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John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone...
Way back when, Kerry did make a half-decent attempt to investigate CIA drug trafficking, Iran-Contra, BCCI. In retrospect, it was a limited hang-out. Then he just seemed to throw the election in 2004 against Bush.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Way back when, Kerry did make a half-decent attempt to investigate CIA drug trafficking, Iran-Contra, BCCI. In retrospect, it was a limited hang-out. Then he just seemed to throw the election in 2004 against Bush.

It in some ways parallels Obama in his early 'community organizer' years...when they are lower down on the feeding chain they can almost act as they believe; either they learn to keep their truths hidden as they rise - or can not rise unless they disguise and bury any pretensions to challenge official versions of events. Kerry is also a friend of Gary Hart - who stated publicly when he began his run for President that he'd have all JFK documents released if he was President. The next thing one knew he was 'destroyed' in a 'honey-trap' and dropped out of the race...funny thing about that.....and one could go on and on and on about similar.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
It's of interest that John Kerry is related to Michael Paine, whose mother,
Ruth Forbes Young, was also part of the prominent New England Forbes clan to which John Forbes Kerry belongs.
And when Ruth Paine (Michael's wife at the time of the assassination) was told about
what John Kerry said recently about Oswald and the assassination, she replied to the Mail Online, "Oh, dear. He said that? That's so disappointing.
These conspiracy theories do a great deal of disservice to history. I'm disappointed. I really
feel that people who are looking at it ought to realize that the Commission did a really
excellent job." Add in that John Kerry is a Bonesman and that as a youth he
met JFK (there are photos of Kerry on a yacht with JFK), and the picture from
Kerry's point of view is rather complex. So he stops talking about it rather
than going more deeply into these murky waters.
Joseph McBride Wrote:It's of interest that John Kerry is related to Michael Paine, whose mother,
Ruth Forbes Young, was also part of the prominent New England Forbes clan to which John Forbes Kerry belongs.
And when Ruth Paine (Michael's wife at the time of the assassination) was told about
what John Kerry said recently about Oswald and the assassination, she replied to the Mail Online, "Oh, dear. He said that? That's so disappointing.
These conspiracy theories do a great deal of disservice to history. I'm disappointed. I really
feel that people who are looking at it ought to realize that the Commission did a really
excellent job." Add in that John Kerry is a Bonesman and that as a youth he
met JFK (there are photos of Kerry on a yacht with JFK), and the picture from
Kerry's point of view is rather complex. So he stops talking about it rather
than going more deeply into these murky waters.

Whatever his beliefs are - and I think I know he knows as we know - the bottom line is he knows that from his current position, were he to say more truth or express more doubt about the official lies, he'd soon be dead as JFK and Oswald. It is fear that keeps everyone in line...for some fear of their lives; for others fear of discovering that America is not what is says it is....and everything in between - but always FEAR - which is [not money] the main motivating factor today in the USA.

Yes, the relationship by family between Kerry and the Paine's is interesting, but I don't find it a major factor....just one many factors - with fear, and going along to get along being the main ones. Many of the various actors in the play knew each other or were related to one another - or had a relative just one or two degrees of separation away from we have a ruling class for the most part.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Gary Hart on JFK: American journalism never followed up'

Former Senator Gary Hart talked to the Huffington Post yesterday about a missed opportunity in the mid-1970s when Congress reopened the JFK assassination investigation, two Mafia bosses knowledgeable about the events of 1963 were murdered and the Washington press wasn't interested.

The two Mafia bosses, Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana, had been enlisted by senior CIA officials in various conspiracies to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Giancana was shot dead in his Chicago home by someone he admitted into his house in June 1975, shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Hart, then a senator from Colorado, was a member of the committee.
Roselli testified before the committee shortly thereafter and declined to answer most questions about the Castro assassination plots, which had been organized by Bill Harvey, chief of anti-Castro operations for the CIA in the first two years JFK's administration. In August 1976, Roselli was called to testify again when his body was found stuffed in an oil drum floating in the ocean near Miami.
Some associates of Roselli and Giancana have contended they were involved in JFK's assassination.
Press reaction
Hart, an unsuccessful presidential candidate in 1984 and 1988, who was sometimes likened to JFK for his personal style, said this about the puzzling reaction of the press to the murders.
[Image: Gary-Hart-300x276.jpg]Sen. Gary Hart, JFK investigator
"I was always amazed in that particular instance of the CIA-Mafia connection and the Cuban connection 12 years coming up 12 years after Kennedy was killed that somebody didn't go after that story," he said. "New York Times, Washington Post; anybody. And they didn't. They reported the deaths and that was it, and the strange quirky coincidence, you know, but nothing more."
Hart is talking about an early instance of JFK denialism the impulse to shy from confronting the hard facts and disturbing implications of the JFK assassination story. The phenomenon is visible these days at PBS and CNN, and Hart's comments suggest It was also at work in 1975-76.
It's not hard to understand why. At the time, the U.S. government was in terrible shape. President Nixon had been forced to resigned in August 1974. In early 1975, the CIA had been disgraced by the disclosure of mail intercept program that illegally targeted U.S. citizens and revelations about its conspiracies to kill foreign leaders. In April 1975, the pro-American client government in Saigon was overthrown and the United States lost the Vietnam War. Washington was reeling.
In those circumstances the idea that the murders of Roselli and Giancana might be connected to the assassination of JFK was almost too lurid to be believed. And yet they were.
Suspicions of CIA man
When former CIA official John Whitten heard that GIancana had been murdered, he immediately wondered if his former colleague Bill Harvey had been involved. Whitten knew Harvey well from their time working for the CIA in Europe in the 1950s.
[Image: Harvey.jpg]Bill Harvey
Harvey served as chief of the CIA's program to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961-62 and openly derided Attorney General Robert Kennedy for what he regarded as the Kennedy administration's weak Cuba policy.
Harvey also knew Giancana. In 1961, he enlisted Giancana and Roselli and other organized crime leaders in a plot to kill Castro.
Whitten, who served as chief of the Mexico desk in the clandestine service in 1963, told investigators in closed-door testimony in 1978 that, "Harvey was really a hard-boiled unsubtle, ruthless guy who was, in my opinion, a very dangerous man."
Whitten went on:
"I have wondered I wondered if the government ever looked into the possibility that Harvey did not knock off Giancomo [Giancana]. He lived in the same area when he retired. He was a great one with guns. I read it in the newspaper. I was overseas and I said to myself I wondered if they looked into Bill Harvey."
The CIA didn't and neither did American journalists. The Giancana murder was never solved.
Among the 1,100 JFK-related documents that the CIA is still keeping secret in 2013 is a 123-page file on Bill Harvey's operational activities.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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