01-01-2011, 05:27 AM
John Connally describing
Lyndon Johnson:
Lyndon Johnson:
"There is no adjective in the dictionary to describe him. He was cruel and kind, generous and greedy, sensitive and insensitive, crafty and, ruthless and thoughtful, simple in many ways yet extremely complex, caring and totally not caring. As a matter of fact it would take every adjective in the dictionary to describe him"
John Connally was spot on. Lyndon Johnson was also a manic depressive. LBJ was also a psychopathic serial killer. Richard Goodwin, an LBJ aide, went to a psychiatrist and described LBJ's behavior as the Vietnam War was imploding/exploding and came back with the back of the envelope diagnosis: "a paranoid in disintegration." That means you are going completely bats and you suspect that everyone, including your mom and Mother Theresa is out to get you. Like someone who has been on crystal meth for a long time.