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Prayer Man More Than Just A Fuzzy Picture
Pete Mellor has posted on the Education Forum that Bart Kamp has put out a new book entitled "Prayer Man More Than Just A Fuzzy Picture"...This is the Prayer Man hijacking network taking over the Education Forum and being allowed by the criminally-incompetent moderator James Gordon to post pro-Prayer Man posts right in the face of my evidence that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...Remember now people...James Gordon is getting away with the murder of posing himself as the superior judge here for whom I failed to pass muster while he ignores my highly intelligent proof that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton and allows one of the worst pernicious troll farms to infect JFK research - all under the guise of Education Forum administration, the definition of which is who Gordon bans and doesn't ban with his heavily-applied banning button...My correct Prayer Man proof had a special rule made for it by the Nazi tyrant Gordon pronouncing that neither myself or my evidence could ever be posted on the Education Forum...To this day Gordon refuses to explain why he is disallowing his membership access to the correct Prayer Man solution or why he is basically turning his Education Forum website over to Greg Parker's trolls...There is a giant elephant in the room here as well as an entire community marching naked down Main Street...It is incredible how cowardly the research community is...Instead of speaking up for me and my unfair banishment they stay silent and don't answer Mellor's post...They obey Gordon's academically-backwards edict and aid this movement towards wrong evidence...Gordon uses false accusations and false pronouncements of rules violations to avoid honestly accounting for why he disallows the correct solution for Prayer Man and encourages already-disproven evidence...

Kamp and the Prayer Man group could not have done this without the aid and assistance of the JFK Conspiracy research community and its moderators...That group has aided and abetted this affront to good research and legitimized Greg Parker's troll group by means of failure to respond...Staying quiet while your research community is being invalidated by trolls, shoddy researchers, and cranks like Parker, is equal to consent and there is no excuse for it no matter how much Jim DiEugenio approves...There's not one person brave enough to stand up and say "What about Brian Doyle's evidence that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton?"...
Mellor Wrote:

" However, there are also the notes from the Oswald interviews i.e. 'Out with Bill Shelley in front' & 'then he went outside to watch P parade'.

Interested to know if you have, or will obtain Bart's book & then post your opinion? "

Since we know Oswald was never Out With Bill Shelley In Front it cannot be used to say Oswald was Prayer Man...What James Gordon is doing is allowing Pete Mellor to ignore my incredibly important discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he intended to go back in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and not go out to watch the motorcade...James Gordon sees himself as a credible moderator who is stopping a person whom he gave chance after chance from continuing his antics...He doesn't see himself as a stupid son of a bitch who is stopping the most important evidence discovery in 45 years or the solving of the case...The clear Altgens 6 image shows us who is out on the steps with Shelley...It is Stanton, Frazier, Lovelady, and Molina on the top platform...Oswald isn't there...

Because I am being personally censored by Gordon I cannot point Mellor to James Hosty's statement in Nigel Turner's documentary where he turns to the camera and tells Turner that "Oswald told us he was in the Lunch Room during the assassination"...Mellor is too busy cherry-picking and shilling for Kamp to notice that Hosty did not specify to Turner exactly which Lunch Room because he knew it was the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and he did not want to perjure himself...That one statement refutes "Went Outside To Watch Presidential Parade" because we have to ask why Hosty never mentioned Oswald saying he was in the Lunch Room in his notes?...The obvious reason being that Hosty knew that was Oswald's true location and exonerated him...Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald carry-out what he told Stanton when she saw him eating lunch alone in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25...How many more years will the JFK research community allow shills and friends of Bart Kamp continue to post bogus claims while ignoring the better evidence?...We know this interpretation is correct because all three sets of notes from the 3pm interrogation all start at the Lunch Room Encounter 90 seconds after the shots...The reason they do that is because all three sets of notes clumsily excised Oswald telling them he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the shots...We also know this is correct because Oswald's cheese sandwich and apple were seen on the 2nd Floor Lunch Room table where Carolyn Arnold saw him eating...

It is a crime that I am not allowed to post this correct solution on the Education Forum...The bullies who ban and use censorship are responsible and they have not answered for their crime against good research..."Chance after chance" - geesh, the shear stupidity of it!...
Only a community that did not fear surrendering its credibility to embarrassing rogue foolishness would stand by while the research cuckhold Bart Kamp wrote a new book saying Oswald is Prayer Man, with the horse's ass Gordon overseeing its allowance, and the membership showing its dishonest awareness through silence, and still think it was not creating one of the most insane cases of self-destruction of its own credibility...And these idiots judged that I wasn't good enough to post amongst THEM!...Jim DiEugenio just made Alex Joneses out of the entire research community while the rest of the dummies assisted mainly through not speaking up...

