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"The Oswald Innocence Project" = the Greatest Threat to Truth and Justice for JFK
Peter Lemkin Wrote:As we usually use the term Grassy Knoll, we mean a rather small area on the North side. My [and Tosh's] definition of the South Knoll is the ENTIRE raised area, all the way West to the overpass. Along that line [and Wilson said he detected a rifle in a car parked in the lot near the overpass] there was ample sighting of JFK's head for quite a while - in fact, I believe during the entire period of the known shots. NB - Wilson's work was, I believe from Cancellere and other photos, using his special techniques. It's a side issue, perhaps, but I personally feel Wilson's work has also been underrated. Wilson spent many days in DP with tape measures, surveyor's transits, lasers, and other equipment measuring distances and angles, elevations and more.

True, but from the South Knoll all shots would have to go through the windshield and there was only one bullet hole seen in Altgens-6.

Greer would have to be an awfully quick shot to pull off that shot unseen. Especially by the limo occupants, who you think would notice Greer pulling out a handgun and blowing JFK's brains out in front of them.

Messages In This Thread
"The Oswald Innocence Project" = the Greatest Threat to Truth and Justice for JFK - by Albert Doyle - 11-08-2012, 12:53 PM

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