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The Democratic State v. The Deep State - Great Paper!
This paper is by a Norwegian friend and member of PRIO [Peace Research Institute, Oslo]. He knows more about what is going on in the US [and World] than most.....



In a 1955 study of the United States State Department, Hans Morgenthau discussed the existence of a US dual state'.i According to Morgenthau, the US state includes both a regular state hierarchy' that acts according to the rule of law and a more or less hidden security hierarchy'which I will refer to here as the security state' (also known in some countries as the deep state')iithat not only acts in parallel to the former but also monitors and exerts control over it. In Morgenthau's view, this security aspect of the statethe security state'is able to exert an effective veto over the decisions' of the regular state governed by the rule of law.iii While the democratic state' offers legitimacy to security politics, the security state' intervenes where necessary, by limiting the range of democratic politics. While the democratic state' deals with political alternatives, the security state' enters the scene when no alternative exists', when particular activities are securitised'ivin the event of an emergency'. In fact, the security state is the very apparatus that defines when and whether a state of emergency' will emerge. This aspect of the state is what Carl Schmitt, in his 1922 work Political Theology, referred to as the sovereign'.v
Logically speaking, one might argue that Morgenthau's dual state' is derived from the same duality as that described in Ernst Fraenkel's conception of the dual state', which Fraenkel described as typifying the Nazi regime of Hitler's Germany. In the Nazi case, though, this duality was overt, combining the regular' legal state with a parallel prerogative state', an autocratic paramilitary emergency state or Machtstaat that operated outside or above' the legal system, with its philosophical foundation in the Schmittian sovereign'. Fraenkel refers to Emil Lederer, who argues that this Machtstaat (power state', as distinct from the Rechtstaat) has its historical origins in the European aristocratic elite, which still played an important role within European society after the triumph of democracy. This elite acted behind the scene in the 1920s, but considered it necessary to intervene in support of the Nazi Party in the 1930s to prevent a possible socialist takeover. However, this autocratic Machtstaatthe Nazi SS-statewas arbitrary, because of its individualised
In his analysis, Morgenthau draws a parallel between Nazi Germany and the US dual state. Indeed, in his view, the autocratic security state' may be less visible and less arbitrary in democratic societies such as the US, but it is no less important. Morgenthau argues that

the power of making decisions remains with the authorities charged by law with making them, while, as a matter of fact, by virtue of their power over life and death, the agents of the secret police… [and what I would call the security state: author] at the very least exert an effective veto over [these] decisions.vii

Below, I will demonstrate that the activity of the security state'or the deep state'concerns not just the vetoing of democratic decisions, but also the fine tuning of democracy,'viii for example through the fostering' of war or terrorism to create fear and increase public demands for protection. The security state' is able to calibrate or manipulate the policies of the democratic state' through the use of a totally different logic of politicsa kind of politics that in this book is referred to as parapolitics' and which operates outside the law to define the limits of the legal discourse. The argument presented here is not meant as a normative statement, but rather as an attempt to describe and analyse the Western state as it actually operates, both inside and outside the law.
This argumentation has already appeared in Italy both in the parliamentary report on terrorismix and among scholars. Franco de Felice re-introduced the concept of dual state in Italy in his Doppia lealta e doppio stato' (1989). He argues that that the dual state is born from an incapacity of the regular state to reconcile domestic policies with foreign policies.x But if the Italian dual state, logically speaking, originates from the attempt to bridge between domestic and foreign policy, it originates, historically speaking, from Italy's post-war historical compromise' between the emerging democratic forces of the allies and the remaining forces of fascist Italy. At the very end of the Second World War, US intelligence (with later CIA Chief for Counter-Intelligence James Jesus Angleton and his Italian contact, Federico Umberto D'Amato, head of Italian secret service up to the 1980s) recruited large numbers of officials and soldiers from the fascist Republic of Salò and from its Special Forces, Decima MAS, for the new Italian state.xi This recruitment program included figures like Prince Junio Valerio Borhese, Pino Rauti and Licio Gelli, who are believed to have played a major role in the terrorism and coup attempts' in Cold War Italy (see below). In the 1960s to the 1980s, these more or less aristocratic fascists came to operate within an extra-legal shadow government or invisible government in liaison with US intelligence and in parallel to the regular democratic state.
Paolo Cucchiarelli and Aldo Giannulli have written in their Lo Stato Parallelo (1997) about the dual state or parallel state' as a state that operates both inside and outside the law;xii and Rosella Dossi has written about the dual state in Italy's Invisible Government (2001).xiii Similar to de Felice these Italian scholars refer back to Ernst Fraenkel, not to Hans Morgenthau. Morgenthau's analysis is very useful, however, because it is able to combine the concept of democracy with an autocratic Machtstaat or shadow government', thus putting a finger on an aspect of the state that is often neglected in political science.
Morgenthau was a traditional realist' who inherited important ideas from Carl Schmitt,xiv and was able to flesh out Schmitt's rather abstract analysis of the sovereign. My ambition in this chapter is to continue along that path, to give yet more substance to this line of thinking and, at the same time, make it accessible to a wider audience.


Let us approach the idea of the sovereign' as the security side of the statewhat some would call the deep state'by looking at a few examples.
Recent trials and parliamentary inquires in Italy have established that bombing campaigns in the late 1960s and 1970s in that countryand probably elsewhere in Europewere run not by various anarchist or other left-wing groups, as had been generally believed at the time, but were instead carried out by action squads known as Nuclei di Difesa della Stato (Nuclei for Defence of the State, or NDS) in accordance with a political strategy known as the Strategy of Tension'. Already in 1964, Angleton's close colleague, William Harvey, then CIA station chief in Rome, had recommended Colonel Renzo Rocca, Chief of Italian Military Intelligence Division R (Gladio: the Italian Stay-Behinds),xv to use his action squads' to carry out bombings against Christian Democratic Party offices' in order to implicate the Italian Communist Party (PCI). These gladiators' had been recruited from Republic of Salò and from the Italian former naval Special Forces Decima MAS and other militant Fascist organizations.'xvi From 1966, US and Italian intelligence started to recruit action squads for a parallel Gladio', or NDS, from Pino Rauti's fascist organisation Ordine Nuovo. Subsequently, while masquerading as left-wingers, anarchists and Maoists, Italian NDS squads from Ordine Nuovo, in collaboration with the fascist Avanguardia Nazionale and their successor organisations, carried out a bombing campaign that resulted in the deaths of more than hundred people, in direct collaboration with the CIA and US factions' of the Italian intelligence and security services.xvii
Later, Carlo Digilio, who had worked with the CIA in Italy, would recount in court hearings how he had collaborated with activists from Ordine Nuovo and how the bombing campaign had been linked to a US plan to introduce a state of emergency in Italy in order to exclude the political left from government. The same view was presented by Italian Chief of Counter-Intelligence, General Gianadelio Maletti, who confirmed in court that US intelligence had provided Ordine Nuovo with explosives for the first major Italian bomb attack (Milan in 1969). Digilio also described how he passed on details of planned bomb attacks to his CIA contact, Captain David Carrett, who had also told him that the bombing campaign was part of a US plan to establish a state of emergency in order to control Italian domestic politics.xviii
In 1974, however, after several years of bombings in Italy, a number of activists from Ordine Nuovo and Avanguardia Nazionale were forced to flee the country. This led to a pause in their bombing campaign, with no major operations being carried out until 1980, when a bomb at Bologna's railway station left 85 dead and more than 200 wounded. However, also in early 1970s, as General Maletti and others have confirmed, Italian and US intelligence and secret service agents were able to assume vital positions at the highest levels of Italy's Red Brigades.xix In 1974, the left-wing leadership of the Red Brigades had been arrested, facilitating the takeover' of the organisation by the US and Italian services. This resulted in the launch of a range of professional military operations, a period of blind terror' and a radical increase in the number of attacks being carried out within Italy.xx
It thus seems that the Italian deep state' switched to using the Red Brigades as its major extra-legal instrument following the flight of right-wing activists in 1974.
After the murder of Aldo Moro in 1978, his wife recounted how a senior US official had threatened to use groups on the fringes' of the official services to kill her husband if he did not abandon his policy' of a historical compromise' with the left. Notably, the Red Brigade' kidnapping of Moro in March 1978 took place on the very day on which his compromise' was to go to the vote in the Italian parliament.xxi Later, it was discovered that an apartment and printing press used by the Red Brigades' at this time belonged to SISMI, Italy's military intelligence.xxii
It is now indisputable that the use of terrorism was an element of US policy with respect to Italy. US policy was not just to infiltrate and monitor extremist groups, but also to instigate acts of violence', to quote Italian Chief of Counter-Intelligence General Gianadelio Maletti. A similar strategy, Maletti believed, was also carried out in other European countries.xxiii Thus, although a bomb attack in 1972 was first blamed on the Red Brigades, it later transpired that the attack had been carried out by Ordine Nuovo's Vinunzo Vinciguerra. While Vinciguerra described himself in court as genuinely fascist, he argued that Ordine Nuovo no longer was: it had been turned into a covert military arm of the state'.xxiv Here, in using the term state', Vinciguerra is speaking of the security state'the deep state' or parallel state that is prepared to use extra-legal violence to force the general population to trade democratic freedoms for security and protection, establishing a political order that limits the range of democratic discourse and the rule of law.
Similarly, in Turkey, terrorists detonating bombs were exposed as agents of gendarmerie intelligence. Former Turkish Prime Minister and President Suleyman Demirel argued in 2005, In our country there are two [states]: There is one deep state and one other state [the legal state].' This deep state' allegedly detonates bombs under cover of being terrorists (Kurdish, left-wing or Islamic) to justify emergency measures. The state that should be the real is the spare one, the one that should be spare is the real one', Demirel added.xxv In January 2007, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that there is a deep state', and it should be minimized'. He added that this structure exists in all countries.xxvi We can describe it as gangs inside a state organization, and this kind of structure does exist,' he said.xxvii David Philips wrote for the Council of Foreign Relations: The deep state a shadowy network involving the military and intelligence apparatus as well as the state bureaucracy -- is the ultimate arbiter of power.'xxviii As stated by Cucchiarelli and Giannulli, in Italy this deep state' or clandestine parallel state' makes an illegitimate use of power not to subvert, but rather to preserve, the current system of power.xxix The terrorist acts were explicitly carried out in defence of the state by the so-called Nuclei di Difesa della Stato.
In the final analysis, it is the deep state that is the state structure that decides when and when not to use illegal measures to keep order. In Schmitt's words, it is this state' that is the actual sovereign', the entity that is able to establish order and the rule of law through operations outside the law: The sovereign is he who decides on the exception… For a legal order to make sense, a normal situation must exist, and he is sovereign who definitely decides whether this normal situation actually exists.'xxx


