23-10-2008, 04:51 AM
David Guyatt Wrote:...
I also think Myra is quite likely to be correct in considering that Charles Manson and others may have been programmed. The use of such people has obvious advantages of tailoring public opinion to accept changes they would not otherwise tolerate.
Well, actually they're not that obvious to me David. I'm just starting to consider the possibility that some crimes against random ordinary people (as opposed to VIPs like JFK, RFK, MLK...) may be committed by killers programmed by gov't. I'm certainly not convinced yet that it's happened; I'm just open to the possibility. I'm considering reading the book I mentioned in this thread, and looking for others on the subject.
But I'm pretty hazy on the theoretical advantages to gov't. I have a vague sense that it would generally benefit a fascist regime to keep sheeple afraid and looking for big daddy to keep them "safe." In general frightened people are prefered by regimes because they can't think clearly.
But that seems to be a rather weak rationale for a gov't to go to all the trouble of manufacturing serial and mass killers unless they're going to use the resulting "shock" in the way Naomi Klein describes--to pass legislation that otherwise couldn't be passed. And I can see some logic to having Manson's minions help usher out the peace/love/trust era in favor of the war/profit/mistrust era. But why program killers to go around nailing ordinary people?
Could they be doing some kind of advanced testing on subjects to see how much mileage they can get out of a programmed killer, so that when they have a VIP target (like John Lennon for example) they feel assured that the assigned killer (like Mark Chapman for example) is up to the task?