05-01-2013, 09:32 PM
LR Trotter Wrote:Greg Burnham Wrote:LR Trotter Wrote:I'm reminded of a story, unconfirmed, about a fellow who was right-handed, but woke up on his 65th birthday left-handed. As the story went, he also had a problem driving on the right side of the road and maintaining a correct flow with other traffic. Unconfirmed, yes. True, who knows? Possible, maybe?
Of course, if from down under, then what ever was ailing him prior to his 65th birthday seems to have cleared up quite nicely!
Did I mention his additional "Aquired Super Superiority", aka A S S, complex?
VERY cheeky. Butt on-target.
I might have gone with "That's a dirty crack," but thank God good taste prevailed.