In his Theory of the Partisan (1963), Schmitt describes the irregular fighter or anti-state insurgent as a partisan', and in the battle between the state and insurgents, he argues, the state will fight like a partisan wherever there are partisans.'xxxi Schmitt continues, In the vicious circle of terror and counter-terror, the combat of the partisan is often simply a mirror-image of the partisan battle itself … you have to fight like a partisan wherever there are partisans.'xxxii Schmitt refers to the example of French General Raoul Salan, head of the Organisation d'Armée Secrète (OAS) that from 1961 carried out a campaign of mass terror against the insurgency in Algeria. Salan introduced the ideas of revolutionary war' to fight the insurgency using its own methods.xxxiii Already from late 1950s, French settlers and the French Secret Service set up an organisation, the Red Hand, for the assassination of nationalist Algerians trying to buy small arms abroad. The Red Hand poisoned their targets or let Algerians carry out the killings to indicate an internal Algerian feud,xxxiv but from early 1960s the OAS also attacked French citizens, in order to lay the blame for such attacks on the Arab insurgency. In Italy from the mid-1960s, the sovereign' employed similar terror tactics against the Italian population, laying the blame on the left and the increasingly democratic PCI.
The general ideas for the bombing campaign in Italy, the Strategy of Tension and the concept of revolutionary war' were presented at a seminar in May 1965financed by Colonel Rocca's Gladio division of Italian military intelligenceat the Alberto Polio Institute for Military Studies in Rome.xxxv Among the participants at that seminar were top-ranking Italian military officers and politicians linked to NATO and the USA. A central figure was General Adriano Guilio Cesare Magi Braschi, Chief of Division for Unconventional Warfare of the Italian Milititary Intelligence. He had been close to the OAS and had, according to the court case in Milano 2001, played an important role for the initiation of the Nuclei di Difesa della Stato.xxxvi Among the speakers presenting the concepts of the Strategy of Tension and revolutionary war' were two journalists': Pino Rauti, leader of Ordine Nuovo, and Guidi Giannettini, a fascist intelligence operative and liaison to the OAS. Both Rauti and Giannettini were writing a strategy booklet for the Chief of Staff General Giuseppe Aloja and both were central figures in Ordine Nuovo that subsequently carried out the bombing campaign of the late 1960s and early 1970s.xxxvii
In 196566, the international fascist intelligence network Aginter Press was established to implement the Strategy of Tension, with support from the Portuguese security service PIDE and the CIA. This network included a unit specialising in the infiltration of anarchist and pro-Chinese groups, and its correspondents' would use such organisations as a cover for carrying out bombings and other violent attacks. Aginter Press also included a strategic centre for subversion and intoxication operations, along with an executive action organisation OACI that carried out assassinationsxxxviii (most likely the same pool of assassins' that William Harvey, CIA Station Chief in Italy, had recruited in Europe for the CIA's Executive Action Capability').xxxix All of these divisions of Aginter Press were under the leadership of French OAS officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with the American intelligence operative Jay Sablonsky (alias Jay Salby) and the French former SS officer Robert Leroy, who had served as an instructor during the war for the Nazi Special Forces commanded by Otto Skorzeny.xl
Their network brought together Nazi and fascist activists from intelligence services and security services all over Europe (West Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece) and Latin America, South Africa and the US. Italian correspondents' for Aginter Press included the co-founder Stefano delle Chiaie (leader of Avanguardia Nazionale), Pino Rauti and Guidi Giannettini, who collaborated with French OAS leader Pierre Lagaillardexli (also involved in the assassination attempt on the French President, Charles de Gaulle).xlii Some of these, such as delle Chiaie and Rauti, were also linked to the US-dominated World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Magi Braschi was later Italian representative of WACL.xliii An Aginter Press document from 1969 (found in Lisbon in 1974) paints a picture identical to that presented by Giannettini earlier in 1965, with proposals for selective terrorism… eliminating certain carefully selected persons' (including assassination of political leaders) and indiscriminate terrorism', including randomly shooting down people with firearms' and the use of bombs in public squares or buildings, in accordance with the Strategy of Tension bombing campaign.xliv Judge Guido Salvini told the senators investigating the bombing campaign that instructors from Aginter Press came to Rome between 1967 and 1968 and instructed the militant members of Avanguardia Nazionale in the use of explosives'.xlv The intention with the bombings was to create a climate of chaos to dramatise political life in order to securitize' issues previously open to public debate, thus limiting the range of the democratic discourse.xlvi Another Aginter Press document (from 1968) states:

In our opinion the first action that we should undertake is the destruction of institutions of the state under the cover of Communist and Maoist actions … This will create a feeling of hostility towards those that threaten the peace … Maoist circles characterized by their own impatience and zeal, are [especially] suitable for infiltration.xlvii

The document also states that we already have elements infiltrated into all these [Communist and Maoist] groups'.xlviii From late 1960s, fascist activists in Italy started to dress as left-wingers. They masqueraded as Maoists and anarchists while conducting false flag' terrorist operations, particularly a bombing campaign, in collaboration with US intelligence in order to manipulate public opinion and limit the range of the democratic discourse. In the early and mid-1980s, attacks similar to those that had taken place in Italy were also conducted in Belgium, including the random shooting of 28 people in supermarkets outside Brussels in 198385. A left-wing' terrorist group known as the Cellules Communistes Combattantes (CCC) was accused of having carried out these operations. Later, however, it transpired that the attacks had been conducted by fascist and Nazi groups, with US support. Like Aginter Press before it, the neo-Nazi organisation Westland New Post operating in Belgium contained both an intelligence division and a special operations division. It was run by Belgian agent Paul Latinus in collaboration with US intelligence and the WACL.xlix Around the same time, US Army special forces began a programme of targeting Western/NATO installations in Belgium, while disguising themselves as terrorists. Indeed, the CCC may have simply been a cover for this form of deep state' extra-legal activity.l Notably, the CCC was supported by prominent Belgian neo-fascist Jean-Francois Thiriart, who had founded a Belgium OAS', had close ties to the French OAS and had initiated the European-wide fascist organisation Jeune Europe, a forerunner of Aginter


