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Jeff Morley: Toward the decisive clarification of JFK's death
OK, so I've been working on this for the past week or so and have to admit that it has been a difficult task. Whilst there seems to be hundreds of excellent post assassination pieces of evidence that suggest conspiracy and the participation by numerous individuals and organisations to try and cover up the true facts in the case of president Kennedy's assassination. Trying to find concrete evidence of pre-assassination knowledge and or actions by individuals that mark them as the conspirators is very difficult.

Some of the evidence of involvement has only come out in dribs and drabs and much of it has taken thirty years or longer to present itself(the majority of it as hearsay), which is why Mr Morley's attempts to have those remaining 1100 documents held by the CIA released is paramount to getting closer to present the world the truth.

The actions and whereabouts at specific times in the early 1960's of people such as George Joannides, David Atlee Phillips, James Angelton, Jane Roman, Win Scott, Anne Goodpasture, William King Harvey, John Whitten, Robert Maheu, John Rosselli, Allan Dulles, Curtis Lemay, Lyman Lemnitzer, George W Anderson, Edward Landsdale, Richard Bissell, Sam Giancana, Sheffield Edwards, David Morales, Rip Robertson, E.Howard Hunt, Tracy Barnes, Gerry Droller, Jake Esterline, John Martino, Ted Shackley, McGeorge Bundy, David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, Clay Shaw, Eladio Del Valle, Rolando Masferrer, Felix Rodriguez, Frank Sturgis, Antonio Veciana, Lee Oswald and some possible money men such as H.L Hunt, Clint Murchison and D.Harold Byrd may be in those 1100 documents or others filed away incorrectly by the CIA.

I have a possible suggestion for how we as a community may be able to present what we know or suspect from 50 years of research from hundreds of people to the general public using modern day tools such as twitter, facebook, youtube and instagram. It would involve a major undertaking of time and financial support but would certainly allow us to get a message across to the American people and powers that be.

One of the problems that is faced today 50 years on from the assassination is that most of the main players are now deceased. On top of that most of the leading researchers and investigators who discovered critical information early on in the case and in the 70's 80's and 90's have passed away too.

So here is my suggestion: This community of ours with the support of major authors and researchers stage, record and film a mock grand jury in the case of the people V's The C.I.A in the death of president John F Kennedy. The major factor in undertaking the project is that we treat every person involved or wanted for questioning in front of the court as still being ALIVE and we present an actor in there place to undergo questioning. They would answer questions in such away that presents facts as we now know them from 50 years of research and investigation.

An example...If we have David Atlee Phillips on the stand we ask the question "Did you have any dealings with Alpha 66 leader Antonio Veciana during 1963? The Actor's answer would have to be YES. Mr. Phillips did you meet with Mr. Veciana in Dallas in Sept or October of 1963? Again the actor would have to answer YES. Next witness would be called Antonio Veciana...Mr Veciana did you ever meet with the previous witness that was here before the court today(here is a photo and his image is displayed on the TV screen over there)? Yes...Did you know this man by the name of David Atlee Phillips? No. By what name did you know him? Maurice Bishop...What was your relationship to this Maurice Bishop? he was my CIA contact and handler...Did you ever have a meeting with this man in Dallas? Yes...Can you tell me what year and month this meeting took place? It was late Sept or early Oct 1963. Did you ever see Maurice Bishop in the company of any other person during your meetings with him in Dallas?

Hopefully your getting the picture of where this could go! It would have to be produced from start to finish along the lines of a scripted movie or play. But individual sections could be posted on youtube, facebook and twitter daily as the filming of the trial progresses leading to its conclussion that, the CIA has a case to answer for in the assassination of president Kennedy.

All of the above named people can be brought before the court to undergo questioning, as well as them any of their known associates that have contributed evidence or information about them can be questioned to confirm or provide corroboration of research information presented.

I would start the ball rolling with calling Lyman Lemnitzer, Curtis Lemay and George W Anderson and asking them questions regarding their opinions on how president Kennedy performed during the first two and a half years as president, how they saw his handling of the Bay of Pigs, The nuclear test ban treaty and the Cuban missile crisis and how upon hearing of NSAM 263 directives did it effected them. I would ask them to confirm many of the statments attributed to them and comment on recordings taken form excomm meetings with the president in 1961 and 1962. I would ask them did they feel the president was the right man to be leading the country in 1962, 1963 and beyond.

I would then move onto Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, William King Harvey, Robert Mahue, John Rosselli, Sam Giancana, Win Scott, David Atlee Phillips, Ted Shackley, David Sanchez Morales, John Martino and Eladio Del Valle.

Next would be Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw and then Lee Oswald.

Oh and here is a kicker...we could call president Kennedy himself to the stand...

Anyway these are my thoughts, most likely this type of action may just be a pipe dream but it would make for great television and great drama on a daily basis across social media.

I'm tired and seriously need a drink so its over to you DPF members.

Best Regards,

Messages In This Thread
Jeff Morley: Toward the decisive clarification of JFK's death - by A.J. Blocker - 11-12-2013, 03:56 AM

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