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Declassified: The CIA "Oswald" and Mexico City
I am pretty sure that Dave is the first guy to use this info about the mismatching buses.

So with this no win play, and the point now about the wrong passport seen by Mumford, in my view, this whole itinerary about how LHO got to MC is not credible today.

The itinerary for the way back was pretty much blown p by John Armstrong in his book.

Therefore, if Oswald went to Mexico City, it was not the way the WC said he went.

And with apologies to Joe Ball, I think he knew that when he questioned Mumford.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I am pretty sure that Dave is the first guy to use this info about the mismatching buses.

So with this no win play, and the point now about the wrong passport seen by Mumford, in my view, this whole itinerary about how LHO got to MC is not credible today.

The itinerary for the way back was pretty much blown p by John Armstrong in his book.

Therefore, if Oswald went to Mexico City, it was not the way the WC said he went.

And with apologies to Joe Ball, I think he knew that when he questioned Mumford.

Quote:I am pretty sure that Dave is the first guy to use this info about the mismatching buses.

It doesn't matter to me who's on first, what's on second, and I don't know is on third. The fact, that the truth is coming forward is all that matters. The only reason I'm in this is because I discovered who my father really was. Otherwise, I would've been living a normal life, and carry on as a normal person. I was never into politics, Watergate or Kennedy's assassination.

And, it's only because of my father that I'm truly interested in this whole mess.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Oswald never took that trip to Mexico as Miss Mumford said, and Oswald couldn't have done it in that length of time taking three months to arrive at their destination. If Oswald did go to Miami as my mother says my father encountered Oswald there, it was by plane, or he rode in a car. Marina Oswald says, Oswald wasn't gone for any great length of time. They both attended George de Mohrenschildt's Christmas party. Oswald then sent out a postcard to his brother Robert. The stamp on that card could not have placed Oswald in Mexico at the same time the Commission says he was there, both Mumford and Osborne have conflicting stories about two different bus lines.

Osborne was a priests and may have very well been shown Oswald's photograph for testimony, otherwise, how could either of them given their testimony off of Oswald's name alone? And, Miss Mumford could have had a mistaken identity by viewing whatever photo the FBI showed her of Oswald. Osborne denied sitting next to Oswald, and the Committee didn't call upon him to testify simply because in their minds he lied saying he sat next to Oswald. So, the Commission discredited Osborne.

The CIA needed to put Oswald in Mexico in order to paint him (red) and working as the lone assassin. Richard Poyle whose file is kept from disclosure was in Mexico on 11/21/1963 and was there to be debriefed by Oliver Forston who was working for station chief Win Scott of the CIA.

My father showed Poyle the photos he stole, and guess what? It was Poyle and Sturgis that picked up my father for work on the morning of his death. Gee, I sincerely hope that one person would look into my allegations to know I'm speaking the truth.

I have no doubt that Hunt, Morales and Sturgis was apart of Kennedy's assassination regardless of what others believe, what PEOPLE believe doesn't PROVE a damn thing other then their opinion. The FACT my father had these photos is enough evidence for me.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:It's either Transporter del Norte or the Flecha Rojas bus, but not both. Sounds to me after viewing the log, as if some other author plugged Oswald's name in it because the rest of the writing in that log matches the same author.

Makes me wounder if the Commission should have even used Miss Mumford's testimony. The Commission discovered that Osborne was a persist believing that his testimony may hold water, however, as soon as Osborne said he did not sit next to Oswald, the Commission discredited him. And, how would Osborne or Miss Mumford know who Oswald was unless someone from the Commission showed them a photo of Oswald which meant that a photo showed to Osborne didn't look like the Oswald we know as the alleged assassin, so, could there have been a double Oswald look a like, the answer is yes, and this is where Miss Mumford may get confused.

We already know that Arturo Bosch was the person who created the fake Frontera bus schedule. What is SOP for the FBI is once the evidence was proven wrong, they simply switch evidence and never bother to address who Bosch was and why he provided the FBI altered and fraudulent evidence...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7098&stc=1]

From Mexico City Article 2:
When Mumford (and Winston) ID Oswald via that FBI report as"Texas" they were referring to images of Oswald after the assassination. Images of the man Ruby kills. I have to ask a rhetorical here If you were shown the 4th image at the far right above and then saw Oswald's image on TV and newspapers would you make the same connection and say they were the same man or just the same name was used?

How comfortable would you be with this identification when the investigative body writes their report without ever showing the witness a photo of the accused to confirm his identity? In my mind this helps build our case that this testimony of thes elf-incriminating Oswald is a puzzle piece and not the true account of what occurred.

(May 19, 1964)
Mr. BALL. Well, you were shown pictures of a man (Bowen/Osborne) later on bythe Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, were you not?
Miss MUMFORD. Yes.
Mr. BALL. And they showed you pictures of Oswald,didn't they; Lee Harvey Oswald?

Mr. BALL. You didn't ever see a picture of Oswald?

Sorry Scott... Mumford was not confused... she was told what to say and did so.. her companion Ms. Winston was not asked a thing. If you go to the articles I wrote you will find that each and every witness' story has sever problems, one witness is even an employee of the Mexican Customs service whoi claims to have been on one of these buses with Oswald... quite a joke. The McFarland's were with the girls on the Del Norte bus with "Bowen" and not the Flecha Rojas or Anahuac buses...

Neither Lee no Harvey was in Mexico, imo. and the man who Duran and Azcue see is neither Oswald or the person who did not travel by bus, but supposedly by auto...


We know that the FBI had its eye on the Anahuac bus line whose Monterrey and Mexico City records were all sent to the Anahuac offices at the border town Piedras Negras, north of Laredo the 25th of Nov. employees could not explain why.

Every item of evidence was either run thru or acquired by Rafael OCHOA, #2 man at Gobernacion and FBI asset.

After looking for traces of Oswald in Mexico since mid Oct, the FBI finds that there is simply no evidence at all that Oswald left by bus - and since the CIA and most every other non-FBI report states he left by auto... the entirety of the bus evidence is a fraud.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7097&stc=1]

On Dec 16, 1963 Mr. Major Green of theCONTINENTAL TRAILWAYS bus line stated that there were two (2) buses thattraveled from New Orleans to Laredo. (One might assume that if Oswald was going all the way to Mexico hewould buy a bus ticket for the entire trip as opposed to simply traveling toHouston and buying yet another ticket there for the rest of the trip.) These buses were the 4:40pm and 8:15pm Sept25[SUP]th[/SUP] buses arriving in Houston the next day, the 26[SUP]th[/SUP], at2:15am and 7:00am, respectively. The 2:15am arrival would have been just in time for the 2:35am from Houstonto Laredo… The FBI looked into the4:40pm bus, its driver and passengers with no indication that Oswald was aboard.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7096&stc=1]

To put Oswald on the 12:20pm bus out of New Orleans, the FBI BACKDATED a report from Sept 21, 1964 - only a few days before the presentation of the FINAL WCR... to Dec 16, 1963 since Major Green here did not mention these 2 other buses until he was "reinterviewed" in Sept..

The reports are virtually identical.. Turns out the 12:20pm only goes to Houston... So once again, rather than do the logical thing, buy a 3 or 4 part ticket to Mexico City from New Orleans...
we must trace the painful piece-meal, stop-by-stop created trip described by the FBI... and find like getting Oswald to the window, the timing appears to JUST work, if you squint and turn your head slightly to the right...

Attached Files
.jpg   63-12-16 WCD 183 - only 2 buses from NOLA to Houston.jpg (Size: 258.77 KB / Downloads: 28)
.jpg   63-11-25 FBI 105-3702 NARA 124-10230-10432 Mexi sources checked all bus lines Oct 1-2-3 all NE.jpg (Size: 229.14 KB / Downloads: 28)
.jpg   63-11-22 1963 v 1959 Oswald.jpg (Size: 229.18 KB / Downloads: 28)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Quote:If you were shown the 4th image at the far right above and then saw Oswald's image on TV and newspapers would you make the same connection and say they were the same man

Yes, I would have said it was the same man, even under pressure not knowing better. I would have certainly made that mistake.
This just gets better and better I tell you!

