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Eyes Wide Shut and 9/11
Just finished the following:


Following on from the prior 3 posts, I think it would help to illuminate things a little more, by making some additional facts available. I'm simplifying an extraordinary dense subject, so forgive me if the following is a bit more tangled than usual, as I don't have the time to do it full justice at the moment.

Firstly, as noted above the star symbol that kept appearing throughout the film, and which the author identified as the Star of Ishtar, is more often known as the Star of Astaroth, where Astaroth is a Crowned Prince of Hell, and a male figure named after the Canaanite Goddess Ashtoreth, a name that was itself derived from the Phoenician Goddess Astarte.

Astarte is associated with several opposing aspects including being the Goddess of love, motherhood and fertility, but also sexuality and war. She was an important deity of the Phoenician towns of Sidon and Tyre, which probably, is where the Knights Templars first came across her - and yes, the Templars very much feature in Eyes Wide Shut.

As Ashtoreth, she was a deity of gross sensuality and lasciviousness and worship of her was often accompanied by human sacrifice and ecstatic exercises.

Depiction of Astaroth from the 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal

Qabalistically speaking, Astraroth is regarded as an arch demon of the Quiploth, where the latter is regarded as the evil and impure spirits - or "shells" - of the dark side of the Tree of Life, namely the Tree of Evil.

The 8 rayed star that features in the film is an octagram. This is also the principal symbol of the Knights Templar, the Maltese Cross. And Knight Templar is the thirtieth degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, known as the Knight Kadosh - where Kadosh means consecrated.

Just to make sure we know what he is telling us, Kubrick emphasizes the Scottish Rite connection by showing us the symbol of the double headed eagle that adorns Red Cloak's "chair". This is the primary symbol of Scottish Rite Freemasons and is an Order that is very much American in nature (deriving from the original French order).

The double headed eagle appears across the world as a religious symbol - it is the Storm Bird of the middle east, the native American indian Thunder Bird, the Hindu Garuda etc etc. It is a symbol reflecting both the positive and negative poles of life as does the Goddess Astarte. Once again this important point about duality has been emphasized by Kubrick.

The double headed bird looks in opposite directions. This tells us that it is like all significant symbols; it has a positive and also a negative side. It can represent growth and harmony, but also destruction and disharmony etc. Integrating and balancing these opposing forces of nature is the task of the hero. Disintegrating and unbalancing them is the wish and desire of the dark magus of the film.

Moreover, the double-headed eagle is the symbol associated with the Grand Elect Knight of Kadosh (formerly the Illustrious and Grand Commander of the White and Black Eagle, Grand Elect Kadosh). And this too, emphasizes the Knights Templar aspect of this story.


These two symbols, namely the octagram and the double headed eagle together confirm that Red Cloak is a Knight Templar - in other words he holds the 30th degree, the Knight of Kadosh of Scottish rite freemasonry.

Thus we have an interlocking, resonating mesh of symbols which we have had our attention drawn to by Kubrick: Knights Templars/ Knights Kadosh, Scottish Rite freemasonry and the dark sexual, warring side of Astarte, a pagan Goddess of great antiquity.

Why was Kubrick telling us these particular facts?

My conclusion is that he was saying that the American ruling elite are Scottish Rite freemasons and that they, at some point (or at least those selected for the elevation) are initiated into the negative, dark side of occultism that is activated and controlled by 30th degree and higher Masters of this order. I further conclude, based on the death of Amanda in the film, that once you step into this milieu you cannot step out of it again. Breathing that is.

That Freemasonry is immensely powerful in America is not doubted by the way. Several presidents and many others in influential positions in government and business have been high masons.

An equally important a question, I think, is how did Kubrick know of these matters? After all it is very dense, specialized and technical subject - and not one you would expect to stumble into. Was Kubrick himself a freemason of the Scottish rite? Was his film Eyes Wide Shut a way of not only telling the public the hidden reality of American life, but was also his way of trying to disengage himself from that morass? Was his death within a few days of turning over his final cut of the film to Warner Brothers, a message to others of that order that no one, once ensnared at this level of knowledge, will ever be permitted to escape their capture alive.