Drawing on these two examples of Italy and Belgium, we see that Western European states have seemingly been characterised by the existence of a regular democratic state', on the one hand, and a security state'what Vinciguerra simply calls the state', a US-linked security structureon the other. This is what the Italian Parliamentary Commission on terrorism and massacres from 1995lii meant by il Doppio Stato' or the dual state'.
As mentioned, de Felice argues that this dual state is born from the incapacity of the regular democratic state to reconcile domestic politics with foreign policies, primarily its responsibility to the USA and NATO.liii As Vinciguerra argues, the extra-legal violence did not originate from the terrorist groups', but from within the state itself, and specifically from within the ambit of the state's relations within the Atlantic Alliance... The December 1969 explosion was supposed to be the detonator which would have convinced the political and military authorities to declare a state of emergency.'liv Within such a context, NATO is not just something in between an alliance of sovereign nation-states and a super-state in its own right, but also something of bothwith the US supranational political-military authority' unifying the policies of the individual For example, in Italy in the 1960s and the 1970s, two chiefs of military intelligence (SIFAR and later SID)General Giovanni de Lorenzo and General Vito Miceliled military coup attempts' while they were liaison officers to the USA. Both of these men had been appointed on the recommendation of the US ambassador and both later became members of parliament for the Italian fascist party, MSI.lvi When Licio Gellia former fascist intelligence officer, US liaison officer and head of the Italian quasi-masonic lodge Propaganda Due (P2)lviiwas interviewed about the Strategy of Tension, he suggested that dictatorship and democracy always march side by side, because democracy is being undermined by dictatorship and dictatorship is being undermined by democracy,' adding that we have not yet reached an equilibrium.'lviii For Gelli, the activity of the Italian security state' during the Cold War was close to what the Turkish military elite would describe as the deep state' correcting the course of democracyor the political fine tuning' of democracy.lix
In Italy, a number of coup attempts' took place (in 1964, 1970, 1973 and 1974), though all were called off at critical moments once the government had been reminded of the existence of the state'or rather the security state': the real sovereign'. In these cases, various liaison officers, generals and fascist leaders exerted an effective veto on government policy by informing the prime minister that a coup had been set in progress, warning that he would have to suffer the consequences if he did not back down on his policy.lx In 1964, for example, a governmental shift to the left was interrupted by General de Lorenzo's coup' in collaboration with Prince Junio Valerio Borghese, the Black Prince' who had headed the Italian naval special forces Decima MAS during the Second World War. To achieve his aims, De Lorenzo set in motion the plan Piano Solo', which had originally been devised for counter-insurgency purposes (just as Colonel George Papadopulous, the Greek liaison officer to the USA, would similarly activate Greece's Prometheus' plan three years later, launching a military coup in Greece to prevent NATO critic Georgios Papandreou from returning as Prime Minister.)lxi In December 1970, another coup' was launched in Italy. Prince Borghese set in motion the counter-insurgency plan Triangolo'. This time, Borghese's peopleled by Stefano delle Chiaiehad already taken over the Ministry of Interior when the coup was aborted.lxii Borghese's collaborator, Gaetano Lunetta, later insisted that the truth is that it was a coup and that it succeeded.' He said that the

political result that those who organized the attack sought to attain was achieved: the deep-freezing of the [centre-left] policies of Aldo Moro, the removal of the PCI from the government arena, [and] the assurance of [Italy's] total pro-Atlantic and pro-American loyalty.lxiii

After this followed the Rosa dei Venti coup' led by General Magi Braschi in 1973 and the so-called White coup' led by Count Edgardo Sogno in 1974. General Maletti described in court his conversation with Sogno. After Sogno had presented his case to the CIA Station Chief in Rome in July 1974, Maletti had asked Sogno if the Americans would support the coup. Sogno responded, the United States would have supported any initiative tending to keep the communists out of government'.lxiv In the court case following the Rosa dei Venti coup', the coup plotters were accused of having promoted, set up and organized a secret association made up of civilians and military personnel, with the purpose of provoking an armed insurrection and, as a consequence, an illegal alteration of the Constitution and of the form of government through the intervention of the armed forces.'lxv In October 1974, Chief of Italian Military Intelligence, General Vito Miceli was arrested accused of political conspiracy. However, in court, he argued that the secret organisation accused of overthrowing the government had been formed under a secret agreement with the US and within the framework of NATO.lxvi In the later court case in 2001, General Maletti said that Count Sogno had close ties with the CIA.lxvii
All the coups' were carried out in close collaboration with the Americans, and notably, two of the major actors in this gameFederico Umberto D'Amato, chief of the secret service UAR (the Interior Ministry Office of Special Affairs), and Prince Junio Valerio Borghese, leader of the National Front and former president of the fascist party MSIhad been close collaborators with the US postwar liaison to Italy, CIA counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton, since the end of the Second World War. Indeed, Angleton maintained his contacts with Borghese and D'Amato up to the 1970s; and, as CIA Station Chief in Rome in the mid-1960s, William Harvey was Angleton's close collaborator.lxviii


The organisation that General Miceli had spoken about in 1974 was Gladiothe Italian Stay-Behind' armythat would not only stay behind' in case of a Soviet occupation, but that would also conduct clandestine domestic operations to counter domestic communist forces.lxix The Stay-Behinds were coordinated in Brussels by the very secret Allied Clandestine Committee (also known as the Allied Coordination Committee, ACC) and by the equally secret Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC).lxx In addition, there was a parallel structure. Former chief of the Italian Stay-Behinds, General Gerardo Serravalle (19711974), said that when he heard how Vinciguerra, in court, had presented the Stay-Behinds with such a precision and in such detailed terms' he concluded that Vinciguerra was an insider and that it must have been a parallel structure (later confirmed as the NDS) that he himself was not informed about. Serravalle stated that there was a part of the Stay-Behinds that he did not control and that he was forced by the Americans to carry out this domestic campaign to blame the Left in order to receive material support from the CIA.

Mr Stone [the CIA] stated, quite clearly, that the financial support of the CIA was wholly dependent on our willingness to put into action, to program and plan, these othershall we call them internal measures [terrorist operations blaming the Communists: author]. I said this was not in the orders for the Stay-Behinds. Nor had it been foreseen by Gladio when the original discussion took place.

But this was CIA policy Serravalle said.lxxi
In addition to these US-led formal structures, there existed an informal US network'. The US created and maintained special intelligence ties and clandestine ties with individuals not only in Italy and Belgium but all over Europe. These local US elites' were more tuned to US interests and were often able to influence local state policies, and even to veto or manipulate policies and individuals in conflict with US interests.lxxii Such elites formed part of what we have called the security state'the sovereign'which included informal groups and their network of extra-legal executives.
One such entirely informal group' was the Cercle Pinay,lxxiii which brought together Atlanticist ultra-right-wing political leaders, industrialists and intelligence chiefs. It was named after former French Prime Minister Antonio Pinay but was, in practical terms, run by its secretary, the French fascist intelligence operative Jean Violet. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti has named other participants: US State Secretary Henry Kissinger, US Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller (host), David Rockefeller from Chase Manhattan Bank, German CSU leader Franz Josef Strauss, Andreotti himself and Pinay's good friend', the Italian industrialist Carlo Pesenti.lxxiv According to David Rockefeller, it was Carlo Pesenti who took him aside and invited him to join the Cercle'. Rockefeller referred to the Cercle as the Pesenti Group'.lxxv Pesenti was, according to Christi, the main financial backer of the Aginter Press correspondent' Stefano delle Chiaie and his Avanguardia Nazionale.lxxvi Jean Violet had also direct links to Aginter Press.lxxvii This suggests that the Cercle Pinay acted as some kind of parapolitical board' to the extra-legal executives of Aginter Press.
Thus, the Schmittian sovereign' cannot be identified with NATO as a formal organisation, but is rather the parallel hierarchy of informal Western structures with their military/intelligence centre in the US and in some European capitals. And it was this informal security structure, or security state', that intervened if necessary to guarantee US or Western' interests. Indeed, the central actors of this Western security network appear as the real sovereign', in the Schmittian sense, that decides on the exception in the Euro-Atlantic area, or what Schmitt would call Grossraum.
This idea of a Grossraum led by a central power, or Reich, was first introduced by Schmitt in the late 1930s,lxxviii and further developed in his 1950 work Nomos of the Earth.lxxix Distinct from Karl Haushofer's Lebensraum,lxxx Schmitt's vision of a German Grossraum covered a bloc of independent states under German leadership and protection. Its realisation would have created an economic sphere of interest for Germany, just as the British colonies had come to represent a similar sphere for England. Schmitt based his idea on the US Monroe Doctrine, which denied European and other powers the right to interfere in North and South American affairs. Schmitt sought to apply this approach to Central Europe, a bloc of independent states under German leadership and protection, orchestrated around German political ideas.lxxxi However, after Germany's defeat in the Second World War and the Red Army's advances in the East, it was the US that emerged as Europe's protecting power.
Western leaders established a Euro-Atlantic bloc of states', a Grossraum that we call NATO', orchestrated around Western political ideas and protected by its Reich, the USA. Cold War NATO was a bloc of states' intended to exclude Soviet intervention. It was led by its central power and unified by its hegemonic political ideas: democracy, market liberalism, national pluralism, the rule of law and collective defence. However, the glue that held Cold War NATO together was not just ideas. Equally important were the informal super-national structuresor rather a hierarchy of such structures under the sovereign's hegemony. Under this view, NATOor the Western security communitymay have been a more unified entity than even Schmitt's concept of Grossraum.


