16-01-2011, 07:30 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:Jack White Wrote:As stated below by Jim, I see little to find fault with. This does not
rule out that others (as Jack Ruby put it) "IN THE BACKGROUND, WHO
HAD THE MOST TO GAIN" were not in the cabal.
I suggest that Jim Marrs was one of the earliest to grasp the correct
idea when I first met him in the 1970s. Very early he fingered the
key members of the cabal as LBJ, JEH, Dulles, the Joint Chiefs, the SS,
and "backgrounders" like Rockefeller, Nixon, et al. As Jim often put it,
the cabal was NOT an organized group, but "A CONCERT OF INTERESTS"...
people of a like mind with a single objective for varied reasons. No order
to kill was issued, but a simple agreement was reached...JFK had to be
removed from the presidency. It was not a MURDER CONTRACT, but
a simple agreement of persons protecting their own turf. Jim still holds
his CONCERT OF INTERESTS belief, and I agree with him.
Again, please know that I would deeply benefit from your take on the following:
Do you agree with Nelson that:
"[The conspiracy] was all according to the grand play -- a masterpiece of design and execution -- which had been developed over a period of nearly four years by the most brilliant, and evil, political force the country had ever seen: Lyndon Baines ('Bull') Johnson[.]" [emphasis in original] [p. 576]
"More than any other person, [LBJ] had the means, motive, and opportunity to have been the singular key conspirator-instigator and the mastermind of the operation." [emphasis added] [p. 668]
Or do you repudiate this outburst of comic book-level disinformation?
This goes beyond semantics, I'm afraid.
Nelson, knowingly or otherwise, is giving aid and comfort to the enemy and otherwise reinforcing the coverup when he bestows Sponsorship status on LBJ.
In anticipation,
Charles...I have not read the Nelson book so am unqualified to comment.
I have concisely stated my position. Anything further than that is opinion,
and each of us has our own varied opinion.
My position is that there was NO MAIN MEMBER OR MASTERMIND; I agree
with Jim Marrs that the plot was CONCERT OF INTERESTS, wherein there
were several "main members", each one playing a role of a personal
interest or goal, but having various subordinates take care of the dirty work.
The "main members" decided "JFK must go". Subordinates did the rest,
maintaining plausible deniability for the main men.
I hope this will suffice as my position and opinion. You are likewise entitled
to YOUR opinion.
Best regards,