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Gary Mack Dead
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:From Duncan's forum--it could only be on his site:

From the merely sophomoric rubes who called him Dunkel (as if no public figure had ever changed his/her name in the history of mankind), to the more heinous bleating paranoids who claimed he was the all-powerful Wizard of Disinformation, shame on every one of you. I'm specifically calling out the histrionic human melodrama that is David Josephs, the pathetically withering, nonstop Insult Machine that is Jim DiEugenio, the somehow-passed-the-bar ninny Dawn Meredith (correspondence course?), the perpetually drunkish cartoon David Healy, the dreaded, lonely egomaniac Charles Drago, the indecipherable Phil Dragoo, and the posing, holier-than-everyone-else Greg Burnham.


Wow, can you imagine what this guy will write when McAdams passes?

He will literally be weeping.

well, its nice to know I'm associated with such esteemed company! For that, I thank you Dunc, your sewer has struck fools gold again... as far as .john mcmadman is concerned, hell, I was thrown off his board (alt.assassination.jfk) 3 days after Rich DellaRosa (JFKResearch) posted my Nov 1999 article on: The technical aspects of altering the Zapruder Film, if in fact, it was altered... imagine THAT lmfao!

Gary and I spoke way back when, he was relating what they were going to do about a proposed 6th floor museum expansion, cleaning up Dealey Plaza, etc... I told him hey, sounds good to me. Gary added, what would you do in my (Gary's) place? I told him I'd tear the TSBD down, plant a lawn, put a simple white cross in the center of the lawn, that's IT. And ya know Gary, even the Cowboys can't bury this PR disaster. And, above all, don't hide collective shame behind a museum-- get it out front-- the good folks of Dallas deserve more, much more!

The 2003 Great Zapruder Film Hoax was published, Dr. John Costella hit the scene, Tink came out of retirement, the GANG of Eight (Gary probably included) hit the boards/forums sprinting, Fetzer and Costella made mincemeat of them, Gary and I parted ways.

The Dallas City Father's needed a man behind the mic, they got a good one and he was never the same... <sigh>
I didn't want to speak ill of the dead but Gary Mack was basically a traitor. Jim is 100% correct. He turned on what he believed and sold out to the dark side for money and assassination community power. He was with the group that persecuted Groden and took over the Plaza on the 50th. If he had CT beliefs that only makes it worse.

This isn't directed to anyone on this site, but you can see the usual characters maximizing not wanting to speak ill of Gary at this sensitive time in order to avoid the obvious. Unfortunately Gary will end up being blown like chaff to the same gutters of history like Bugliosi. There's too many researchers who don't notice their skepticism lines up with and acts in favor of the official story.
BTW, I have to add, when I wrote about Gary I always tried to explain his switch rationally.

I thought it was due to a mid life crisis: his loss of his job, his divorce, and his relationship with Dave Perry.

Perry does not get noticed enough.

John Armstrong and Jack White told me that he was Gary's guru in his turnaround. And he used to accompany Gary to the Jim Marrs' classes where those two would heckle the witnesses that Jim would bring in to speak. According to Jack, Perry also helped Gary get his job at the Sixth Floor. Perry was good friends with the original switcher, Gus Russo, from way back. When he switched job locations to Dallas/Fort Worth, one of the first things Perry did was help Posner on his book. He then volunteered to man the counter at Larry Howard's Conspiracy Museum, where he became good buds with Farris Rookstool, who was the FBI's expert on the JFK case stationed in Dallas. The other person who Perry became good pals with was FBI asset Hugh Aynesworth.

At a vulnerable point in his life, Gary fell in with Perry. In human terms, I think this is what happened to Gary.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:From Duncan's forum--it could only be on his site:

[TD]From the merely sophomoric rubes who called him Dunkel (as if no public figure had ever changed his/her name in the history of mankind), to the more heinous bleating paranoids who claimed he was the all-powerful Wizard of Disinformation, shame on every one of you. I'm specifically calling out the histrionic human melodrama that is David Josephs, the pathetically withering, nonstop Insult Machine that is Jim DiEugenio, the somehow-passed-the-bar ninny Dawn Meredith (correspondence course?), the perpetually drunkish cartoon David Healy, the dreaded, lonely egomaniac Charles Drago, the indecipherable Phil Dragoo, and the posing, holier-than-everyone-else Greg Burnham.