The JFK Assassination internet is now officially ruled by dishonesty and no one dares speak up and point-out that Jim DiEugenio stays unaccountably silent in the Education Forum Prayer Man thread...

While I receive one star reviews Jim's suck-ups enforce his both admitting I proved Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton and his staying quiet while ROKC posts already-disproven evidence...

One rule for Jim and his sycophants and another for those who possess community-leading research skill I guess...

I guess me and Gilbride are the only two people with backbone...
Josephs is posting both Armstrong and ROKC's version of the Prayer Man evidence in the Education Forum Prayer Man thread...

Armstrong refuses to admit that Lovelady & Shelley can be seen in Couch/Darnell going up to the Elm St extension and therefore proving that his electrical box theory is wrong...I tried to convince Armstrong of this evidence a few years ago and he got angry and cut me off...Armstrong is just pig-headedly wrong on this but he can't let go of his breaker box theory...

Josephs is a cuck and simp so he repeats Armstrong's belief because he works with Armstrong so Josephs keeps his hand on Armstrong's belt as ordered when he walks around the JFK research internet...

Sandy Larsen knows the two men seen going up the Elm St extension are Lovelady & Shelley because he proved it beyond a doubt with his plaid pattern photo analysis several years ago...Larsen is a crook so he deleted his analysis and now he is not mentioning it when people like Josephs (clique members) post evidence that conflicts with it...You see Larsen enjoys banning and censoring those who point-out his dishonesty so he stays quiet while people post evidence that goes against what he has already proven...This, of course, is all overseen by James Gordon...

At the end of his post Josephs inserts Bart Kamp's version of the Hosty Notes that suggests Oswald was outside watching the Presidential Parade...In doing this Josephs ignores Hosty telling Nigel Turner that Oswald told them he was in the Lunch Room during the assassination...Josephs ignores that the 11-25 report he references, that starts at the Lunch Room Encounter, starts at the Encounter because it omitted Oswald telling them he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the shots right before that...It is clear to any responsible researcher that Hosty is getting the guilt off his shoulders to Nigel Turner when he finally tells him that Oswald told the 3pm interrogation that he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the shots...And the reason why Hosty doesn't specify which floor to Turner is because he knows it is the 2nd Floor and he doesn't want to perjure himself...Josephs also flagrantly ignores Davidson showing Stanton's face on Prayer Man...And remember, the Education Forum bans people for life for failing to follow proper evidence procedures...

We are left with a research community that doesn't want to admit the correct interpretation of the evidence and does so comfortably under the protection of James Gordon and the Education Forum...The evidence clearly points to Oswald being in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the shots...Josephs ignores Buell Frazier who recently came out and admitted a cheese sandwich and apple were seen on the 2nd Floor Lunch Room table where Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald eating lunch alone at 12:25...The current research community seems content banning the one guy who managed to put the evidence together correctly in order to entertain the lies of their social media friends and endorse the rotten moderation of the Education Forum...Like Fetzer and Cinque, the current research community can't resist a spicy theory from Greg Parker even if it means ignoring the evidence right in broad daylight...
Stancak is correct that the man in the thin tie next to Lovelady is Shelley...Josephs works with John Armstrong and Armstrong believes Shelley was back in the Depository turning off the electricity at that time...So Josephs is toeing the line for Armstrong by denying the obvious that the man next to Lovelady is obviously Shelley...This is, of course, pathetic and is a perfect example of the pathology currently corrupting internet JFK research...James Gordon is the administrator of the Education Forum and Sandy Larsen is the moderator...They both tolerate and protect this farce because they are both personally biased in favor of Prayer Man, so Josephs wasting the members' time with Cinque-like claims is OK under the incompetent Gordon...

Where Stancak strays in his last post is his failure to identify that Molina is the man facing Calvery on the steps...Many were calling this man Lovelady however close examination will show that Molina's bald pate is seen on that man...Molina said he wandered in the Knoll direction on the steps right after the shots and there he is...Stancak dishonestly omits that quote with Gordon's full blessing...Molina could be further clarified by Davidson if he applied his digital enhancement process to Darnell however Davidson tells us he has "bigger fish to fry" and is too busy to bother...Stancak refuses to admit that Prayer Man is Stanton and the Tiny Face in between Lovelady & Shelley is Sanders...Sandy Larsen also refuses to chime-in that the man in the thin tie is seen running up the Elm St extension with Lovelady and is therefore provably Shelley...

What these bullies do is ban people who point-out their obvious errors and then use their absence to post wrong evidence for years and years unopposed...You can thank your local incompetent moderators for that and their friendship/social media network...


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