27-02-2011, 07:13 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:This would have a tertiary effect of making those same government insiders realize this was an inside job involving covert conspirators, which would have the effect of intimidating those same members into staying quiet for their own good. For only they would know how dangerous that was, being so close to those powers and knowing how they operated first hand.
Okay, here's a PERFECT example of what I'm trying to convey.
"Those same government insders" knew it was an inside job the very seconds they learned about the attack's particulars and the rush to foul judgment.
None of your convulted construct was necessary to deliver that message -- and we agree on its importance.
Conspiracy was the obvious truth to all who witnessed the attack -- especially those with specialized law enforcement and/or intelligence training.
The certainty of the attack's "inside" nature was just as glaringly apparent the moment it was officially denied.