to the rear of the head is not seen in the autopsy photos and x-rays at Bathesda, it was also seen and testified to by Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, who is not a silly conspiracy theorist, and Tom Robinson, the Gawler Funeral home employee who arranged the corpse for the funeral, and also patched up a small - entrance wound to the temple scalp at the hairline above the right eye that is not on the autopsy report.

After the Parkland doctors, there was a technician from the Autopsy in Bethesda who was one of the five people in the room where the autopsy took place - the three doctors, him and technician Paul O'Connner, and he too recalls the small, entrance wound to the right temple.

When I asked him why he didn't shave the president's hair so the wounds to the scull could be better seen, a standard operating procedures with gunshot wounds to the head? And he replied that the Kennedy family requested a normal autopsy that would simply determine the cause of death, - a gunshot wound to the head, and not a forensic autopsy, that would create evidence that could be introduced in a court of law as evidence.

There was much discussion of the removal and deposition of the brain, which I will write about in another blogpost later.

All of those witnesses who made presentations at the CAPA event made new and interesting revelations, though there were some technical difficulties with the audio acoustics and live streaming over the internet - mainly because the "Old Red" as the locals call it, is a century old court house that is being renovated, the CAPA event was held in the Renovation Room, where the wifi was iffy and even the electrical outlets didn't all work well. So CAPA will be editing the video of the entire program down to a slick two hour program that will be posted on line at the web site ASAP.

I thought I was to be the first speaker at the JFK Lancer conference at the Lorenzo Hotel at 9 am on Friday morning, but when I got there I learned that it didn't start until noon, so I went into the hotel restaurant for breakfast and was invited to sit down with Alan Dale of the Assassination Archives and Research Center in DC, British researcher Sir Malcolm Blunt, who has spent more time in the National Archives than anyone I know, and the esteemed professor, military document analyst Dr. John Newman, who has a black belt in yoga. What a fascinating conversation we had that I wish was recorded.

It was an honor to be the very first speaker at the Lancer conference, and I'm glad I didn't follow Newman, as he would be a hard act to follow, but I did give a basic history of the secrecy of the JFK assassination records, the JFK Act of 1992 and what President Trump did in October 2017, before giving a synopsis of my Top Ten Records that were released under the JFK Act. Then Dr. Newman, attorney Bill Simpich and Malcolm Blunt gave short presentations that they elaborated on later in their own presentations.

The next day Russ Baker also gave a talk on the recently released records and how the Trump redaction process is working, or isn't working.

When I can, I will go over each of the presentations made at Lancer, and the ones I attended at the other conference held at the Doubletree Hotel, including Dick Russell, Robert Groden, Bob Tannenbaum and Dr. Wecht.

As it is now Sunday morning, and my flight home is a few hours away, I have to sign out for now, and my next report will be in much more detail.

As I said in my Lancer presentation, for a number of reasons, I am now more confident than ever that we can wrap this case up to a legal and moral certainly soon - within the next few years - we just have to do it.

And for all of those who started this fight - we have to finish it, and will.

That's it for now, over and out.

Posted by Bill Kelly at 7:09 AM

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Messages In This Thread
Reports on or from the Dallas or other Conferences Re: November 22 - 55 years ago!! - by Peter Lemkin - 22-11-2018, 03:56 PM

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