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The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film's Alteration
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Charles, Phil, David...

It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine if the films that each of us saw were the same or different. They were certainly different from the extant version, but from each other's version, I do not know
for certain.

David is correct in that the possibility of the films being the same yet yielding disparate recollection from the various viewers might be explained by differences in individual experiences, predilection, focus,
etc. -- However, it is still worth noting that many elements that impeach the authenticity of the extant version are present or missing (as the case may be) from ALL of the reports of the "private" film(s).
For instance, the turn onto Elm is present in each report of the "private" film(s), but missing from the extant film. The COMPLETE STOP is present in each report of the private film(s) yet missing in the
extant, etc.

Charles, I did speak to Milicent at length upon discovering that she reported seeing another film. It's interesting to note that when I first recounted my experience (during a phone conversation with Jack White)
I was unaware that anyone else had ever reportedly seen a different film. When Jack suggested that I "go public" with it, I hesitated...but eventually posted it on our forum. When I became aware that a few
others had reported seeing a similar film, I decided to contact them. So, I did a typical, "separate the suspects/witnesses" from each other in order to check the story for consistency. In other words, since
I was not very familiar with Mili back then I did not offer my account so as to avoid influencing her recollection. Of course, Jack was aware of Mili's account when we had spoken, but he didn't let on as to what
she had reportedly seen. After speaking with her--and later with Scott Myers--the similarities led me to believe that we had "perhaps" seen the same film, but not necessarily. However, I found her to be
extremely credible. Like me, she was NOT glad that she had seen this film. The same holds true for Rich. These days I spend a lot of time avoiding its discussion. It seems to be divisive amongst good, honest

Greg - thank you for this, and your other related posts.

As someone with a television production background, taking account of all the information offered in this thread and especially Doug Horne's fine article, here is some informed speculation.

Even allowing for the fact that covert science is typically a decade and a paradigm shift ahead of public domain science, I consider it unilikely that an entirely fictional event, something which did not occur in real life, was inserted into the Zapruder footage. I don't believe we're dealing with actors on a set, who could perform multiple alternate actions in multiple takes. In addition, even with C21st Hollywood science, the insertion of artifice can usually be detected by skilled professional eyes.

To my eye, the one clear insertion of artifice in Time Life Zapruder is the "red blob", and this is a (deliberately?) crude effort to:

i) obscure the true nature of the head wound;
ii) complicate understanding of the direction from which the shots came;
iii) create trauma;
iv) ?

If this is correct, then at the fundamental level what we are likely dealing with is the filming of a real event, the assasination by gunfire of JFK, and several cut down versions of the camera original, the master rushes.

The camera original, as captured at the correct speed in Hawkeyeworks, quite possibly shows certain real life events, such as the turn onto Elm and the stopping of the limo, which could not be allowed to survive and come to public attention in the Time Life Zapruder.

The other films, as seen by Greg, Milicent, Rich DellaRosa, Reymond and others, are quite possibly simply different cut downs of the camera original. Ie with different parts of the master rushes cut out.

This speculative hypothesis permits for several versions of the film to exist. If even slightly different cut downs were shown to serious JFK researchers independently, then each researcher would report variations in this miraculous new "Zapruder".

One could call it the Sowing of Conflict.

Even a Strategy of Tension.

I'm entirely with Jan on this; his observations mirror (pun intended) my own.

Messages In This Thread
The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film's Alteration - by Charles Drago - 23-10-2012, 09:38 PM

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