Agreed regarding 5-3/8 down from the jacket collar, 5-3/4 down from the shirt collar, Burkley said the third thoracic, Humes said no deeper than a finger joint--QED there is no Magic Bullet; there are more guns than one, ergo conspiracy is the fact and the lone gun is the flat earth.
I have the Fetzer volumes Assassination Science (1998) and Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) and they contain much which is quite useful, and quite fatal to lone gun lunacy, that by-law of the Dulles Citizens Council.
Jim Fetzer the forum member danced from any given frying pan to its fire to surrounding lava beds to the fusion at the heart of our sun.
JFK might go to 911, JFKjr, Wellstone, lunar landing, the real killer of Ron and Nicole and shame on you weak intellects who can't keep up.
Now a dash from boxes in the back of a Goodwill or Salvation Army containing shirts which might have been worn.
Might. And Joannides might have cooperated with Bulova to place ringers at the Ambassador.
The author of "a couple" of books on JFK and a score on philosophy may find a cellular need to exercise the cerebrum saturated with the How Shall We Think life at dusk.
He may need to go riding in open cars under the moon with long guns and blue beverages toasting the contessa with Hesse.
A new generation has been along every era and the snowblowers and leafblowers keep the eternal flame clear.
Some are boisterous and irrascible--Jim Fetzer roared at my suggestion Americans have no attention span for his ice floe hopscotch.
We go on each in his own way.
And find the most staid and the most rebel-rebel share a deeply cynical disgust with the powers that be.
They thirst for truth.
The rodeo clowns have the crowd's attention and now comes the announcement.