There are many more out there, of course, but these are the standard bearers of endless, disgusting attacks on a guy who became a Hitlerian-type of enemy to them simply because he changed his mind on a few issues. He parted company, first, from some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories. And as time went by, he (more so than probably 99.999 percent of researchers) was privy to data that convinced him that most of the rest of the theories were hogwash too.

He left the door open and never stopped researching. He believed in conspiracy. That was never good enough for the swill-slingers. He committed heresy, and then topped it off by actually earning a salary for his work at the Museum.

When Bugliosi died, that smug jerk Burnham ran a headline that said something like "Dead Bug" - and then facetiously claimed he meant no insult to the recently departed VB. Just like a kid who throws rocks and then runs behind mama's skirt.

I'm sure he, and his ilk, will outdo each other, rushing to characterize Gary in the darkest way possible, especially now that he's dead and can't respond. Not that responding would have been possible with this crowd - they make damn sure no alternative views are heard.

But reasonable folks - and there are many in the JFK community - know full well what kinds of acidic people you really are. You will continue to move further and further to the fringes, certain of your 'truth' - and you will convince no one.

You're all horrible people. Again, shame on you.


Wow, can you imagine what this guy will write when McAdams passes?

He will literally be weeping.

I am still a member at that forum - so I was able to reply:
Nice Rant Mark...

Since Gary was pretty insistent that I not post our emails exchanges which could go on for days and pages your understanding of my relationship with him and the discussion we've had is akin to your H&L understanding - you like to dissparage what you never take the time to read or understand...


Gary Mack aka Larry Dunkel was politically adept at saying what needed to be said to keep his job and present the case with as little "theorizing" as possible. He felt as curator that the government investigations ARE what history should present until properly challenged - and at one time he was at the front of the line challenging them.

I indeed called Gary a shill for these investigations - for the impression given by the 6th Floor is that they are presenting an unbiased view of history which has been adequately proven. What he and the 6th floor fails to do is tell the back story to the evidence. We cannot expect the 6th Floor to ever offer a fair presentation of Conspiracy Realism other that to make fun of it. Nor can we expect them to present the gapping holes in the official version of history... so Gary did his job and did it well.

I'm sorry you can't understand how people can have differences and be on opposite ends of an issue and still be cordial and considerate of the other person's POV. LNers only have the WCR and subsequent BS to fall back upon when substantiating their position.

Gary did not want to engage in a discussion of the evidence since FAITH in it played such a huge part of his job. If it was not a government agency discrediting the evidence it was not discredited. Period. This stance leaves little room for discussion.

So he would email me about this or that post where I prove WCR evidence to be the junk it was... and simply quote the company line regardless of what common sense or logic dictated. He threw insults at me as well as any of you wanna-be's but like the rest of you had no rebuttal for proofs showing the inauthentic nature of the WCR evidence, the HSCA evidence...

Bottomline is I enjoyed our discussions, felt a kind of bound two guys who first fight each other feel after tending the wounds and realizing we each have a POV to defend... the difference being one felt that Gary was defending the 6th Floor POV and not his own... that the 6th Floor and its expectation pushed Gary to where he was... that in his heart of hearts he knew there was something amiss in the official conclusions - and this was a "better to Join them than fight them" move.

Gary Mack simply was the beard, the messenger to a deception in history that needs clarity, not more cover-up. He was helpful, free with advice as well as info yet you have no idea the kind of emails which would appear in my inbox out of the blue from Mr. Mack and the manner in which he would approach our discussions.

Mr. Valenti, in the time I've been reading your posts I find them incredibly lacking in substance and research, documents and sources and basically ROKC parroting of hateful emotion rather than any presentation of substantiated fact.

I find LNers continue to be mystified by the evidence they themselves are trying to defend... mystified when it repeatedly shows itself not to be corroborated, authentic or in most cases blanantly conflicting with the actual evidence offered. But you defend it anyway as if FAITH will carry the day.

Now do what you all are good at, insult the CT in every way possible except for the most effective - offer real evidence and real proof for the conclusions you defend daily. PROVE we what say about what Gary Mack defended daily is wrong.

Until then, you remain WCR apologists for why this or that doesn;t work due to FBI ineptness as opposed to an orchestrated presentation of evidence which only focuses in the incrimination of Oswald and not an investigation into what happened and why...

It is always a sad day when a friend, collegue or even sparing partner dies and I was saddened to hear of his too early passing. This does not change my feelings that the 6th Floor Museum remains a propaganda vehicle designed to present history's lies as historical truth and should be either expanded to include more complete back stories on the evidence and conflicts therein... or simply be written about for the SHILL it remains regardless of who picks up the reigns...
[Image: modify_inline.gif]
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, I have to add, when I wrote about Gary I always tried to explain his switch rationally.

