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Sean Murphy's research deserves more
This is what Parker is running from:

Parker is an arrogant disinformationist and flagrant liar. After being shown Carolyn Arnold's statement to Golz several times, where she emphasized that she did not see Oswald on the 1st floor, Greg ignores it and repeats his claim that she did. Greg is going to insist on this no matter how many times the actual person whom he speaking of disclaimed it. Again, we are talking about a person who now qualifies for a psychological condition considering his imperviousness to fact. Greg Parker is going to correct Carolyn Arnold even if she was there and he wasn't. No matter how many times she denies it.

Greg really tries to get away with a Judyth Bakerism in his next excuse. He claims that Mrs Arnold thought the motorcade was supposed to arrive at 12:25 so that was the time she gave FBI when she actually left at 12:30. Bullshit. Mrs Arnold's statement where she mentioned 12:25 was given on March 18 1964, 4 months after the assassination when the 12:30 shooting time had been saturated into the public's mind by media coverage. Greg suggests that a main witness and person who witnessed the shooting would not be intensely aware of this fact. No, nice try Bullshit Greg. What is painfully clear is Carolyn Arnold said she left the Depository building at 12:25, as she complained to Golz. Greg is tinkering with context here. Carolyn Arnold never said she made a comment on when she left the Depository and went home. She was simply saying when she left the building to go out and watch the motorcade. That time was 12:25. That means she saw Oswald in the lunch-room a minute earlier. Greg is stretching context to make it sound like Carolyn was responding to when she went home. That isn't at all what she said. Once again Greg is fabricating that and telling it with full confidence when in fact there is absolutely no indication of it in the actual record. Greg has no problem with the fact FBI lied about Mrs Arnold seeing Oswald on the 1st floor in the same November 26 1963 report where they claimed 12:15.

Greg again gives a non-response response where he gives recklessly inaccurate information and schmoozes an answer that doesn't really faithfully reflect the true record or what is actually being said. Greg is basically a disinformation troll making it up as he goes along. He's an obfuscator and liar. The real truth that Greg is taking pains to avoid is that Carolyn Arnold told FBI 12:25 as the one and only time she left the Depository. The correct context was that she left the 2nd floor at that time with the intention of going out to watch the parade. When the assassination happened Mrs Arnold left. Greg tries to get around this with one of his classic Judyth Baker Jerry-built excuses, but he can't even make that believable either. Smart people will realize Mrs Arnold is speaking in the context of when she was last able to see Oswald who was presumed to be inside. When she gave the time she left the Depository it was in the context of what FBI was interested in - that is when she last had the opportunity to witness Oswald. So the 12:25 claim is in the context of when she left the Depository building. There's simply no way Carolyn Arnold didn't know that JFK was shot at 12:30 4 months after the assassination. It is very obvious that Mrs Arnold said she left the 2nd floor at 12:25, like she told FBI, and then went home after the assassination. When she told FBI what time she left the Depository building she said 12:25. That's what she meant by she left the building at 12:25 and never came back. When Golz showed her the 12:15 claim, she protested she never said that. She said she claimed 12:25 - which she did.
David Healey:

Self-styled photo interpreters can't determine the lineage of the photos they work with, have never determined what generation image they are working with, do NOT disclaim their image interpretation and generation are simply negligent. Those who agree or disagree with their "photo intepretation" are sawing off the limb the interpreter is standing on, credibility is shot--a simple waste of bandwidth... fools-folly. Especially if one has a modicum of knowledge concerning film/phots related to this case.

How do you determine color of clothes or for that matter hair style in a seriously deformed b/w photo?

I think this is accurate about this imbroglio. It becomes a Rohrsach test with images that degraded.

But, John Mytton?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I think this is accurate about this imbroglio. It becomes a Rohrsach test with images that degraded.

If you look at Duncan's arrow photo Prayer Man is visible enough to see the dark hair tones. Those tones are clearly hair and can't be anything else. They extend down to the neck. This is a correct scientific argument of evidence that deserves respect. I suggest ignoring it or blowing it off with offhand comments comes at the expense of credibility.

Jim, what is the dark notch near the wrist area on Prayer Man's right forearm? It has to be something because it is blocking the arm. What is it? This is a legitimate photographic science issue that is above the degraded image and pixel excuses that are being used to ignore it.

Are Prayer Man's arms crossed? What is your opinion on that Jim? Too blurry to tell? You seem to have no such degraded image problem when Sean Murphy used the same images.

These are perfectly fair questions that deserve answers. Is there a CTKA conflict of interest here for a host author?

Parker is on a campaign to create a false history for Carolyn Arnold and a certain forum is allowing him to do it unhindered and without any protest.

