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Declassified: The CIA "Oswald" and Mexico City
Quote:Finding the Name OCHOA was a big deal Scott... the name Poyle does not appear to have very much significance...

In the links you provided it sounded as if he was going to "WAVE" in Florida, and had been in Mexico City and Monterrey.

I don't think you get it, Poyle's wife wasn't in Mexico in Monterrey where the CIA said he was going to meet up with his wife, secondly, if he was meeting with his wife, then why would Poyle need to get debriefed by the stationed chief?

I don't think you're understanding what I've been saying, but, by all means, if you choose to elect to chase a ghost, be my guest. I know what I've been told by folks who knew and worked with Poyle, and why he was in Mexico just a day before the assassination. You even asked me to provide you proof that Poyle was in anyway connected to Mexico, you obviously didn't read my posts.

I'm pretty sure these are names you never heard of.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:Take a breath Scott...

LOL! Still NO tape produced.

Slawson said he HEARD IT Scott... not that he had a copy. The point is that Goodpasture lied again about the destruction of tapes.

We also know a copy was heard in Dallas yet we don't know if it was returned to Mexico FBI... The CIA will deny these tapes were sent and claimed they were erased.

The tapes existed as of 11/25 and probably still exist somewhere to this day...

Still NO INFO on Poyle's Mexican propaganda claims you've made Scott... why do you post an assumption about what Poyle did without a lick of evidence?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7042&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   63-11-25 FBI HQ to MX - Explore Oswald connection to Russian - and SEND TAPES PREVIOUS REVIEWE.jpg (Size: 256.03 KB / Downloads: 43)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:Finding the Name OCHOA was a big deal Scott... the name Poyle does not appear to have very much significance...

In the links you provided it sounded as if he was going to "WAVE" in Florida, and had been in Mexico City and Monterrey.

I don't think you get it, Poyle's wife wasn't in Mexico in Monterrey where the CIA said he was going to meet up with his wife, secondly, if he was meeting with his wife, then why would Poyle need to get debriefed by the stationed chief?

I don't think you're understanding what I've been saying, but, by all means, if you choose to elect to chase a ghost, be my guest. I know what I've been told by folks who knew and worked with Poyle, and why he was in Mexico just a day before the assassination. You even asked me to provide you proof that Poyle was in anyway connected to Mexico, you obviously didn't read my posts.

I'm pretty sure these are names you never heard of.

Okay Scott... so basically you've HEARD that Poyle was involved in Mexican propaganda... but the evidence does not show this to be the case.

I know for a fact that OCHOA was involved with each and every piece of Mexican propaganda which pointed to Oswald's bus rides and hotel stay.
I know that Arturo Bosch created the fake Frontera bus manifest
I know a whole bunch about what was done to make it appear that Oswald had taken this trip himself... but none of it pans out.

The name Poyle does not appear in Bill's State Secret.

Can you not point to a single item of "progpaganda" which is atrributed to Poyle's work? I am being sincere here Scott. I am writing a book on the Mexico Trip fraud and if Poyle is a name at the CIA who actually DID SOMETHING
I'd like to investigate further.

If he is only involved with the Sept 27-Oct 3rd charade then one would think Simpich would have heard the name... or the alias.

If he was there 11/21 what has that to do with the calls and transcripts from Oct ?
Was he involved in making sure the LI programs were not compromised?

Yes Scott, I'm searching for answers since yours are not very illuminating just yet...

Help turn on a few lights please.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
DJ: David, I agree the tapes existed as of the 25th. How long after that they survived, I don't know. Again, they probably became a souvenir for someone like Angleton

.DJ: I know for a fact that OCHOA was involved with each and every piece of Mexican propaganda which pointed to Oswald's bus rides and hotel stay.

Very nice find by you.

JH: Hey, I've only got the half-as-good first edition of Destiny Betrayed. Doesn't the publisher offer us an upgrade price?

Its a different publisher. But you should really get it. I think its my best book.

Nice page from the Lopez Report. Goodpasture was such a pathological liar.
Let me add one more thing about Goodpasture and that page from the Lopez Report that Jim posted.

In any other case, Bugliosi would have been screaming "consciousness of guilt"over her lies about not knowing who handled the surveillance.

As a result of their inquiry, the only logical way to explain her lying to Dan and Ed at the start is to conceal the skullduggery she pulled with the pics and tapes later. In other words, she did not want to be found out since the tampering of evidence would lead to her.

Bulgiosi had to have known that. He never ever mentions it. In fact, her name is not in the text of his book. He buries her in the footnotes on his CD.
As I read your posts Jim I wonder... what are your thoughts on Simpich's State Secret ?

I find the work very compelling and given what I now know about the Mexico trip... and the use of HENRY... a mole/leak hunt at that embassy appears waranted given all the different elements converging there.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:Take a breath Scott...

LOL! Still NO tape produced.

Slawson said he HEARD IT Scott... not that he had a copy. The point is that Goodpasture lied again about the destruction of tapes.

We also know a copy was heard in Dallas yet we don't know if it was returned to Mexico FBI... The CIA will deny these tapes were sent and claimed they were erased.

The tapes existed as of 11/25 and probably still exist somewhere to this day...

Still NO INFO on Poyle's Mexican propaganda claims you've made Scott... why do you post an assumption about what Poyle did without a lick of evidence?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7042&stc=1]

You, David Josephs said, and I quote:

Quote:Yes, I listened to the tape of Lee Harvey Oswald s telephone conversations with the Soviet Embassy In Mexico City

I don't want anyone showing me on paperwork that someone from the CIA heard the tape, I want to hear the tape for myself, I asked if you would provide a link that I may listen to it.

I have taped ALL my conversations, including my conversation with the man who drove my father to the CIA's Headquarters in Miami where upon entering the building, my father (impersonated himself as a CIA agent), that too is discovered in the CIA documents, why my father did that is NOT found or disclosed, Mr. Junco now discloses the reason my father entered the CIA's Headquarters and what my father walked out with, and this information had never been discussed for more then 40 years, and because Mr. Junco was a close friend of the family guess what? He finally opened up to me about my father, what he stole, and what was in those photos my father carried around. Now, can you see how far I went out of my way to get the truth other then to post documents of Win Scott and Goodpasture?

Lastly, please note that I am NOT discriminating against women, so, I hope no one goes off and gets a wild hair. Goodpasture was a woman working in the CIA, women are NOT all to privy to information and they did not have the same clearance as men did during those days, times have changed sense then, but not by much.
David Josephs Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:Finding the Name OCHOA was a big deal Scott... the name Poyle does not appear to have very much significance...

In the links you provided it sounded as if he was going to "WAVE" in Florida, and had been in Mexico City and Monterrey.

I don't think you get it, Poyle's wife wasn't in Mexico in Monterrey where the CIA said he was going to meet up with his wife, secondly, if he was meeting with his wife, then why would Poyle need to get debriefed by the stationed chief?

I don't think you're understanding what I've been saying, but, by all means, if you choose to elect to chase a ghost, be my guest. I know what I've been told by folks who knew and worked with Poyle, and why he was in Mexico just a day before the assassination. You even asked me to provide you proof that Poyle was in anyway connected to Mexico, you obviously didn't read my posts.

I'm pretty sure these are names you never heard of.

Okay Scott... so basically you've HEARD that Poyle was involved in Mexican propaganda... but the evidence does not show this to be the case.

I know for a fact that OCHOA was involved with each and every piece of Mexican propaganda which pointed to Oswald's bus rides and hotel stay.
I know that Arturo Bosch created the fake Frontera bus manifest
I know a whole bunch about what was done to make it appear that Oswald had taken this trip himself... but none of it pans out.

The name Poyle does not appear in Bill's State Secret.

Can you not point to a single item of "progpaganda" which is atrributed to Poyle's work? I am being sincere here Scott. I am writing a book on the Mexico Trip fraud and if Poyle is a name at the CIA who actually DID SOMETHING
I'd like to investigate further.

If he is only involved with the Sept 27-Oct 3rd charade then one would think Simpich would have heard the name... or the alias.

If he was there 11/21 what has that to do with the calls and transcripts from Oct ?
Was he involved in making sure the LI programs were not compromised?

Yes Scott, I'm searching for answers since yours are not very illuminating just yet...

Help turn on a few lights please.

Quote:I am writing a book on the Mexico Trip fraud and if Poyle is a name at the CIA who actually DID SOMETHING
I'd like to investigate further.

I'm not stopping you from investigating this information, I have personally helped out Russ Baker with his research into a book he's working on, and now you ask me, when people never believed me? I have told you, Poyle was apart of the Oswald / Mexico propaganda, and you don't believe me.

You said,

Quote:Can you not point to a single item of "propaganda" which is atrributed to Poyle's work?

What do you think the CIA does?

Quote:Still NO INFO on Poyle's Mexican propaganda claims you've made Scott... why do you post an assumption about what Poyle did without a lick of evidence?

Think I'll use MY evidence, proof, documents or facts, whatever you what to call them in my updated book.

Quote:Slawson said he HEARD IT Scott... not that he had a copy. The point is that Goodpasture lied again about the destruction of tapes.

There never was a tape!

Quote:We also know a copy was heard in Dallas yet we don't know if it was returned to Mexico FBI... The CIA will deny these tapes were sent and claimed they were erased.

Why would the CIA claim the tape is erased or destroyed if THEY gave the tape to the FBI? David, the truth is, you never heard the tape, the tape never existed, and the CIA never gave that tape to the FBI. That's the truth.
Oh, and by the way, I'm about to prove the tape my father played me on the day of his murder, you see, the tape didn't just contain information about Frank Sturgis, but George McGovern too, as well as other information, and that tape was given to William Howell who gave it to Howard Liebengood.

Liebengood admits this, and his tapes have never been published for over 40 years, but rest assure, they will be soon.
Thanks Scott...

Your evasive answers do not help anyone...

If you have nothing to share related to Poyle and Mexico City... don't. Just saying he did "something" related to propaganda related to Oswald and Mexico City is fine...
But it doesn't actually SAY anything.

If you have an issue with SLAWSON stating he heard the tape in Mexico City... take it up with him.

Dallas heard a tape which the FBI agents said was not Oswald... and then they asked that it be forwarded to DC if not sent back to Mexico...

That a tape existed is not questioned... that they were destroyed or erased is. Goodpasture lied again about the tapes being gone...

The FBI has their own agents interacting with the CIA as informants...(Bannister might be considered one) or informants in other agencies who can get the info (Jeff Woosley at I&NS for example).

You asking me for the tapes is like me asking you to post one of your father's photos... If I had the tape I'd make it available...

If you have these amazing photos, sharing one might gain you immeasureable credibility

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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