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Wecht conference was outstanding!
Brethren, I can tell you that the new research by Thompson and Fitzgerald, Jim DiEugenio, Groden, and the vibrant talks from Cyril Wecht and Robert Tannenbaum were only but a few of the great presentations made this past week.

As for Jim DiEugenio, his presentation (all documented!) on JFK's Foreign Policy shows beyond a doubt that he was no Cold Warrior nor was he EVER going to put us into Vietnam!

As for Thompson, Fitzgerald and Groden, I tell all of you to view Zapruder frame 328 and the entire sequence after Z 313. President Kennedy WAS HIT IN THE HEAD (HSCA hole in the head) after Z313. It is very clear when the blood from his brain explodes downward into Jackie's lap in Z328 (thru the sequence). Brethren, this new research may remove "Badgeman" from our lexicon or at the very least, "badgeman" did not fire the throat shot.

The amount of information presented, discussed and debated has worn my brain out! But it was a terrific experience!

Kudos to Ben Wecht for such a well run symposium, and a thank you to Dr. Wecht for his continued inspiration.
Sounds great. I hope it was filmed and we will see some of it on YouTube.
Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Brethren, I can tell you that the new research by Thompson and Fitzgerald, Jim DiEugenio, Groden, and the vibrant talks from Cyril Wecht and Robert Tannenbaum were only but a few of the great presentations made this past week.

As for Jim DiEugenio, his presentation (all documented!) on JFK's Foreign Policy shows beyond a doubt that he was no Cold Warrior nor was he EVER going to put us into Vietnam!

As for Thompson, Fitzgerald and Groden, I tell all of you to view Zapruder frame 328 and the entire sequence after Z 313. President Kennedy WAS HIT IN THE HEAD (HSCA hole in the head) after Z313. It is very clear when the blood from his brain explodes downward into Jackie's lap in Z328 (thru the sequence). Brethren, this new research may remove "Badgeman" from our lexicon or at the very least, "badgeman" did not fire the throat shot.

The amount of information presented, discussed and debated has worn my brain out! But it was a terrific experience!

Kudos to Ben Wecht for such a well run symposium, and a thank you to Dr. Wecht for his continued inspiration.

With all due respect to Jim Douglass I never thought JFK was a cold warrior. Wish I could have been at the conference, I heard from Al Rossi that Jim got a standing ovation! Way to go Jim.
Apparently, according to the website, only to be available on DVD at some point in the future. There wasn't even a link to that I could find now.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Well, if Fetzer and his crew could put their symposium on YouTube, they could certainly share some of the Wecht conference with the general public. That is, if they're trying to reach a larger audience than just preaching to the converted.
Surgeon in ER Insists Two Gunmen Shot JFK

By Michael A. Fuoco / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette October 20th, 2013
[Image: cyril-wecht_420.jpg?w=307&h=200&crop=1]

Doctor first to see Kennedy's wound

Photo: Cyril H. Wecht uses a skull to discuss the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at a symposium Thursday.
A surgeon who half a century ago was among the doctors who tried to save President John F. Kennedy's life said Thursday that the Warren Commission got it wrong in determining a lone gunman assassinated JFK in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

