21-09-2013, 10:20 AM
Thank you Phil, that was the info i had seen before and filed away in the corners of my mind.
Wouldn't JFK's policy changes regarding the oil depletion tax, have been a major reason someone like H.L Hunt had motive to become a sponsor or even a facilitator?
Someone like H.L Hunt had profile in the community yes, but i'm sure he was very adept at avoiding blow back due to his years of business experience and the art of delegating tasks to underlings.
Wouldn't JFK's policy changes regarding the oil depletion tax, have been a major reason someone like H.L Hunt had motive to become a sponsor or even a facilitator?
Someone like H.L Hunt had profile in the community yes, but i'm sure he was very adept at avoiding blow back due to his years of business experience and the art of delegating tasks to underlings.