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The "Fake" Attempt on JFK's Life: Or, Great Minds Think Alike
A plan was hatched to stage a public attempt on JFK's life.

Castro would be the Sponsor patsy.

The purpose of the plan was to allow an uninjured JFK to seize upon this causus belli to retaliate by invading Cuba.

The plan was penetrated (or perhaps even created) by individuals who turned it into a a deadly reality.

This thought occurred to me, without prompting, in 1990.

It is a central plot device for Autumn Too Long, a novel and screenplay that I began more than fifteen years ago.

I subsequently -- in fact, recently -- learned that a newly made friend has been thinking along the same lines for at least a couple of decades.

"Great" minds think alike.

I hope he will come forward here and help promote public analysis of our shared hypothesis.
Charles Drago Wrote:A plan was hatched to stage a public attempt on JFK's life.

Castro would be the Sponsor patsy.

The purpose of the plan was to allow an uninjured JFK to seize upon this causus belli to retaliate by invading Cuba.

Charles - in this dramatic scenario, was JFK witting or unwitting?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:A plan was hatched to stage a public attempt on JFK's life.

Castro would be the Sponsor patsy.

The purpose of the plan was to allow an uninjured JFK to seize upon this causus belli to retaliate by invading Cuba.

Charles - in this dramatic scenario, was JFK witting or unwitting?

Difficult to say with anything remotely approaching certainty.

My intuition suggests that had this Operation Northwoods-like melodrama been developed and staged, RFK would have been in the know. But it is neither counter-intuitive nor difficult to envision a scenario in which the Kennedy brothers were perceived not to have a need to know.

Plausible deniability. That sort of thing.

Does their exist any direct evidence to support this hypothesis? Not to my knowledge.

But theatrics-turned-deadly in Dallas go far to explain, among other phenomena:

-- The willing stand-down of loyal (non-conspiring) Secret Service agents.

-- The larger "relaxing" of security measures.

-- The initial, exaggerated "terrible sound" heard by so many Dealey Plaza spectators -- as if attention were being drawn to an attack.

-- The multiple observations of "Hispanics" acting suspiciously at the scene.

And of course the two central and most troubling indicators:

-- The painstakingly developed ties of patsy LHO to Cuban intelligence.

-- The post-assassination actions (and non-actions) of a false attack-complicit RFK.
Of course Manson Family member Squeaky Fromme was cast as the assassin of President Ford, and World Vision offspring John Hinckley Jr cast as the slayer of President Reagan.

I note that by the time of the Reagan melodrama, not only was there an actor in the White House but Ronnie the Thespian even had a line scripted to enhance his supposed "folksy charm".

Reagan said to the doctors: "I hope you're all Republicans"...

All theatre.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I posted this yesterday @ 5:55 pm on the EF:

Plan A: Fake an attempt on JFK in order to free him to attack Cuba, since an assassination attempt originating with Castro would relieve JFK of his obligation to the Soviets to never invade Cuba--blame it on the patsy, Castro sympathizer, Oswald--and make it look real good. Team A was deployed to that end.

Perpetrators (Team B ) infiltrated that plan and launched a real assassination plot using the machinations for cover that had already been manufactured to accommodate Plan A. The only trouble was that the Plan A cover story was airtight ONLY if JFK survived as planned. Because a traitorous element exploited a very dangerous psychological "Operations Northwoods" type propaganda campaign, JFK was killed and the cover story began to become far more dangerous than it had originally been intended. This did NOT suit the original objective of Plan A, the justification of a Cuban invasion... Rather, if exposed, it threatened to launch a nuclear exchange.

And they got away with it...almost. They didn't count on us.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Ronnie the Thespian even had a line scripted to enhance his supposed "folksy charm".

All theatre.

In Autumn Too Long, the designed-to-fail, causus belli JFK assassination plot is named by its creator -- the novel's main character -- "Operation Thespian."
When I revisit Autumn Too Long, I wade into a deep and dark memory pool. I live again my earliest meetings with George Michael Evica, and I bear witness to the idealism and naivete of a young writer who was about to have his most basic conceptions of political and cultural realities challenged and all but obliterated.

I recently came across my copy of The Gun that Didn't Smoke, an important yet criminally overlooked essay by Walter F. Graf and Richard R.Bartholomew. In it, the authors write kindly of Autumn Too Long, which I believe was brought to their attention by George Michael. I post their evaluation below not to stroke my ego, but rather to remind us of the extraordinary levels of thought and depths of insight evident in early, long-lost work by the best second- and third generation JFK researchers.