I thought it was due to a mid life crisis: his loss of his job, his divorce, and his relationship with Dave Perry.

Perry does not get noticed enough.

John Armstrong and Jack White told me that he was Gary's guru in his turnaround. And he used to accompany Gary to the Jim Marrs' classes where those two would heckle the witnesses that Jim would bring in to speak. According to Jack, Perry also helped Gary get his job at the Sixth Floor. Perry was good friends with the original switcher, Gus Russo, from way back. When he switched job locations to Dallas/Fort Worth, one of the first things Perry did was help Posner on his book. He then volunteered to man the counter at Larry Howard's Conspiracy Museum, where he became good buds with Farris Rookstool, who was the FBI's expert on the JFK case stationed in Dallas. The other person who Perry became good pals with was FBI asset Hugh Aynesworth.

At a vulnerable point in his life, Gary fell in with Perry. In human terms, I think this is what happened to Gary.

Interesting. I remember Jim Marrs telling the story about the two hecklers in his class, but not giving their names.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, I have to add, when I wrote about Gary I always tried to explain his switch rationally.

I thought it was due to a mid life crisis: his loss of his job, his divorce, and his relationship with Dave Perry.

Perry does not get noticed enough.

John Armstrong and Jack White told me that he was Gary's guru in his turnaround. And he used to accompany Gary to the Jim Marrs' classes where those two would heckle the witnesses that Jim would bring in to speak. According to Jack, Perry also helped Gary get his job at the Sixth Floor. Perry was good friends with the original switcher, Gus Russo, from way back. When he switched job locations to Dallas/Fort Worth, one of the first things Perry did was help Posner on his book. He then volunteered to man the counter at Larry Howard's Conspiracy Museum, where he became good buds with Farris Rookstool, who was the FBI's expert on the JFK case stationed in Dallas. The other person who Perry became good pals with was FBI asset Hugh Aynesworth.

At a vulnerable point in his life, Gary fell in with Perry. In human terms, I think this is what happened to Gary.

The association with Perry - and thus to Russo - and thus to the intelligence community is KEY!

I am sorry to hear of GM/LD's death, even if I was on the diametrically opposite side of his 'views' and propaganda after his miraculous switch. There was a time I debated with Mack via email in private, but there also came a time about many years back when I blocked his incoming emails.

I won't go into great detail now/here, but know that Russo had his intelligence connections. I have reason to believe Perry did as well. Russo penetrated my JFK investigative research in a manner that ONLY could have occured if he'd been given intelligence information on the physical movement and plans of myself, Marrs and Plumlee who were then visiting the purported Col. O'Wighton Delk Simpson in Florida. Russo was at the airport when Marrs and Plumlee arrived and said to them 'Peter said I could join you'. They couldn't conceptualize that that was not so, as how the hell would Russo have known where and when they were going to meet Simpson if I hadn't said so. In fact, at that time, I had NEVER been in contact with Russo and had ONLY met him at the previous Dallas convention for a brief time. Marrs knew of him in about the same manner/degree as I, and Plumlee had no idea who he was. I had paid for Marrs and Plumlee to secretly (telling no one when nor why) to Florida from two different destinations to meet up at the airport and then meet with 'O'Wighton Delk Simpson'. When they arrived and were meeting at the pre-arranged spot Russo appeared with his false story that I had OK'd his being there and to join them at the Colonel's condo. When I found out [I was in CA at the time monitoring their movements and meeting with Brad Ayers about Simpson], I exploded, and realized at once that Russo was working as a high-level JFK disinformation agent, and with intelligence 'support'. Draw your own conclusions on the associations from there. Jim Marrs can confirm this episode, and he knows a hell of a lot more than I on Perry and Mack. The heckling in his course was beyond the pale and eventually caused the courses to be cancelled due to the heckling and disruptions [this was obviously Mack/Perrry intent]. I can not forgive someone who knowingly dished out disinformation, disrupted real investigations, associated with CIA propaganda tools, no matter how nice and occasionally 'helpful' he might have been sometimes. I'm sorry he has died on a personal level. There is also an unresolved matter of the man who stabbed and tried to kill Jack White parking his car very very close to Mack's office the night of that attack. Very unlikely coincidence IMHO, to add to all the 'coincidences' Mack supported officially. Jack White and Jim Marrs, both close associates of myself, knew GM/LD very well, and both believed he had sold out completely to the disinformation side of the 11/22/63 story. N.B., I have seen photos of Russo inside Langley...and the Company does NOT give entry to any but 'the chosen few'.

