23-10-2012, 02:19 AM
Your figures as I understand them allow appropriate editing to remove a suspicious event at the turn, a virtual stopping and dismount, and other head movement and wound phenomena deemed fatal to the official explanation:
Assassination imagery:
Black film segments:
Total black film:
Brugioni said Hawkeyeworks had the capability to do almost anything; McMahon that he'd seen eight shots from three directions. In The Kennedy Tapes we see NPIC processing U-2 film of Cuba's Soviet MRBM/IRBM sites amounting to a strip twenty feet wide and a hundred miles long--it would seem NPIC could exert enormous resources on such a tiny piece of celluloid as 8 or 16 millimeters by a few feet.
The Palamara 59 witness collation is in spite of the determined effort by FBI and others to suppress any testimony outlying the received dogma.
The Hollywood professionals consulted in Twyman and elsewhere stipulate the observed bubble gum wound is painted on while techniques were in use at the time to accomplish the alterations speculated.
As for discrepancies in versions viewed by the selected researchers, if there were such, I posit as an extension of the sowing of cognitive dissonance corollary to the Langleyan muddling such was performed to created dissonance, to prevent consensus.
And now for something completely different: What of the yellow stripes on the South curb of Elm? One might think of timing marks on a flywheel visible through a hole in the bell housing illuminated by a timing light.
(Don't anyone suggest a tow-away zone--now, a Blow-Away Zone, yes.)
Your figures as I understand them allow appropriate editing to remove a suspicious event at the turn, a virtual stopping and dismount, and other head movement and wound phenomena deemed fatal to the official explanation:
Assassination imagery:
- 75 inches
Black film segments:
- 31 inches
- 231 inches
- 68 inches
Total black film:
- 330 inches
Brugioni said Hawkeyeworks had the capability to do almost anything; McMahon that he'd seen eight shots from three directions. In The Kennedy Tapes we see NPIC processing U-2 film of Cuba's Soviet MRBM/IRBM sites amounting to a strip twenty feet wide and a hundred miles long--it would seem NPIC could exert enormous resources on such a tiny piece of celluloid as 8 or 16 millimeters by a few feet.
The Palamara 59 witness collation is in spite of the determined effort by FBI and others to suppress any testimony outlying the received dogma.
The Hollywood professionals consulted in Twyman and elsewhere stipulate the observed bubble gum wound is painted on while techniques were in use at the time to accomplish the alterations speculated.
As for discrepancies in versions viewed by the selected researchers, if there were such, I posit as an extension of the sowing of cognitive dissonance corollary to the Langleyan muddling such was performed to created dissonance, to prevent consensus.
And now for something completely different: What of the yellow stripes on the South curb of Elm? One might think of timing marks on a flywheel visible through a hole in the bell housing illuminated by a timing light.
(Don't anyone suggest a tow-away zone--now, a Blow-Away Zone, yes.)