17-01-2011, 03:02 AM
James H. Fetzer Wrote:[B]Here's a summary by Robert Morrow that has it right about LBJ and JFK
Robert Morrow has been placed on moderation on DPF due to his addiction to displaying his sexual obsessions -- among other reasons.
I am allowing Fetzer's surrogate Morrow post to remain visible because it further reveals the poor old man's (Fetzer's) loss of faculties -- as if we needed additional evidence of his precipitous and dangerous (to the cause of defining and effecting truth and justice for JFK) decline.
Fetzer's endorsements of Morrow and E. Howard Hunt are related and speak -- sadly -- for themselves.
If Fetzer or anyone else attempts to post Morrow's filth and fiction here, he/she/they will risk losing posting privileges.
Charles R. Drago