22-12-2015, 08:51 PM
Quote:The irony here is that David Josephs went on Len Osanic's internet radio show and stated that Robert H Jackson's home address in Alexandria, Virginia, "does not exist". (Link to 90 sec. long sound clip.: https://app.box.com/s/yuq77v3xdp3rmgc3mkc3fwvvbdb7i635 )
...and has posted here that neither Jackson nor J Harold Marks exist, but Jim Hargrove and Dawn seem to feel very strongly that my posting is the problem. My posts could be reduced to one paragraph each if there was less resistance to new evidence
Show that it existed then Tom. I'm sure your resources are better than mine...
There is a Leewood Drive with numbers in the 6001+ range
There is no Lee Wood Dr at all.
And like so many of the addresses in Oswald's past, they are either non-existent or vacant lots. But at least the address is real.
2703 Mercedes. There but gone.
So please help this poor soul out with your endless resources.
This is Leewood Dr in Alexandria. Please locate 2121 Lee Wood Dr. As in LEE WOULD be guilty no matter what he did... ::coolrock::
And what I believe I said was that it is very likely that these two men did not exist or that these actions were attributed to them yet were done by others... Since there is nothing which follows their acquiring the PMO to prove they actually did it - Are those their initials on the back Tom - can you prove it via some sort of corroboration other than it corroborating itself?
I don't expect you to engage any longer Tom - you don't like it when your mountains of obtuse info is shown for what it is - a huge distraction in your attempt to prove the SS & FBI were honest in their investigation.
So you keep hunting down the 3rd cousin of the 4th in-law once removed who may have attended a meeting where Dulles' mistress's ex boyfriend knew a nazi who once said something you think is important in order to illustrate your command of the 6 degrees of separation. The rest of us will continue to move forward with the understanding that our FBI and Secret Service blew smoke up our behinds at every chance and that the evidence which you so vehemently defend is easily proven worthless on its face.
bu-bye now... I'm sure you know for a fact that if Marks and Jackson were the people involved that night, they were not at all involved with the key intelligence agencies in any helpful capacity. You see Tom - you pick one little thing in a series of huge events and try to claim a victory over the minutea... rather than seeing the total picture and the conflicts which arise in the first take of evidence in every situation...
What they said FIRST it appears, was never correct if it exonerates Oswald. If it convicts him, it was gold.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter