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Reports on or from the Dallas or other Conferences Re: November 22 - 55 years ago!!
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Report from Dallas

DALLAS, TEXAS. The past four days in Dallas were exciting, informative and important as we focus on trying to wrap up the case of the murdered president. Beginning on Thursday at noon at the historic Old Red Courthouse Museum at Dealey Plaza, CAPA - the Citizens Against Political Assassinations presented a full day long program of the "Last Living Witnesses," including four of the physicians who were in the emergency room at Parkland Hospital who tried to save the life of the President.

One of the four doctors, Dr. MacClelland, received CAPA's first "Profiles in Courage" Award for speaking out against the official version of events, and all of the doctors were glad to see each other again, probably for the last time. Some of the doctors complained about how they were intimidated by federal government investigators who ordered them to remain quiet.

All of the doctors gave individual reports on what they recalled of what occurred at Parkland that day.

As Research Coordinator for CAPA who has studied this case since 1969 - nearly a half-century, I was surprised to learn so much that I didn't know before, even though I didn't understand some of the medical and pathological details. All of the Parkland doctors were unanimous, including those who had passed away, in that the throat wound was a wound of entry, not an exit as the single-bullet-theory requires, AND there was a large - baseball sized - exit wound in the back of the president's head.

While this wound to the rear of the head is not seen in the autopsy photos and x-rays at Bathesda, it was also seen and testified to by Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, who is not a silly conspiracy theorist, and Tom Robinson, the Gawler Funeral home employee who arranged the corpse for the funeral, and also patched up a small - entrance wound to the temple scalp at the hairline above the right eye that is not on the autopsy report.

After the Parkland doctors, there was a technician from the Autopsy in Bethesda who was one of the five people in the room where the autopsy took place - the three doctors, him and technician Paul O'Connner, and he too recalls the small, entrance wound to the right temple.

When I asked him why he didn't shave the president's hair so the wounds to the scull could be better seen, a standard operating procedures with gunshot wounds to the head? And he replied that the Kennedy family requested a normal autopsy that would simply determine the cause of death, - a gunshot wound to the head, and not a forensic autopsy, that would create evidence that could be introduced in a court of law as evidence.

There was much discussion of the removal and deposition of the brain, which I will write about in another blogpost later.

All of those witnesses who made presentations at the CAPA event made new and interesting revelations, though there were some technical difficulties with the audio acoustics and live streaming over the internet - mainly because the "Old Red" as the locals call it, is a century old court house that is being renovated, the CAPA event was held in the Renovation Room, where the wifi was iffy and even the electrical outlets didn't all work well. So CAPA will be editing the video of the entire program down to a slick two hour program that will be posted on line at the web site ASAP.

I thought I was to be the first speaker at the JFK Lancer conference at the Lorenzo Hotel at 9 am on Friday morning, but when I got there I learned that it didn't start until noon, so I went into the hotel restaurant for breakfast and was invited to sit down with Alan Dale of the Assassination Archives and Research Center in DC, British researcher Sir Malcolm Blunt, who has spent more time in the National Archives than anyone I know, and the esteemed professor, military document analyst Dr. John Newman, who has a black belt in yoga. What a fascinating conversation we had that I wish was recorded.

It was an honor to be the very first speaker at the Lancer conference, and I'm glad I didn't follow Newman, as he would be a hard act to follow, but I did give a basic history of the secrecy of the JFK assassination records, the JFK Act of 1992 and what President Trump did in October 2017, before giving a synopsis of my Top Ten Records that were released under the JFK Act. Then Dr. Newman, attorney Bill Simpich and Malcolm Blunt gave short presentations that they elaborated on later in their own presentations.

The next day Russ Baker also gave a talk on the recently released records and how the Trump redaction process is working, or isn't working.

When I can, I will go over each of the presentations made at Lancer, and the ones I attended at the other conference held at the Doubletree Hotel, including Dick Russell, Robert Groden, Bob Tannenbaum and Dr. Wecht.

As it is now Sunday morning, and my flight home is a few hours away, I have to sign out for now, and my next report will be in much more detail.

As I said in my Lancer presentation, for a number of reasons, I am now more confident than ever that we can wrap this case up to a legal and moral certainly soon - within the next few years - we just have to do it.

And for all of those who started this fight - we have to finish it, and will.

That's it for now, over and out.

Posted by Bill Kelly at 7:09 AM

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

The Inheritance - What Became of Mrs. Lincoln's JFK Memorabilia


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The Inheritance Poisoned Fruit of JFK's Assassination - How One Man's Custody of Bobby Kennedy's Hidden Evidence Changed Our Past and Continues to Shape Our Future. By Christopher and Michelle Fulton with an Introduction by Dick Russell. (Trinday, 2018)

The Inheritance concerns some of the most important and significant records and evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy that remained out of government control for a long time, and crushed the lives of everyone who crossed paths with it, including RFK, Mrs. Lincoln, Robert White and Christopher Fulton.

Only Fulton is left alive to tell the story and a convoluted one it is, but one that is factually well-documented and confirmed by other sources, at least the key aspects we are concerned with.

The list of coincidences between the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy first garnered my interest in the murder, one of the first being Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy and Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. While I don't know about President Lincoln's secretary, JFK's secretary was Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln, a rat-pack hoarder who kept everything that came across her desk, and when LBJ took over, ended up with the entire contents of the Oval Office.

As it has been documented, in the hours after the assassination President Johnson did not enter the Oval Office but instead went to his own suite of offices in the Executive Office Building (EOB), next door to the White House, and made a number of important decisions and phone calls that were not recorded or otherwise documented.

The next day LBJ asked Mrs. Lincoln how long it will take to clear out the Oval Office so he could move in, and Mrs. Lincoln, in tears, told RFK what LBJ had asked her. RFK confronted LBJ and he said Mrs. Lincoln would have a day or two to clear out the Oval Office, and Mrs. Kennedy can live in the White House until she was ready to move.

In a footnote to his book The Vantage Point (p. 37n.) Johnson wrote, "I had insisted that Mrs. Kennedy take her time in moving from the White House. Mrs. Johnson and I therefore remained in residence at the Elms until December 7. The Attorney General notified me when the Presidential office was vacated, and I worked out of my Vice Presidential office until then, Tuesday morning, November 26."

This confirms Mrs. Lincoln's collaboration with RFK, and she was close personal friends with RFK's secretary Angela Novello.

Secret Service Agent Robert Bouck was responsible for the Protective Research Section (PRS) that was responsible for keeping tracks of threats to the president and anyone who was considered a threat to the President. On the day he was killed in Dallas, Bouck said there were no known threats to the President in Dallas. And it was Bouck who was made responsible for collecting and maintaining the evidence in the assassination, which he did, except for the evidence, records and artifacts that Mrs. Lincoln removed from the Oval Office, a major loop hole in the cover-up of the crimes related to the assassination.

Mrs. Lincoln cleared out the Oval Office, taking Kennedy's personal items as well as tape recordings, documents and everything to her home. After she retired she was called back by RFK to man an office at the JFK Library in Boston, an office that was not under the control of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). There, RFK began to assemble the evidence in the assassination of his brother including JFK's brain, which was apparently reburied with the body during a midnight 1967 reinterment in the renovated grave at Arlington Cemetery. And then RFK himself was assassinated, and there was no record of his oral instructions to Mrs. Lincoln to keep the artifacts, evidence and records intact and out of the government control.

Because they were unaware of RFK's instructions as to assembling the records independent of the government, Mrs. Lincoln was cut off by the Kennedy family, not invited to Caroline's wedding, and in the end left dangling in the wind. So instead of doing the right thing, and turn over what she had to the Kennedy family before she died, Mrs. Lincoln willed the whole treasure trove to a total stranger, the unassuming and typical American Robert White.

White too was willing to give the Kennedy family anything they wanted, if Caroline would only politely request it, but instead she was belligerent and demanding, so like Mrs. Lincoln, he too wouldn't deal with her on her terms. So White was up against not only a rich and powerful political family but the government of the United States, and he was bound to lose.

It's hard to figure out where this story really begins, and it's not yet over. As a young man Robert White watched a "Lassie" television show in which Timmy writes to famous people asking them for their autograph, which inspired White to write to President Kennedy seeking his signature. Mrs. Lincoln got the request and sent White a signed photo of the President. White wrote back thanking Mrs. Lincoln, beginning a correspondence between the two that lasted until she passed away.

