06-11-2012, 09:59 PM
David Josephs Wrote:No offense Charles, I'm having this conversation alone....
Wasn't this something you wanted to explore more deeply?
The QM basically comes to a stop just after the headshots...
If the shot was actually at 4+95 as described... the QM slows to a crawl/stop as the limo speeds away..
Greg and others describe the SS getting out of the QM guns drawn... only to return back and speed off...
How then is the Bell image possible?
The limo is moving at close to 60...the QM had stopped. Yet the QM is seen chasing after the limo, quickly, at the end of Bell.
Not a single carera caught the stopped QM and Agent reaction... not one?
None taken, David.
I am convinced that the "historic" Z-film indeed has been altered. There's not much that I contribute in terms of technical analysis that others haven't already brought forward.
As I've tried to explain on other posts and via our PM exchange, my focus is on why the Z-film gambit was launched and why it continues to be played to this very day.
I'm interested in the reasons why a doppelganger Z-film (at least one, perhaps more) was show to Greg Burnham, Mili Cranor, Rich DellaRosa, and others.
I'm interested in the larger JFK assassination doppelganger gambit that was being played pre-Dallas and is being played to this day, and in how similar provocations can be detected in other deep political events (the assassination of Diana, for instance).
I'm very interested in your take on these issues.