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Why Mark Knight Should Never Be Allowed To Be A Moderator
Harassing and haranguing members whose interpretation of the evidence --  including witness testimony -- differ from some prescribed "orthodoxy," until they either leave the forum or "convert" to someone else's interpretation has never, IMHO, been the purpose of the Education Forum. 
You cannot verbally "beat" someone into submission. As a forum member, that's improper. As a moderator, that's inexcusable...IMHO. "

     Mark Knight is lying here and it is why Sandy suspended him...What he writes is exactly the purpose of the Education Forum as was proven in my case when James Gordon refused to objectively consider the evidence and rode my back on every post until he banned me...Gordon lied and said I was failing to follow the correct evidence procedures I had been told...Gordon was switching the subject to his false complaints against my methodology instead of doing his duty and seeing if what I was posting was valid...He was blatantly protecting his friends...What Gordon was posting was easily proven false because common sense tells you that the correct evidence cannot be accused of failing some sort of dishonestly-contrived call for methodology...You cannot be accused of failing correct methodology when you are posting the correct evidence...Gordon was just looking for an excuse and he was abusing his moderator power in the process...Knight is lying...It is exactly what the forum was designed for and exactly what happened to me...Just like Gordon, what Knight is doing is abusing his power, seizing control with a captive membership, switching the subject, and pronouncing his way in order to avoid accounting for his total lack of accountability in holding certain members accountable for their deliberately wrong information...Like Gordon, he is forcing acceptance for himself and Gordon never being held accountable for their delinquency in holding people accountable for their input...You can see Knight is self-excusing - as if asking him to do what his job description requires is some sort of offense...Knight is coming in right on cue and backing Gordon's wrongful, site-defeating, backwards judgments...This is the dirty trick Gordon and Knight commit...They set up a so-called "debate" forum and then snipe at people who actually follow the commonly accepted rules and premise of debate as if they had done something wrong...Then they divert attention from it by enforcing a snowflake level of conduct on what is supposed to be a debate board...

You're dead wrong Mr Knight only you have a dirty bastard protecting your wrong opinions...Fools should never be moderator and you are only hanging yourself by your own fatuous words that you seem to be oblivious to the degree by which they condemn you...What Knight writes is excuse-making and badly fails to account for Gordon and Knight's failure to honor facts and use them to guide an understanding of the issue...You would probably be better moderating a sensitivity training website rather than important political assassination board...

The members are not smart or brave enough to ask Mr Knight "What then is the purpose of the board?"...Mr Knight cannot explain that because there is no purpose other than using the threat of banning to perpetually justify Mr Gordon and Knight's inanities... 

Messages In This Thread
Why Mark Knight Should Never Be Allowed To Be A Moderator - by Brian Doyle - 07-06-2024, 05:40 PM

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