In her will, that was confirmed by a judge in court, Mrs. Lincoln consigned the entire collection of JFK memorabilia, including a rocking chair, cigar box, Oval Office and telephone tape recordings, files of national security documents concerning Cuba that were not classified or even reviewed for classification, personal notes and letters and an engraved gold Cartier watch.

Robert White's dream was to establish a JFK museum and share his inheritance with the public, but before he could get there, as a normal, everyday American citizen, with little money to invest in such a project, he violated his promise to Mrs. Lincoln to keep the collection together in one place and began selling off certain items to support himself and his girlfriend. One of the first items to go was the watch, who he sold to his friend Christopher Fulton, an American building contractor who was constructing skyscrapers in Canada.

While White would cooperate with authorities and avoid prison for all of these shenanigans, Fulton became the scapegoat, and the full weight of the American Federal government came down on him. And he's lucky to have survived to tell us the story.

In the "The Maltase Falcon, Dashall Hammett's private eye Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) says, "There's another thing that's got to be taken care of first. We've got to have a fall-guy. The police have got to have a victim - somebody they can stick those murders on. The way to handle them is to toss them a victim, somebody they can hang the works on."

While I originally pictured Lee Harvey Oswald as Hammett's fall guy, that description also fits Christopher Fulton, who they hung the works on.

At a social function in Canada Fulton happened to mention to a Russian industrialist that he had JFK's watch, and the Ruskies learned about White's treasure trove of JFK records, especially the Oval Office and telephone tape recordings, that give the most accurate portrait of JFK's true feelings and intentions in the days and weeks before his assassination. The Russians wanted what White had, and they tried to use Christopher Fulton to get them.

What they didn't know is that besides the Cartier watch, White had also given Fulton the tape recordings, and Fulton listened to them and knew more of JFK's top secrets than the CIA.

White received an invitation to visit former President Ronald Reagan when Reagan learned about White's inheritance, while Fulton met personally with John Kennedy, Jr., who wanted the watch, and offered a million dollars for it.

At that point the full weight of the federal government came down on Fulton. He was arrested at his home by the Canadian Mounties, jailed, transferred to the United States and prosecuted for various money laundering and tax evasion charges that led to eight years in various federal prisons. Much of the book is about Fulton's jail time and the characters he met there, totally unrelated to the assassination story.

In the meantime, White had auctioned off some of the collection and established a mobile museum that opened at Trump Tower in New York City, with Donald Trump promoting its merits.

I first learned of these shenanigans when one of Trump's PR people in Atlantic City approached me as a Jersey Shore journalist to write an article promoting White's JFK collection that they had moved from Trump Tower to one of Trump's Atlantic City casinos. As I read the promotional material for the traveling JFK museum, that was to be in Atlantic City for the summer, I had bad feelings about it, knowing that Mrs. Lincoln's personal effects and artifacts belonged to the Kennedy family and not to this guy Robert White, whoever he was.

While Fulton was in prison, his girlfriend died suspiciously, White died of a heart attack at age 54, and John Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash, so Fulton was left holding the bag, the bag of the truth as to what really happened.

As Trinday publisher Kris Milligan warned me when he gave me the book, The Inheritance is written in a novelized fashion so while it's an easy read, the contrived conversations and fictionalized style takes away from the seriousness of the story and detracts from the basic facts that should be of concern to all JFK journalists and historians.

One of the best real journalists to cover the JFK assassination story, Dick Russell writes in the introduction, "The main character of this book is not human. It's a timepiece: the gold Cartier watch worn by our 35th President, John F. Kennedy - on the day of his assassination. His wife, Jacqueline, handed the watch to JFK that fateful morning of November 22, 1963. He was wearing it when the shots rang out in Dallas. It bore ballistic evidence. And it was no longer on his wrist when his body was flown to Washington D.C., for the 'official' autopsy. For many Americans, including myself, time stood still that day...."

"If we could turn back the clock,...and that's what The Inheritance does," writes Russell, "in an anguished plea for the truth to will out,....The reason comes down to this: JFK's watch was the single most compelling piece of evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, that someone else fired the fatal shot from the front, that a conspiracy existed - indeed a coup d'etat may have taken place in Dallas. Forensics don't lie - but they can be buried."

