27-02-2011, 05:23 PM
I think the Chicago plot was a practice run designed to create a dry run scenario where the procedures that were planned for Dallas were ironed-out and tested.
I believe the Chicago plot did have a real element to it that would have been carried out had the Dallas plot been exposed or Lee Harvey Oswald somehow got arrested. I believe the plotters sent Vallee in just in case Nagell had succeeded in blowing Oswald's cover.
Chicago most likely had a secondary function of allowing Lee Harvey Oswald to believe he was an undercover assassination plot exposer. His telegram to FBI signed "Lee" was designed to make him think he had broken up an assassination attempt in Chicago and was therefore willing to follow orders in Dallas. Most likely his orders were to be in the Book Depository.
The reason they blew cover on "Lee" by printing his real name in the telegram was because the purpose was two fold. One purpose was to make Oswald himself think he was an undercover Secret Service spy. The other was to make members in the government also think so which would mean they wouldn't question his presence in Dallas.
Had Lee Harvey Oswald been exposed by Nagell Kennedy would most likely have been shot by a CIA sniper team in Chicago. A brain-damaged vet named Thomas Arthur Vallee would have been blamed and his mental history due to a traumatic head wound in Korea would have been exploited to the max. I believe the patsy scheme here would involve brain damage leading Vallee to extremist views on Kennedy for not invading Cuba. Vallee would be a better patsy than Oswald because they would simply commit him as insane due to brain damage and ignore anything he said as being crazy.
I believe the Chicago plot did have a real element to it that would have been carried out had the Dallas plot been exposed or Lee Harvey Oswald somehow got arrested. I believe the plotters sent Vallee in just in case Nagell had succeeded in blowing Oswald's cover.
Chicago most likely had a secondary function of allowing Lee Harvey Oswald to believe he was an undercover assassination plot exposer. His telegram to FBI signed "Lee" was designed to make him think he had broken up an assassination attempt in Chicago and was therefore willing to follow orders in Dallas. Most likely his orders were to be in the Book Depository.
The reason they blew cover on "Lee" by printing his real name in the telegram was because the purpose was two fold. One purpose was to make Oswald himself think he was an undercover Secret Service spy. The other was to make members in the government also think so which would mean they wouldn't question his presence in Dallas.
Had Lee Harvey Oswald been exposed by Nagell Kennedy would most likely have been shot by a CIA sniper team in Chicago. A brain-damaged vet named Thomas Arthur Vallee would have been blamed and his mental history due to a traumatic head wound in Korea would have been exploited to the max. I believe the patsy scheme here would involve brain damage leading Vallee to extremist views on Kennedy for not invading Cuba. Vallee would be a better patsy than Oswald because they would simply commit him as insane due to brain damage and ignore anything he said as being crazy.