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Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view?
If Connally is shot in the wrist separately, where did the bullet come from, and at what angle should we expect to see entry and exit bullet holes in the cuff area of the shirt?
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:The main problem I see with your explanation is that the back wound and wrist wound suffered by JBC were NOT reasonably matched, and I have a great deal of difficulty seeing how they were made by the same bullet. Don't feel badly about this. This is basically the same thing that makes the Single Bullet Theory an impossibility.

You have been looking at the wrong time for the shot to Connally's back.

For the SBT: As you pointed out in your post, Connally's hand is oriented such that the bullet that passed through his chest would not have hit the back of his hand which is inconsistent with the medical evidence.

After Z230 or so, John Connally has swung his right arm out such that a bullet could NOT have passed through his chest and hit his right wrist. So when did Connally have his right wrist back again in front of his chest with his palm facing outward so that a bullet exiting his chest would hit the back of his wrist?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6253&stc=1]

Z262 John Connally has swung his arm out to the left of his body. A shot through his back any time with his arm to the left of his body would not allow the bullet to exit his chest and hit his right wrist. As most everybody knows, John Connally is holding his hat in his right hand at this point.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6254&stc=1]

Z292 John Connally is still turned to his right and his right arm is to the left of his body. He could not have been shot in the back at this point either as some people have guessed because the bullet could not have hit his right wrist after exiting his chest.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6247&stc=1]

By Z321, Connally is still turning to his left (exactly like he said happened). Connally at this point has rotated his wrist such that he has moved his wrist from the palm facing his body earlier (which made the SBT inconsistent with the medical evidence) to rotating it such that the top of his palm is facing his body.

Try this, hold an object out to your right as you are turned far to the right.
As you turn back toward your left, rotate your hand from palm facing your body to the top of your hand toward your body. At Z321, Connally's palm has been rotated from earlier showing that is exactly what he was doing.


John Connally's hand was oriented during the window the SBT "could" have been fired such that the palm was facing his body which is inconsistent with the medical evidence which shows the top of his hand was where the bullet entered. John Connally can be seen to be turning his wrist as he turns back to look over his left shoulder.

John Connally always said the force of the bullet to his back bent him over.

John and Nellie Connally always said they heard a shot then John turned to his right and was in the process of turning back toward his left when he was shot in the back (which is exactly what we see from Z224 until Z325).

John Connally said he immediately saw he was covered in blood (after he was shot in the back). No blood can be seen on the front of John Connally in the Zapruder film from Z224 all the way until he is bent over, NONE.

How did John Connally turn to look over his right shoulder with an exit wound in his chest about the size of a baseball (Z224 - Z325)?

All of these inconsistencies are easily explained once you realize the evidence is overwhelming that John Connally was shot in the back a split second after JFK was shot in the head. The conspirators found it was very easy to lie to Americans, much easier than anybody would ever believe without overwhelming proof. I am showing you overwhelming proof but most still don't believe that the conspiracy was from high in the US government.

There has been a way to prove the US government lied about the JFK assassination for decades but the public ignored that too because the government and those who bought the big lie did all they could to hide the truth. This is a mystery to Americans because of psychological reasons, not technical reasons. The JFK assassination has never been a mystery, it has always been a lie.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Drew Phipps Wrote:William: You probably shouldn't base a significant leg of a conspiracy theory on the premise that "CE 399 was planted at Parkland." There are serious questions about the stretcher bullet's origin, chain of custody, and even its' shape. The single most important fact to remember about CE 399 is that the first four people to allegedly handle it could not or would not subsequently agree that CE 399 was the stretcher bullet.

It is far more likely that CE 399 was never in Dallas at all, but originated at the FBI shooting range.

It is unlikely that any whole bullet went into Connally's thigh. The wound is described by treating doctors as being caused by a bullet fragment.

The position of the microphone in 1978 doesn't answer my question. The problem with the acoustic evidence, beyond the other Trade Mart noises, Sheriff Decker's voice, and sirens on the tape, is that no police officer (especially H.B. McClain, the officer with the "stuck mike") in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time. The Dorman, Couch and Wegner films are pictures of his position, far to the rear of where the sounds could have been recorded. If you have done a serious study of this aspect of the case, you also know that H.B. McClain (AFTER listening to the recording) denied that that recording originated from his motorcycle.

The problem with the acoustic evidence [B]is that no police officer in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time.[/B]

Dale Myers was featured on an ABC news 2 hour special on the 40th anniversary BEYOND CONSPIRACY (and other "documentaries) as having proved that the motorcycle could not have been in the correct position to have recorded the shots as predicted by the acoustical analysis. Myers by coordinating several of the amateur films PROVED the motorcycle wasn't in right place. The program then reasoned that since nothing else is credible, then the SBT must be true.

It turns out it is easy to prove that Dale Myers' work is absolute BS, just like his computer animation that shows the SBT is valid. Why did ABC and others feature Dale Myers' BS presentations? Because ABC news will broadcast anything that makes the US government's fairy tales and lies seem to be true.


NOTE: I did make a minor error on the video. I said that is Jim Towner (about 2 min) stepping on to the curb. Tina Towner has told me that was not her father.

What I did differently than Myers was to synchronize the Zapruder film and the Dorman film for what he says was the third and last shot. Then when I play the Dorman film with the Zapruder film on the same screen synchronized as he said it happened, it shows the same person in different places simultaneously, obviously proving Dale Myers synchronization is incorrect.

I say in the video that Myers is off not only by the time it takes Rosemary Willis to run from where she is seen in the Dorman film to her position in the Zapruder film, he is off by the time between the first shot to the last shot which gives the motorcycle plenty of time to be in the correct position for the final two shots. As you may know, only the grassy knoll 4th shot was carefully analyzed.

As you probably know, echo correlation analysis must ""know" the position of the microphone and the shooter. Rings were drawn around each microphone to show that the microphone (ie. motorcycle) was within that ring when the shot was fired. Test shots were fired from the grassy knoll and the TSBD.

If you look at Bugliosi's RECLAIMING HISTORY, you'll see that the audio experts wanted to fire more test shots with the microphones grouped closer together to give them better data but the US government said they ran out of money! Think about it, the audio experts had a chance to nail the problem to take each shot from 50/50 chance type data to using microphones closer together which would have given far better data.

What I did differently than the HSCA audio experts is that I said if the time between shots is the same in BOTH the Z film and the audio analysis, it means statistically that the sounds of the shots were recorded. Echo correlation analysis is difficult but matching the time between shots is rather trivial IF you understand and correct the errors made by the HSCA and others. FOR EXAMPLE, you must be able to understand why the HSCA said 4 shots when I show a figure that has 5 shots.

I am sure you agree that the time between shots #3 and #4 is the same as the time from Zapruder frame 224 to 313 (4.8 seconds). What are the odds that the audio experts were using random noise and they showed the same time between two shots as the Zapruder film shows? And it wasn't just any two shots, the Z313 shot as you may know is the one that the second team of audio experts said was fired from the grassy knoll (with a probility of 95% or better). So by aligning the shot in the audio analysis that was fired from in front with the JFK head shot, we find the audio analysis predicts a shot was fired 4.8 seconds before and 0.7 seconds after JFK's head shot.

What are the odds that the most probable microphone would go around the corner on to Elm at the same speed as the limousine AND in the correct order (they calculated speed based on the most probable microphone and the distance/time to the next shot, that speed was approximately the same as the limo!).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6257&stc=1]

I am sure you understand that the audio experts were using equations to match the echo patterns on the actual police recording with the test shot recording. The only alternative to the hypothesis that the tape did record the sounds of the shots is that the audio experts got lucky. That is silly to think that is true.

I don't show on this video that there is enough time for the police motorcycle to get to the position of the motorcycle predicted by the acoustical analysis but it could easily get there (there is no photographic proof but there is mathematical proof). As you may know, Rosemary Willis is on record as saying she thought the first sound she heard was a gunshot and she stopped running almost immediately. That is also consistent with the acoustical evidence/Zapruder film alignment which shows shot #1 as Z178 and we see Rosemary Willis starting to stop a few frames after that time.

Now to one of the most important points:
1. The HSCA showed that there is evidence that a shot was fired from in front of the limousine.
2. The audio evidence indicates it is almost the last shot fired.

If you wanted to know the truth, anyone with an IQ approaching room temperature would align the Z film and the audio evidence to show the frontal shot aligned as JFK's head shot. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THE US GOVERNMENT DID! They showed the last shot fired from behind as the one that hit JFK and the frontal shot as a split second BEFORE JFK is shot in the head! The next video might make it clearer why they played this game. IF THE AUDIO ANALYSIS IS CORRECT, it PROVES the US Government lied and forged evidence to hide the truth. The gubermint could not let you know the audio evidence is valid and the presstitutes are too ignorant to figure it out. To fool Americans, you only have to fool the press.

I made several significant mistakes in this video but it was for the purpose of running this by several people to "see what they thought." But that was 2009 but it presents the misalignment of the Z film and the acoustical analysis.

Attached Files
.jpg   ac_dealey.jpg (Size: 101.01 KB / Downloads: 35)
Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
William Charleston Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:William: You probably shouldn't base a significant leg of a conspiracy theory on the premise that "CE 399 was planted at Parkland." There are serious questions about the stretcher bullet's origin, chain of custody, and even its' shape. The single most important fact to remember about CE 399 is that the first four people to allegedly handle it could not or would not subsequently agree that CE 399 was the stretcher bullet.

It is far more likely that CE 399 was never in Dallas at all, but originated at the FBI shooting range.

It is unlikely that any whole bullet went into Connally's thigh. The wound is described by treating doctors as being caused by a bullet fragment.

The position of the microphone in 1978 doesn't answer my question. The problem with the acoustic evidence, beyond the other Trade Mart noises, Sheriff Decker's voice, and sirens on the tape, is that no police officer (especially H.B. McClain, the officer with the "stuck mike") in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time. The Dorman, Couch and Wegner films are pictures of his position, far to the rear of where the sounds could have been recorded. If you have done a serious study of this aspect of the case, you also know that H.B. McClain (AFTER listening to the recording) denied that that recording originated from his motorcycle.

The problem with the acoustic evidence [B]is that no police officer in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time.[/B]

Dale Myers was featured on an ABC news 2 hour special on the 40th anniversary BEYOND CONSPIRACY (and other "documentaries) as having proved that the motorcycle could not have been in the correct position to have recorded the shots as predicted by the acoustical analysis. Myers by coordinating several of the amateur films PROVED the motorcycle wasn't in right place. The program then reasoned that since nothing else is credible, then the SBT must be true.

It turns out it is easy to prove that Dale Myers' work is absolute BS, just like his computer animation that shows the SBT is valid. Why did ABC and others feature Dale Myers' BS presentations? Because ABC news will broadcast anything that makes the US government's fairy tales and lies seem to be true.


NOTE: I did make a minor error on the video. I said that is Jim Towner (about 2 min) stepping on to the curb. Tina Towner has told me that was not her father.

What I did differently than Myers was to synchronize the Zapruder film and the Dorman film for what he says was the third and last shot. Then when I play the Dorman film with the Zapruder film on the same screen synchronized as he said it happened, it shows the same person in different places simultaneously, obviously proving Dale Myers synchronization is incorrect.

I say in the video that Myers is off not only by the time it takes Rosemary Willis to run from where she is seen in the Dorman film to her position in the Zapruder film, he is off by the time between the first shot to the last shot which gives the motorcycle plenty of time to be in the correct position for the final two shots. As you may know, only the grassy knoll 4th shot was carefully analyzed.

As you probably know, echo correlation analysis must ""know" the position of the microphone and the shooter. Rings were drawn around each microphone to show that the microphone (ie. motorcycle) was within that ring when the shot was fired. Test shots were fired from the grassy knoll and the TSBD.

If you look at Bugliosi's RECLAIMING HISTORY, you'll see that the audio experts wanted to fire more test shots with the microphones grouped closer together to give them better data but the US government said they ran out of money! Think about it, the audio experts had a chance to nail the problem to take each shot from 50/50 chance type data to using microphones closer together which would have given far better data.

What I did differently than the HSCA audio experts is that I said if the time between shots is the same in BOTH the Z film and the audio analysis, it means statistically that the sounds of the shots were recorded. Echo correlation analysis is difficult but matching the time between shots is rather trivial IF you understand and correct the errors made by the HSCA and others. FOR EXAMPLE, you must be able to understand why the HSCA said 4 shots when I show a figure that has 5 shots.

I am sure you agree that the time between shots #3 and #4 is the same as the time from Zapruder frame 224 to 313 (4.8 seconds). What are the odds that the audio experts were using random noise and they showed the same time between two shots as the Zapruder film shows? And it wasn't just any two shots, the Z313 shot as you may know is the one that the second team of audio experts said was fired from the grassy knoll (with a probility of 95% or better). So by aligning the shot in the audio analysis that was fired from in front with the JFK head shot, we find the audio analysis predicts a shot was fired 4.8 seconds before and 0.7 seconds after JFK's head shot.

What are the odds that the most probable microphone would go around the corner on to Elm at the same speed as the limousine AND in the correct order (they calculated speed based on the most probable microphone and the distance/time to the next shot, that speed was approximately the same as the limo!).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6257&stc=1]

I am sure you understand that the audio experts were using equations to match the echo patterns on the actual police recording with the test shot recording. The only alternative to the hypothesis that the tape did record the sounds of the shots is that the audio experts got lucky. That is silly to think that is true.

I don't show on this video that there is enough time for the police motorcycle to get to the position of the motorcycle predicted by the acoustical analysis but it could easily get there (there is no photographic proof but there is mathematical proof). As you may know, Rosemary Willis is on record as saying she thought the first sound she heard was a gunshot and she stopped running almost immediately. That is also consistent with the acoustical evidence/Zapruder film alignment which shows shot #1 as Z178 and we see Rosemary Willis starting to stop a few frames after that time.

Now to one of the most important points:
1. The HSCA showed that there is evidence that a shot was fired from in front of the limousine.
2. The audio evidence indicates it is almost the last shot fired.

If you wanted to know the truth, anyone with an IQ approaching room temperature would align the Z film and the audio evidence to show the frontal shot aligned as JFK's head shot. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THE US GOVERNMENT DID! They showed the last shot fired from behind as the one that hit JFK and the frontal shot as a split second BEFORE JFK is shot in the head! The next video might make it clearer why they played this game. IF THE AUDIO ANALYSIS IS CORRECT, it PROVES the US Government lied and forged evidence to hide the truth. The gubermint could not let you know the audio evidence is valid and the presstitutes are too ignorant to figure it out. To fool Americans, you only have to fool the press.

I made several significant mistakes in this video but it was for the purpose of running this by several people to "see what they thought." But that was 2009 but it presents the misalignment of the Z film and the acoustical analysis.


Now THAT was funny; "...anyone with an IQ approaching room temperature..."

Everywhere we look in this case, the evidence is sitting right there in front of the government. It is either ignored or denied, or investigations cease because the US government "runs out of money" or some such thing.

I may disagree with you on the odd minor point but, overall, you are doing excellent work.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
a. I don't believe that disproving the audio analysis of the HSCA is the same as proving the Lone Nut theory. Just because a talking head says something on TV, doesn't make it so.

b. Meyers gives McClain 1/2 sec to travel 175 feet. Don Thomas (whose work published in Mary Ferrell you have liberally borrowed from) puts the time at 4 seconds, which requires HB McClain to accelerate to 30 mph for no apparent reason other than to position his microphone appropriately. Even giving your time frame its most liberal construction, giving McClain 7 seconds to cover the ground suggests a speed of 18 mph. The motorcade was making an average speed of 9-10 mph, sometimes slower as they rounded the completely-against-Secret-Service-policy sharp left turn at Elm. Now, both 30 and 18 mph are well within the capability of the motorcycle, but the question remains: Why on earth would Officer McClain abandon his post and move ahead of his assigned position prior to any shots being fired?

c. McClain, after listening to the recording, denied that it came from his position.

d. There are other noises on the audio inconsistent with the time frame of the assassination.

e. A statistical correlation doesn't prove a causation event (i.e. the relationship between gunshots and "sound impulse" on the audio tape.

From wiki:
"The cum hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy can be expressed as follows:

  1. A occurs in correlation with B.
  2. Therefore, A causes B.
In this type of logical fallacy, one makes a premature conclusion about causality after observing only a correlation between two or more factors. Generally, if one factor (A) is observed to only be correlated with another factor (B), it is sometimes taken for granted that A is causing B, even when no evidence supports it. This is a logical fallacy because there are at least five possibilities:

  1. A may be the cause of B.
  2. B may be the cause of A.
  3. some unknown third factor C may actually be the cause of both A and B.
  4. there may be a combination of the above three relationships. For example, B may be the cause of A at the same time as A is the cause of B (contradicting that the only relationship between A and B is that A causes B). This describes a self-reinforcing system.
  5. the "relationship" is a coincidence or so complex or indirect that it is more effectively called a coincidence (i.e. two events occurring at the same time that have no direct relationship to each other besides the fact that they are occurring at the same time). A larger sample size helps to reduce the chance of a coincidence, unless there is a systematic error in the experiment.
In other words, there can be no conclusion made regarding the existence or the direction of a cause-and-effect relationship only from the fact that A and B are correlated. Determining whether there is an actual cause-and-effect relationship requires further investigation, even when the relationship between A and B is statistically significant, a large effect size is observed, or a large part of the variance is explained."

(bold emphasis added)
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
William Charleston Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:William: You probably shouldn't base a significant leg of a conspiracy theory on the premise that "CE 399 was planted at Parkland." There are serious questions about the stretcher bullet's origin, chain of custody, and even its' shape. The single most important fact to remember about CE 399 is that the first four people to allegedly handle it could not or would not subsequently agree that CE 399 was the stretcher bullet.

It is far more likely that CE 399 was never in Dallas at all, but originated at the FBI shooting range.

It is unlikely that any whole bullet went into Connally's thigh. The wound is described by treating doctors as being caused by a bullet fragment.

The position of the microphone in 1978 doesn't answer my question. The problem with the acoustic evidence, beyond the other Trade Mart noises, Sheriff Decker's voice, and sirens on the tape, is that no police officer (especially H.B. McClain, the officer with the "stuck mike") in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time. The Dorman, Couch and Wegner films are pictures of his position, far to the rear of where the sounds could have been recorded. If you have done a serious study of this aspect of the case, you also know that H.B. McClain (AFTER listening to the recording) denied that that recording originated from his motorcycle.

The problem with the acoustic evidence [B]is that no police officer in 1963 was at the proper position to record it at that time.[/B]

Dale Myers was featured on an ABC news 2 hour special on the 40th anniversary BEYOND CONSPIRACY (and other "documentaries) as having proved that the motorcycle could not have been in the correct position to have recorded the shots as predicted by the acoustical analysis. Myers by coordinating several of the amateur films PROVED the motorcycle wasn't in right place. The program then reasoned that since nothing else is credible, then the SBT must be true.

It turns out it is easy to prove that Dale Myers' work is absolute BS, just like his computer animation that shows the SBT is valid. Why did ABC and others feature Dale Myers' BS presentations? Because ABC news will broadcast anything that makes the US government's fairy tales and lies seem to be true.


NOTE: I did make a minor error on the video. I said that is Jim Towner (about 2 min) stepping on to the curb. Tina Towner has told me that was not her father.

What I did differently than Myers was to synchronize the Zapruder film and the Dorman film for what he says was the third and last shot. Then when I play the Dorman film with the Zapruder film on the same screen synchronized as he said it happened, it shows the same person in different places simultaneously, obviously proving Dale Myers synchronization is incorrect.

I say in the video that Myers is off not only by the time it takes Rosemary Willis to run from where she is seen in the Dorman film to her position in the Zapruder film, he is off by the time between the first shot to the last shot which gives the motorcycle plenty of time to be in the correct position for the final two shots. As you may know, only the grassy knoll 4th shot was carefully analyzed.

As you probably know, echo correlation analysis must ""know" the position of the microphone and the shooter. Rings were drawn around each microphone to show that the microphone (ie. motorcycle) was within that ring when the shot was fired. Test shots were fired from the grassy knoll and the TSBD.

If you look at Bugliosi's RECLAIMING HISTORY, you'll see that the audio experts wanted to fire more test shots with the microphones grouped closer together to give them better data but the US government said they ran out of money! Think about it, the audio experts had a chance to nail the problem to take each shot from 50/50 chance type data to using microphones closer together which would have given far better data.

What I did differently than the HSCA audio experts is that I said if the time between shots is the same in BOTH the Z film and the audio analysis, it means statistically that the sounds of the shots were recorded. Echo correlation analysis is difficult but matching the time between shots is rather trivial IF you understand and correct the errors made by the HSCA and others. FOR EXAMPLE, you must be able to understand why the HSCA said 4 shots when I show a figure that has 5 shots.

I am sure you agree that the time between shots #3 and #4 is the same as the time from Zapruder frame 224 to 313 (4.8 seconds). What are the odds that the audio experts were using random noise and they showed the same time between two shots as the Zapruder film shows? And it wasn't just any two shots, the Z313 shot as you may know is the one that the second team of audio experts said was fired from the grassy knoll (with a probility of 95% or better). So by aligning the shot in the audio analysis that was fired from in front with the JFK head shot, we find the audio analysis predicts a shot was fired 4.8 seconds before and 0.7 seconds after JFK's head shot.

What are the odds that the most probable microphone would go around the corner on to Elm at the same speed as the limousine AND in the correct order (they calculated speed based on the most probable microphone and the distance/time to the next shot, that speed was approximately the same as the limo!).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6257&stc=1]

I am sure you understand that the audio experts were using equations to match the echo patterns on the actual police recording with the test shot recording. The only alternative to the hypothesis that the tape did record the sounds of the shots is that the audio experts got lucky. That is silly to think that is true.

I don't show on this video that there is enough time for the police motorcycle to get to the position of the motorcycle predicted by the acoustical analysis but it could easily get there (there is no photographic proof but there is mathematical proof). As you may know, Rosemary Willis is on record as saying she thought the first sound she heard was a gunshot and she stopped running almost immediately. That is also consistent with the acoustical evidence/Zapruder film alignment which shows shot #1 as Z178 and we see Rosemary Willis starting to stop a few frames after that time.

Now to one of the most important points:
1. The HSCA showed that there is evidence that a shot was fired from in front of the limousine.
2. The audio evidence indicates it is almost the last shot fired.

If you wanted to know the truth, anyone with an IQ approaching room temperature would align the Z film and the audio evidence to show the frontal shot aligned as JFK's head shot. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THE US GOVERNMENT DID! They showed the last shot fired from behind as the one that hit JFK and the frontal shot as a split second BEFORE JFK is shot in the head! The next video might make it clearer why they played this game. IF THE AUDIO ANALYSIS IS CORRECT, it PROVES the US Government lied and forged evidence to hide the truth. The gubermint could not let you know the audio evidence is valid and the presstitutes are too ignorant to figure it out. To fool Americans, you only have to fool the press.

I made several significant mistakes in this video but it was for the purpose of running this by several people to "see what they thought." But that was 2009 but it presents the misalignment of the Z film and the acoustical analysis.


Now THAT was funny; "...anyone with an IQ approaching room temperature..."

Everywhere we look in this case, the evidence is sitting right there in front of the government. It is either ignored or denied, or investigations cease because the US government "runs out of money" or some such thing.

I may disagree with you on the odd minor point but, overall, you are doing excellent work.

To pull off this scam called the JFK assassination, they had to do several things:

1. The witnesses had to be neutered and ignored.

a. Those who heard BANG-BANG heard echoes.
b. Those who saw a massive hole in the back of JFK's head about 5 inches in diagmeter were mistaken, couldn't see his head because it wasn't examined, weren't medically qualified...
c. A hole in the windshield? The US government's picture of the broken windshield is not consistent with what witnesses say they saw etc.
d. The US government said the Connally's were wrong about John Connally turning to his right and attempting to turn back to his left before he says he was bent over by the force of the bullet to his back. They got you to ignore what he said on everything else but they got many to memorize and believe the point when John Connally says JFK was shot in the head AFTER he was shot in the back.
e. The government goons had to control the press. It's called pack journalism, get the big boys to repeat the lie and everybody else falls into line. CBS (read SEE BS) led the pack in reporting erroneous conclusions.


It's one thing to have a hunch that the US government was involved in the JFK assassination but it is something else to prove it.

One of the things I've posted several times:

1. John Connally first reacted after he emerged from behind the Stemmon's sign apparently to a shot seen in frame 224. Another shot was fired at frame Z313 when JFK was hit in the head.

To calculate the time between those two events, you only need to know the film speed which the FBI measured as 18.3 frames per second.

Time (Z224-Z313) = {(313 -224)/18.3} = 4.8 seconds

2. The only other way to determine the time between two shots in the JFK assassination is to use the audio recording that audio experts said recorded the sounds of the shots. You may have a hundred reasons why you are convinced beyond any doubt that it did not record the sounds of the shots but when you look at the time between shots #3 and #4 you also see 4.8 seconds.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6258&stc=1]

What are the odds that audio experts using a recording with random noise (i.e. did not record the sounds of the shots) would get 4.8 seconds for the time between two of the shots? Let's agree not to give numbers at this point but it doesn't seem likely, does it?

The audio experts said they used a technique called echo correlation analysis. They did what the name says, they compared the echo patterns for each shot like echo pattern seen on the actual police recording to the recorded sounds from various microphones along the limousine route that the microphone on a motorcycle would have captured. When they did that and looked for the best match they found that the most probable microphone was separated showing a "speed" of approximately 10 mph just like the limousine was said to have been traveling at. And don't miss the fact that it was 1 2 3 4 5 in sequence going around the corner of Houston on to Elm.

The shooting figure above shows the echo pattern of shot #4, the grassy knoll shot. If you look closely, you'll notice there are numbers on the bigger pulses. The numbers show a match between the actual police recording and the test shooting recording with a shot from the grassy knoll.

I can show witness after witness who said the last two shots were separated a split second apart, BANG-BANG. The audio evidence agrees with them, the last two shots were separated by a split second. What are the odds of that ALSO happening?

The audio recording indicates that shots #1, #3 and #5 were fired from the TSBD. What are the odds of that happening too?

I showed in a previous post that a motorcycle is seen going around the corner from Houston to Elm in the Dorman film. Dale Myers said he proved the shooting was over when the motorcycle rounded the corner. My video shows that a little girl is shown in two different places simultaneously if you use Dale Myers timing which proves his "proof" is many seconds off. I don't show a "more correct" alignment of the Zaprduer film and the Dorman film but when you do that, the motorcycle is rounding the corner about the time of the 3rd shot just as predicted.

Shot #4 was found to match the grassy knoll shot and the audio experts said with a 95% or better probability. That is 4.8 seconds AFTER Connally first reacted at Z224.

Consider just the things I listed:

(5 shots corresponding to Z film timing) AND (3 shots from TSBD) AND (Motorcycle in correct place using photographic evidence rounding corner for shot #3) AND (Shot #4 matches shot from front) (AND motorcycle was traveling at the proper speed). There are more things that can be added to the equation.

Still think the audio recording did NOT record the sounds of the shots?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6259&stc=1]

Once you finally realize the evidence is overwhelming that you were lied to, the question quickly becomes WHO, HOW and WHY. The list of possible "WHO" is very short. They had to have the power to influence/corrupt the investigations and the power to forge evidence. Some of you no matter what you see, what you verify yourself will not believe the US government would lie to you.

It's simple, the valid audio evidence proves the US govenment lied and forged evidence to hide the truth.

Attached Files
.jpg   Pict_essay_acousticshistory_AcousticMap_lrg.jpg (Size: 98.55 KB / Downloads: 29)
Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Gordon Gray Wrote:Any reasonably objective person viewing the Z film would describe Connolly as angled slightly to his right looking toward his right front in the direction of the UM at Z 224. Between 224 and 230 he turns to face forward his hat in his right hand at the level of his shoulder. He continues facing in this direction until about frames 234-235 when he appears to start reacting to being hit in the back. He then turns back toward his right again, his right shoulder dropping sharply, his torso leaning forward and his face showing the reaction to being hit, between frames 235 and 240. At no time would one describe his head as jerking sharply to his left or his arms flying up. Nor could the movement of his lapel have anything to do with a bullet passing through him at that moment, IMO. His actions appear to be exactly as he has described them. JFK is clearly hit prior to frame 224 and Connolly sometime between frame 230-235 at a time when his wrist was not in a position to be hit from a bullet passing out from under his right nipple.


Good observations. William does make a good point, though, about there being a lack of blood on JBC's white shirt post-z230 in the Zapruder film. JBC observed that he was covered in blood almost immediately following the back shot. To me, this begs the question, was JBC shot in the back at z230 or in the wrist?
Are there any frames where blood is visible on Connolly? I have a difficult time seeing anything like that in the poor resolution Z films I have been able to view. Also "almost immediately" is a highly subjective expression from a man in a state of shock and distinguishing between events occurring with in 5 seconds of one another.
S.M. Holland, eyewitness standing on the Triple Underpass, in a 1967 CBS Television interview:

"Just about the time that the parade turned on Elm Street, about where that truck is - that bus is now, there was a shot came from up-the upper end of the street. I couldn't say then, at that time, that it came from the Book Depository bookstore. But I knew that it came from the other end of the street, and the President slumped over forward like that and tried to raise his hand up. And Governor Connally, sitting in front of him on the right side of the car, tried to turn to his right and he was sitting so close to the door that he couldn't make it that-a-way, and he turned back like that with his arm out to the left. And about that time, the second shot was fired and it knocked him over forward and he slumped to the right, and I guess his wife pulled him over in her lap because he fell over in her lap.

And about that time, there was a third report that wasn't nearly as loud as the two previous reports. It came from that picket fence, and then there was a fourth report. The third and the fourth reports was almost simultaneously. But, the third report wasn't nearly as loud as the two previous reports or the fourth report. And I glanced over underneath that green tree and you see a - a little puff of smoke. It looked like a puff of steam or cigarette smoke. And the smoke was about - oh, eight or ten feet off the ground, and about fifteen feet this side of that tree."
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Hi Bill,

I hate defending Myers, it's the last thing I want do. But, his multi-film sync study shows:

The Dorman frame you have chosen (approx 308) as one of the sync points is, according to Myers, approx 1.74 seconds before Z133 starts.

Chris Davidson Wrote:Hi Bill,

I hate defending Myers, it's the last thing I want do. But, his multi-film sync study shows:

The Dorman frame you have chosen (approx 308) as one of the sync points is, according to Myers, approx 1.74 seconds before Z133 starts.


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6284&stc=1]

The little girl is at the end of the "wall" with 11.58 seconds before the JFK head shot (according to Myers). That is before the Z film starts with the limo moving at Z133. But Myers says that the JFK head shot occurred when a man steps on to the curb which does not match the timing of the Dorman film and the Zapruder film as I show below.

Time for little girl to run about 40 feet where she was at Z178 for first shot: about 5 seconds
Time from 1st shot to JFK head shot (4th shot) = 1.7 + 1.1 + 4.8 = 7.6 seconds per acoustical analysis.
Adding those figures together gives the time to JFK's head shot which roughly agrees with Myers' figure of 11.58 seconds.


1) Little girl at end of wall: about 12 seconds before JFK head shot
2) Little girl stops running immediately after first shot (shot #1 at Z178 per acoustical analysis) (7.6 seconds before JFK head shot)
3) Man steps on curb in Dorman film (about 6 seconds after little girl at end of wall) (about 6 seconds before JFK head shot)
4) Shot #3 fired at Z224 (immediately after Connally emerges in Z film from behind sign (4.8 seconds before JFK head shot)
5) First see the motorcycle policeman's shadow in Dorman film, 4 seconds before Z313 JFK head shot
6) Shot #4 fired at Z313

The acoustical evidence analysis indicates the motorcycle would be rounding the corner about the time shot #3 is fired. It would have about 4 seconds to arrive IN THE AREA of the most probable microphone for shot #4. As shot #4 and shot #5 are 0.7 seconds apart per the acoustical evidence, those two microphones are very close together.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6285&stc=1]

As you can see, starting with the little girl at the end of the wall on the sidewalk and giving her time to run to the place in the Zapruder film where she can be seen stopping immediately after the acoustical evidence shows the first shot was fired (Z178) shows that the motorcycle was at approximately correct position predicted by the acoustical analysis.


If you look at Dale Myers' detailed, erudite analysis; he starts and stops various films including the Dorman film in his analysis! Myers can therefore claim that events are later in time than the simple film timeline shows.

Elsie Dorman couldn't aim the camera but did she shot/start filming while she was watching the limo? According to Dale Myers, she did stop and start filming in the seconds she could see the limousine. That is how Myers "proved" the acoustical analysis is invalid. According to the acoustical analysis, she did not stop the camera.

How does this affect my work which shows the time between shots is the same in the Zapruder film and the acoustical analysis?

I have shown that the time between several shots is the same in both the Zapruder film and the acoustical evidence. For three shots, this is easy to show:

Z224 John Connally makes his first reaction to a shot right after we see him emerge from behind the sign (he received a minor wound to his left thigh from a bullet fragment). Time to another shot (Z313) is {(313 - 224)/18.3} = 4.8 seconds

The next movement John Connally makes when he might have been shot per my work is Z325, the shot to Connally's back. That is 0.7 seconds AFTER the JFK head shot.

Looking at the acoustical analysis we see the acoustical experts by analyzing the echo patterns of test shots and the actual recording of the Dallas police radio they came up with the following shooting sequence (and modified to correct one of the significant mistakes made by the HSCA).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6286&stc=1]

Taking the acoustical evidence AND the Zapruder film together, it destroys the majority of the books, documentaries and guesses made on the JFK assassination. All of this fits together to show many things:

The doctors at Parkland were right, there was a massive wound in the rear of JFK's head (shot #4 was fired from right front).
The observations of a small entrance wound to the throat is consistent with shot #2 in the acoustical evidence. No test shot was fired from the correct location by the HSCA in the acoustical analysis.
The US government forged the autopsy photographs and the autopsy report to hide the truth.
You no longer have to believe the laws of conservation of energy and momentum were not applicable when JFK was shot.


John Connally is bent over in the Zapruder film exactly when the last shot is fired from the TSBD per the acoustical evidence. The US government and their useful fool supporters have worked very hard to hide the next sequence of cropped Zapruder frames from you. Even though the Zapruder film is one of the most viewed/analyzed films in history, few looked past the JFK head shot because most thought that was the last shot fired. The acoustical analysis proves the last two shots were BANG-BANG, just like the dozens of witnesses who said they heard that. The government said those sounds were echoes.

The US government ignored Connally when he said the force of the blow to his back bent him over..... He was bent over after the JFK head shot as the acoustical evidence indicates.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6287&stc=1]

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer

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