03-02-2011, 06:28 AM
John Kowalski Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:Jim,
I could not agree with you more heartily regarding the Chicago evidence. My hypothesis has ZERO effect on its immense significance.
Ditto the "shameful" handling of Black's piece by rather, well, shameful people.
In re Bill's Rex and November 1 triple header hypothesis: I've long said that "consider the timing" is for our investigations what "follow the money" was for Watergate: a directing mantra. So I share your sense of the general significance of these connected phenomena.
It's just that I remain at a loss to understand how the Kelly hypothesis falsifies the Drago hypothesis in this instance.
BTW, a few years ago I found the Black piece on a now-forgotten Internet site. It was my first reading of it, and I thought it ended abruptly at a point where, if memory serves, Black is writing about returning to Chicago.
Are you able to direct us to an on-line version of the piece?
The link below has Edwin' Black's article about the Chicago plot that was published in the Chicago Independent in November, 1975.
Thanks for that link John, that's new to me. I remember Sherman Skolnick had dug up some documents on Vallee, but there's a lot of stuff in there that's new to me. I think Black's anonymous SS informant is the real deal and not peddling dizinfo, and there should be a lot more documents available now since that was published. Also would like to see the complete article. CPD Capt. Robert Lisky, Jay Lawrence Sticks, Myron Weinstein and Thomas D. Strong are all new names to me.
I have never seen a complete rundown of Abe Bolden's claim about the Dallas office calling asking for info on a "Hurt," which would be worthwhile for someone to do.