20-03-2013, 08:33 PM
Adele Edisen Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:Adele Edisen Wrote:Hey, Everybody,
One thing I learned in College at the University of Chicago when Robert Hutchins was Chancellor, and classes were conducted by the Socratic discussion method of teaching, was that DEFINITIONS were very important to be understood and agreed upon. It clarifies thinking for members and allows for more calm and orderly discussions, understanding, agreement, and even disagreement. It does not impede the expression of ideas, it may actually broaden and expand understanding and knowledge.
So, please, define your terms. We are not mind readers, and we all need to know what it is that is being discussed or questioned. That may be why these melees occur when this is not happening. When someone does not understand something, a definition (or description or name) may be essential.
My two cents. Thanks for reading.
Thank you for this, Adele. I truly respect your work, your mind, and your intentions in this exchange.
Please be aware that I have defined my terms at least THREE TIMES on this thread, which I originated. If you read from the opening post, you will see how I have attempted to reword/clarify the expression of my initial, relatively complex hypothesis.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to provide further clarification -- which at this point would amount to dumbing down the material and patronizing the majority of DPF correspondents. And to be blunt, I do not believe that further clarification is necessary in order to make my work accessible to bright readers who have a moderately sophisticated grasp of this case in particular and deep politics in general.
I shall not cross the border from simple to simple-minded.
As previously stated, I am not particularly proud of the fact that I lose patience with individuals who do not bring the requisite intelligence and/or learning to our discussions.
And then there are a select few whose repeated misreadings and misrepresentations of fact are, in my informed opinion, ego-driven and/or offered in service to dark agendas.
I have created many DPF threads on which I state a hypothesis and invite honorable argument. In doing so I am not seeking obeisance, but only honest debate.
My prose is not always as artful as I might wish it to be. But it is always the best of which I am capable at the moment I create it.
Warm regards.
Thank you for your kind words and warm regards. These are greatly appreciated.
I certainly did not expect to cause any more turmoil.
When I wrote my little note, I had no particular person in mind. It was more related to the time when I was a contributing member of the Simkin Education Forum years ago, where I encountered in my reading of forum posts many exchanges of disagreements and arguments amongst various other posters. Like many people here who had similar experiences at the same forum, I realized I was not benefitting from my time at that forum. I began to feel alienated and isolated, and yearned for some place where people could be more respectful of each other and of the important topic we were to be discussing. When no one seemed to be making any sense at all, and I was not learning anything, and could not bring a discussion to an understandable level, I figured it was time to go. Then Jan rescued me and I settled in at the Deep Politics Forum.
What I saw as one problem at the Educ. Forum was the lack of agreement on the terms being used. That in itself often was cause for argument. Then there was the expectation that others agreed with some sort of common, stereotypical thinking. We certainly have seen a lot of that in political debates here in this country, and that's besides the lies and exaggerations.
I wish we could start all over again, with more patience and tolerance. We, many of us, have been through the battles and are getting a bit weary and achy in the knees and backs, and are gettting tired and older. But we should all, meaning also me, myself and I, try to be good role models for the younger ones here. They will have to fight the future battles for truth which we older ones will eventually have to miss.
We all should ask questions when something is not clear. That's what Socrates did. He was a perpetual student, and that's how he became the wisest man in Athens.
Thank you, Charles.
Once again, the guidance on DPF is not to quote entire posts when replying to them, as it wastes bandwidth.
But no bandwidth is wasted by repeating these fine phrases.
Adele - you are a wise and patient truth seeker.
Even when we have disagreed on interpretations, and we have, you have displayed what Hemingway famously called Grace Under Pressure.
Equally I agree with Charles that we are engaged in a War.
And for me, the battle is not just against the Sponsors of the Public Slaughter of JFK.
It is a battle against Power and Hypocrisy.
It is a struggle with those who lust after Control, who glory in Power over others, who despoil the planet in their myopic meaningless games, who rape - and facilitate the rape of - innocent children to turn leaders into puppets.
Can I clamber into a ring and go ten rounds, under Marquess of Queensberry rules, with these Criminals?
No. They play by their own rules, in their own arenas.
DPF is our arena.
It's not very grand. The stands are not packed. We are at best a boil on Their lardy butts. At worst, irrelevant.
Every day I read posts here that hugely irritate me. Sometimes these posts are but red herrings. Sometimes they may possibly seek to derail the journey towards truth.
Every day I read posts here that give me hope, that illuminate and that serve the path of truth.
DPF is currently fighting for its soul, so I will do what we, the founders, pledged not to do, and discuss forum business in public.
My threshold for banning members is high.
I am perhaps prepared to be more patient than other founders before casting members out of our home, our arena.
But I have a threshold.
My own interpretation of this thread is that Charles pitched it high.
He cited the work of Prof Peter Dale Scott and wanted to use this thread to explore a hypothesis. And right from the start, that hypothesis was ignored, and discussion took place in another dimension.
A Twilight Zone - if you will.
I have started threads designed to explore a hypothesis, to provoke dialectic insights, and seen them hijacked and derailed in this fashion. An example being the MK-ULTRA Iceberg thread.
I abandoned the thread.
But we are all made differently.
Charles has not abandoned his thread, or his desire to explore the original hypothesis.
As we founders have stated several times, DPF is not a deep political kindergarten.
Equally, a child can ask fascinating questions which lead to new discoveries, fresh insights.
I wish I could behave with Adele's grace under pressure.
My parents were teachers.
I have the gene, and some patience.
I know I do not have the patience of Adele.
My instinct is sometimes to bite, sometimes to try again.
Sometimes to turn away.
We are all different.
Here's the key.
Is DPF worth fighting for?
I say YES.
Will I fight for it?
Here's a plea.
Let's turn our minds, our experience, our pens on the real enemy.
Those who murdered JFK.
Those who seek only Power and Control.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war