04-03-2013, 11:00 PM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:[URL="https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?6098-Churchill-and-Eugenics&"]
[URL="https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?10325-War-Against-The-Weak-Eugenics-in-the-USA&"]War Against The Weak
Quote:I began by saying this book speaks for the never-born. It also speaks for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees who attempted to flee the Hitler regime only to be denied visas to enter the United States because of the Carnegie Institution's openly racist anti-immigrant activism. Moreover, these pages demonstrate how millions were murdered in Europe precisely because they found themselves labeled lesser forms of life, unworthy of existencea classification created in the publications and academic research rooms of the Carnegie Institution, verified by the research grants of the Rockefeller Foundation, validated by leading scholars from the best Ivy League universities, and financed by the special efforts of the Harriman railroad fortune. Eugenics was nothing less than corporate philanthropy gone wild.