13-07-2010, 06:35 PM
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Posner might offer a motive, but would first have to copy and paste it from another writer.
Bugliosi would likely wait for Horne to comment on the subject, then launch into an apoplectic ad hominem.
What is Dunkel's motive for denying truth?
Or Ruth Paine's for framing Oswald?
Or Dulles' for claiming "that little Kennedy. . .thought he was a god"?
Oswald, obedient to a series of intelligence handlers, caused no actual harm to the 35th president, hence requires no motive.
Arlen Specter will launch into a convoluted explanation soon, interrupted by St. Peter pulling the lever on the trap.
I am not ever going to get Bugliosi's book, but Robert Marrow has it so maybe he can give that answer.
Dunkel was never sincere, imho. I just don't believe he went from truth to lie. Mack a/k/a Dunkel needed some street cred to land him the sell out job on the 6th floor.
Ruth Paine's CIA background was well suited to frame Harvey.
Dulles was jealous. And pissed at being fired. So he he in essence became the "god" via revenge.
Harvey shot no one.
I am still waiting for Arlen to get indicted. Or at least give an interview.
If he really want to meet St Peter he'd better come clean. But I am not holding my breath. I'm waiting on Chuck Colson too. Walk the walk, Chuckie.