11-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:FWIW, Tosh Plumlee has long claimed to have been on the South Knoll and that he heard a shot from there whiz over his head. A direct line from where he placed the shooter to the limo, along with the time of the shot would have meant [had it hit JFK] a shot from the left. I have never been able to do much with this information. Analysis of the photos on this were done by Tom Wilson and much of that material is still being withheld by the family. Some of it is in the book written about Wilson and approved by his family. Before he died, Wilson told me he DID see a gun in a car pointed toward the motorcade near where Tosh placed one, but not the exact same area. As military crossfire almost always has shots coming from all [at least four] directions, the South Knoll area has been GREATLY overlooked, IMHO.
I have never bought for a second that Greer shot - for multiple reasons; I won't even dignify the issue to go into the list. IF there was indeed a left temporal shot of entry, I'd think the South Knoll would be the logical place to look for where it came from. More and more we learn there were many more shots to JFK's body than we were told.....the obvious reason for the controlled 'autopsies' - and threats to and elimination of some witnesses and much evidence.
The only problem with that is Altgens 6 caught the windshield bullet hole damage, which was before any head shot. The South Knoll is good for the neck shot but too early for the head shot.