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A simply proof the BYP are not real
David Josephs Wrote:
Alan Ford Wrote:First, appreciate the confirmation w/the wrongly accused's close friend indeed having a photo in his possession--Thanks!

Quite impressive to say the least, Mr. Josephs at your knack for calling out the purveyors of meaningless talk or activity(ties) designed to draw attention away from the truth and disguise what is actually happening.

The timing of the BYP (Feb/Mar) gives us some insights into how early the real culprits were steering the wrongly accused into his Patsy role. Between your revelations here on the bogus BYP, and the exemplary research by Mr. Parker (Greg) and Mr. Scully (Tom) on the Neely Street address, it's an eye-opener to what great lengths the framers were willing to go through to implicate their designated Patsy.

Oh, to be a naive kid once again, with nothing but respect for Life, Time, pick a major media magazine, etc. major sell-outs...

Do I dare ask who the professor is that you referenced? Two thumbs up for doing your part to separate fact from fiction.

My response was removed ... I understand why...

Part of the reply included the answer... a Professor Farid (sp?) from Dartmouth claims his wire frame proves the BYP Oswald position is possible.

I simply wanted to see if he reproduced the image correctly; first. y'know, like checking if the thing is plugged in first before you go and try to fix it...

Anyway... no matter how hard one tries, the wire frame and the image do not line up....

... always check out what is being claimed in the most simple manner possible, first... then get into the weeds if need be.

Thanks for being understanding, Mr. Josephs, so indicative of a "We" personality as oppose to a "ME!".

That said, Am glad both Madga Hassan and Mr. Lemkin (Peter) weighed in respectively on this thread: A valid point made @ copyrighting something that belongs to someone else...still trying to wrap my head around that; and, the encouraging possibility that the connection w/Mr. Jaffe could bear fruit as this thread unfolds. Leave it to the powers-to-be to let truth collect dust, while their committees continue to rubber-stamp the "truth".

Hat tip to Jim Garrison (RIP)

Many thanks for your own personal diligence here too. Appreciate the specifics shared about the professor in question (name/learning institution, etc). Very fair of you to allow me and those reading along to become acquainted w/his take. All the same though, I've read enough of your fine work to know the truth is all you promote. Truth is beautiful. Semper Fi, Mr. Josephs @ Truth.

Last question, Does anyone reading along know if Mr. Oswald, during his interrogation sessions, made any effort to try to explain away the incriminating BYP?, Or, like other "evidence" in this case--Did this photo emerge after the wrongly accused was silenced?
Alan Ford Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Alan Ford Wrote:First, appreciate the confirmation w/the wrongly accused's close friend indeed having a photo in his possession--Thanks!

Quite impressive to say the least, Mr. Josephs at your knack for calling out the purveyors of meaningless talk or activity(ties) designed to draw attention away from the truth and disguise what is actually happening.

The timing of the BYP (Feb/Mar) gives us some insights into how early the real culprits were steering the wrongly accused into his Patsy role. Between your revelations here on the bogus BYP, and the exemplary research by Mr. Parker (Greg) and Mr. Scully (Tom) on the Neely Street address, it's an eye-opener to what great lengths the framers were willing to go through to implicate their designated Patsy.

Oh, to be a naive kid once again, with nothing but respect for Life, Time, pick a major media magazine, etc. major sell-outs...

Do I dare ask who the professor is that you referenced? Two thumbs up for doing your part to separate fact from fiction.

My response was removed ... I understand why...

Part of the reply included the answer... a Professor Farid (sp?) from Dartmouth claims his wire frame proves the BYP Oswald position is possible.

I simply wanted to see if he reproduced the image correctly; first. y'know, like checking if the thing is plugged in first before you go and try to fix it...

Anyway... no matter how hard one tries, the wire frame and the image do not line up....

... always check out what is being claimed in the most simple manner possible, first... then get into the weeds if need be.

Thanks for being understanding, Mr. Josephs, so indicative of a "We" personality as oppose to a "ME!".

That said, Am glad both Madga Hassan and Mr. Lemkin (Peter) weighed in respectively on this thread: A valid point made @ copyrighting something that belongs to someone else...still trying to wrap my head around that; and, the encouraging possibility that the connection w/Mr. Jaffe could bear fruit as this thread unfolds. Leave it to the powers-to-be to let truth collect dust, while their committees continue to rubber-stamp the "truth".

Hat tip to Jim Garrison (RIP)

Many thanks for your own personal diligence here too. Appreciate the specifics shared about the professor in question (name/learning institution, etc). Very fair of you to allow me and those reading along to become acquainted w/his take. All the same though, I've read enough of your fine work to know the truth is all you promote. Truth is beautiful. Semper Fi, Mr. Josephs @ Truth.

Last question, Does anyone reading along know if Mr. Oswald, during his interrogation sessions, made any effort to try to explain away the incriminating BYP?, Or, like other "evidence" in this case--Did this photo emerge after the wrongly accused was silenced?

I was going to say ass kisser, but never mind!
Damn, almost forgot what I really wanted to say, and that is, in 50 years from now, when I'm dead and gone, some great researcher will no doubt use Scott Kaiser's information, put it all together, and admit to finding out who Richard Poyle really was, might as well give that person in the future some kudos eh?
Quote:Last question, Does anyone reading along know if Mr. Oswald, during his interrogation sessions, made any effort to try to explain away the incriminating BYP?, Or, like other "evidence" in this case--Did this photo emerge after the wrongly accused was silenced?

All depends on whether you believe what was written about the interrogations... days, weeks and months after the fact...

But yes, he claims the photo was made, that it was not him but someone else with his face pasted on...