Not to be missed is the spot-on term coined by Messrs. Graf and Bartholomew to describe so many of us whose work appears on DPF:

"conspiracy resistors"

The entire piece is available at .

In a worthy example of poetic justice, the title chosen by JFK-assassination activist Charles Drago for his novel about the assassination, Autumn Too Long, echoes the semiotic use of Verlaine's "Chanson d'Automne" as a call to arms for the French resistance. Drago further earned the Verlaine comparison in a speech to an international gathering of conspiracy resistors in Dallas during the 33rd anniversary of the assassination: "As far as the search for justice in the case of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is concerned, there has been no progress whatsoever...Our reluctance to end formally the `conspiracy/no conspiracy' debate among ourselves amounts to an act of collective cowardice...Our fear of the truth is motivated by the unspoken realization that the death of America's moral authority as a civilized nation is depicted in Z[apruder-film]-frame 313...The absence of moral outrage in our work (with few notable exceptions) is the death knell of our work...We are at war with the murderers of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and with their accessories after the fact; if we are to have the slightest chance of winning that war, we had better begin to think of ourselves and to act in terms of our most appropriate role models: the Viet Cong." In his "Plea For the Declaration of War," Drago wrote: "Who are we? We are the Sioux -- of AIM. We are the Jews -- of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. We are the Viet Cong -- of Tet. We must know ourselves to be freedom fighters." The Drago-Verlaine comparison is made more poetically just by a personal revelation from former CIA Director and former U.S. President George Bush. At the end of his presidency, just prior to the Academy Awards presentation, Bush told reporters that his favorite movie was the film adaptation of Cornelius Ryan's book, The Longest Day, which highlights Verlaine's coded verse. That seemingly innocent choice is, at best, sardonic given Bush's strange biography regarding the JFK assassination and his odd family history regarding fascism. "During a visit to Auschwitz in 1987," wrote Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, "what came out of Bush's mouth was, `Boy, they were big on crematoriums, weren't they?'" Since Sept., 1995, Bush has spoken at several high-profile events sponsored by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon on three continents. The former president has received speaking fees totaling in the millions from Moon's Unification Church. In Jul., 1996, in Washington, speaking at a Moon-sponsored conference, Bush praised The Washington Times, a newspaper founded by Moon, for fostering "sanity." He added that Moon's new paper in Argentina, Tiempos del Mundo, "is going to do the same thing." According to Frederick Clarkson's book, Eternal Hostility, Unification Church operatives "have been close to neo-fascist movements all over the world." The former president lives in Houston and can be subpoenaed under ARCA, which, ironically, Bush himself signed into law. (November In Dallas 1996 Conference Program [JFK/Lancer Productions & Publications, 1996] p. 15. Charles R. Drago, "In the Blossom of Our Sins: An Eleventh Hour Plea For War and Its Absolutions," The Fourth Decade, May, 1997, pp. 4, 6.
I have pondered about that possiblity in previous posts. I think it is very likely that this might
have happened. That time the intelligence services feared that Castro would retaliate against US officials
as a revenge for the CIA plots to kill him. Imagine if they could pursuade RFK that they needed to conduct Continuity of Government exercises to prepare for such a scenario. Lansdale would have been part of an operation Notrhwoods style. The WHCA along the army and Jack Crichton's civil emergency banker would have controlled the exercise. The doomsday plane was above Dallas at 12.30 communicating operation Silver Dollar. The Secret Service had to be incoroprated in the exercise to relax security (some agents were aware of the real assassination) and maybe the November studies that Palamara wrote about was probably part of the operation.
Dulles was familiar with the Valkyrie plot against Hitler as William Kelly has explained and he was able to turn this Continuity of Government exercise into a real attempt. People like Angleton and Phillips who controlled the Mexico incident were loyal to Dulles.I believe William Kelly has mentioned that Gisevius one of the Valkyrie plotters was working at Dresser industries in 1963.
Could it be possible that Chicago and Tampa were also part of the Continuity of Government exercises?
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Could it be possible that Chicago and Tampa were also part of the Continuity of Government exercises?

In my judgment (and as previously stated), Chicago and Tampa were developed to "protect" the only real plot -- the Dallas event -- by A) flooding the system with so many threats that physical and emotional resources were spread thin and a resulting "anesthetic" of sorts dulled perceptions, and B) providing plausible scenarios to which leaked details of Dallas could be attributed.
So you exclude the possiblity that Tampa and Chicago were part of the Northwoods style fake assassination?
I would guess, that the character of your novel, responsible for "operation Thespian"
is Edward Lansdale.

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