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Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker

CTKA owes the origin of this article to DPF.

Nice work by Josephs, and thanks to Al Rossi for the PDF.
It's sorta weird that JVB is not really at all important to "Dr. Mary's Monkeys" or Haslam's basic thesis, and yet he seems to think he needs her. I think his work stands on its own without Baker.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
I agree with that Drew.

I don't understand it either.
David Josephs presents Anna Lewis's claim that she met Oswald in the spring of 1962 as real. I also think this might be credible. This could be perfectly explained by the non-defecting Oswald who stayed behind in America meeting Lewis as part of his spook ops.

This raises the dilemma of how many of her other claims towards Judyth Vary Baker are real?

I personally think JVB exposes herself by claiming Oswald came back from Mexico and described the curly haired impostor at the Cuban Consulate to her and other Mexico events. As it turns out history is showing that Oswald never visited Mexico. So I think JVB exposes herself as a fabricator here because Oswald couldn't have given fine details about those visits if he never made them. So JVB remains a mystery because it appears you can work from the sides towards the middle with her real and false claims.
I pulled out my copy of Haslam's "Dr. Mary's Monkey" and looked for this passage:

Haslam and his girlfriend Barbara were invited to a party (1972). The hostess of the party, a Judyth Vary Baker, told Barbara and Haslam,

"that she had been a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald when he lived in New Orleans and invited me to discuss the Garrison investigation with her... Two weeks later this "Judyth Vary Baker" contacted Barbara and invited us (as a couple) to dinner at her home (without any other guests)..." (p. 287)

which invitation they declined. 5 years later,

"when 60 Minutes said they were investigating a "Judyth Vary Baker," I thought this was the same person. She was not... When it became clear to me that the woman introduced to me by 60 Minutes was not the same person I had met in 1972, I realized that I now had two separate women claiming to be "Judyth Vary Baker," who both claimed to have known "Lee Oswald." Simply stated, one had to be an imposter." (p. 287)
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:"when 60 Minutes said they were investigating a "Judyth Vary Baker," I thought this was the same person. She was not... When it became clear to me that the woman introduced to me by 60 Minutes was not the same person I had met in 1972, I realized that I now had two separate women claiming to be "Judyth Vary Baker," who both claimed to have known "Lee Oswald." Simply stated, one had to be an imposter." (p. 287)

I've always suspected JVB to be some kind of op aimed at Oswald.

It would be extremely interesting to know how this relates to Anna Lewis.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I agree with that Drew.

I don't understand it either.

I concur. Have read both books and his book stands up well without her. For those of us who have long stopped believing JVB, she, in my opinion, detracts from Haslams's work.
Albert Doyle Wrote:David Josephs presents Anna Lewis's claim that she met Oswald in the spring of 1962 as real. I also think this might be credible. This could be perfectly explained by the non-defecting Oswald who stayed behind in America meeting Lewis as part of his spook ops.

This raises the dilemma of how many of her other claims towards Judyth Vary Baker are real?

I personally think JVB exposes herself by claiming Oswald came back from Mexico and described the curly haired impostor at the Cuban Consulate to her and other Mexico events. As it turns out history is showing that Oswald never visited Mexico. So I think JVB exposes herself as a fabricator here because Oswald couldn't have given fine details about those visits if he never made them. So JVB remains a mystery because it appears you can work from the sides towards the middle with her real and false claims.

Great point, Albert!
It's depressing how much the waters have been muddied in the last few decades by fake witnesses, evidence, etc. A lot of energy and time has been consumed untangling various Gordian knots, since there is no Alexander to slice through them.

I also think that the JFK assassination has entered the realm of myth, and it's become almost impossible to separate the myths from the facts (like the search for the historical Jesus). The internet has dramatically sped up a process that used to take centuries.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:

CTKA owes the origin of this article to DPF.

Nice work by Josephs, and thanks to Al Rossi for the PDF.

It would be unfair to at least shout out to Jim for editing my work and adding some tidbits only he can...

Thanks again to Jim and CTKA for helping get some of the work out to a larger audience...

Much appreciated and many more articles to come

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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