To guarantee the stability and defence of the NATO area, or Grossraum, the US developed a dual security structure' that included both defensive forces and offensive units that would regularly challenge the defensive force structures. In 2000, US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger (198187) confirmed that during the Cold War the US had specifically tasked units to play the role of enemy forces. These would secretly attack Western defences worldwide in order to regularly' and frequently' test their capabilities and increase their state of readiness, so that counter-forces to potential Soviet capabilities could be developed prior to their emergence.lxxxii Referring to covert US/UK submarine operations in Swedish waters in the 1980s, Weinberger stated that

it was necessary to test frequently the capabilities of all countries, not only in the Baltic [Sea]which is very strategic of coursebut in the Mediterranean and Asiatic waters and all the rest…. And it was not just done in the sea. It was done on air defences and land defences as well [see Belgium above: author]... and all this was done on a regular basis and on an agreed upon basis.lxxxiii

In collaboration with local security elites, the US security state' used special forces that tested and reinforced the defensive capabilities of US allies and friends worldwide. In the case of the submarine intrusions into Swedish waters in the 1980s, a couple of admirals trusted by the US were informed about the operations in advance, but the mass media, local military forces and even the host country government were led to believe that the operations were carried out by the enemy', the Soviet Union. In the 1970s (up to 1980), only 5 to 10 per cent of the Swedish population believed in a direct Soviet threat. In 1983, however, after a series of submarines turned up within densely populated Swedish archipelagos, 42 per cent of the population viewed the Soviet Union as a direct threat; and the percentage of people viewing the Soviet Union as unfriendly went from 27 per cent to 83 per cent over the same period.lxxxiv Thus, in collaboration with trusted individuals within Sweden, US forces seem to have been able to change the mindset of the population and the government almost overnight.lxxxv Members of the Swedish security state', or deep state', acted in collaboration with their US counterparts to deceive the Swedish government and public. These PSYOPspsychological or perception management' operationswere run outside the law.
In that sense, there is a correspondence between the dual state and the dual security structure' (offensive/defensive forces) of the Western powers. In Italy, for example, the same US officers (David Carrett and others) who ran US operations to test the readiness' of Italian coastal defences (Delfino Attivo and Delfino Sveglio) simultaneously organised the terrorist campaign aimed at raising the awareness of and changing the mindset' of the Italian population as a whole.lxxxvi
In a similar development, US Rear-Admiral James Lyons, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Plans, Policy and Operations, in 1984 set up a terrorist unit'known as the Red Cellrecruited from his own naval special forces (SEAL Team Six), to attack naval bases worldwide. This unit set off bombs, wounded US personnel and took hundreds of hostages as part of its operations. According to Lyons, it was necessary for US forces to get physical' experience of the terrorist threat in order to change the mindset' and raise the awareness' of the troops to prevent a possibly even more devastating attack.lxxxvii
Once again, the US was developing a security system that included both sides of the coin. With the end of the Cold War and the decline of the Soviet threat, however, many Europeans believe this dual structure'with its specifically tasked terrorist unitsmay have evolved into an instrument for establishing not only internal Western stability but also US global hegemony. In such a world, war is no longer waged between the large armies of major powers, but by special units' to create a special mental atmosphere… to keep the structure of the society intact,' to quote George Orwell's 1984.lxxxviii


The above examples show that the sovereign'the security state' or what some would call the deep state'is able not to just limit the range of the democratic discourse but also to manipulate or fine tune' such discourse.

