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The "Fake" Attempt on JFK's Life: Or, Great Minds Think Alike
"Albert Doyle" is not welcome to post on any thread I create.

Such is my personal preference. I have no power to enforce this.

I ask all who respond to threads that I create to ignore "Albert Doyle."
I stand guilty of taking the thread of into Grateful Dead and so forth. When it was opined to get the thread back to topic, my post # 31 in this thread was doing that as I felt I owed the thread.

Also this covert fake attempt turned real is important in my view. It deserves to be discussed even if sometimes speculative in nature but serious thought is what the idea deserves.

"A much used technique here at DPF: the invitation to engage in endless explanations with a person who intends to remain chronically clueless".

How to stop that tactic? Ignore the junk.

I sensed something funny before this, but ignoring it seems best.
The statement at #1:

The "Fake" Attempt on JFK's Life: Or, Great Minds Think Alike

A plan was hatched to stage a public attempt on JFK's life.

Castro would be the Sponsor patsy.

The purpose of the plan was to allow an uninjured JFK to seize upon this causus belli to retaliate by invading Cuba.

The plan was penetrated (or perhaps even created) by individuals who turned it into a a deadly reality.

This thought occurred to me, without prompting, in 1990.

It is a central plot device for Autumn Too Long, a novel and screenplay that I began more than fifteen years ago.

I subsequently -- in fact, recently -- learned that a newly made friend has been thinking along the same lines for at least a couple of decades.

"Great" minds think alike.

I hope he will come forward here and help promote public analysis of our shared hypothesis.
Chicago as a numbing device (the mosquito will first desensitize the host before its blood drawing), as well as an antidote for reports coming into FBI offices, Secret Service posts, CIA officers.

The 40-million-killed-in-the-first-hour spiel used on Warren and other commissioners, perhaps LBJ.

The Cuban consulate and KGB 13th Directorate chief Kostikov prepared as a line of false-sponsorship.

The use of Milteer to paint racists.

Of the comments of Hoffa, Marcello, Trafficante, Giancana to blame the families.

When BATF did the Weaver and Waco raids for funding, it's easy to see the precursor in a mock attack on principal in Dealey.

Bobby at the excomm suggesting another Maine to blow up.

Northwoods showed a huge military propensity for manufactured casus belli--Tonkin Gulf Resolution got us into a decade of war in a place the murdered president eschewed after his 1951 visit and October 1963 NSAM 263.

OKCBomb saw strange shadows cast beforehand; many witnesses to bombs in the building, bomb squads on the street--but absent from the BATF office.

The WTC was hit in '93, was clearly a target, but John O'Neill was bounced from the FBI for warning of it, in the manner of SA Colleen Rowley.

Palamara has noted the peculiar vulnerablities of the Dallas leg. For some it might've been explained as a drill, an exercise, for test purposes, for funding.

Prouty said MI was stood down. The sheriff told his people not to assist.

And the removal of the stop on Oswald was something CIA alone could have done according to John Newman.

The sponsor(s) remaining unspoken created the imperative and the top facilitators would've encompassed the powerful creator-destroyers named above: e.g., Angleton, Dulles, and to a lesser extent Phillips.

A script had to be prepared, and the plotting would've been on many levels.

Enough magician's tricks of distraction in the form of false-sponsors and false-facilitators and up to and including Oswald the ultimate false mechanic--indeed, the easy undoing of the Big Lie is that Oswald is made to be the sole actuator, encompassing sponsor, facilitator and mechanic in one.

Perhaps Evica's Perfect Cover covers the vast panoply of the prepared battlefield of terracotta warriors, while DiEugenio shows how important Garrison and the Shaw-Banister-Ferrie-Arcacha Smith segment was (enormous FBI/CIA counterattack), and Sherry Feister shows frontal headshot using state of the arts forensic analysis of trajectory, spatter, target motion physics.

What motivated JFK's "Marty you worry too much" and "Henry the Secret Service has taken care of everything"--probably he trusted that agency.

Its key traitor-coup-plotters might very well have internally referred to a drill, a limited hangout to get the cooperation of loyal agents in a vile act of state murder.

The Secret Service destroyed or tried to destroy its records rather than give them to the archivists and ARRB.

What were they hiding if not treason.

It's a good year for coalescing the pixels

The pointillist portrait of an assassination has been painstakingly done in the blood of honest witnesses and incorruptible researchers

We dolly back and the warehouse at the finale of Raiders of the Lost Ark reveals the perspective of magnificence concealed in bureaucratic camouflage
"Perhaps Evica's Perfect Cover covers the vast panoply of the prepared battlefield of terracotta warriors, while DiEugenio shows how important Garrison and the Shaw-Banister-Ferrie-Arcacha Smith segment was (enormous FBI/CIA counterattack), and Sherry Feister shows frontal headshot using state of the arts forensic analysis of trajectory, spatter, target motion physics.

What motivated JFK's "Marty you worry too much" and "Henry the Secret Service has taken care of everything"--probably he trusted that agency.

Its key traitor-coup-plotters might very well have internally referred to a drill, a limited hangout to get the cooperation of loyal agents in a vile act of state murder.

The Secret Service destroyed or tried to destroy its records rather than give them to the archivists and ARRB.

What were they hiding if not treason.

It's a good year for coalescing the pixels

The pointillist portrait of an assassination has been painstakingly done in the blood of honest witnesses and incorruptible researchers

We dolly back and the warehouse at the finale of Raiders of the Lost Ark reveals the perspective of magnificence concealed in bureaucratic camouflage"

The last 5 sentences hold the charge.

That which the enemy has done before can and often does demonstrate methods and tactics to be redeployed in later engagements.

By the accounts of Mr. Abraham Bolden and even Mssers. Greer and Hill, the relationships between the SS personnel and the Kennedy family were good. In Mr. Bolden's book Kennedy was well liked by the agents for the most part with some reactionary exceptions. Our POTUS trusted the SS. Clearly he should not have.

Oh how the "evidence" of treason has changed from say 1965 and the Rush To Judgment film.

I think it is clear that at the least part of the Secret Service personal protection detail for the Dallas leg of the Texas trip was compromised somehow.

The false assassination drill could explain a part of the compromising treason. I see the "plot" as much wider than just the Secret Service, however the complicity of the Secret Service seems well established. There is now too much that we know now as opposed to "Forgive My Grief" era state of affairs.

As Mr Dragoo said
"What were they hiding if not treason.

It's a good year for coalescing the pixels"

It sure is.


Who stood down MI? Cabinet or JCS level code word material. Treason runs deep in this entire murder and I don't fear to call it treason now, the evidence stacks ever higher. TREASON.
Assuming that the fake attempt is a serious posibility, we have to questionas to who were
part of the fake atempt and who of the real one.
I recommend members who do not want to interact with another member here go to that person's profile page (click on their name) and select the 'Add to ignore list' link which will make their post invisible to you. Or just ignore it like Jim does.

Jim Hackett II Wrote:I stand guilty of taking the thread of into Grateful Dead and so forth. When it was opined to get the thread back to topic, my post # 31 in this thread was doing that as I felt I owed the thread.

Also this covert fake attempt turned real is important in my view. It deserves to be discussed even if sometimes speculative in nature but serious thought is what the idea deserves.

"A much used technique here at DPF: the invitation to engage in endless explanations with a person who intends to remain chronically clueless".

How to stop that tactic? Ignore the junk.

I sensed something funny before this, but ignoring it seems best.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
There ain't no cacciatore in Farmer Brown's future.


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