I suspect so.

Attached Files
.gif   220px-Scottish_Rite_Double_Headed_Eagle.gif (Size: 26.23 KB / Downloads: 1)
.jpg   220px-Astaroth.jpg (Size: 23.2 KB / Downloads: 3)
[INDENT][INDENT]The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.[/INDENT]Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14[/INDENT]
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Horrifying. Again.

I never get the connection in this thread. It does remind me of The Most Dangerous Book in the World.

That book was a major disappointment. Now I want to see EWS again after reading all this stuff. Seeing the film without first knowing all this back story is somewhat boring. But going deeper much is revealed. Thanks David, Jan etc. for all this info.
Sickening, scary and all too true.

"My conclusion is that he was saying that the American ruling elite are Scottish Rite freemasons and that they, at some point (or at least those selected for the elevation) are initiated into the negative, dark side of occultism that is activated and controlled by 30th degree and higher Masters of this order. I further conclude, based on the death of Amanda in the film, that once you step into this milieu you cannot step out of it again. Breathing that is."

David About 20 years ago I came across a book by a guy in Ariz named Ralph Epperson called The New World Order. I have not read it again in as many years but his book reaches those same conclusions. Very detailed. Not very well written but great material. He and I are facebook friends now. Book is definitely worth obtaining in my opinion.

I have just never bought onto 9/11 NWO/Illuminati symbolism. Working on it. But then there is this... OMG

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Dawn: I finally got my nerve. EWS arriving soon.

David: Brilliant analysis. Another one to put on the back burner to simmer.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
David Guyatt Wrote:Just finished the following:


Following on from the prior 3 posts, I think it would help to illuminate things a little more, by making some additional facts available. I'm simplifying an extraordinary dense subject, so forgive me if the following is a bit more tangled than usual, as I don't have the time to do it full justice at the moment.

Firstly, as noted above the star symbol that kept appearing throughout the film, and which the author identified as the Star of Ishtar, is more often known as the Star of Astaroth, where Astaroth is a Crowned Prince of Hell, and a male figure named after the Canaanite Goddess Ashtoreth, a name that was itself derived from the Phoenician Goddess Astarte.

Astarte is associated with several opposing aspects including being the Goddess of love, motherhood and fertility, but also sexuality and war. She was an important deity of the Phoenician towns of Sidon and Tyre, which probably, is where the Knights Templars first came across her - and yes, the Templars very much feature in Eyes Wide Shut.

As Ashtoreth, she was a deity of gross sensuality and lasciviousness and worship of her was often accompanied by human sacrifice and ecstatic exercises.

Depiction of Astaroth from the 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal

Qabalistically speaking, Astraroth is regarded as an arch demon of the Quiploth, where the latter is regarded as the evil and impure spirits - or "shells" - of the dark side of the Tree of Life, namely the Tree of Evil.

The 8 rayed star that features in the film is an octagram. This is also the principal symbol of the Knights Templar, the Maltese Cross. And Knight Templar is the thirtieth degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, known as the Knight Kadosh - where Kadosh means consecrated.

Just to make sure we know what he is telling us, Kubrick emphasizes the Scottish Rite connection by showing us the symbol of the double headed eagle that adorns Red Cloak's "chair". This is the primary symbol of Scottish Rite Freemasons and is an Order that is very much American in nature (deriving from the original French order).

The double headed eagle appears across the world as a religious symbol - it is the Storm Bird of the middle east, the native American indian Thunder Bird, the Hindu Garuda etc etc. It is a symbol reflecting both the positive and negative poles of life as does the Goddess Astarte. Once again this important point about duality has been emphasized by Kubrick.

The double headed bird looks in opposite directions. This tells us that it is like all significant symbols; it has a positive and also a negative side. It can represent growth and harmony, but also destruction and disharmony etc. Integrating and balancing these opposing forces of nature is the task of the hero. Disintegrating and unbalancing them is the wish and desire of the dark magus of the film.