Again, sorry on a human level to hear Mack/Dunkel died, and my regards to his family and friends [and naive supporters]. I believe, but can NOT be sure, Mack was 'on the level' in his earlier days [Badgeman days I call them, when I also knew him]; but am sure he was not 'on the level' when connected to Perry/Russo and the 6th Floor 'Museum' (of disinformation). After his Badgeman days, Larry Dunkel chose the Dark Side, and knew it - he was not duped into it - he willingly chose it, and he chose his associates, as well as where his money came from - and what form of government and what form of truth it supported [i.e. an ongoing coup d'etat, and un-Truth / Propaganda / Cover-Up]. The ambiguous stand he took privately to me and many others [saying he 'believed a conspiracy llikely', but that Oswald was likely the lone shooter from the SE window of the sixth floor is intellectually dishonest, IMO]. I told Mack so, and cut off contact with him when he persisted in this totally nonsensical and what I believe to be disingenuous, intellectually dishonest stance with me in private email exchanges. Publicly, he supported the WCR/official fiction at every turn, and challenged those who would challenge the official version. As for the 'why' of his change I've heard many versions and think only GM/LD knew the true answer. Larry/Gary's possible only good good addition to the JFK mysteries was his early work on Badgeman, which I think may have some operative - very likely; one of the many shooters - unknown. Some think it an artifact of the shadows and light...but I don't. Subsequent work by Wilson showed [me to my satisfaction] that someone with a police badge was there, and very possibly with a gun being fired. Officially, of course, no one was at that location, and no one in police uniform behind the fence. Gary was in charge of which books were sold at the SFM, and allowed only token CT books and not the better ones. He also had a say in what displays were there and which were not....that 'museum' is only portraying the totally and knowingly FALSE cover-story, and Gary/Larry had to know this;what he believed in his heart of hearts hardly matters, as he was instrumental and in the front lines of the Propaganda Myth of the Official Big Lie about 11/22/63 and feeding out mostly disinformation or trying to persuade people away from true lines of inquiry/doubt/research. He even stooped to harassing Groden; seeing that he was arrested and moved 'on' many times. More, much more could be said....but I'll save it for another time, another thread. I think one on Russo and other KNOWN disinformation agents [as opposed to just plain fools] might be useful...I can think of quite a few names that should be named....and I'll give what evidence I have on each of them.

Let each draw his/her own conclusions as to why Larry Dunkel (dba Gary Mack) did an '179 degree' turn. I'll grant him one thing - if a researcher wanted some information that was not 'a BIG threat' in his mind's eye, he'd gladly help one find it or get it. On that he did help both CTs and LNs with many documents and witness testimony etc. He also rarely lost his temper even when others railed at him. He was no fool and I'm sorry he chose the Dark Side... I can't see a logical reason why...but then, I know little about his personal life or side. Jack White did and told me he was quite surprised by the '179 degree' turn. Jack worked closely with him on Badgeman and Jack felt Badgeman still had merit when he died. Oddly, GM/LD last I heard from him before I broke all contact, he still said he believed in Badgeman as being part of the plot....but never explained how he now felt he fit in....[as 'LHO''s spotter?]. My own guess [and it is only my educated guess], GM/LD still believed inside it was a high level conspiracy in which LHO [Harvey] was only a patsy....but on the outside/publicly after joining forces with the Dark Side, pimped the official version as one would sell toothpaste, cola or snake oil (which is what I believe he knew he was really 'selling'). Sad.
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Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote:Guess there are some who lack the intelligence to comprehend the brilliance of Phil D.

I talked to him a couple of times on the phone. He could walk over to his library, pull out a book, find the quote, and read it -- of course, it might take all of 30 seconds. Miss him.

Me too. We had a long talk just last week.

You really have to wonder about so-called "researchers" who spend much of their time posting nasty comments about others. The level of hate for someone who they have never had a single conversation with is troubling. Pathological even.

I have not commented on Gary's death out of respect for his family. While he was alive was a different matter, but I will not speak ill of the dead.

Indicative of a class act.
Gary stopped sending me private e-mails trying to steer me towards Lone Nut references about 2 years ago. I think he finally realized playing the pretend objective assassination researcher role wasn't going to work with me.

Just think about that.

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