The bigger concern is that FRITZ changes the time of this discussion from 12:35 (3 hours before the photo is at the DPD) to 6pm... see page at bottom

btw - APPENDIX 11 of the WCR are the interrogation notes from Oswald's "questioning"

As for that thing Scott said he wasn't going to say but did anyway... disgruntled over his lack of traction with POYLE despite my being the only one EVER interested in his mentioning of it in the first place...
I even post a document I come across - and after initial thanks... he dives into attack mode since the record conflicts with what he is trying to get us to believe... kinda sad.

Thing is I am certain Scott has a POV into this no one else has... maybe someday a researcher will ask why Scoot didn't see the POYLE thing thru.... rather than state opinions as expected facts...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9315&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9316&stc=1]

Attached Files
.gif   Fritz interrogation rough draft 0412-009.gif (Size: 62.94 KB / Downloads: 30)
.gif   Fritz interrogation notes page 9 - copy of 6pm change Box 5-file 3-item 3 same as Box 15-1-111.gif (Size: 60.52 KB / Downloads: 29)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
"All depends on what you believe what was written about the interrogations" ? That's not what you told me, you told me you only provide facts, not theories, now I'm confused, so which is it?

Listen David, I'm really not trying to bust your chops, but can you see where I'm going with this, perhaps, you should give me a little slack until I've been proven wrong, I can assure you that will never happen. The information I gave everyone is information never discussed, not even Jim Garrison himself knew, interesting how they were able to keep this a secret for so many years and now you're just hearing about, trust me when I say, there will be more information that will come out over time regarding everything I've said, only then will everything I've said be corroborated on documents, that is the only way you'll believe me right? All these other stories from folks who have bullshitted their way through it all will be exposed sooner or later, and they will disappear from the scene, you won't hear from them, nobody will know anything about them because they will be too embarrassed to come foreword, trust me when I say, I'll still be here chatting away.
I originally posted that POYLE doc with proving you right in mind...

of all on theses pages Scott, I've taken you seriously especially given how close you are to it...

it it is with you in mind that I sift thru 3000 links... if POYLE played a part, like you I want to learn more...

same team Scott... what I see in the new docs are the many threads of the CIA, FBI at the same time... not everything had to do with JFK and OSWALD... especially in Mexico City
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Damn, almost forgot what I really wanted to say, and that is, in 50 years from now, when I'm dead and gone, some great researcher will no doubt use Scott Kaiser's information, put it all together, and admit to finding out who Richard Poyle really was, might as well give that person in the future some kudos eh?

For your sake, Mr. Kaiser, I hope you and your research will garner the respect you seek. That said, best wishes!

PS: Admittedly, I'm relatively new to the research community (once was dubbed "Rookie of the Year" by someone bearing the initials DM over at another forum, where I initially broke into researching this case in the Summer of 2014. Haven't been back since. He rarely if ever agreed with me on anything...even placed me in something called the CT camp. Have learned many new things since then. Said that to say this, in spite of his new kid on the block hazing, I was open then, and am open now to ALL researchers and their contributions (including yours).
Back tomorrow to weigh in Mr. Josephs
David Josephs Wrote:
Quote:Last question, Does anyone reading along know if Mr. Oswald, during his interrogation sessions, made any effort to try to explain away the incriminating BYP?, Or, like other "evidence" in this case--Did this photo emerge after the wrongly accused was silenced?

All depends on whether you believe what was written about the interrogations... days, weeks and months after the fact...

But yes, he claims the photo was made, that it was not him but someone else with his face pasted on...

The bigger concern is that FRITZ changes the time of this discussion from 12:35 (3 hours before the photo is at the DPD) to 6pm... see page at bottom

btw - APPENDIX 11 of the WCR are the interrogation notes from Oswald's "questioning"

As for that thing Scott said he wasn't going to say but did anyway... disgruntled over his lack of traction with POYLE despite my being the only one EVER interested in his mentioning of it in the first place...
I even post a document I come across - and after initial thanks... he dives into attack mode since the record conflicts with what he is trying to get us to believe... kinda sad.

Thing is I am certain Scott has a POV into this no one else has... maybe someday a researcher will ask why Scoot didn't see the POYLE thing thru.... rather than state opinions as expected facts...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9315&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9316&stc=1]

Amazes me--like soooo MUCH else in this case--the manner in which times, dates, "evidence" etc. was changed to fit a contrived outcome.

Am encouraged though that the wrongly accused actually spoke up in defense of himself over the bogus BYP. Whether it's an honest and open examination of the BYP, or the impersonations (voice and photographic) in Mexico, etc., time bears out that the real culprits outright lied amid a hastily concocted FRAME up.

In every instance, where the general public was privy to anything the authorities allowed them to see and/or hear involving Mr. Oswald, the wrongly accused is always emphatically stating his innocence.

One question: Is the rifle in the BYP the same as the one claimed to have been used in Dealey Plaza?

If so, given that the BYP was taken in the Spring (Feb/Mar), Does this conflict with the timing of the Money Order shenanigans?
Quote:One question: Is the rifle in the BYP the same as the one claimed to have been used in Dealey Plaza?

If so, given that the BYP was taken in the Spring (Feb/Mar), Does this conflict with the timing of the Money Order shenanigans?

It would appear that in every possible area where there could be a question of authenticity... the WCR evidence loses.

I actually see that the rifle in Day's hands from the TSBD is not even CE139, let alone the rifle in the BYP...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9324&stc=1]

As for the rifle in Day's hands... and CE139... the markings we should see on the TSBD rifle are clearly seen on CE139...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9325&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Rifle - BY versus NARA.jpg (Size: 130.24 KB / Downloads: 14)
.jpg   Allen - Day and rifle VERY large and clear - no MAUSER or MC markings v3 - cropped.jpg (Size: 469.07 KB / Downloads: 14)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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