First, the secret armies of the sovereign' (the Stay-Behinds and the parallel Stay-Behinds' or NDS) were recruited from the defeated fascist forces of Southern Europe in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. In Northern Europe, hundreds of Nazi SS officers were recruited for a similar purpose.lxxxix Fascist leader Prince Junio Valerio Borghese was rescued and recruited by the later CIA liaison to Italy, James Jesus Angleton, at the very end of the war, and Angleton's man, Federico Umberto D'Amato, was given the task of recruiting forces from the fascist Republic of Saló to the Ministry of Interior, the army and the secret armies in order to combat the Italian communists. The brutal black' terrorist, Stefano delle Chiaie, collaborated with both Borghese and D'Amato.xc These secret fascist and Nazi armies were recruited and developed as part of a historical compromise' between the winning Anglo-Saxon democrats and the losing autocrats of the Axis powers. But, more importantly, the sovereign', as it developed after the Second World War, turned these secret armies into a sophisticated military arm for PSYOPs to limit the range of democratic discourse and to fine tune', calibrate and manipulate that discourse.
Second, by letting fascist forces carry out the preliminary stages of military coups, the sovereign' was able to force governments to resign or accept a change of policy on a number of occasions. Once a change of policy had been accepted, as during all the Italian coup attempts' in the 1960s and 1970s, the sovereign' then aborted the military coup and the use of extra-legal measures was no longer considered necessary. The Borghesedelle Chiaie coup' of December 1970, for example, was allegedly aborted after interventions by General Vito Micelior, according to Remo Orlandini, a close collaborator with Borghese, by US President Richard Nixon himself.xci In each case, the Italian government was presented with a fait accompli, giving the sovereign' a de facto veto over policy. The elected government, the democratic state', was forced either to yield to the sovereign', the security state', or to confront it by mobilising popular support and legitimacysomething the security state' is only able to do through the introduction of its game' of fear and protection. In the final analysis, with the exception of Aldo Moro, Italian prime ministers always chose to back down.
Third, the sovereign' may decide to carry through a military coup in order to take over government responsibility, as in Greece in 1967. To a certain extent, the same CIA network (including the CIA station chief and the leader of the Italian Ordine Nuovo) was involved both in Italy and in the 1967 coup in Greece. In the Greek case, the sovereign' was able to veto the anti-NATO policy of Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou.xcii However, it later proved to be more difficult to return to democratic politics, and over time US officials grew less happy with the Greek generals. For the sovereign', fascist or military rule was never a goal in itself. The coup' was rather an instrument to re-establish order in accordance with the Machiavellian formula of fear and protection: first, let a cruel and efficient governor' eliminate all opposition; then, publicly eliminate the same governor to regain legitimacy.xciii In comparison with Greece, the return to regular politics was always more smooth in the Turkey, where the army had widespread legitimacy and military coups have been more or less institutionalised. However, in most of Europe, the overt coup d'état appears to have been too clumsy an instrument for controlling domestic politics.
Fourth, the sovereign' may raise the security temperature' through the use of indiscriminate terrorism'dramatising politics, as happened during the bombing campaign in Italy. Fear of bomb attacks has enormous psychological impact, compelling people to turn to the state for protection and to blame the perceived enemy. In the event of such attacks, mass media will often respond hysterically, blaming whomever the authorities say is responsible. Such an instrument is thus ideal for calibrating government policy, in other words as a means to fine tune' democratic politics and to securitise' what used to be open to public debate, bringing the democratic political sphere more into line with the political vision of the security state'. Through the use of a brutal bombing campaign, it is possible to create events that the mass media will interpret as an enemy attack', that will enable the sovereign' to externalise conflicts to provide internal stability. The Strategy of Tension, as it was developed in Italy, was used to discredit critics and to correct' the political line of the democratic state. Most important was the exercise of control over domestic Italian politics in a way that could not be achieved through the use of legal means.
Fifth, if necessary, the sovereign' may turn to selective terrorism' to take out a political leader, either as a way of vetoing the policies of that leader or to blame anti-US forces for such terrorist' actions. In the case of Aldo Moro's murder in 1978, both of these goals were achieved. Moro's wife accused the Americans of responsibility for her husband's death, claiming that they had previously threatened to kill him, and Moro himself was given a private funeral. Moro's murder enabled the sovereign' to veto his historical compromise', and at the same time to blame left-wingersthe so-called Red Brigadesfor the operation. Both General Maletti and secret service chief D'Amato have confirmed that the Red Brigades had been penetrated at the top. Indeed, Maletti has even confirmed that the top echelon of the Red Brigades was run by Western intelligence.xciv Until 1974, the sovereign' could rely on the assassination squads of Aginter Press, but when it began using the Red Brigades it needed special forces support. The killing of Aldo Moro was a special forces operation, involving the use of ammunition from special forces supplies.xcv
Sixth, the sovereign' may use specifically tasked units (army or navy special forces) to attack its own forces or allied or friendly forces throughout the Western world in order to increase readiness and raise public awareness of a common threat. Such dramatic operations are conducted as realistic exercises (train as you fight'), but in the mass media they are presented as enemy attacks or intrusions, which thus shape and influence the mindset of the general public and local military forces and even the policies of the host country government. Such attacks create fear and demands for protection; they externalise conflicts to provide internal stability; and they may force governments to back away from particular policies. The enemy attacks', as they are reported in the mass media, are turned into PSYOPs that alter world opinion and influence decisions in international forums such as the UN. Such a strategy gives the sovereign' an ideal instrument for calibrating the ruling mass media discourse as well as government policy in various countries.
Seventh, the sovereign' spans the entire Western world. By this is meant that the dual state divide between the democratic state' and the security state' seemingly corresponds to a divide between democratic nation-states and a protective central poweror, to use Carl Schmitt's terminology, between the states of the Western Grossraum and the US Reich. In every state, US intelligence has recruited loyal officers and civil servants that have acted as direct liaisons to US authoritiessuch as General de Lorenzo and General Miceli in Italy. Licio Gelli set up P2 as a parallel security state' or shadow government, and in practice it was a high-level USItalian network authorised' by Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig.xcvi A similar picture is emerging in other European states. These local US elites' played the game of fear and protection to set the agenda, to influence local governments and even to veto policies or individuals in conflict with US interests. This presence of the Reich in various host countries gives the hegemonic power, in this case the US, an even more dominating role than Schmitt had anticipated. The central actors of the Western informal security network appear as the real sovereign', in a Schmittian sense, that decides on the exception in the NATO area or Grossraum.
Eighth, in the world of democracies, the sovereign'the deep state'has always to implement its game of fear and protection covertly and its very existence is always denied in public. Thus, the problem with liberalism in political science and legal theory is not its ambition to defend the public sphere, political freedoms and human rights, but rather its claim that these freedoms and rights define the Western political system. Liberal political science has been turned into an ideology of the sovereign', because undisputable evidence for the sovereign'what Vinciguerra simply calls the state'is brushed away as pure fantasy or conspiracy'. Schmitt has been described as an apologist for the autocratic emergency state in Germany, but when we look closer he rather emerges as a scholar unveiling the dual statethe hidden autocratic security force parallel to the democratic state. Some might argue that this dual state is defensible, others not, but we should be aware that the liberal denial of its very existence is based on an illusion.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

That is one VERY impressive article. Thanks a bunch for posting it.

I am sufficiently well-versed in 'Deep-State' matters not to have been unduly surprised by anything in it, but the way in which he draws so many strands together is impressive and utterly convincing. In light of the evidence, it really is the only plausible explanation of the state we are in. In particular, that the popular official narratives of pretty much the entire Post WWII era are hogwash. That being so; why should 9-11 and 7-7 (to cite only the most extreme) be exceptions? - Answer: they clearly are not. Do you know if there is anything available from him in those areas?

Also, do you know if there is any more of his published stuff available in English?
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Peter Presland Wrote:Peter

That is one VERY impressive article. Thanks a bunch for posting it.

I am sufficiently well-versed in 'Deep-State' matters not to have been unduly surprised by anything in it, but the way in which he draws so many strands together is impressive and utterly convincing. In light of the evidence, it really is the only plausible explanation of the state we are in. In particular, that the popular official narratives of pretty much the entire Post WWII era are hogwash. That being so; why should 9-11 and 7-7 (to cite only the most extreme) be exceptions? - Answer: they clearly are not. Do you know if there is anything available from him in those areas?

Also, do you know if there is any more of his published stuff available in English?

He's quite a person! One of his books on submarine deceptions off of Sweden The Secret War Against Sweden has some impications to the Palme Assassination. Here is a list of his publications - some in English. He is considered a bit of a blacksheep at PRIO. He is a friend of Peter Dale Scott. He certainly knows which side of the bread the butter is on and you are correct, IMO, that most all we have been told as true history, events and motives since WW2 are cleverly constructed lies to manipulate the Plebs. The two events you cite are perfect examples. In fact this above paper in expanced form and with references is in the book 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out.

List of Publications

Books (1985-2003)

Tunander, Ola, 2004. The Secret War Against Sweden – US and British Submarine Deception in the 1980s. London & New York: Frank Cass (Naval Policy and History), pp 358.
– 2001. Hårsfjärden – Det hemliga ubåtskriget mot Sverige (Hårsfjärden – The Secret Submarine War Against Sweden). Stockholm: Norstedts Förlag, pp 406.
– & J. Peter Burgess, eds., 2000. European Security Identities – Contested Understandings of the EU and NATO. Oslo: PRIO Report, no. 2, pp. 217.
–, eds, 1997. Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe – Security, Territory and Identity. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp. 264.
– 1995. Murar – Essäer om makt, identitet och territorialitet (in Swedish: ‘Walls – Essays on Power, Identity and Territoriality’), Ålborg: Nordic Summer University, pp. 204.
– ed., 1995. Europa och Muren – Om ‘den andre’, gränslandet och historiens återkomst i 90-talets Europa (in Scandinavian: ‘Europe and the Wall – On ‘the Other’, the Borderland and the Return of History in Europe of the 1990s’), Ålborg: Nordic Summer University, pp. 241.
– & Olav Schram Stokke eds, 1994. The Barents Region - Cooperation in Arctic Europe, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp. 239.
– 1989. Cold Water Politics – The Maritime Strategy and Geopolitics of the Northern Front. London, Newbury Park & New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp. 194.
– 1987. Norden och USAs maritima strategi – En studie av Nordens förändrade strategiska läge. (in Swedish: ‘The Nordic Countries and the US Maritime Strategy – A Study of the Changed Strategic Position of the Nordic Area’) Stockholm: Försvarets forskningsanstalt (FOA Rapport C 10295-1.4), pp. 112.
– 1985. Den Svarta Duvan – Essäer om makt, teknik och historia (in Swedish: ‘The Black Dove – Essays on Power, Technology and History’). Lund: Symposion, pp. 233.
– 1985. På Autobahn mot sekelskiftet (in Swedish: ‘On Autobahn towards the Turn of the Century’). Lund: Symposion, pp. 55.

Selected articles in scientific/political journals (incl. chapters in anthologies.)

Tunander, Ola, 2005. ’Swedish Geopolitics: From Rudolf Kjellén to a Swedish ‘Dual State’, Geopolitics, no. 10, autumn, pp. 546-566.
- 2005. ‘Comment: The “Suspect” Who Investigated Himself’, Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact (Area Studies: Submarine Incursions in Swedish Waters during the Second Cold War), 17 May.
– 2004. ‘Ta historien om ubåtskränkningarna på allvar’, Norsk tidskrift for sjøvesen, no. 2.
- 2004. 'Some Remarks on the US/UK Submarine Deception in Swedish Waters in the 1980s, Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact (PHP website, section Area Studies), July. (http:/
- 2003. ‘Geopolitikens fader – Stat og statsforbund hos Rudolf Kjellén’ (The Father of Geopolitics – State and Union of States in the Writings of Rudolf Kjellén), Kritik (Denmark), vol. 166, pp. 12-19.
- 2002. ‘Sveriges Relationer till NATO’ (in Swedish), in Sven Eliasson, ed. Nordisk säkerhetspolitik inför nya utmaningar. Stockholm: Carlssons, pp. 127-151.
– 2002. ‘Submarine Incursions in Swedish Waters, 1980-1992: Comment on a Controversy’, Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact (PHP website, section Area Studies), 22 November (http:/
– 2002. ’I Sverige föredrar man att ingenting se och ingenting höra’ (in Swedish), Kungliga krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar och tidskrift (The Royal Swedish Acadmy of War Science – Proceedings and Journal), no. 3, pp. 97-106.
– 2002. ‘Chefen för operationsledningen – part i målet’ (in Swedish), Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet (Swedish Royal Naval Society Journal), no 2, pp. 137-150.
– 2001. ‘Swedish-German Geopolitics for a New Century – Rudolf Kjellén’s ‘The State as a Living Organism’”, Review of International Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 451-463.
– 2000. ‘The Informal NATO or NATO als Gemeinschaft – The Case of Sweden’, in J. Peter Burgess & Ola Tunander, European Security Identities – Contested Understandings of the EU and NATO. Oslo: PRIO Report no. 2, 2000, pp. 81-101.
– 2000. ‘A Criticism of Court Chroniclers’, Cooperation & Conflict, vol 35, no. 4, December, pp. 451-460.
– 1999. ‘Norway, Sweden and Nordic Cooperation’ in Lassi Heininen and Gunnar Lassinantti, eds, The European North – Hard, Soft and Civic Security. Stockholm: The Olof Palme International Center / Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, pp. 39-48.
– 1999. ‘The Uneasy Imbrication of Nation-State and NATO: The Case of Sweden’, Cooperation & Conflict, vol. 34, no. 2, June, sid. 169-203.
– 1998. ‘Den kluvna maktens ansikten’ (in Swedsih: ‘The Splittet Face of Power’), in Anders Björnsson och Peter Luthersson, eds, Eliterna som abdikerade. Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, pp. 133-162.
– 1998. ‘“Geopolitikes fader” – Rudolf Kjelléns “Staten som livsform”’ (in Swedish: ‘The Father of Geopolitics’ – Rudolf Kjellén’s ‘The State as a Living Organism’), Internasjonal Politikk, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 475-489.
– 1997. ‘New Russian-Norwegian Relations – A Complex Partnership’, International Affairs (Moscow), vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 58-65
– 1997. ‘With the World Spirit on Horseback – A Round-trip to Berlin: From the Metaphysics of the Wall to the Metaphysics of the Mirror’, in J. Peter Burgess (ed.), Remaking Identity: Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Today’s Europe (Postmodern Studies), Amsterdam: Rodopi, 213-236.
– 1997. ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-14 in Ola Tunander, eds, Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe – Security, Territory and Identity. London: SAGE Publications.
– 1997. ‘Post-Cold War Europe – a Synthesis of a Bipolar Friend-Foe Structure and a Hierarchic Cosmos-Chaos Structure?’, pp. 15-42 in Tunander,, eds, Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe – Security, Territory and Identity. London: SAGE Publications.
– 1997. ‘Slozhnoe Partnerstvo’, Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, no. 5, pp. 62-69 (in Russian; A corrected translation published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, no. 6, pp. 73-80).
– 1996. ‘Un nuevo Imperio Otomano? La opcion turca: centro eurasiático o fortaleza nacional’ (in Spannish), Dialogo y Securidad, no. 3, Noviembre, pp. 219-234.
– 1996. ‘Norway's Post-Cold War Security – Between Friend and Foe, or between Cosmos and Chaos’, pp. 48-63 in Anders Orrenius & Lars Truedsson, Visions of European Security Policy – Focal Point Sweden and Northern Europe, Stockholm: The Olof Palme International Center.
– 1995. ‘A New Ottoman Empire? – The Choice for Turkey: Euro-Asian Centre vs National Fortress’, Security Dialogue, vol. 26, no. 4, December, pp. 413-427.
– 1995. ‘Norge og Norden’ (in Norwegian: ‘Norway and the Nordic Countries’), pp. 260-277 in Torbjørn Knutsen, Gunnar Sørbø og Svein Gjerdåker, eds., Norges Utenrikspolitikk (Norwegian Foreign Policy), Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.
– 1995. ‘Should NATO Be Extended?’ in Security Dialogue, vol. 26, no. 3, September, pp. 350-351.
– & Ole Wæver, 1995. ‘Murar – Europas nya medeltid’ (in Swedish: Walls – The New Middle Ages of Europe), pp. 15-21 in Ola Tunander, ed., Europa och Muren (Europe and the Wall), Ålborg: Nordic Summer University.
– 1995. ‘Frihet, murar og frimurare i 90-talets Europa’ (in Swedish: Freedom, Walls and Free Masons in Europe of the 1990s), pp. 23-45 in Ola Tunander, ed., Europa och Muren (Europe and the Wall), Ålborg: Nordic Summer University.
– 1994. ‘Inventing the Barents Region - Overcoming the East-West Divide’, pp. 31-44, in Schram Stokke, Olav & Ola Tunander eds, The Barents Region - Cooperation in Arctic Europe, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
– & Olav Schram Stokke, 1994. ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-8, in Schram Stokke, Olav & Ola Tunander eds, The Barents Region - Cooperation in Arctic Europe, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
– & Olav Schram Stokke, 1994. ‘Conclusions’, pp. 229-236, in Schram Stokke, Olav & Ola Tunander eds, The Barents Region - Cooperation in Arctic Europe, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
– ed. 1993. Internasjonal Politikk, no. 4 / Special Issue on ‘Europas nya grenser – Om murer, etniske grupper, stater og nasjoner’ (New European Borders – Walls, Ethnic Groups, States and Nations).
– 1993. ‘Frihet, murer og frimurere i 90-talets Europa’ (in Swedish: ‘Freedom, Walls and Free Masons in Europe of 1990s’), Internasjonal politikk, no. 4, pp. 419-434.
– 1993. ‘Bortom den tragiska diplomatin’ (in Swedish: ‘Beyond the Tragic Diplomacy’), Internasjonal politikk, no. 3, pp. 343-347.
– 1993. ‘Norden och Havet’ (in Swedish: ‘Scandinavia and the Sea’), pp. 82-103 in Bull, Bernt & Anders Kjølberg, eds, Norge i det politiske kraftfeltet (Norway in the political force of Power), Oslo: Cappelen / The Europe Programme.
– 1992. ‘Sweden and the Baltic Region - Military Strategic Significance’, pp. 195-209 in Wellmann, Christian, ed., Baltic Sea Region - Conflict and Cooperation: Region-Making, Security, Disarmament and Conversion, Kieler Schriften zur Friedenswissenschaft, Münster & Hamburg: Lit.
– 1992. ‘Karl XII som kompass’ (in Swedish: ‘Charles XII as Compass’), Internationella Studier, no. 4, Stockholm, pp. 84-88.
– 1992. ‘New European dividing lines?’, pp. 53-56 in Valter Angel ed. Norway Facing a Changing Europe - Perspectives and Options, Oslo: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, International Peace Research Institute, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies & Norwegian Institute for International Affairs.
– 1992. ‘Hav, murar och streck i sanden - En ny militär världsordning’ (in Swedish: ‘Seas, Walls and Lines in the Sand’), pp. 31-66 in Ahlin, Per & Pål Wrange, eds, Den eviga freden? - Perspektiv på en ny världsordning (The Perpetual Peace? - Perspective on the New World Order), Stockholm: Juristförlaget.
– 1992. ‘Bushs sköna nya värld: En ny världsordning - en ny militär strategi’ (in Swedish: ‘Bush’s Brave New World: A New World Order - A New Military Strategy’), pp. 62-70 in Nya Tider - Ny Tids årsbok 1991-1992 (New Times Year Book 1991-1992), Helsinki: Ny Tid.
– 1992. ‘The Strategic Significance of the Nordic-Baltic Region’, pp. 211-229 in Jervell, Sverre, Mare Kukk & Pertti Joenniemi, eds., The Baltic Sea Area - A Region in the Making, Oslo: The Europe Programme.
– 1991. ‘The Two Nordens: The North and the South, or the East and the West?’, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 55-63.
– 1991. ‘The Two Norden: the North and the South, or the East and the West?’, pp. 4-22 in Lassi Heininen and Jyrki Käkönen, eds., Arctic Complexity - Essays on Arctic Interdependences, (Occasional Papers, no. 44). Tampere: Tampere Peace Research Institute.
– 1991. ‘Den sovjetiska sjöbjörnen’ (in Swedish: ‘The Soviet Sea Bear’), Internasjonal Politikk, no. 1, pp. 110-112.
– 1991. ‘Bushs sköna nya värld: En ny världsordning - en ny militär strategi’ (in Swedish: ‘Bush’s Brave New World: A New World Order - A New Military Strategy’), Internasjonal Politikk, no. 4, pp. 421-439, Oslo.
– 1991. ‘Bush’s Brave New World: A New World Order - A New Military Strategy’, Bulletin of Peace Proposals , vol. 22, no. 4, 1991, pp. 355-368.
– 1990. ‘Naval Hierarchies – European ‘Neutralism’ and Regional Restraint at Sea’, pp. 159-186 in Sverre Lodgaard, ed., Naval Forces – Arms Control and Confidence-Building. London, Newbury Park & New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
– 1990. ‘Flottbesök och marin rustningskontroll’ (in Swedish), Internationella studier, no. 5, Winter, pp. 47-66.
– et. al. (Nordic Study Group on Port Call Policies), 1990. ‘The Port Call Issue – Nordic Considerations’, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, vol. 21, no. 3, September, pp. 337-352.
– 1989. ‘The Logic of Deterrence’, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 353-365.
– 1989. ‘Avskräckningens logik’ (in Swedish), pp. 55-90 in Håkan Wiberg, ed., Farväl till avskräckningen. Lund: Lund University Press: Lund.
– 1988. ‘Four Scenarios for the Norwegian Sea’, pp. 131-156 in Kari Möttölä, ed., The Arctic Challenge – Nordic and Canadian Approaches to Security and Cooperation in an Emerging International Region. Boulder & London: Westview Press.
– 1987. ‘Grey Zone and Buffer Zone – The Nordic Borderland and the Soviet Union’, Nordic Journal of Soviet & East European Studies, vol. 4:4, pp. 3-34.