Moreover, the double-headed eagle is the symbol associated with the Grand Elect Knight of Kadosh (formerly the Illustrious and Grand Commander of the White and Black Eagle, Grand Elect Kadosh). And this too, emphasizes the Knights Templar aspect of this story.


These two symbols, namely the octagram and the double headed eagle together confirm that Red Cloak is a Knight Templar - in other words he holds the 30th degree, the Knight of Kadosh of Scottish rite freemasonry.

Thus we have an interlocking, resonating mesh of symbols which we have had our attention drawn to by Kubrick: Knights Templars/ Knights Kadosh, Scottish Rite freemasonry and the dark sexual, warring side of Astarte, a pagan Goddess of great antiquity.

Why was Kubrick telling us these particular facts?

My conclusion is that he was saying that the American ruling elite are Scottish Rite freemasons and that they, at some point (or at least those selected for the elevation) are initiated into the negative, dark side of occultism that is activated and controlled by 30th degree and higher Masters of this order. I further conclude, based on the death of Amanda in the film, that once you step into this milieu you cannot step out of it again. Breathing that is.

That Freemasonry is immensely powerful in America is not doubted by the way. Several presidents and many others in influential positions in government and business have been high masons.

An equally important a question, I think, is how did Kubrick know of these matters? After all it is very dense, specialized and technical subject - and not one you would expect to stumble into. Was Kubrick himself a freemason of the Scottish rite? Was his film Eyes Wide Shut a way of not only telling the public the hidden reality of American life, but was also his way of trying to disengage himself from that morass? Was his death within a few days of turning over his final cut of the film to Warner Brothers, a message to others of that order that no one, once ensnared at this level of knowledge, will ever be permitted to escape their capture alive.

I suspect so.

I think this is a good analysis.

For anyone interested, this website has a lot of useful research on the subject of Masonic/occult symbolism and history:
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Also, I may have missed it but as far as I can see that Vigilant Citizen piece doesn't mention that the name Ziegler means "brick maker."
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Kubrick was quoted as often stating: "Be suspicious of people who have, or crave, power." Adding, [B]"Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous."[/B]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Dawn Meredith Wrote:"My conclusion is that he was saying that the American ruling elite are Scottish Rite freemasons and that they, at some point (or at least those selected for the elevation) are initiated into the negative, dark side of occultism that is activated and controlled by 30th degree and higher Masters of this order. I further conclude, based on the death of Amanda in the film, that once you step into this milieu you cannot step out of it again. Breathing that is."

David About 20 years ago I came across a book by a guy in Ariz named Ralph Epperson called The New World Order. I have not read it again in as many years but his book reaches those same conclusions. Very detailed. Not very well written but great material. He and I are facebook friends now. Book is definitely worth obtaining in my opinion.


Thanks Dawn, I'll try and get it. Maybe we should have a 3 way with him via email too?
[INDENT][INDENT]The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.[/INDENT]Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14[/INDENT]
Lauren Johnson Wrote:I have just never bought onto 9/11 NWO/Illuminati symbolism. Working on it. But then there is this... OMG

Interesting. The Eye of Horus for sure.

I'm with you Lauren, about finding it hard to buy into this whole thing. But the more I look, the more my reservations reduce. Occult symbolism is everywhere. The guy who did the 3 part analysis above, also analysed the footage of the London olympic opening and closing ceremonies. It was unquestionably a ceremonial packed with Fremasonic symbolism. I've not looked sat it carefully, but I would not be quite so negative about the interpretation as he without delving deeper. Not all freemasons are into the power angle. Amazing as it sounds, some really do want to help man progress.

Edit = Image of the Eye of Horus:


And to re-emphasise that all important symbols can be used for positive, beneficial outcomes or when reversed is used for the opposite.

Attached Files
.jpg   The_Eye_Of_Horus.jpg (Size: 95.18 KB / Downloads: 2)
[INDENT][INDENT]The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.[/INDENT]Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14[/INDENT]

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