07-11-2009, 08:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2009, 08:13 AM by Bernice Moore.)
lho said words to the effect not verbatim that they had superimposed his head on someone elses body, that he had worked with films camera work etc and that he would prove this ...he never had the time to prove it...yet marina still tells people she took the photos yet also says he is not guilty, she also told harrison livingstone that she took them but from the stairs not from where they are seen...i do wish the lady would come to terms getall of it it straight for her own and her daughter's sake and report any information that she has held back..and get it off her chest she seems like a nice woman i have read that many times from those who have met her but that does not help her nor them nor history that has been so bent out of shape........imo....:willy: