07-01-2011, 02:09 AM
Watch this video and ask yourself one question: do you think George Herbert Walker Bush was involved in the JFK assassination AND he compulsively feels he must cover it up even 44 years later?
GHW Bush "after a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy" Why is Bush SMILING ... or is it NERVOUS LAUGHTER?
Look at this ridiculous passage from GHW Bush in 2007 at Gerald Ford's funeral:
"After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good."
That would be the same George Bush who was family friends with Allen Dulles, one of the key architects of the CIA. The same George GHW Bush who was running off the books assassination squads with Rockefeller acolyte Henry Kissinger in the 1980's.
Yeah, Bush was involved in the JFK assassination. But LBJ, Nelson Rockefeller and Allen Dulles were in the hierarchy. And according to this passage, George Herbert Walker Bush may have been one of the master planners of the JFK assassination:
From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:
"The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"
I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition p. 638-639]:
GHW Bush "after a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy" Why is Bush SMILING ... or is it NERVOUS LAUGHTER?
Look at this ridiculous passage from GHW Bush in 2007 at Gerald Ford's funeral:
"After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good."
That would be the same George Bush who was family friends with Allen Dulles, one of the key architects of the CIA. The same George GHW Bush who was running off the books assassination squads with Rockefeller acolyte Henry Kissinger in the 1980's.
Yeah, Bush was involved in the JFK assassination. But LBJ, Nelson Rockefeller and Allen Dulles were in the hierarchy. And according to this passage, George Herbert Walker Bush may have been one of the master planners of the JFK assassination:
From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:
"The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"
I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition p. 638-639]: