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Frank Sturgis on Two Oswalds
Looks like him to me. I wonder when he did this interview. Wish it was longer.

I just found a much longer excerpt.... It's an old interview by Bill O'Reilly (currently on FOX News):

The Two Oswald talk begins around 5:15 into the session.

Sturgis claims the KGB assassinated JFK. (Whatever else Sturgis may have been,
he remained loyal to the CIA.)

Yeah, using O'Reilly to stir the KGB-did-it mud up. Figures. If he said anything really damaging it would never have made it to public view.

Too bad someone couldn't have gotten to O'Reilly first and gave him some good questions to ask.

At least in this interview you have an insider giving a limited hang-out admission of the Oswald doubles.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:What do you mean by legitimate? That was Frank Fiorini/Sturgis and what he said is nothing new; however, he would know a hell of a lot more interesting and important things about at least one of the 'Oswalds' - likely about both of them......!

Just like E Howard Hunt who could have given a lot more detail than he did in his "deathbed confession".
Yes, Sturgis bought into the Epstein/Eddowes theory that the real Oswald disappeared in the USSR and was substituted with a Soviet agent/Manchurian candidate.
Jim Hargrove Wrote:I just found a much longer excerpt.... It's an old interview by Bill O'Reilly (currently on FOX News):

The Two Oswald talk begins around 5:15 into the session.

Sturgis claims the KGB assassinated JFK. (Whatever else Sturgis may have been,
he remained loyal to the CIA.)


Quite a tale...good that he talks about there being two LHOs but he is lying about all the rest. Yes "loyal to the CIA".
I love seeing all the old clips of Fox News Billo- now a lone nutter with a lying book- once he believed in conspiracy.
Unlike most of us, Sturgis was apparently far more familiar with American-born LEE Oswald than Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald. While Harvey was in Russia, Sturgis/Fiorini was hanging out in Florida with Lee Oswald, Marita Lorenz, Alex Rorke and all. Someone I can't recall from the HSCA said he saw Rorke's photographs of Lee Oswald from those training camps. Rorke died in a 5/64 plane crash. John suspects Sturgis/Fiorini was personally behind many of the suspicious deaths in this case.
Yeah, if you do linguistic forensic analysis on Sturgis's speaking about how he knew, he says he saw the record of two Oswalds. His body language and tone is really saying he saw two Oswalds. Of course he can't speak of this directly because it would show that he witnessed an Oswald double at a time when the KGB could not have planted one.
Jim Hargrove Wrote:This has been up on YouTube since last December with fewer than 200 total views.

Does it look legitimate to you?


Frank was under investigation for poking his nose into Lee and Jack Ruby's classified documents. I have the CIA/FBI files saying so, here is Frank's conversation with Mike Canfield.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:[
Frank was under investigation for poking his nose into Lee and Jack Ruby's classified documents. I have the CIA/FBI files saying so, here is Frank's conversation with Mike Canfield.


I've got a dropbox account but still can't seem to get to this file. Who was investigating him and when was he caught with his hand in the cookie jar? Any chance you can point to the docs?

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