Speaking via teleconference to a Duquesne University symposium marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination, Robert N. McClelland said he was the first doctor in Parkland Hospital's Trauma Room One to notice the massive wound in the back of Kennedy's skull and that a trauma of that size had to be an exit wound.
"The whole right side of his skull was gone. I could look inside his skull cavity. Obviously, it was a mortal wound," he told a spellbound audience of legal, medical, forensic and investigative experts and the public who packed the university's Power Ballroom.
Dr. McClelland, now 83 and professor emeritus at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, said that because it was an exit wound, it logically followed that it had been fired from in front of the president's limousine. And, in turn, that meant a second gunman was involved in the assassination, contradicting the Warren Commission's finding that there was but one assassin.
The Warren Commission determined that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he fired three times with a high-powered rifle on the president's motorcade in Dealey Plaza from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The commission said that one bullet missed, another went through the president's neck and also wounded Texas Gov. John Connolly the so-called "single bullet theory" and the third caused the fatal head wound.
But Dr. McClelland was resolute. "Having seen what I saw" in the emergency room and then viewing the Zapruder film of the assassination, he said, he believes JFK "was initially hit from a bullet fired from the sixth floor that went through his back and out through his neck. The next injury was caused by somebody behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll firing a shot that blew out the right side of his head."
Speaking on the first day of the three-day symposium sponsored by the university's Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, Dr. McClelland also recounted how two days after Kennedy's assassination he and other surgeons tried in vain to save Oswald's life after he was shot by Jack Ruby while being transferred from Dallas police headquarters to the county jail.
In his address, Dr. Wecht, the renowned forensic pathologist and longtime critic of the Warren Report, railed against what he called was the "inept, inexplicable, totally incompetent" autopsy performed on the president by Navy pathologists James J. Humes and J. Thornton Boswell. They concluded the president had been struck by two bullets, fired from above and behind, with the fatal shot being the one that struck his head.
"They had never done a single gunshot wound autopsy before. If you heard of this in another country, you'd say condescendingly and dismissively, What do you expect from that country?' but this was our country," Dr. Wecht said. "This should bother you so much; this should be so distressing, even 50 years later."
Dr. Wecht, who used a skull and dissected a brain during his address to illustrate his criticism of the autopsy and what wasn't done, said the "cold case" needs to be reopened.
"The Warren Commission Report is scientifically absurd," he said. The burden of the report's detractors is not to have all the answers about the assassination, he said, but to point out defects in the investigation, which they have done. He received a standing ovation.
Among the speakers today will be Academy Award-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone, director of the controversial 1991 film "JFK" and director/narrator of the Showtime docu-series "Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Well, if Fetzer and his crew could put their symposium on YouTube, they could certainly share some of the Wecht conference with the general public. That is, if they're trying to reach a larger audience than just preaching to the converted.

My sentiments exactly. We all complain that the general public is not well informed, that they don't know the details and revelations of the last 20 years but we complain how thw likes of Bugliosi, O'Reilly et al are well known and reach a wide audience. If we don't make the conferences available to a world wide audience instead of a select few, then we remain marginilized and mocked as conspiracy theorists. Plus more people will buy more books from the good researchers instead of bying crappy books that make the NY Times best sellers.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Well, if Fetzer and his crew could put their symposium on YouTube, they could certainly share some of the Wecht conference with the general public. That is, if they're trying to reach a larger audience than just preaching to the converted.

My sentiments exactly. We all complain that the general public is not well informed, that they don't know the details and revelations of the last 20 years but we complain how thw likes of Bugliosi, O'Reilly et al are well known and reach a wide audience. If we don't make the conferences available to a world wide audience instead of a select few, then we remain marginilized and mocked as conspiracy theorists. Plus more people will buy more books from the good researchers instead of bying crappy books that make the NY Times best sellers.

COPA is always on the internet - usually live, or a day after. I don't know about Lancer. The Wecht conference, it seems, is NOT and will be only available by purchasing a DVD at sometime in the future. Sad, really...... Even COPA, which makes its speakers freely available, doesn't do much to see that it is picked up by alternative news organizations, blogs, internet shows, etc.

The best thing that could happen this year is some BIG altercation in the Plaza with the Police and City keeping those with alternative views [Conspiracy! - the word that dare not speak its name in Dallas!] from access - and that making US and International news...THEN maybe people will 'tune in to' the COPA talks and some of the better books.....I think such an event is likely in Dallas this year; and we need to be prepared to use it to inform the uninformed. This is the BIG one [the 50th] and next year won't have the same impact and some of us won't be around a whole lot longer.....we've already lost many of the good researchers, witnesses and many who should have been in the 'Dock' of Justice.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
At least one poll I've heard of shows more acceptance of the Lone Nut scenario among younger people.

From the MSM they get lies and from the JFK Assasination Critical Research Community they get noise.

I attribute this to the failure of the JFKACRC to reach consensus around the most obvious facts related to the killing of JFK.

How many times was the question asked -- "What happened to the bullets that caused JFK's throat and back wounds?" -- at Wecht?


I gather it was asked by Wecht himself, who then went on TV to say that a single bullet accounted for those wounds.

Everyone too busy trilling over the head wounds, the most unknowable part of the case?

Kudos to Bill Kelly and Jim DiEugenio, however, for their well received and important presentations.

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