Reports, etc

Tunander, Ola, 1998. ‘Nordiskt samarbete’, Nytt fra Norge (Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), pp. 6. (This report is also published in Norwegian, English, German, French and Spannish)
– 1992. The Strategic Significance of the Nordic-Baltic Region, Oslo: The Europe Programme,
no. 2, pp. 22.
– 1991. ‘The Two Norden: the North and the South, or the East and the West?’, in European Youth conference report The Hansa League - Focus on North European Co-operation, Oslo: Europeisk ungdom.
– 1990. Maktens geopolitiska bestämning (in Swedish: ‘The Geopolitical Foundation of Power’), Uppsala: Maktutredningen (the Swedish Power Investigation), no. 32, April, pp. 25.
– 1989. En svensk doktrinförskjutning (in Swedish: ‘A Swedish Shift of Defence Doctrine’), Försvar i nutid, no. 2, Folk & Försvar (People & Defence), Stockholm, pp. 29.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Thanks for the list. Sent me down quite a rabbit hole and I discovered some fascinating stuff.

Like most professor-level academics solicitous for a reputation that is to some extent beholden to official State institutions and the military, Tunander is clearly reticent and very careful about the 911 Truth movement. However I have located one paper on the subject: 'War on Terror and Pax Americana' which was published as a chapter in David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott's 2007 book '9/11 and the American Empire' - I've ordered it - Just £4.20 on Amazon right now!

Research also led me to a whole bunch of very useful research sites. Probably not new to most here but the most impressive is The National Security Archive, followed by 'The Parallel History Project'

Reference Tulander's Book on Submarine deception operations against Sweden, there's a fascinating 'e-dossier' on the subject in the form of extended academic exchanges + pdf papers to which he contributes here
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Peter Presland Wrote:Peter

Thanks for the list. Sent me down quite a rabbit hole and I discovered some fascinating stuff.

Like most professor-level academics solicitous for a reputation that is to some extent beholden to official State institutions and the military, Tunander is clearly reticent and very careful about the 911 Truth movement. However I have located one paper on the subject: 'War on Terror and Pax Americana' which was published as a chapter in David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott's 2007 book '9/11 and the American Empire' - I've ordered it - Just £4.20 on Amazon right now!

Research also led me to a whole bunch of very useful research sites. Probably not new to most here but the most impressive is The National Security Archive, followed by 'The Parallel History Project'

Reference Tulander's Book on Submarine deception operations against Sweden, there's a fascinating 'e-dossier' on the subject in the form of extended academic exchanges + pdf papers to which he contributes here

9/11 and the American Empire' is a very good book! Tunander is very much on the side of 911 Truth, but doesn't concentrate on the details...more the pattern into which it fits like a glove. The National Security Archive is great. The submarine footsy game had IMO something to do with the tensions with the Palme Administration that ended with his false-flag [drunken lone nut] execution. Ollie North and his friends would know much more about it than the Swedish Patsy IMO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:...
the power of making decisions remains with the authorities charged by law with making them, while, as a matter of fact, by virtue of their power over life and death, the agents of the secret police… [and what I would call the security state: author] at the very least exert an effective veto over [these] decisions.

Veto Power.

Attached Files
.jpg   Veto Power.jpg (Size: 79.93 KB / Downloads: 10)
Great article and collection of documents on Gladio here.

Even a chronology:

Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO's Stay-Behind Armies

Chronology 1940 In England Prime Minister Winston Churchill creates the secret stay-behind army Special Operations Executive (SOE) to set Europe ablaze by assisting resistance movements and carrying out subversive operations in enemy held territory. After the end of World War Two the stay-behind armies are created on the experiences and strategies of SOE with the involvement of former SOE officers.
1944 London and Washington agree on the importance of keeping Western Europe free from Communism. In Greece a large Communist demonstration taking place in Athens against British interference in the post war government is dissolved by gunfire of secret soldiers leaving 25 protesters dead and 148 wounded.
1945 In Finland Communist Interior Minister Leino exposes a secret stay-behind which is being closed down.
1947 In the United States President Harry Truman creates the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The covert action branch of the CIA, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) under Frank Wisner sets up stay-behind armies in Western Europe.
1947 In France Interior Minister Edouard Depreux reveals the existence of a secret stay-behind army in France codenamed „Plan Bleu“.
1947 In Austria a secret stay-behind is exposed which had been set up by right-wing extremists Soucek and Rössner. Chancellor Körner pardons the accused under mysterious circumstances.
1948 In France the "Western Union Clandestine Committee" (WUCC) is being created to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare. After the creation of NATO a year later the WUCC is being integrated into the military alliance under the name “Clandestine Planning Committee” (CPC).
1949 The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is founded and the European headquarters is established in France.
1951 In Sweden CIA agent William Colby based at the CIA station in Stockholm supports the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden and Finland and in the NATO members Norway and Denmark.
1952 In Germany former SS officer Hans Otto reveals to the criminal police in the city of Frankfurt in Hessen the existence of the fascist German stay-behind army BDJ-TD. The arrested righ-wing extremist are found non guilty under mysterious circumstances.
1953 In Sweden the police arrests right winger Otto Hallberg and discovers the Swedish stay-behind army. Hallberg is set free and charges against him are mysteriously dropped.
1957 In Norway the director of the secret service NIS, Vilhelm Evang, protests strongly against the domestic subversion of his country through the United States and NATO and temporarily withdraws the Norwegian stay-behind army from the CPC meetings.
1958 In France NATO founds the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) to coordinate secret warfare and the stay-behind armies. When NATO establishes new European headquarters in Brussels the ACC under the code name SDRA 11 is hidden within the Belgian military secret service SGR who has its headquarters next to NATO.
1960 In Turkey the military supported by secret armies stages a coup d’état and kill Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.
1961 In Algeria members of the French stay-behind and officers from the French War in Vietnam found the illegal Organisation Armee Secrete (OAS) and with CIA support stage a coup in Algiers against the French government of de Gaulle which fails.
1964 In Italy the secret stay-behind army Gladio is involved in a silent coup d’état when General Giovanni de Lorenzo in Operation Solo forces the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.
1965 In Austria police forces discover a stay-behind arms cache in an old mine close to Windisch-Bleiberg and force the British authorities to hand over a list with the location of 33 other MI6 arms caches in Austria.
1966 In Portugal the CIA sets up Aginter Press which under the direction of Captain Yves Guerin Serac runs a secret stay-behind army and trains its members in covert action techniques including hands on bomb terrorism, silent assassination, subversion techniques, clandestine communication and infiltration and colonial warfare.
1966 In France President Charles de Gaulle denounces the secret warfare of the Pentagon and expells the European headquarters of NATO. As the military alliance moves to Brussels secret NATO protocols are revealed that allegedly protect right-wingers in anti-communist stay-behind armies.
1967 In Greece the stay-behind army Hellenic Raiding Force takes over control over the Greek Defence Ministry and starts a military coup d’état installing a right wing dictatorship.
1968 In Sweden a British MI6 agent closely involved with the stay-behind army betrays the secret network to the Soviet secret service KGB.
1969 In Mocambique the Portugese stay-behind army Aginter Press assassinates Eduardo Mondlane, President of the Mocambique liberation party and leader of the FRELIMO movement (Frente de Liberacao de Mocambique).
1969 In Italy the Piazza Fontana massacre in Milano kills sixteen and injures and maimes 80 and is blame on the left. Thirty years later during a trial of right-wing extremists General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counter-intelligence, claims that the massacre had been carried out by the Italian stay-behind army and right wing terrorists on the orders of the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in order to discredit the Italian Communists.
1970 In Spain right wing terrorists including Stefano delle Chiaie of the Gladio stay-behind army are hired by Franco’s secret police. They had fled Italy following an aborted coup during which right-wing extremist Valerio Borghese had ordered the secret army to occupy the Interior Ministry in Rome.
1971 In Turkey the military stages a coup d’état and takes over power. The stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla engages in domestic terror and kills hundreds.
1972 In Italy a bomb explodes in a car near the village Peteano killing three Carabinieri. The terror, first blamed on the left, is later traced back to right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra and the Italian stay-behind code named Gladio.
1974 In Italy a massacre during an anti-fascist demonstration in Brescia kills eight and injures and maims 102, while a bomb in the Rome to Munich train “Italicus Express”, kills 12 and injures and maims 48.
1974 In Denmark the secret stay-behind army Absalon tries in vain to prevent a group of leftist academics from becoming members of the directing body of the Danish Odense University whereupon the secret army is exposed.
1974 In Italy General Vito Miceli, chief of the military secret service, is arrested on charges of subversive conspiracy against the state and reveals the NATO stay-behind secret army during trial.
1976 In Germany in the secret service BND secretary Heidrun Hofer is arrested after having revealed the secrets of the German stay-behind army to her husband who was a spy of the Soviet secret service KGB.
1977 In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla attacks a demonstration of 500'000 in Istambul by opening fire at the speaker's platform leaving thirty-eight killed and hundreds injured.
1977 In Spain the secret stay-behind army with support of Italian right-wing terrorists carries out the Atocha massacre in Madrid and in an attack on a lawyer's office closely linked to the Spanish Communist party kill five people.
1978 In Norway the police discovers a stay-behind arms ache and arrests Hans Otto Meyer who reveals the Norwegian secret army.
1978 In Italy former Prime Minister and leader of the Christian Democratic Party, Aldo Moro, is taken hostage in Rome by an armed secret unit and killed 55 days later because he wanted to include the Italian Communists in the government.
1980 In Italy a bomb explodes in the waiting room of the second class at the Bologna railway station, killing 85 and seriously injuring and maiming a further 200. Investigators trace the crime back to right-wing terrorists.
1980 In Turkey the commander of the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla, General Kenan Evren, stages a military coup and seizes power.
1981 In Germany a large stay-behind arsenal is being discovered near the German village of Uelzen in the Lüneburger Heide. Right wing extremists are alleged to have used the arsenal in the previous year to carry out a massacre during the Munich October bear festival killing 13 and wounding 213
1983 In the Netherlands strollers in the forest discover a large arms cache near the Dutch village Velp and force the government to confrim that the arms were related to NATO planning for unorthodox warfare.
1984 In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla fights against the Curds and kills and tortures thousands in the following years.
1984 In Italy right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra in court reveals Operation Gladio and the involvement of NATO’s stay-behind army in acts of terrorism in Italy designed to discredit the communists. He is sentenced to life and imprisoned.
1985 In Belgium a secret army attacks and shoots shoppers in supermarkets randomly in the Brabant county killing twenty-eight and leaving many wounded. Investigations link the terror to a conspiracy among the Belgian stay-behind SDRA8, the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6, the Belgian right-wing group Westland New Post, and the Pentagon secret service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
1990 In Italy judge Felice Casson discovers documents on Operation Gladio in the archives of the Italian military secret service in Rome and forces Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to confirm the existence of a secret army within the state to parliament. As Andreotti insists that Italy had not been the only country involved in the conspiracy the secret anti-communist stay-behind armies are discovered across Western Europe.
1990 In Switzerland Colonel Herbert Alboth, a former commander of the Swiss secret stay-behind army P26, in a confidential letter to the Defence Departement declares that he is willing to reveal „the whole truth“. Thereafter he is found in his house stabbed with his own military bayonet. The detailed parliamentary report on the Swiss secret army is being presented to the public on November 17.
1990 In Belgium the NATO linked stay-behind headquarters Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) meets on October 23 and 24 under the presidency of Belgian General Van Calster, director of the Belgian military secret service SGR.
1990 In Belgium on November 5 NATO categorically denies the allegations of Prime Minister Andreotti concerning NATO's involvement in Operation Gladio and secret unorthdox warfare in Western Europe. The next day NATO explains that the denial of the previous day had been false while refusing to answer any further questions.
1990 In Belgium the parliament of the European Union (EU) sharply condemns NATO and the United States in a resolution for having manipulated European politics with the stay-behind armies.
1991 In Sweden the media reveals that a secret stay-behind army existed in neutral Finland with an exile base in Stockholm. Finnish Defence Minister Elisabeth Rehn calls the revelations "a fairy tale", adding cautiously "or at least an incredible story, of which I know nothing.”
1991 In the United States the National Security Archive at the George Washington University in Washington files a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA in the interest of public information and scientific research. The CIA rejects the request with the standart reply: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
1995 In England the London based Imperial War Museum in the permanent exhibition "Secret Wars" reveals next to a big box full of explosives that the MI6 and SAS had set up stay-behind armies across Western Europe.
1995 In Italy the Senate commission headed by Senator Giovanni Pellegrino researching Operation Gladio and the assassination of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro files a FOIA request with the CIA. The CIA rejects the request and replies: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
1996 In Austria stay-behind arms caches set up by the CIA are discovered. For the Austrian government Oliver Rathkolb of Vienna University files a FOIA request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA. The CIA rejects the request and replies: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Wow Peter, I just got done reading this. It's the best summary I've seen of... reality. Thanks for posting it.

You find the most excellent resources and materials.
Myra Bronstein Wrote:Wow Peter, I just got done reading this. It's the best summary I've seen of... reality. Thanks for posting it.

You find the most excellent resources and materials.

Amazing what can be found on the internet, these days! But you won't find this kind of information in the NYT or Time Magazine!...nor on TV shout shows.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Myra Bronstein Wrote:Wow Peter, I just got done reading this. It's the best summary I've seen of... reality. Thanks for posting it.

You find the most excellent resources and materials.

Amazing what can be found on the internet, these days! But you won't find this kind of information in the NYT or Time Magazine!...nor on TV shout shows.

Let's see shall we?

Here's what I found in Time ragazine today:,...71,00.html
A snide "review" of Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism: A Love Story." Wouldn't expect Time to like that.

And here's what I found in NYT today:
A piece on bogus elections in Afghanistan. Better send in more troops! As if Obama wasn't already planning to.

Guess you're right.

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