Instead of novelizing this story, Fulton should have written this book with Dick Russell as a true to life non-fictional account, and it would have served us all much better.

The basic facts that can be acknowledged and elaborated on is that RFK knew that his brother was the victim of a conspiracy, one that was being covered up by LBJ and the federal government, and he began collecting evidence and records on the assassination and left them in Mrs. Lincoln's control.

We knew that RFK didn't even trust the National Archives when he instructed the secretary at the National Photo Interpretation Center (NPIC) to collect, box and deliver the NPIC records on the assassination to the Smithsonian, instead of the NARA where they belonged.

Much of what Fulton says in the contrived conversations may have actually been said, and some of it is true, but he uses the conversations to get across some basic facts in the case that have been documented elsewhere.

Fulton's long and convoluted conversation with former Secret Service Agent Robert Bouck at JFK's graveside is total BS. I don't believe a word of it was spoken by Bouck, though some of it is true. Bouck was in charge of the Protective Research Section (PRS) that failed to detect any threat to the President in Dallas and was also in charge of the evidence in the assassination, and was known to be a very discrete person, not someone who would spill his guts to a total stranger like Fulton, even if he did have JFK's watch.

Nor do I believe, as Fulton attests, that LBJ had his Secret Service agents take JFK's St. Christopher and Miraculous medals so they wouldn't stop the bullets that he knew would be coming at him later that day. That's BS. JFK accidently left his medals in his Fort Worth hotel shower and they were retrieved by a Secret Service agent.

And Fulton claims that the blood and brain encrusted Cartier watch JFK wore at the time of his murder, is itself evidence of conspiracy. While RFK cleaned the blood and brain matter from the watch, and replaced the band, Fulton says that because the watch was only inches from his head when he was shot there, traces of the mercury coated bullet that exploded JFK's head could be found on the watch, proof of conspiracy. I don't buy that either.

What is true is RFK didn't trust LBJ or the government he controlled, including the NARA, and did what he could to keep the evidence and records he wanted out of their control. After he was murdered, Mrs. Lincoln was estranged from the Kennedy family and passed on her inheritance to Robert White, who himself was incapable of keeping the collection together and intact, and when he died of a heart attack at the age of 54, what remained of the collection was auctioned off separately, just what RFK and Mrs. Lincoln didn't want.

When President Kennedy was asked if a coup d'état by the military, as portrayed in the film Seven Days in May, he replied that it was possible if there was a Bay of Pigs, a second incident like the Bay of Pigs, it could happen if there was a third such incident, and he added, "but it won't happen on my watch."

But it did happen on his watch. And I'm sure if someone opens their coat and tries to sell Christopher Fulton a watch, he won't buy it.

While this book is worth buying, you can't buy the entire content, as it has been novelized, despite the extensive documentation in the massive appendix (p. 392-509) that are not fiction, but provide areas for further research.

Sir Malcolm Blunt, the British researcher, provided me with some documents he found at the Archives, including a letter from Mrs. Lincoln's Nebraska attorney who told the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) that he had in his possession two unopened trunks that were kept in a safe in his local sheriff's office that belonged to the late Mrs. Lincoln. He wanted to know what to do with them.

I have written the NARA and asked them if the ARRB obtained those trunks and want to know what was in them.

JFKCountercoup2: Mrs. Lincoln's Trunks

I also asked them about Mrs. Lincoln's collection of artifacts, evidence, recordings and documents, and asked what became of them.

Stay tuned and maybe we'll find out.

Posted by Bill Kelly at 12:00 AM
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Dear Friends of John Judge

It is November 22. The spirit of John Judge thunders on the Grassy Knoll, along with our thoughts and prayers.

We are all together on this Thanksgiving Day and on this somber anniversary.

Keep the faith ~
Love ~

Hidden History Center A Gateway for Truth
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

and edited version...

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
feel free to post any other conference url's or comments about the 55th and related.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Glad to see mention of my editor Kris Millegan.

Was there any mention at the conference of The Skorzeny Papers by Ralph Ganis?

James Lateer
James Lateer Wrote:Glad to see mention of my editor Kris Millegan.