No matter how many times Greg Parker is informed that Carolyn Arnold told Earl Golz she did not see Oswald on the 1st floor Parker ignores it and repeats the same lie. What is it about Mrs Arnold's definitive statement that Parker doesn't understand?

Quote:She explicitly denied that her sighting of Oswald took place near the front doors: "Why would I be looking back inside the building? That doesn't make any sense to me."

Here you have the actual witness emphatically denying she ever saw Oswald on the 1st floor as her FBI statement indicated. This isn't good enough for Greg however, who has now become an ROKC god who creates his own reality. What the actual witnesses actually experienced is irrelevant to him. And when no one calls him on it it doesn't really make any difference anyway.

Greg is right back without skipping a beat claiming Carolyn Arnold left the 2nd floor at 12:15. And this is despite Carolyn Arnold being shown her FBI statement by Golz where she once again emphatically denied saying she left at 12:15. She told Golz, no, it was 12:25. Parker has no problem with the fact the November 26 1963 FBI report that falsely claimed Mrs Arnold saw Oswald on the 1st floor was also the same report that falsely claimed 12:15. The way Parker deals with this is he ignores it and goes back to offering corrections of the real time witnesses with explanations of why they were wrong. Despite what they say.

Here's where Greg really proves what he's made of. Realizing that Mrs Arnold had to have known from the months of media coverage following the assassination that Kennedy was shot at 12:30, he then admits that, yes, indeed, she must have known it was 12:30 when she told FBI in March 1964 that she left the Depository at 12:25 - but Greg says despite this obvious knowledge she still told FBI it was 12:25 because that's what was stuck in her mind. Yes, Greg is honestly offering this goofy, made up at the time, jerry-built excuse that even Judyth Baker wouldn't dare. He's offering it and trying to get away with it despite its obvious silliness. You see the reason Greg has to stick to this obviously silly excuse is because he knows the real 12:30 assassination time damns him and makes Carolyn Arnold's real claimed 12:25 departure time from the Depository the likely time she left the 2nd floor. Like his irrational insistence that Mrs Arnold did see Oswald on the 1st floor he must stick to this 12:25 time for the shooting, otherwise he'll have to admit the evidence is leading towards Mrs Arnold leaving the second floor at 12:25 like she said. Greg is ignoring Mrs Arnold's insistence to Golz that she left at 12:25. Greg is ignoring everything that is said and leading us back to his obvious, self-serving, credulous scenario. Meanwhile, in reality, there's simply no way that Carolyn Arnold did not know in March 1964 that Kennedy was shot at 12:30. Realizing this, and honoring Carolyn Arnold's own clear statements, we can safely surmise she was saying she left the 2nd floor at 12:25. If you look at Parker's bs he pulls the dirty trick of suggesting through semantics that Mrs Arnold was referring to her leaving the Dealey Plaza area to go home. However if you go back and check all records Carolyn Arnold never said that. Parker manages to impress the reader that's what it means because he's comparing it to his claimed 12:15 departure time. He's suggesting 12:15 was the time Mrs Arnold left the 2nd floor office and 12:25 was the misconstrued time she thought she left the area. However what Parker doesn't inform the reader of is there is zero to back that up except the FBI report Carolyn Arnold read herself and emphatically rejected. Parker's a smoke and mirrors man who pulls things out of thin air and tries to sell them as real. He's a denial snakeoil salesman who nobody challenges.

Parker caps his opus bs by then referring to the FBI report quoting Carolyn Arnold as leaving the 2nd floor at 12:15. Again, he doesn't inform the reader that the source for this was an FBI report Carolyn Arnold never saw or signed. The same report that lied about her seeing Oswald on the 1st floor. Parker diverts us to this obviously pathetically-contrived disinformation because he is trying to draw our attention away from the fact that Carolyn Arnold specifically told both FBI and Golz that she "left the building" at 12:25. Mrs Arnold did not say she went home at 12:25, she specifically said she "left the building". The reason this is important is because when Golz showed her the FBI report that claimed she left the 2nd floor at 12:15 she protested that, no, it was 12:25. So right there Carolyn Arnold defines the context of her 12:25 leaving the building statement. She's clearly not referring to her leaving the area as Greg falsely suggests. And once you input this you can see that Greg's suggestion that Carolyn Arnold was incorrectly referring to her wrong concept of the shooting time is totally ridiculous and goes against the correctly rendered record. Mrs Arnold could not be both referring to the 2nd floor departure time and leaving the area time as 12:25. If you scrutinize the record Carolyn Arnold never gave any statement for when she left the area. That's something Greg fabricated from his false construction. If you view the real record the only reference Carolyn Arnold ever gave was to when she left the Depository. The true context of what she said was that she considered her leaving the 2nd floor as being the time when she left work. Besides, nobody would believe that by March 1964 Mrs Arnold would not have known the shots happened at 12:30. She was a Depository employee for God's sake, so Greg's silly children's excuse doesn't account for Mrs Arnold working at a place where the 12:30 time was prominently discussed. Sorry, Greg you need to find a better sloppily patched together excuse. This one ain't working.

The assassination troll Greg Parker is really on his heels now. He's claiming 12:25 must be the leaving the area time while ignoring Carolyn Arnold specifically said in her March 1964 FBI statement that she "Left the building" at 12:25. Greg is trying to get us to believe that after a presidential assassination, where the lady workers were all assembled outside wondering if they were going to go back to work, that none of them checked the time. That none of them told Carolyn Arnold what time it was. Hello Greg. You're mine now...

If there are photos of Carolyn Arnold outside the Depository well after the shots that only further reinforces the fact the 12:25 time was referring to when she left the building and not when she went home. Greg is really going to have to dig deep in to his Judy Baker excuse bucket if this turns out to be so.

Parker is now staggering in the ring from a knock-out punch. It appears a photo has emerged of Carolyn Arnold in front of the Depository at the plaque at the corner of Elm and Houston between 12:40 and 12:45. This of course means that Parker's silly claim that Carolyn Arnold meant she left the area at 12:25 is now stretched beyond credibility. Parker is asking us to believe that in all the confusion over whether work would continue and the need to coordinate returning home that Mrs Arnold never checked or discussed the time with the many co-workers around her in the photo. Parker sells himself as a big man calling out cowards - but watch him ignore this and pretend he doesn't see it.

Parker's credulousness is so deep that he now even admits Carolyn Arnold may have meant she left work at 12:25 (which is what I've been arguing in this thread). His denial is so strong that he ignores the fact this admission means Mrs Arnold left the 2nd floor at 12:25, like she said, and saw Oswald in the 2nd floor lunch-room at that time. Greg is so hopeless that he has the solipsistic arrogance to be backed in to the real facts and admit them, yet somehow thinks it still works in his favor. What a marroon!

Parker, of course, will just blow harder to get through all this.

I never said that PM was Oswald.

In fact, I disagreed with Parker over his certainty, and warned him about it. And he acknowledged the warning. But it did not impact him.

I thought Sean did some very interesting work on this. And I thought it should have been considered as a serious attempt. What you are forgetting is that Sean is not the first guy to bring this up. It first surfaced many years ago at Lancer. In fact, in the EF thread, it was not brought up by Sean but by Bill Kelly.

I answered your other question on another thread. And I also warned of the danger of enhancements--as with Badgeman. Plus, the danger of who is doing the enhancements. And third, if there is a marked difference between the actual image and the enhancement.

Have you tried to get in contact with Sean about this? If so, what did he say? And does that info confirm what you said about him? Namley that he found out somehow that he was wrong and did not want to admit it.

Have you made any attempt to find out who John Mytton is? I did, and Duncan says he has not the foggiest notion. He lets people sign up with assumed names. And it does not matter to him that the assumed name character has been dead for a hundred years.
I was wrong.

John Mytton has a been dead for more like 200 years.
Note that Von Pein is not putting John Mytton's lying "enhancement" about JFK's head wounds on the forum right now.

Yet, he likes it a lot since it bolsters the WC view of the crime.

When I saw that, I instinctively understood why, whoever he was, was using a dead man's name.

Only a dyed in the wool WC zealot could do something like that.
The biases involved here are clear Jim. Jim, you've backed some bad horses like Eaglesham, Farley, and others who came in on the wrong side of the evidence. When I criticize you I always include the disclaimer that it is with the respect due to the author of the masterwork Destiny Betrayed and other top level assassination works. You have done major damage to the deniers, but I feel you have an achilles heel when it comes to some of the very important fringe witnesses like Mary Pinchot Meyer, Ralph Yates, and Commander Pitzer, and are a little too generous to some misguided researchers.

Of course, Mytton has zero to do with the evidence of Prayer Man being a woman. I don't know why you are changing the topic.

Duncan is brilliantly correct in his observation, however all humans are fallible and he's foolishly misdrawn the border on his purse. He missed the part that juts under the arm and undermined some of his best evidence.

The dark hair tones are visible in Duncan's Darnell blow-up. If you could get people to stick to the evidence you would see that the hair is one distinct tone. It reaches down to the neck like a waved woman's hairstyle. Unless someone can show what else that dark tone is, besides the hair it matches at the top of the head, it is long hair and therefore conclusively isn't Oswald. - Not to mention the purse.

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