Thanks for the info Dave, there is no doubt, Oswald was not in Mexico as the WCR said he was, great work Dave! Great work!
This is one of the few shortcomings of the Lopez Report.

They accepted the WC versions of Oswald going down to Mexico and returning.

IMO, this is probably because they were programmed by Blakey to only examine MC once Oswald got there.

The idea that Oswald did not go down there, or he went by another method which would imply he had accomplices, that was too big for Blakey to contemplate. Since it would be hard to say Trafficante did something like that.

But IMO, and I agree with Dave on this, Mumford was another rehearsed witness (like Bledsoe). And I think Ball knew that. She had to do that or the WC really had nothing but paper mache for Oswald being on that bus.

Incredible that it took this long to do that. But thanks to Dave and Jerry Kroth, she has been rendered dubious.
The only bracketed out or blacked out name is Richard Poyle's in the CIA's document about my father having the photogaphs, at first I thought it was Frank Strugis, but it's not, it's Richard's name.

Richard was in Mexico on 11/21/1963 and was debriefed by Oliver Fortson, Fortson was being handed by Winston Scott, Win Scott was the CIA station chief of Mexico, and Scott's administrative assistant was Goodpasture. That group of folks is who took part in the Oswald trip to Mexico. When my father showed Poyle the photos he stole Poyle said he didn't know anything, and could only tell my father what he knew about being in prison. The prison Poyle is speaking about to my father was during the time Poyle spent in Fidel Castro's prison. And, that's because my father was asking Poyle questions about Cuba. Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis are the two that picked up my father for work the day he was killed. I know for a fact now that it took more then one person to kill my father. And, I know everyone was afraid of my father, I just located a gentlemen by the name of Mike Diprospero who is also found in my father's address book, and knew my father, here is our recorded conversation I had with him today on 7/10/2015.

You're not going to find much on Richard Poyle, most if not all his information regarding his trip to Mexico on 11/21/1963 is classified, however, the CIA does say that Poyle visited Mexico to visit his wife, but I found out his wife wasn't in Mexico waiting on him. But, lets assume he was there visiting his wife, then why be debriefed by Oliver Fortson?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This is one of the few shortcomings of the Lopez Report.

They accepted the WC versions of Oswald going down to Mexico and returning.

IMO, this is probably because they were programmed by Blakey to only examine MC once Oswald got there.

The idea that Oswald did not go down there, or he went by another method which would imply he had accomplices, that was too big for Blakey to contemplate. Since it would be hard to say Trafficante did something like that.

But IMO, and I agree with Dave on this, Mumford was another rehearsed witness (like Bledsoe). And I think Ball knew that. She had to do that or the WC really had nothing but paper mache for Oswald being on that bus.

Incredible that it took this long to do that. But thanks to Dave and Jerry Kroth, she has been rendered dubious.

27 November Call to the FBI; An Ace In The Hole, Or Were Most Of U.S. Intel Depts. Patsified Along With Lee Harvey Oswald?

Cover page:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7110&stc=1]

This border "sighting" report to the FBI surpressed and the informant turned out to be an executive of ESSO formerly residing in Havana, last man out when his company's refinery was expropriated by Castro's regime. He moved his office into the same street address as the JM/Wave station HQ at its startup, when it was still only a small listening post. ...... See my other documentation located at the first link above.

How would an ESSO Havana exec. know how to recognize people who were associated with LHO? The report does
not indicate Oswald was present at the border sighting.

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.jpg   WilfredClarkBarnesSuppressedCall2.jpg (Size: 67.79 KB / Downloads: 31)
Quote:How would an ESSO Havana exec. know how to recognize people who were associated with LHO?

Castro's biggest concerned was oil until he established a relationship with Venezuela, Castro infiltrated and paid informants to infiltrate these companies as well as three letter agencies.
How did Castro know about the assassination before it happened?

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