Was there any mention at the conference of The Skorzeny Papers by Ralph Ganis?

James Lateer

I believe there were at least three conferences lately, and Lancer - the largest doesn't put its videos online for free. :Confusedtampfeet::
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
For my "celebration" of 11-22-18, I happened to watch the 3 hour "Reel America" C-Span presentation of the CBS-Walter Cronkite/Dan Rather documentary on the JFK assassination which aired in June, 1967.

I was amazed at how much "raw meat" was put on TV about the assassination and also the full hour just analyzing and criticizing the Warren Report.

Most useful to me was a 20 minute interview between Walter Cronkite and John J. McCloy. My takeaway from that was that McCloy didn't seem anywhere near as smart as I thought he was.

From McCloy's responses and from his demeanor, he had much more the look of a puppet (for the Rockefellers, German interests, the Warburg family, etc. etc.) than I expected. He was clearly not a first rate intellect. Not nearly as smart (for instance) Rumsfeldt or Cheney.

McCloy struck me as more on the level of G H W Bush. McCloy did not seem to be an even above average communicator. Maybe like General Mattis or General Kelly. Definitely not anywhere near to a Henry Kissinger or even Cronkite or Dan Rather.

What a surprise (and a let down).

The hour spent on J D Tippit and the Tippit witnesses and forensic experts on that subject was excellent.

Also the Jim Garrison interview material was fair and impartial (as much as it could be).

James Lateer
Okay, so what is anyone waiting for? As you said this 50 plus year old case is now wrapped up, or is it? You have a few living witnesses including doctors testifying, what are you going to Do? You have information, facts, theories, circumstantial evidence, and so on that Oswald was a pasty, whatcha gonna Do?

You have a list of suspects, few which have been killed, one that I know of who still lives in Plam Beach and goes by the name of Phillip Sassoon who financed my father and many of his operations, he is also a relative to the Rothchilds, whatcha gonna Do? I'll answer that, not a damn thing.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Okay, so what is anyone waiting for? As you said this 50 plus year old case is now wrapped up, or is it? You have a few living witnesses including doctors testifying, what are you going to Do? You have information, facts, theories, circumstantial evidence, and so on that Oswald was a pasty, whatcha gonna Do?

You have a list of suspects, few which have been killed, one that I know of who still lives in Plam Beach and goes by the name of Phillip Sassoon who financed my father and many of his operations, he is also a relative to the Rothchilds, whatcha gonna Do? I'll answer that, not a damn thing.

Scott, while the 'what are you going to do?' question is a valid one, I find your posts in response here and elsewhere usually very negative. CAPA is filing many suits and 'doing things' - not just having conferences; several researchers have lawsuits and others are planning them against the USG and in Canada for files denied; there is a very good 12 part made for TV [12 hours total] about the JFK assassination under production to which I have contributed some research and the head researcher is top notch; I recently discovered that there were 3,500 never before seen documents on the JFK assassination here in Europe, and I believe other significant documents outside of the USA exist and need mining; CAPA and others are exploring using Texas law to have an evidentiary hearing and trial; more books than one can count are coming out - some good- some not - on the topic; New evidence continually comes to light and more puzzle pieces fit into the grand puzzle; we've had many more documents come out [even if many are still withheld or remain redacted]; people are doing things the best they can - although there are few of us, I admit. Maybe you ought to ask yourself what are you going to do?! I'm doing what I can and I know others say that this will all amount to 'not a damn thing' is overly cynical and defeatist - and in the end wrong, IMO. In my lifetime since the Big Event and in recent years as well as just after the Assassination I have seen and endless effort to uncover the big lies and successful effort to elaborate the Truth of what happened and who was involved. I think we almost have the complete picture and certainly enough to present to the average American that it was a top-down coup d'etat, covered up by the highest authorities and covered up to this very day. If that doesn't sicken any US Citizen, nothing will. I think the research community has convinced many millions more US and World citizens the true nature of the assassination and degraded the official lies and coverup to where only the walking-willfully-blind believe it still. I'm as frustrated as anyone that more has not be 'done', but we are private citizens with few funds and are up against the system with unlimited funds and powerful resources - and every reason to perpetuate the lies formulated in 1963.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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