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Gary Mack's Magical Powers of Dissuasion
The cops at Dealey Plaza had all the democratic integrity of WalMart Private Security with prescripted politically correct lines posing as genuine protectors of the public. The guys back in the 60's would have taken it to them like they deserved. Now we are too afraid to pay the cost of challenging their anti-democratic order. Post the truth and you probably get put on some creepy Orwellian list scanned by big brother intel technology. The trains are running on time on in neo-America. The band plays life-less music in tribute to their fallen king. Murdering presidents, OK. Blocking sidewalks - oh boy...
Donald Manning Wrote:Did you read Gary's defence of Jackie's "bear hug moment"?
Short version was iirc, "I wasn't there for that part".
Was that you breathing down Yardley's neck though?
Televisual magic.

Thanks for this post. There can be no excuse for that placement of Jackie Kennedy in any re-enactment. I have never seen anything to even suggest that she was ever in that position. It is hard to believe that was left in the film.



Quote:When asked about this later on the Discovery Channel's website, Gary Mack insisted that, unbelievable as it may seem, that it was in fact an innocent mistake. When it was pointed out to him that Jackie was not behind her husband, but was in front of him, he readily admitted: "She wasn't and we didn't catch it at the time. At the moment of the fatal shot, Jackie's head was in front of JFK, whereas our actor's head was behind him. However, that error had no bearing on the purpose of the recreation in Dallas. The only actor who needed to be seated correctly was JFK, and he was perfectly placed. After all, we were only trying to show whether or not a sharpshooter could see his target --Kennedy -- from the various locations."

Sleight of Jackie

I remembered it slightly different to the actual text above and there may be lot's more but if he was actually there watching the set up and not on a museum break, well...
Seriously, why was Jackie only in that position for the GK shot?
Clearly to make the average viewer think, "nah, no one is taking that shot with Jackie so close".
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:How low Gary Mack is going to sink himself? Does not he have any shame? he has become a compulsive obsessive lier.
However he does his job well, he puts his money where his mouth is, he does what he was instructed to do.
I would like those on our side, who are experts on ballistics and trajectories to do something similar or an animation like Dale Myers did.
We had all the time to produce something for the 50th and yet, nothing.

Maybe if there were a "Fairness Doctrine". Oh, now I remember we had one in the US, but it disappeared back in the 1980s. In the words of Hank Williams, it's "long gone now".



Donald Manning Wrote:
Quote:When asked about this later on the Discovery Channel's website, Gary Mack insisted that, unbelievable as it may seem, that it was in fact an innocent mistake. When it was pointed out to him that Jackie was not behind her husband, but was in front of him, he readily admitted: "She wasn't and we didn't catch it at the time. At the moment of the fatal shot, Jackie's head was in front of JFK, whereas our actor's head was behind him. However, that error had no bearing on the purpose of the recreation in Dallas. The only actor who needed to be seated correctly was JFK, and he was perfectly placed. After all, we were only trying to show whether or not a sharpshooter could see his target --Kennedy -- from the various locations."

Sleight of Jackie

I remembered it slightly different to the actual text above and there may be lot's more but if he was actually there watching the set up and not on a museum break, well...
Seriously, why was Jackie only in that position for the GK shot?
Clearly to make the average viewer think, "nah, no one is taking that shot with Jackie so close".

Bullshit I think and on two scores.

First, Groden did tell one of the crew they had her lined up wrong. And he said Gary was in earshot of this. But they did not correct it.

Secondly, it did impact the recreation since Gary used it on the early editions of the show to eliminate a shot from that angle. I know this since someone mentioned it to me at work and used the Jackie excuse to eliminate that shot.

That is not the best angle though. The best angle, where I think the shot came from, is the one that Ryan is talking about here, further down the fence. Gary could not use the Jackie excuse from that angle. So either he or Discovery created the Magic Staircase. I don't know which deception is worse. And I don't know who is worse, the Sixth FLoor or Discovery.

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